Unmatched Dominance/C2252 The Supreme Body Was Sent Back
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Unmatched Dominance/C2252 The Supreme Body Was Sent Back
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C2252 The Supreme Body Was Sent Back

The Demon Realm might be under attack, and the Origin Soul could be in peril!

Youyu and Yu Zhu, who share a profound connection with the Origin Soul, unexpectedly sensed a faint signal of distress from it within the Desolate Realm.

The signal was so weak that its origin was a mystery, yet they were certain it emanated from the Origin Soul.

"I must return!"

Youyu dismissed Yu Zhu's attempts to dissuade him and respectfully bowed to Zhong Chichen, earnestly pleading, "Mr. Zhong, I implore you to transport me back to the Demon Realm. It is my duty, and no matter what I face there, I will face it without regret!"

He then gazed at the heart stone in his hand with a sense of longing, and with determination said, "This Divine Stone that I was tasked with bringing into the Desolate Realm will now be yours."

Offering the heart stone to Yu Zhu, he hoped she would accept it.

He had faith that Yu Zhu could harness the potential of the heart stone, which originated from the Yin Meridian of the Origin Soul, and that it would flourish within the Phoenix Shrine of the Desolate Realm.


Yu Zhu hesitated, her expression one of reluctance.

"Hold on!"

In front of the Beast Temple, Beilstein fixed his gaze on the heart stone in Youyu's hand, observing the river symbolizing the Yin Meridian's source. He spoke with composure, "Both of you, including the Yin Meridian that is part of the Origin Soul, should not be able to detect any disturbances from the Demon Realm."

The group looked at him, perplexed.

"What do you mean?" inquired Youyu, eager to learn.

"The barrier between the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm, despite having weakened, remains impenetrable to the essence of souls."

"For tens of thousands of years, I have attempted to breach it to enter the Desolate Realm, only to meet with failure. This barrier is the polar opposite of the Abyss Gate; its ability to block out the soul's aura is unparalleled!"

While he explained, his counterpart within the Myriad Spirit Restriction approached the sealed barrier.

The Great Demon God pressed his palm, glowing like a purple demonic crystal, against the layered barrier. He wasn't trying to pass through it, but rather to sense the aura within the restriction.

After a brief pause, the Demon God spoke gravely, "The unusual aura you've detected could be a cry for help leaking from the Demon Realm, possibly emanating from the Myriad Spirit Restriction."

Yu Zhu and Youyu's faces turned pale in an instant.

Zhong Chichen was startled. "Does he have a connection with the Myriad Spirit Restriction wherever he is?"

"Exactly. Your feelings are accurate. He must be in the Demon Realm of the Origin Realm. He maintains a constant connection with the Myriad Spirit Restriction, allowing him to sense it even from the Demon Realm and transmit an aura through it, prompting your response."

Beilstein's expression grew grave. The deeper his understanding of the situation, the more he realized the extent of his omnipotence.

"Given that it's intentional, Youyu, returning would be futile and wouldn't help. Moreover, after the Demon Realm, the Cold Domain is next." Beilstein's mood darkened. He sighed and turned to Yu Yuan, still embedded in flesh, "You must act quickly. Once the Demon Realm falls and the Origin Soul is refined by him, his power will become even more formidable."

"Are you suggesting that the Origin Soul of the Demon Realm will be extinguished?" Lin Daoke asked, alarmed.

"Not extinguished, because the Origin Soul can be directly absorbed by him. Just like the Origin Soul of the vast ocean, it will become a part of him," Beilstein clarified, "He can absorb and devour any Origin Spirit related to souls. The ones that will perish are those within the Myriad Spirit Restriction, like metal, wood, water, fire, earth, sun, moon, and stars, which are irrelevant to him."


The Death Spring was situated in the Gal Starfield.

The colossal Creation Peak stood adjacent to the spring.

Mother Earth, now in a new body, along with the Secular Bird Queen, stood vigilant over the Death Spring.

Occasionally, the Light Origin Spirit would emerge from beneath the earth as the Light Star, exchanging a few words with Mother Earth.

"This spring is a lingering threat, both to the Desolate Realm and to you."

The regal Mother Earth, with her gentle and melodious voice, addressed Chen Qinghuang, who stubbornly remained on a meteorite away from Creation Peak, "If the individual on the other end can refine even the Death Origin Soul, he will inevitably transform the Desolate Realm into his own domain of death should he invade."

"He will transform the cosmic energy of the Desolate Realm into a ceaseless force of death that he can directly absorb."

"The Wraith Tree will soon proliferate throughout the various Starfields of the Desolate Realm."

The vision depicted by Mother Earth filled the Light Origin Spirit with dread, prompting it to exclaim, "Why did Yu Yuan leave the Death Spring for us to watch over?"

"I'm not sure," Mother Earth replied with a furrowed brow.

"If you want to destroy it, you should take it up with Yu Yuan, not complain to me," Chen Qinghuang said icily.

Despite being in the presence of Mother Earth, she felt no reverence. Having ascended to supremacy through the power of death, she was currently immersed in unraveling the mysteries of death she had acquired.

"The Abyss Lord won't heed my words," Mother Earth admitted with a sense of resignation.

Chen Qinghuang paid her no further attention.

Time passed.

After a prolonged silence, Mother Earth and Chen Qinghuang suddenly turned their gaze to the Death Spring.


A battered body with an intense chill emerged from the Death Spring, which connected to another realm.

Upon seeing the figure's face, both Mother Earth and Chen Qinghuang were visibly shocked.

"Yu Yuan!"

"It's the Yin God of Yu Yuan, no, it's his Undead Sovereign form!"

The Light Origin Spirit shrieked in terror.

Yu Yuan's Undead Sovereign form, now possessed by the Yin God, was common knowledge.

Could this wounded figure be the gravely injured Yu Yuan?

"I must inform Yu Yuan at once!"

The Light Star, where the Light Origin Spirit resided, blazed with brilliant light as it attempted to reach Yu Yuan's main Soul Altar.

But it discovered that an immediate connection with Yu Yuan could not be established.

"How odd..."

Mother Earth also murmured to herself.

They should have been able to sense Yu Yuan's Soul Altar. He had made it clear that, as long as they were in the Desolate Realm and had an urgent matter, they could reach him instantly.

With the Dragon Slash Platform and Mr. Zhong, Yu Yuan had no trouble traveling between the Gal Starfield and the Desolate Realm.

"The only thing that could block our connection to the Soul Altar is the Creation Pool!" Mother Earth quickly came to a realization and spoke with alarm, "He must be inside the Creation Pool right now!"

"Don't rush," Chen Qinghuang called out as she approached from a distance, gracefully landing before the Death Spring, right in front of Yu Yuan, who was lying motionless in the void.

This version of Yu Yuan was not made of flesh and blood. He appeared much more gaunt than his physical self and his Yang God counterpart. The chilling currents within him, mirroring the Grim River of the Origin Realm, were saturated with the essence of the Yin Sunflower.

Chen Qinghuang observed numerous ghastly wounds across his neck, forehead, and torso, yet not a single drop of blood was present. Instead, a frigid and eerie soul power seeped from the wounds, tinged with the scent of death.

Narrowing her eyes for a closer examination, Chen Qinghuang noticed an abundance of death symbols within Yu Yuan's brain, bones, and meridians, symbols she could effortlessly decipher.

"There's no sign of the Origin Soul," she mused before confidently asserting, "The death symbols remaining in Yu Yuan's body suggest that a fragment of his spiritual consciousness has been obliterated. Moreover, the other him, who has refined the Evil God Temple, is far more formidable and challenging to confront."

"Was it the one who bestowed upon you the power of death who sent Yu Yuan here?" Mother Earth exclaimed in astonishment.

Chen Qinghuang nodded, explaining, "The Origin Soul that possessed Yu Yuan, before vanishing, scrambled his soul, leaving him unable to awaken. Neither you nor I possess sufficient knowledge of the soul to assist in his awakening."

"Furthermore, even if he were to awaken, his memory of the events on the other side would likely be unclear," Chen Qinghuang added.

Suddenly, Creation Peak trembled gently, radiating a soft, luminous glow.

"Something is approaching, and there are two entities," Mother Earth announced, alarmed.

With a hiss and crackle, two slender spatial rifts tore open near the Death Spring. From within the fissures emerged a thick, ancient tome bathed in a rainbow-hued divine light and a grand, opulent palace.

Upon glimpsing the palace, Chen Qinghuang let out a piercing screech, transforming in an instant into the form of a verdant Divine Bird. Her expansive wings beat, casting forth ashen flames that carried the ominous intent to obliterate all existence.

That was the Phoenix Shrine!

In her eyes, the only one capable of wielding the Phoenix Shrine to traverse the void and instantaneously reach the Gal Starfield had to be the Demon Phoenix Zhiya!

She was her arch-nemesis and sworn enemy!

Whenever they encountered each other, a fight to the death was inevitable. There would be no exceptions.

This was true for both her and Zhiya.

However, when Yu Zhu emerged from the dome of the Phoenix Shrine, adorned in her opulent attire, Chen Qinghuang, now the embodiment of the Death Divine Bird, was taken aback.

Her gaze was icy, filled with blatant loathing, yet she refrained from striking Yu Zhu down immediately.


The Devil Soul of the Great Demon God Beilstein, residing within the Time Book, flashed a sinister grin, drawing everyone's attention.

"That Phoenix is ensnared in the Creation Pool. She won't escape anytime soon, if at all. Don't be so eager for battle." Beilstein counseled Chen Qinghuang, before materializing beside Yu Yuan.

Youyu, who had also arrived with the Time Book, clutched the heart stone tightly and followed in Beilstein's wake.

Meanwhile, Yu Zhu, standing atop the Phoenix Shrine, paid no mind to Chen Qinghuang's disdainful stare. She focused intently on Yu Yuan, tapping into the shrine's power to discern his true identity.

"It is Yu Yuan, but his essence is absent."

Beilstein, upon closer inspection, needed only a moment to confirm that the body of the Undead Sovereign no longer bore his soul's mark.

Yu Yuan's spirit was a maelstrom of confusion, his memories and understanding of the laws seemingly scrambled with intent.

Furthermore, there were traces of memories erased across several regions of his soul.

"Let's awaken him first."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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