Unmatched Dominance/C2250 Right and Wrong
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Unmatched Dominance/C2250 Right and Wrong
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C2250 Right and Wrong

The Great Demon God Beilstein abruptly changed course.

He resolved to stop observing from above and to cease granting Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen any additional time.

What Beilstein had done remained a mystery, yet the souls of Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen were ablaze, signaling the end of their ascent and their very existence.


With a casual wave of his hand, Beilstein bid adieu to these two eminent figures of the alien race.

A greenish-black smoke began to seep from the eyes, nostrils, and ears of Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen, swirling out in thin wisps.

This smoke, both enigmatic and insubstantial, matched the essence of Beilstein's sea of souls and the phantom soul he had shaped.

The distinctive color of his soul, this unique essence, silenced all those who had questioned Beilstein's intentions toward the alien beasts.

As they observed the greenish-black smoke from the burning souls of Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen merging with the barrier, the faces of many onlookers darkened.

"I apologize; I was mistaken about you."

Sky Tiger offered a distant bow, a shiver of realization running through him. He pondered, "If the Earth Rift Beast and Blazing Sun Toad were to survive, wouldn't they become like Loong Jie upon reaching supremacy, transformed into weapons wielded by his hand?"

"Doesn't this give you a clearer picture?"

Beilstein smirked, humming to himself amidst the sea of souls. "The Earth Rift Beast and Blazing Sun Toad are merely Beast Gods. Alien beasts, with their weaker souls, are more susceptible to his influence and easier to dominate. With just a minor infusion of soul power, he can ensure their allegiance in the future."

With these words, he explained the necessity of the demise of the two Beast Gods.

"As for Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen, they share a trait with the black goat; they understand how to fortify their souls."

"Their robust souls required a greater infusion of soul energy and consciousness during the invasion. Once ignited, they too would exhibit the distinct aura and hue that are uniquely his."

Having spoken, Beilstein turned his gaze to the assembly beyond the seal.

Notables such as Youyu, Zhong Chichen, and Yuan Lianyao gave subtle nods, signaling their newfound understanding.

The Beast God, akin to a Sky Tiger, would certainly not delve deeper into the matter and refrain from further criticism regarding the death of another Beast God.

"Lord Beilstein, what about me? You must help me!"

Loong Jie, now in human form, bowed repeatedly and nodded his head, pleading for Beilstein to save him from future troubles.

The sight of Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen's souls ablaze, releasing the hues and essence of their spirits, had shattered Loong Jie's mental defenses, leaving the old lascivious dragon restless and unable to find peace.

Beilstein had made it clear that once he had stabilized the Myriad Spirit Restriction, he would still be capable of tainting Loong Jie.

The thought of being transformed into a golden spear and reduced to an object of Beilstein's will filled Loong Jie with such dread that he was almost ready to kneel and beg for Beilstein's intervention.

Having recently ascended to the Eleventh Level, Loong Jie, who had thought he was on the cusp of boundless freedom, could not bear the thought of being subjugated once more!

"You've already left the seal. You'll be safe for the time being, so quit your clamoring!"

Beilstein reprimanded with impatience.

"My lord! What about me, and Lvliu..."

In that moment, Barol of the Star Race, amidst the radiant stars, struggled with the workings of the Star Laws. His voice strained, he questioned, "Is there still a need for us to strive for the Supreme Being?"

If their fate was sealed and they were bound to be tainted, what meaning did their current efforts hold?

"The two of you should continue. There's always a solution to be found. I have an idea, but it would require a significant sacrifice from both Yu Yuan and me to potentially clear your future threats."

As Mu Xiao's form dried up and crumbled into sawdust, and the Moon Succubus Queen's essence returned to the seal, the Great Demon God spoke with contempt, "They do not merit the great sacrifice from Yu Yuan and me. They lack the worth for us to take such a risk."

Boom! Boom!

Just then, the bodies of Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen burst apart, and two feeble streams of flesh and blood essence soared towards the flesh at Yu Yuan's feet.

These streams were so meager, so much less vital than the robust flesh and blood of the Beast Gods, that even the Demon Phoenix Zhiya could not be bothered to spare them a second glance.

As they perished, the essence of wood and moon they had previously gathered remained, stirring emotions in those who witnessed it.

Regrettably, their deaths caused these potent energies to be absorbed into the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Having failed to ascend, the two Beast Gods, supreme beings of the Desolate Realm, had unwittingly offered their vital energy in vain.

The earth, blazing sun, vegetation, and moonlight they had amassed over millennia flowed back into the Myriad Spirit Restriction, infusing its barriers with even greater power.

The Myriad Spirit Restriction appeared to grow more robust, showing no signs of breach despite the relentless assault from the Beast Temple and external artifacts.

"You are indeed clever."

After a prolonged silence, the Abyss Origin Soul cast a meaningful glance at Beilstein high above and left him with those words.

Subsequently, the colossal phantom soul he had formed, along with the dark soul sea presided over by the Great Demon God, surged into the still-present halo behind him.

The demise of the two Beast Gods, along with Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen, caused the dazzling halo at his back to reemerge.

This halo acted like a mystical gateway to his true location, enabling him to traverse various Myriad Spirit Restrictions.

Before long, the visage of Yu Yuan as the Abyss Origin Soul, the dark soul sea he had conjured, and the circles of radiant halos all vanished from this Myriad Spirit Restriction.

He had actually withdrawn from this foreign land!

"Has he left?"

"Just like that?"

"What exactly is happening?"

Everyone was baffled, unsure why he chose not to remain and oversee the unfolding events.

Could the Myriad Spirit Restriction, once under his dominion, withstand the Great Demon God Beilstein and Yu Yuan, who had unraveled the mysteries of the flesh and blood, after his departure?


The Beast Temple above continued to batter against the seal, depleting the Myriad Spirit Restriction's energy.

Sky Tiger, Zhong Chichen, and Loong Jie, empowered by his strength, unleashed their full might, wielding their artifacts to shatter the seal in a determined effort.

"Something's not right; this isn't like him."

Yu Yuan, with a somber expression, scoured the seal for any sign of the Beast God, straining his mind to deduce where he had gone and what clandestine plans he might be hatching.

That individual was not one to surrender without a fight. A master strategist with exceptional wisdom, he surely had ulterior motives for his departure.

"Let's all be on our guard."

Deprived of the azure-black sea of souls, Beilstein's demeanor shifted from his earlier composure to one of grave concern. "The Beast God's next moves will soon become apparent."

No sooner had he spoken than a wondrous event unfolded.

The surface of the Myriad Spirit Restriction shimmered with the magical manifestations of the Origin Spirits: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, the sun, the moon, stars, ice, and lightning. A dazzling array of symbols and patterns of laws and electricity emerged in a flash!

It became evident to all that the barrier of the Myriad Spirit Restriction was constructed in layers upon layers!

Though it appeared to be a single layer, it was, in fact, eleven thin layers superimposed upon one another.

It had always been eleven layers; it had never changed!

Suddenly, a vicious aura capable of engulfing all creation burst forth from the Myriad Spirit Restriction!

Yu Yuan's face contorted with alarm, and he blurted out instinctively, "Chaos Abyss!"

"Chaos Abyss!"

"Ah, is the Chaos Abyss about to manifest?"

At Yu Yuan's exclamation, everyone familiar with the dread of the Chaos Abyss mirrored his drastic change in expression, overwhelmed by a wave of intense fear.

And sure enough!

A torrent of cosmic energy from the Creation Pool began to rush madly into the Myriad Spirit Restriction!

The inhabitants of the Beast Temple and Phoenix Shrine, along with the Beast Gods standing outside, felt their own strength and vitality being siphoned away.

"Everyone, into the two sanctuaries! Take refuge in the Time Book!"

Beilstein's cry of alarm echoed from within the sealed area and throughout the Beast Temple.

Pandemonium reigned outside.

The Beast Gods and the black goat took shelter in the Beast Temple and Phoenix Shrine, respectively. Yuan Lianyao, Youyu, and Loong Jie, having remained still, swiftly slipped into the pages of the Time Book.

In an instant, the space outside the Creation Pool was left with only two temples, a vast expanse of purple sea, and a single Time Book.

Meanwhile, the ceaseless energy from the starry river poured into the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Within the Desolate Realm, a significant portion of the flesh and blood essence energy passed through the Myriad Spirit Restriction, drawn towards the mass of flesh and blood.

The remaining energy was rapidly purified by the Myriad Spirit Restriction, undergoing a process of cleansing, disintegration, and transformation.

Transformed into elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, as well as the sun, moon, stars, ice, and thunder, the Myriad Spirit Restriction held the astonishing power to consume all the energy within the starry heavens and the earth itself!

Moreover, it could transform energy into different attributes, much like Yu Yuan.

At this moment, the most transformed was the golden energy, nearly drained by Loong Jie as he ascended to supremacy.

This golden energy constituted at least half of the total energy undergoing transformation!

"It seems you've taken the wrong approach."

From within the Dragon Slash Platform, the Demon Phoenix Zhiya, peering through the clear surface, witnessed the external world's transformation. She observed the Myriad Spirit Restriction unleashing the mysterious powers of the Chaos Abyss, voraciously absorbing the vast energy of the Starfield where Yuen Bu and Creation Peak resided.

Yuen Bu and Creation Peak were already the richest training grounds in the Desolate Realm.

The stellar abilities here were naturally far superior to those of other Starfields, boundless and infinite.

The Myriad Spirit Restriction's recent consumption compensated for all deficits in a short time, replenishing all the various attributes of energy that had been absorbed, with a considerable surplus remaining.

Yu Yuan offered no rebuttal; he simply had no grounds to argue.

Given that the Myriad Spirit Restriction could collect and transform the powers of the cosmos, his plan to elevate Loong Jie and the others to supreme beings, to assimilate a surge of energy, was unfeasible.

This also indicated that Beilstein was correct.

His silence and inaction, his tolerance of the onslaught against Extreme Flame, even feigning exhaustion, all pointed to his tacit approval of the rise of the supreme beings.

Because he was confident in his ability to control them!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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