Unmatched Dominance/C2249 Changing Strategies
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Unmatched Dominance/C2249 Changing Strategies
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C2249 Changing Strategies

The two Beast Gods, who were on the verge of achieving Supreme status, met their end in the blink of an eye, their blood painting the sky—a direct result of Beilstein's dismissive command.

Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen were understandably petrified.

Lin Daoke, having restored the damaged Primordial Spirit Sword with his soul's essence, and the other powerhouses were stunned by the Great Demon God's lethal strike.

Confused and dissatisfied glances converged upon the Great Demon God, all seeking to understand the situation.

Yu Yuan, perched atop the multicolored flesh, was equally taken aback. Beilstein's current actions seemed to completely negate all his prior efforts and plans.

It was Yu Yuan who had proposed and advanced the method of dissolving several energies to forge a Supreme Being.

Was there a flaw in his plan?

Since Beilstein, the one who had dismissed his strategy and slain the Beast Gods, Yu Yuan refrained from voicing his doubts, choosing instead to silently await an explanation.

He was certain that Beilstein had his reasons and was waiting for him to elucidate.

"What a headache," Beilstein muttered, frowning as he faced the pleas of Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen.

The two mightiest beings of the Desolate Realm were as if gripped by the throat, their aspirations to grasp the Great Dao forgotten, their eyes fixed on Beilstein's verdict.

Their fates hung on the whims of the Great Demon God.

Lin Daoke and the others had an epiphany—perhaps there was no longer a need for someone to ascend to Supreme status within the Myriad Spirit Restriction by understanding the Great Dao of the Source Spirit and dissolving its power.

Beilstein must have uncovered something significant!

If the Blazing Sun Toad and the Earth Rift Beast were fated to perish, then Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen's survival seemed unnecessary.

Aware of Beilstein's formidable reputation and exalted status in the Origin Realm, these two formidable figures from the Desolate Realm knew they stood no chance against him and resorted to desperate pleas for mercy.

"We'll agree to anything, just let us live," Mu Xiao implored, his face quivering like old tree bark. "If you require it, we will accompany you to the Origin Realm. As for the Desolate Realm... we are ready to abandon it, for there is nothing left there to cherish. Our races, the Moon Succubus Race included, have been decimated by the alien beasts. Only we remain."

The Moon Succubus Queen spoke with a tinge of sorrow, "All I wish for is to survive."

The pair began to appeal to pity.

Their initial enthusiasm upon entering the Myriad Spirit Restriction had plummeted to rock bottom after the instant deaths caused by the Blazing Sun Toad and the Earth Rift Beast.

"You two..."

In the azure-black sea of souls, Beilstein stroked his chin thoughtfully and said, "Let's wait and see."

Relieved, Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen repeatedly bowed to Beilstein, expressing their gratitude for his mercy.


Inside the now semi-transparent Dragon Slash Platform, where Life Seeds skimmed the surface, Zhiya's exquisitely beautiful face emerged.

She observed two streams of blood essence flowing into the vibrant flesh, vanishing inside it.

A trace of regret flickered in her eyes, lamenting her failure to capture those two streams of blood essence.

She had sensed the demise of the Blazing Sun Toad and Earth Rift Beast and the influx of blood essence. Her initial intent was to intercept and absorb it to expedite her recovery.

Yet, she feared that leaving the Dragon Slash Platform might make her a target for the mass of flesh and blood. While she hesitated, the two streams had already merged into the ground below.

"What does the old demon have in mind?"

Standing within the void of the Dragon Slash Platform, she gazed heavenward, her brows knitted with concern. "Those two Beast Gods were under my command. The Demon God killed them without cause; he owes me an explanation!"

"Focus on your own well-being first. You never truly cared for those Beast Gods," Yu Yuan retorted with a cold huff.

The Beast Gods had once served Yuan Li, but after she consecrated the Beast Temple, they obeyed her. In her eyes, they were distinct from the Sky Tiger, Golden Deer, and Iron-Wing Bird.

Yu Yuan saw right through her; she was merely seizing an opportunity to stir up trouble. "That young beast you're nurturing let out quite a roar just now."

"Should it reach maturity, you're well aware it will be far more formidable than the Titan Spinosaurus," Zhiya declared with pride.

"Aren't you concerned about nurturing a threat? And you're so sure it will always heed your commands?" Yu Yuan asked with a smirk. The Yang God's body through which he spoke exuded a profound and ancient life force. "I have a feeling that once I unravel the secrets of the Abyss Origin Blood and refine this flesh, I might be able to tame it as well."

Zhiya's face turned pale with shock. "You wouldn't dare!"

"You're desperate to slice off a piece of flesh and take it with you, aren't you? To feed it?" Yu Yuan's face grew cold. "It's a youngling of the Chaos Djinn. If it eats this flesh, who knows what might happen. Besides, I doubt you can truly control it, ensuring it behaves exactly as you wish."

"It's mine. I've raised it!"

Zhiya let out a wild scream on the Dragon Slash Platform, transforming into a majestic purple phoenix. She soared through the platform's void, her purple feathers drawing in the immense spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

She was unconcerned with whether Yu Yuan approved, intent on using her true form to completely siphon the platform's spiritual energy.

Her goal was to recover swiftly to prepare for the impending upheaval.

"I can't believe my Beast Temple has the power to refine!" she continued to screech in her phoenix form on the Dragon Slash Platform. "What's mine is mine. The old Demon God won't lay a finger on it! My Beast God obeys me, and if he dares to kill another, I will show no mercy!"

Yu Yuan watched Zhiya's dance within the Dragon Slash Platform in silence, sensing that her threats were not empty.

If she threw caution to the wind, it seemed she might indeed have a way to confront Beilstein and cause the Great Demon God to stumble significantly.

"Lord Beilstein!"

The Sky Tiger, witnessing the sudden demise of the Blazing Sun Toad and the Earth Rift Beast from beyond the seal, called back the swirling 'Heavenly Tribulation Clouds' to its side and spoke with a grave tone, "We demand an explanation for the deaths of those two Beast Gods."

Upon the Sky Tiger's words, the golden deer, the iron-wing bird Beast God, the Dark Gold Beast, and the others halted their assault on the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, and Yuan Lianyao, positioned on the Time Book, turned their attention as well.

Their focus was not on the Beast Temple but on the sealed interior where Beilstein's true form resided.

"Every supreme being that ascends within the Myriad Spirit Restriction finds it nearly impossible to escape. Furthermore, the emergence of each supreme being only serves to amplify his strength! To put it bluntly, he is likely anticipating the rise of many more supreme beings."

Beilstein didn't glance at the Sky Tiger; instead, he focused on the two figures of Yu Yuan embedded in the flesh, ensuring that Yu Yuan was listening.

"Including Loong Jie!"

"Even though Loong Jie has managed to escape for now, once he pacifies the Myriad Spirit Restriction, he'll be capable of infecting supreme beings like Loong Jie, just as he did with Reid and Tan Xiaotian," Beilstein explained with composure.

Loong Jie turned ashen, frantically scouring the Time Book for any lingering traces left behind, eager to eradicate them without delay.

"It's futile. In the realm of soul mastery, he is unparalleled in the Three Realms. Only Yu Yuan and I can stand up to him with our own methods and strategies."

Beilstein shook his head, signaling to Loong Jie that his efforts were in vain, and continued, "With each new supreme being that emerges, he gains another powerful follower. We were inadvertently bolstering his strength. He doesn't intervene, allowing Loong Jie to ascend to supremacy first, confident in his ability to control them all in the end."

Yu Yuan's face showed a flicker of concern.

He couldn't fathom why Beilstein was so certain that it was nearly impossible for any supreme being who ascended within the Myriad Spirit Restriction to break free from his grasp.

Given that Beilstein had already taken such decisive action, even slaying the Earth Rift Beast and the Blazing Sun Toad, he must be quite confident in his assertion.

Could this be true for Lvliu and Barol as well?

Yu Yuan instinctively turned his gaze to Lvliu and Barol, who were on the cusp of becoming supreme beings. Struck by Beilstein's revelation, their faces were etched with shock as they stared at him, speechless.

Beilstein paid them no mind. Instead, he looked up, peering into his soul sea at him once more, "Is this the case?"

He offered no response to Beilstein's query, maintaining his customary aloof demeanor.

Standing within the soul sea, Beilstein harnessed his soul energy to mend his severed arm and refined another strand to aid Lin Daoke in healing the wounds inflicted by the Primordial Spirit Sword. Meanwhile, he orchestrated a barrage against the Myriad Spirit Restriction using the Beast Temple's treasures and the might of other formidable beings from the outside—all under his watchful eye.

He regarded them with an indifferent gaze.

"Mu Xiao, Moon Succubus Queen, the easiest and most straightforward solution would be to kill you both," Beilstein said, massaging his temples. "I might manage to keep Lvliu and Barol in check, but adding you two to the mix? My head is throbbing, truly throbbing."

His Demonic Pupil occasionally flashed with an unusual color as he complained of the headache.

Fear crept back into Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen.

"Perhaps I should halt my ascension on the path to supremacy?"

Out of fear for Beilstein, the slender Moon Succubus Queen timidly suggested, "If I don't pursue the Supreme level, might I be spared?"

Mu Xiao paused, uncertainty flickering in his eyes.

For him, whether he served the Great Demon God Beilstein or was enslaved by the Origin Soul, it made no real difference.

He had no intention of abandoning the Eleventh Level Supreme path.

Becoming a Supreme might one day allow him to escape their control and gain true freedom.

But missing this opportunity could mean never having another chance.

"You've already embedded the profound intricacies of the Moon Origin Spirit into your blood and heart. In the Myriad Spirit Restriction, you'll grasp these laws swiftly. The essence energy of the Moon Origin Spirit here will aid your rapid breakthrough," Beilstein said, piercing through the Moon Succubus Queen's thoughts with a glance.

He scoffed, "But you're aware that the moon's essence, now branded in your veins, won't just vanish as long as you live. Leave the Myriad Spirit Restriction alive, and with time, you can slowly absorb the laws and amass moon energy across the Starfields."

"In time, you'll reach the Supreme level, albeit delayed by a few decades."

The Moon Succubus Queen hung her head, murmuring, "Nothing escapes your notice."

"No matter when you achieve Supreme status, now or later, he will seek you out and taint you with his power," Beilstein said, his Demonic Pupil chilling slightly. "It remains a risk and a nuisance. And frankly, you two aren't worth the expenditure of my energy."

"Alright, I've seen enough. It's time to send you off."

Thump! Thump!

In the minds of Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen, their souls ignited in a sudden blaze. These two mighty beings from the Desolate Realm's alien races were rendered incapable of calling out for aid.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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