Unmatched Dominance/C2247 The Help of the Great Demon God
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Unmatched Dominance/C2247 The Help of the Great Demon God
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C2247 The Help of the Great Demon God

Suddenly, tens of thousands of dazzling golden rays burst forth from the colossal body of the Golden Dragon, coalescing into a resplendent Holy Mountain. Sharp blades gleaming with icy radiance and a golden celestial river cleaved through the void, brimming with veins of pure gold ore. As Loong Jie surged forward, numerous manifestations of the golden path emerged, bolstering his might with their presence.

The scant remnants of golden energy within the Myriad Spirit Restriction were swiftly assimilated into these manifestations, leaving nothing behind. "You all can take your time fighting. Lord Dragon here will take his leave first!" As the Golden Dragon's roar echoed, the manifestations that had plundered the golden energy abruptly merged back into his scales with a loud clatter.

Loong Jie's presence surged dramatically. His serpentine body crackled through the air, seemingly on the verge of shattering under the strain. Beneath the dark azure sky, his expression grew increasingly solemn, and he found himself compelled to glance at the trajectory of Loong Jie's escape.

Below, his Soul Shadow was shrouded by Beilstein's Soul Ignition Formation, steaming into a fog of souls. The once-solid Soul Shadow rapidly thinned into an ephemeral wisp, threatening to scatter at the slightest breeze. High above, he furrowed his brow and, with a wave of resignation, caused the fading Soul Shadow to vanish silently, as if reclaiming his spiritual consciousness to prevent it from being utterly consumed by the Great Demon God.

Having completed these actions, he quietly invoked the secret arts at his command. His power coalesced and surged toward the area Loong Jie was attempting to escape, reinforcing the barrier of the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Beilstein's mouth twisted into a grin, his Demonic Pupil fixated on Loong Jie, his thoughts resolute: "Break free, you must break free! You are an Eleventh Level Golden Dragon, you've got this!"

"Off we go!" Loong Jie bellowed, with each golden scale revealing a different image, each one emblazoned with the laws of gold. The Golden Dragon, having recently ascended to the Supreme Realm, had no desire to linger in the Myriad Spirit Restriction a moment longer than necessary after achieving his goal.

His movements drew the gaze of everyone trapped within the seal. Lvliu, Barol, Mu Xiao, and the Moon Succubus Queen all paused their meditations on the Dao to watch Loong Jie's next move.

And then, with a hiss, the moment arrived.

The Eleventh Level Golden Dragon pierced through the green-black barrier of the Myriad Spirit Restriction with unmatched sharpness and successfully broke free.

What Lin Daoke couldn't achieve with his swordplay, Loong Jie accomplished.

He became the first to escape the Myriad Spirit Restriction after gaining control over the Origin Soul.

Yet, the hole he created sealed itself as soon as his dragon form vanished.

"Excellent! Loong Jie, nicely done!"

Beilstein roared with laughter, "My sacrifice of the Devil Soul was not in vain, freeing you from his possession! Loong Jie, you've finally done something noteworthy!"

After his soul shadow faded, the Great Demon God, now missing an arm, called out to the Golden Dragon Armor.

The Golden Dragon Armor, ignored by him, swiftly moved to Beilstein's side, where he donned it.

"Yu Yuan, Loong Jie's breakout will have an impact soon. Rest assured, I won't leave you to face this fiend's relentless soul suppression alone." Beilstein, brimming with pride, approached Lin Daoke and reassured him in a gentle tone, "Don't worry, Lin. As long as your Primordial Spirit remains intact, you'll recover once we're out of here."

"The Yang God can be easily refined again, so there's no need to fret."

He consoled Lin Daoke.

Lin Daoke, bereft of the Yang God Sword and bleeding from seven wounds, grimly acknowledged with a nod.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

The Great Demon God directed his command at Lvliu, Barol, and Mu Xiao, the seekers of the Supreme Ancestor, declaring, "Rest easy, I'll take extra care this time to prevent his soul consciousness from stealthily infiltrating your spirits."

Loong Jie's possession had been a slip-up that nearly led to catastrophe; he could not afford to be anything but vigilant.




Loong Jie's colossal golden form writhed above the Creation Pool, its scales shimmering with a divine glow that was blindingly brilliant.

The Golden Dragon's pride and defiance were palpable in the sinuous movements of his body.

"I've made it out!"

"Lord Dragon has emerged alive!"

"Ha-ha, Colorful Patriarch, I've ascended to Supreme Ancestor! Even the Golden Dragon's own forebear pales in comparison to my newfound might!"

Loong Jie unleashed his fury without restraint, refusing to revert to his human form. He danced wildly, his dragon body stirring up waves of golden light.

Zhong Chichen, who had been clamoring to escape, caught sight of Loong Jie bursting from the Myriad Spirit Restriction, his eyes suddenly sparkling with excitement. He immediately noticed Loong Jie's golden scales, which held a myriad of golden secret arts.

Within Loong Jie, the Life Keychain bestowed by Yu Yuan seemed to have dissolved deep within his dragon heart. This signified that Loong Jie was no longer bound by Yu Yuan and had gained true freedom.

"Our Naga clan will usher in a new era of splendor because of you!" Zhong Chichen felt genuine joy for Loong Jie and cheered him on with enthusiasm.

"Loong Jie, what's the situation inside?" Youyu, with a furrowed brow, addressed the snarling and clawing Loong Jie, "You've made it out, but what about the others? Beilstein, Lin Daoke, and how is Yu Yuan?"

Yu Zhu, Yuan Lianyao, and Sky Tiger all fixed their eyes on Loong Jie, eagerly awaiting his response.

"He despicably slipped into my body while I was ascending to the Eleventh Level. He possessed me for a time, but fortunately, the Great Demon God thwarted him. I owe that old demon a debt of gratitude; without him..."

"Huh?" Loong Jie's exclamation cut off his own words as he suddenly shrieked in alarm.

To his horror, he saw a demonic shadow slowly materializing in the brain region of his dragon head. This shadow bore the likeness of the Great Demon God Beilstein.

"Who are you?!" Loong Jie cried out in terror.

"It's me, Beilstein." The figure of Beilstein, now resembling a tall, red-bearded elder, emerged from Loong Jie's mind as a Devil Soul and spoke, "I knew you would make it out, so I concealed a Devil Soul within you to escape the Myriad Spirit Restriction alongside you."

Youyu and Yu Zhu intently scrutinized this apparition of Beilstein, trying to discern if he was truly Beilstein or an imposter.

"It's the Great Demon God." Youyu shone the heart stone in his palm through Beilstein's Devil Soul, detecting no trace of the characteristic greenish-black hue. He then inquired, "Senior, do you require our assistance from outside?"

"You're quite clever," Beilstein said, casting an approving glance at Youyu. His attention then turned to the heart stone, and he couldn't help but admire it. "Such a fine treasure, truly a fine treasure indeed."

Without a trace of emotion, Youyu slipped the heart stone into his sleeve, avoiding Beilstein's lingering gaze. The mere thought of the heart stone being refined by the Great Demon God and becoming a treasured possession in his hands sent a shiver down Youyu's spine.

It dawned on Youyu that Beilstein was likely deeply knowledgeable about the Soul Arts governed by the Origin Soul.

"Teacher!" Upon Youyu's confirmation, Zhong Chichen greeted the red-bearded elder with a beaming smile, realizing that this was indeed Beilstein's Devil Soul. "Teacher, by leaving a Devil Soul with Loong Jie, what are you planning to do? Your wisdom is unparalleled. You even devised a method to burn the Devil Soul to aid Loong Jie's escape. We are all ears for your guidance."

The Colorful Divine Dragon wore a sycophantic smile, looking both docile and eager for approval.

The Great Demon God gave him a brief glance and let out a dismissive snort, paying him no further attention.

Zhong Chichen chuckled awkwardly but wasn't offended.

As the Sky Tiger and the Golden Deer regained consciousness, they too showed their respect for the imposing red-bearded elder.

From a distance, the Sky Tiger bowed slightly and expressed his surprise, "I never imagined we would meet under such circumstances."

Beilstein had long been the supreme ruler of the Origin Realm, having single-handedly confined all the Evil Gods within the Evil God Temple.

This elder was like an insurmountable peak towering over all living creatures in the Origin Realm. The Sky Tiger, Demon Master Tan Xiaotian, Lin Daoke, the Demon Phoenix Zhiya, and every other distinguished being were overshadowed by him, none able to surpass his might.

It was also due to this elder's presence that the beings of the Origin Realm had managed to hold their own against the alien races from beyond, achieving only a stalemate.

"That little white tiger of yours, Bai, is quite impressive," Beilstein said with an approving nod, clearly taken with the Sky Tiger. "It's a shame, though, that it's paired with a less-than-sharp Demon Phoenix."

At his words, Yu Zhu shot Beilstein a furious glare.

The Great Demon God let out a dry chuckle and then spoke up, "Yu Yuan is fighting desperately inside. Lin's Yang God Sword has shattered, and my Primordial Spirit Sword is also damaged. I've even lost an arm. Naturally, you all should lend a hand with this situation."

"How can we assist?" Zhong Chichen inquired earnestly.

"Attack from the outside using an artifact, aiming to deplete its power as much as possible. Remember, only artifact attacks are permitted; do not engage with flesh, blood, or soul energy," Beilstein instructed, having already devised a strategy. "Ideally, you should remain within the artifact to protect your physical bodies. Be cautious not to be ensnared by its influence."

Regarding the Beast Temple...

He cleared his throat subtly, and without waiting for Sky Tiger and Yu Zhu's consent, he declared, "I shall make use of it for the time being."

With a whoosh, Beilstein's Devil Soul vanished into the Beast Temple.

"Lord Beilstein, it's not that we're unwilling to let you use it, but without a corporeal form, possessing only a Devil Soul, you cannot gain the Beast Temple's recognition. Furthermore, the temple's central array is governed by our Hall Master's vital blood essence. It's impossible for you to..." Jin Lin began to explain earnestly.

Suddenly, Jin Lin and Sky Tiger were struck with astonishment.

Before he could finish, the grand and vast Beast Temple began to quiver above the purple sea, emitting thunderous roars as it drifted toward the Creation Pool.

"How is this possible?"

"With no flesh and blood, merely a Devil Soul, how can he possibly command the Beast Temple?"

Jin Lin, the Dark Gold Beast, and the Tenth Level iron-wing bird were all taken aback by the tremors of the Beast Temple.

None of the Beast Gods could have envisioned that Beilstein, a being from the Origin Realm and inheritor of the Origin Soul's life sequence, could actually manipulate the Beast Temple for his own purposes.

Zhong Chichen, Youyu, and Yu Zhu were equally dumbfounded, stunned by the anomaly of the Beast Temple.

"The construction methods and the internal imprints of the Great Dao Laws in both the Evil God Temple and the Beast Temple are quite similar," Beilstein observed.

"Having been confined in the Evil God Temple for so long, I've come to understand the architecture of these sanctuaries. To me, there's no fundamental difference between the Evil God Temple and the Beast Temple. The profound mysteries of the Great Dao that the Evil God contemplated and the bloodline laws of the Beast God laid within the halls ultimately converge to the same end."

Beilstein's murmurs slowly emanated from within the Beast Temple before he spoke up, "What are you all waiting for? Didn't you hear my instructions? We need to strike the Myriad Spirit Restriction together with our artifacts."


"Okay, we're on board with your plan."

"Got it."

The external assembly of powerhouses nodded in agreement, almost instantly won over by the Great Demon God, ready to obey his command.

"Yu Zhu, Youyu, the two of you must be especially cautious! Your Soul Arts and soul power could be susceptible to corruption, so make sure you do not come into contact with the Myriad Spirit Restriction," Beilstein emphasized.


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