Unmatched Dominance/C2228 Counterattack!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2228 Counterattack!
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C2228 Counterattack!

Clad in his armor, Beilstein was struck down by the Dragon Slash Platform.

The armor, previously stripped from Beilstein, proved pivotal at the decisive moment. Sparks and rust flew as it miraculously withstood the blow from the Dragon Slash Platform.

His spiritual consciousness seized the chance to withdraw into the armor, narrowly escaping destruction.

"How can this be?!"

His terrified scream echoed from the armor, glowing like red-hot iron.

Flames and fiery clouds converged on the armor, igniting hundreds of fire arrays within and around it.

He sealed himself tightly inside, dreading another strike from the Purple-Gold Divine Sword, refusing to expose himself again.

The flickering sparks resembled his sly little eyes peeking out from the armor.

The sealed Abyss Origin Soul, along with powerhouses like Yu Zhu and Zhong Chichen, could all sense his fear and unrest.

"Yu Yuan is on the move!"

The White Divine Tiger was exhilarated, giving Yu Zhu a meaningful look as he spoke, "It seems I should have always trusted you."

Yu Zhu remained composed, responding with detachment, "I am more concerned for my mother's safety than anyone else."

"It was my haste that clouded my judgment."

The Sky Tiger scratched its head, finding itself calmed by her serenity, and felt reassured that even after years of confinement in the Demon Palace, the Palace Master would face no mortal danger.

The Sky Tiger couldn't resist casting a deep glance at the purple sea, which had been tranquil for so long.

Within the purple sea, the enigmatic creature that had devoured Yuen Bu, the King of Desolate Realm, had yet to show its true form but remained quiet.

Surely, it must share Yu Zhu's belief that the Palace Master would emerge unscathed.

"You've managed to preserve your own spiritual essence."

The face of the Void Soul, which filled the heavens, became clearer as the spiritual consciousness from the Heart of Vast Water continued to converge.

Soon, a face nearly identical to Yu Yuan's was revealed to all—a visage of handsome indifference, exuding a disdain for all beings.

To him, all the creatures of the world were but insects at his feet, destined to forever bow before his might.

"How can it bear Yu Yuan's likeness?" Demon God Lvliu exclaimed in astonishment.

"Because in his mind, Yu Yuan during the time of the Abyss Lord was the strongest across all Three Realms. He frequently possessed Yu Yuan, using his supreme form to battle. To him, Yu Yuan's body was his own," Zhong Chichen explained, his expression stern.

Lvliu and Loong Jie felt a heavy sense of dread settle in their hearts upon hearing Zhong Chichen's words, realizing the formidable nature of their opponent.

"Millennia have passed, and yet you remain unchanged."

Yu Yuan offered a wry smile, summoning the Dragon Slash Platform back to his hand before tossing it effortlessly to Zhiya, the Demon Phoenix.

In the blink of an eye, the Dragon Slash Platform was imbued with infinite mysteries.

The violet-gold Dragon Slash Platform shifted continuously in the void!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A piercingly cold fog spread out, transforming the violet-gold Dragon Slash Platform into a gleaming white. Within it, the tiny world of ice revealed the profound secrets of the Origin Realm's Heavenly Dao.

Drawing icy power from within Yu Yuan, it extinguished the flame meteors encircling Zhiya, the Demon Phoenix, in an instant.

As the wondrous Dragon Slash Platform hovered above Zhiya's head, it underwent another transformation.

The gleaming white Dragon Slash Platform began to rumble as lightning pools emerged within its icy world.

The lightning pools whipped up into tempests, as if striving to break free and annihilate the foreign souls outside, erasing all traces of their existence.

Hail wreaked havoc, thunder roared, and the two ultimate forces of the origin spirits assaulted Zhiya in unison.

Yet, the Dragon Slash Platform, under Yu Yuan's control, restrained the ice and lightning, keeping them contained.

They remained within the Dragon Slash Platform, sparing Zhiya's demon soul from harm and precisely targeting unrelated forces, which were then obliterated by the ice and lightning through the Dragon Slash Platform.

Suddenly, Zhiya's consciousness returned.

Upon awakening, she cast a glance at the Dragon Slash Platform above her, her demon soul quivering faintly.

Her tall, elegant form moved in an unnatural arc, deftly avoiding the Dragon Slash Platform overhead, and came to rest beside Yang God Yu.

She feared the ice and lightning energy within the Dragon Slash Platform might spiral out of control, unleashing a storm of hail and lightning that could inadvertently destroy her demon soul.


Yu Yuan's cry echoed from deep within, his voice transmitting through the Dragon Slash Platform. In a flash, the platform transformed, mirroring his eight-tiered Soul Altar, aligned with the green jade surface of the Origin Soul.

This transformation triggered a power similar in essence to the sealed soul laws, throwing the spiritual rules within the seal into disarray. High above, the stars, sun, and moon next to the ethereal soul seemed to dim suddenly.

Beilstein, the Great Demon God, previously in a daze, now resonated with countless booming calls of "Teacher!" within his new purple crystal form.

"Teacher, teacher, teacher! Teacher!"

With each call, Beilstein stirred from the deepest of nightmares, roused by Yu Yuan's summons.

"Ah, I have returned."

Beilstein flashed a grin and nodded at Yu Yuan, "Good disciple, I'm relieved to see you alive! I feared you might not overcome him and that Lin and I would meet our end alongside you."

Despite the dire circumstances, the Great Demon God remained undaunted, treating life and death with a casual indifference.

"Mr. Lin!"

Yu Yuan called out once more. In Lin Daoke's mind, the Primordial Spirit Sword he had forged with his divine might suddenly blazed with a brilliant light.

Guided by his will, the radiant Primordial Spirit Sword severed the dark soul threads that entangled his mind like a spider's web. Once the web was shattered, Lin Daoke's freedom was restored.

With a mere thought, the Yang God Sword, charged with the ultimate truths of metal, ice, and lightning, soared towards him. Regrettably, as the Divine Sword approached, its golden radiance faded, the lightning departed, and the icy glow dissipated.

Once the Yang God Sword was in hand, the profound laws of the three Origin Soul elements had vanished from the blade.

"A mere Yang God, with an Eleventh Level flesh and blood form, should not have been capable of this feat."

The void soul, wearing Yu Yuan's impassive demeanor, observed as he effortlessly released Zhiya, the Great Demon God Beilstein, and Lin Daoke from their spiritual bonds.

"Even the Titan Spinosaurus in his strongest form couldn't achieve this."

He scrutinized Yu Yuan intently, as if he were trying to thoroughly understand Yu Yuan's Yang God within the sealed barrier.

"The Titan Spinosaurus at his peak is no match for me now."

Yu Yuan laughed wildly, his laughter booming so loudly that it caused the heavens to tremble, shattering many stars, as well as the celestial images of the sun and moon.

"I'm aware that you're using me to transport the Creation Pool into the Desolate Realm, leveraging me to tap into the life essence of the Abyss Origin Blood. You aim to decipher the Life Seed left by the Abyss Origin Blood through me, to master its life essence."

While laughing, Yu Yuan said, "You should also realize that only one of us might survive with the Desolate Realm's Abyss Origin Blood. Yet, regardless of who remains, they will desire to enter the Creation Pool and make contact with that mass of flesh and blood."

"And when one approaches the flesh and blood, you plan to infiltrate the seal with your own spiritual consciousness and harvest all the results."

He listened to Yu Yuan finish, then nodded in agreement, "Indeed."

"But do you realize that my Yang God isn't just about extracting its life essence, but rather about directly refining it and integrating it into myself?" Yu Yuan asked, still smiling.

"What difference does that make?" the Origin Soul asked indifferently.

"It appears that your consciousness, which has ventured to the other side, is also out of touch. You're unaware of the situation that the other two aspects of yourself, which have passed through the Death Spring to the other side, are encountering," Yu Yuan taunted.

He fell silent for a moment before admitting, "I truly don't know."

After another pause, he inquired, "Do you?"


Just then, the Phoenix Shrine behind Yu Zhu trembled gently, opening another rift in the void.

Youyu, clutching the heart stone, stepped through the rift and positioned himself next to the Phoenix Shrine, even giving Yu Zhu a nod of acknowledgment.

His gaze then settled on the Creation Pool and Yu Yuan within.

The black goat from the Desolate Realm, upon seeing the one who had ascended to the status of Undead Sovereign under the power of the Origin Soul, lamented internally, "An Eleventh Level Sovereign!"

"I'm the one who slaughtered your herd."

Sensing her gaze and inner voice, Youyu squinted, eyeing the black goat now in the guise of a woman in a black dress. "Had it not been for Yu Zhu's sake, you wouldn't have escaped either."

The black goat trembled, too frightened to utter a sound.

Yuan Li, the King of the Desolate Realm, was dead. The Demon Phoenix was ensnared in the Creation Pool. This Undead Sovereign, born of the Origin Realm, had clearly been summoned by Yu Zhu.

She was merely a Tenth Level Beast God. Her understanding of the mysteries of the soul paled in comparison to Youyu, a being of supreme stature. Moreover, the heart stone in Youyu's possession was a soul treasure of earth-shaking significance. It housed innumerable souls and specters. The distinct channels of the Grim River, the evident source of Yin energy, brimmed with a power so fearsome it was beyond comprehension.

Thus, her only option was silence.

"Yu Yuan, are you planning to make a move on the Creation Pool?" she asked.

Receiving no response, Youyu couldn't be bothered to engage further. Abruptly, he departed the Phoenix Shrine and made his way to where Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, and Lvliu stood.

"It would appear so," Zhong Chichen replied, a smile gracing his features.

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