Unmatched Dominance/C2241 Birds and Beasts Scattered!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2241 Birds and Beasts Scattered!
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C2241 Birds and Beasts Scattered!

Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen dared not defy the command.

The Great Demon God Beilstein, with the unmatched reputation and power of the Sword Sect's Lin Daoke, had effectively brought them to heel.

Both Yuen Bu and the Demon Phoenix possessed the power to annihilate them, and in their eyes, the Great Demon God Beilstein from the Origin Realm was an even mightier presence than Yuen Bu and the Demon Phoenix.

How could they possibly contemplate rebellion?

Thus, they diligently focused on absorbing the Laws of the Great Dao within the Myriad Spirit Restriction, using the essence of flora and the moon to temper their physiques and bloodlines.

Lvliu, the Blazing Sun Toad, and the Earth Rift Beast no longer concerned themselves with these matters.

Their gazes toward Beilstein were filled with reverence and admiration. They even believed that it was this elder of the Outland Devaputra from the Origin Realm who had truly slain Yuen Bu.

Their animosity towards Yuen Bu fostered a yearning for the supreme power of the Origin Realm.

While they had been evading capture in the Desolate Realm, they had aspired to reach the Origin Realm, but without Yuen Bu to shatter the barrier between realms, they lacked the means to travel there.

"That's more like it."

Beilstein said with a smile, drifting out from the forest where Mu Xiao resided, "Now that Yuen Bu is gone, once you ascend to supremacy, I won't interfere with whichever Beast God you choose to slay after you leave the Myriad Spirit Restriction. I have only one condition: do not act within the confines of the seal. Understood?"


Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen responded with elation.

They comprehended his meaning.

Beilstein wasn't shielding the Beast Gods; he required them to achieve breakthroughs within the Myriad Spirit Restriction just as they were doing. Once they exited the confines, they were free to act as they wished.

From that moment on, Beilstein would wash his hands of the matter.

"The Beast Gods of the Desolate Realm must pay for their meddling in the Origin Realm."

Beilstein let out a strange chuckle, casting a sidelong glance at the Demon Phoenix within the Creation Pool, and murmured, "This purple phoenix may not even survive."

Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen grew even more jubilant.


Outside the realm, Yuan Lianyao, perched above the Time Book, suddenly turned her gaze to Yu Yuan.

Beside the ethereal shadow representing the Origin Soul, a hazy consciousness lurked within a sea of flames.

The Extreme Flame had not fully withdrawn from the Myriad Spirit Restriction, leaving behind a wisp of its spiritual consciousness. This presence allowed it to maintain control over the fiery forces within the restriction.

As long as it remained, the control of the flames was firmly in its grasp, making it nearly impossible for others to interfere.

Deep within the true Abyss, the laws and secrets left by the eight great Origin Souls were being studied and amassed by Beast Gods and otherworldly beings—except for the element of fire, which remained untouched and unclaimed.

"Don't come in."

Within the Myriad Spirit Restriction, Yu Yuan caught Yuan Lianyao's intent gaze and understood the depth of her thoughts. He responded with a discouraging shake of his head.

Yu Yuan refrained from summoning the Beast Gods to step into the flames because the consciousness of the Geocentric Fire lingered on.

For any Beast God or creature from the Desolate Realm to attempt to assimilate the laws and energy of fire under the watchful eye of the Extreme Flame, especially with the aim of ascending to the Supreme Realm, was highly unrealistic.

Only Yuan Lianyao, who had already ascended to the Supreme Realm, stood a chance of wresting the Dao of Fire from the Extreme Flame within the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Yet, the endeavor was fraught with peril.

A single misstep could lead to Yuan Lianyao's soul defenses being shattered by the concentrated spiritual consciousness of the Extreme Flame, resulting in her complete possession.

Moreover, the Origin Soul of the Abyss was also lying in wait, ready to strike.


Yuan Lianyao exhaled a resigned sigh, abandoning her plan due to Yu Yuan's cautionary gesture.

Having refined a portion of the Extreme Flame's spiritual consciousness in the Gal Starfield, using the technique imparted by Yu Yuan, her confidence had soared, and her fear of the Extreme Flame had dissipated. She had reaped significant benefits and now sought to challenge the spiritual consciousness of the Extreme Flame within the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

"There's no need to rush. Once the Myriad Spirit Restriction breaks, the true essence of the fire's Origin Soul from the Abyss will gradually emerge," Zhong Chichen reassured her. "When that time comes, you'll still have the opportunity to collect it and gain even greater strength."

He had long understood Yu Yuan's intentions.

Zhong Chichen was aware that Yu Yuan was biding his time for the Myriad Spirit Restriction to shatter, so he could harness the ultimate Dao Laws of the eight great Origin Souls using the Soul Altar.

Since Yu Yuan had brought Yuan Lianyao with him, it was clear that he intended to share the secrets of the flame with her.

There was no need for her to rush; all she had to do was patiently observe from the sidelines.

"Alright, I understand," Yuan Lianyao said with a smile and a nod.

Time passed swiftly.

Beast Gods like Loong Jie and Barol, who had entered the Myriad Spirit Restriction, did not interfere with each other. They concentrated on harnessing the powers they could perceive to engage with the Laws of the Great Dao that resonated with them.

As the various powers and laws within the Myriad Spirit Restriction were deciphered and harnessed, the halos that connected them to another realm shattered one by one, absorbed by those seeking to ascend to the Supreme Realm.

Lvliu, the Earth Rift Beast, and Barol, despite their lesser talents, managed to manipulate the halos thanks to their persistent efforts.

Before long, only four layers of halos remained behind him.

A single circle of soul power, a ring of flames, and the profound truths of the Great Dao related to thunder and ice, which had been separated from Yu Yuan's Soul Altar, were all that was left.

"Those that originated from me, absorbed by my Soul Altar, I can shatter on my own," Yu Yuan said with a sudden smile. Confronted with the overwhelming pressure of his soul power, the Soul Altar hovering above his head, corresponding to ice and thunder, suddenly unleashed a powerful suction.


The halos of thunder and ice behind his head abruptly broke apart, transforming into streams of electricity and extreme cold that flowed into Yu Yuan's Soul Altar.

The lightning and ice that entered were merely pure energy, devoid of any laws.

This was because the laws present within the Myriad Spirit Restriction originated from Yu Yuan's Soul Altar, eliminating the need for imprinting.

Through his own Soul Altar, Yu Yuan was confident that although the two halos had fragmented, the essences of thunder and ice remained within the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Once imprinted, they would endure eternally, never to fade away.

He refrained from allowing Yu Zhu, Sky Tiger, and others to infuse their bloodlines with the essences of thunder and ice into his Soul Altar.

His confidence in these two forces was such that he could resolve them with his Soul Altar, directly assimilating them into its essence.

After some quiet contemplation and testing, he realized that by fully encompassing the laws of the Myriad Spirit Restriction within his Soul Altar, he could harness its power.

He had corresponding platforms for flora and the earth, yet the laws governing these elements within the Myriad Spirit Restriction were far more enigmatic and complex than those in his Soul Altar, preventing him from absorbing them.

He still had to depend on Mu Xiao and the Earth Rift Beast God.

"Hehe, why so silent?"

The Great Demon God Beilstein, with time to spare, approached Yu Yuan and gazed up at the ethereal soul image Yu Yuan had conjured. "You're certainly formidable, but not unbeatable. Clashing with a remarkable being like you is infinitely more thrilling than battling the Titan spinosaurus or those Evil Gods from the Abyss."

Fear was absent from Beilstein's eyes!

In response to Beilstein's challenging stare and remarks, both he and the Extreme Flame at his side maintained their composure in silence.

They watched in quietude as the Beast Gods and alien beings within the Myriad Spirit Restriction ascended to supreme levels through the Source Spirit Laws and power native to this realm.

Suddenly, his attention shifted to the Demon Phoenix Zhiya in the deepest recesses of the Creation Pool.

Following a brutal conflict, Zhiya was once again marred by wounds.

Her alabaster hands bore deep gashes, oozing blue-green venom.

The venom's presence hindered her rapid healing. Her icy phoenix gaze swept over the Beast Gods within the Myriad Spirit Restriction, as though she yearned for their demise.

Should a Beast God perish, she could harvest their essence to rejuvenate her own strength.

Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen's arrival had filled her with hope for a bloodbath.

Yet, due to Beilstein and Lin Daoke's presence, the anticipated carnage never unfolded.

Her expression darkened as she witnessed the Abyss Overlord she had slain being reborn from the peculiar amalgam of five-colored flesh and blood.

Despair finally took root in her heart.

Each new emergence of the Abyss Overlord proved stronger than the last, and they seemed endless, impossible to eradicate completely.

Throughout this time, Yu Yuan maintained a steely demeanor, never uttering a single word. It was clear he was waiting for her to seek help on her own initiative.

"Prepare yourselves."

Yu Zhu, stationed before the Phoenix Shrine, kept a watchful eye on her. As soon as she showed signs of fatigue, Yu Zhu's icy gaze shifted to the Beast Gods emerging from the Beast Temple. Those caught in her stare felt a chill run down their spines, trembling uncontrollably.

"Pay no mind," one of the Beast Gods reassured the others. "The Demon Phoenix will perish within, and the Beast Temple will be left without a master!"

A Blood Cloud Beast God, as if having reached a resolution, suddenly bellowed, "With Big King Yuen Bu gone, the Demon Phoenix will meet the same fate! There will be no new ruler in the Desolate Realm for some time. Do not fear her!"

"The Demon Phoenix is trapped and cannot control the Beast Temple. Let's take this chance to flee!"

"If the Demon Phoenix perishes, there will be no one to resurrect us with the blood essence we've left in the Beast Temple. Dying within that seal would be a meaningless death!"

"I refuse to die. Nor will I gamble on her survival!"

The Beast Gods echoed in agreement, their roars filling the space in front of the hall.

Those Beast Gods who had pledged loyalty to Zhiya after the Beast Temple's consecration finally turned against her. Surrounded and urged by Yu Zhu to march to their deaths, they chose rebellion instead.

Whoosh! The Beast Gods, both those who had emerged and those who had remained hidden within the Beast Temple, scattered in every direction.

Before fleeing, the Beast Gods removed the blood essence they had left within the Beast Temple. Many also carried out blood-stained jars, the Shrouded Tower, and an array of divine weapons that Yuen Bu had amassed.

They didn't just evacuate the Beast Temple; they took its treasures with them.

Neither the Sky Tiger nor Yu Zhu had anticipated that, when pushed to the brink, the Beast Gods would make such a desperate choice.

The bone snake and the smilodon exchanged a glance and strategically split up to escape.

However, the black goat, transformed into a stunning woman in a black dress, stood still amidst the chaos. She understood something crucial: unlike the fleeing Beast Gods, the mighty path she sought could only be found through Yu Zhu.

What Yuan Li couldn't provide her, nor could the Demon Phoenix, Yu Zhu could. That's why she chose to stay.

Whoosh! The Phoenix Shrine trembled, emitting a burst of iridescent light. Yu Zhu vanished within the grand hall, seizing control of the Phoenix Shrine to pursue the escaping Beast Gods.

The golden giant deer and the iron-wing bird sought guidance from the Sky Tiger, "Lord Sky Tiger, what's our course of action?"

Before Yuan Li's demise, these Beast Gods had pledged allegiance to the Demon Palace, and not a single one had abandoned their post. Even in the face of Zhiya's peril, they unwaveringly stood by her side.

"The Hall Master is not so easily defeated," declared the Sky Tiger with a firm voice. "You all remain here. I will follow His Highness and ensure she doesn't take any rash actions."

"The Beast Gods are the cornerstone of the Desolate Realm. If they've fled, then so be it. Once the Hall Master emerges and retakes command of the Beast Temple, we can reclaim all that the Beast Gods have taken."

With those words, the Sky Tiger set off in pursuit of the Phoenix Shrine.

Libre Baskerville
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