Unmatched Dominance/C2262 Passing Through the Myriad Spirit Restriction
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Unmatched Dominance/C2262 Passing Through the Myriad Spirit Restriction
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C2262 Passing Through the Myriad Spirit Restriction

Every formidable being within and beyond the seal was awestruck by the anomaly within Yu Yuan's Soul Altar. The resplendent existence of the Soul Altar had revolutionized everyone's perception of the Origin Spirit, clarifying a profound truth—that the Origin Spirit could merge and coexist with others.

"I thought I would be unique," Loong Jie murmured, his head bowed in a moment of despondency. In the world, there had been no equal to his supreme mastery of the Golden Path; he was its ultimate destination and had once taken great pride in that fact.

Just then, a golden platform materialized within Yu Yuan's Soul Altar. Loong Jie was acutely aware that the Golden Path he had mastered, along with the myriad of ultimate golden secrets etched into his dragon heart and bloodline, were all present on that platform. Could it be that Yu Yuan was also a supreme master of the Golden Path? And within Yu Yuan's Soul Altar, there were no fewer than ten such platforms—ten layers in total!

"He truly is the key to confronting that adversary," the Great Demon God Beilstein mused, his voice tinged with a cough and his emotions tangled. He rejoiced for Yu Yuan, recognizing that the transformative power of the Soul Altar would significantly bolster Yu Yuan's odds in the impending confrontation. Yet, a tinge of melancholy touched him. Yu Yuan's current state made Beilstein, once the dominant force of the Origin Realm, hesitant to even claim the title of Yu Yuan's mentor.

Suddenly, at the very heart of the seal, Yu Yuan's Soul Altar underwent another wondrous transformation. With a whoosh, the platform bathed in the essence of ice and lightning surged upwards, now encompassing the celestial wisdom of the sun, moon, and stars, and the profound truths of the three Origin Spirits. It ascended miraculously, positioning itself just beneath the platform where souls converged, arriving at the eighth tier.

The Light Origin Spirit's crystalline stage was aglow with a constellation of stars, the sun and moon shining in unison, generating an immense propulsive force that propelled it even higher. It aspired to overtake the Soul and Blood platforms, aiming for the pinnacle of the Soul Altar. But with each attempt to rise, it met resistance as if striking an iron barrier, and each ascent ended in failure.

The integration of the soul and spirit on the Soul Altar reached an extraordinary level within the Origin Spirit. Despite its efforts to ascend, it remained firmly suppressed.

Soon enough, it settled down, ceasing its haphazard assaults.

"The varying heights of the platforms adhere to the cosmic order, reflecting the corresponding tiers and ranks of the Origin Spirits," Yu Yuan realized with clarity.

As the Light Origin Spirit stirred, dazzling displays of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, lightning, light, soul, and the mysteries of life manifested within the ten-tiered Soul Altar.

The platforms jostled and seemed eager to rearrange themselves, striving to reach higher.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Myriad Spirit Restriction, having expended a great deal of energy, was once again engulfed by the voracious power of the Chaos Abyss. Amidst the cacophony from the outside, the Myriad Spirit Restriction devoured another surge of stellar power.

It promptly initiated the transformation process.

The essences of water and stars, previously collected by Lvliu, Barol, and Yu Yuan, were the first to be transmuted by the barrier.

At this juncture, both Beilstein and Lin Daoke were convinced that the profound truths of the Dao, encompassing all Origin Spirits, would not vanish even after being comprehended by Loong Jie, Lvliu, and Barol.

This knowledge, a legacy of the Origin Spirits, would persist within the barrier. As long as the Myriad Spirit Restriction didn't implode into oblivion, it would remain eternal.

Only the energies corresponding to these truths, each with its own attribute, would dissipate within the seal.

The Myriad Spirit Restriction would then replenish itself by absorbing and converting the energies of the cosmos—whatever was lacking would be restored.

Whichever attribute of energy was most depleted, the Myriad Spirit Restriction would convert a greater amount of it when devouring the cosmic powers.

The energies of metal, water, and the intense flames, which had been significantly diminished by the creation of Yu Yuan's new three-tiered altar, were now fully restored after the Myriad Spirit Restriction's consumption and conversion.

At last.

With the establishment of the altars of gold, water, and fire, coupled with the harmonious fusion of soul and spirit, Yu Yuan's Soul Altar had firmly solidified into ten layers.

The base of the first tier was the earth, followed by the fiery red platform of the second tier, and the golden platform of the third.

Above these, the fourth tier was adorned with vegetation, the fifth with water, the sixth with lightning, and the seventh with ice.

The top three tiers were truly extraordinary.

The eighth tier's platform of light held the essence of the sun, moon, and stars, while the ninth tier represented the fusion of the soul and spirit.

At the pinnacle, the tenth tier was where Yu Yuan had refined the Origin Blood of the Desolate Realm. After integrating it with the Origin Blood from the Origin Realm, it still maintained compatibility with the life essence of the Abyss Origin Blood.

The three life essences of the same attribute merged into one on this platform, along with the fully refined Origin Blood of the Desolate Realm.

Beneath it lay the massive land-like structure that absorbed the terrifying flesh and blood produced by the Abyss.

This was the foundation of the life platform's immense power and strength, the reason for its lofty position.

It dominated the nine tiers below!

The "Soul Altar," towering ten levels high, hovered above Yu Yuan's head, radiating a demonic power that could captivate one's soul.

Within the seal, Beilstein and others, and outside the barrier, Loong Jie, Sky Tiger, and the Golden Deer were all overwhelmed with an impulse to bow down in reverence to this enigmatic "Soul Altar."

Lvliu and Barol, being in closer proximity to the "Soul Altar," actually felt an urge to prostrate themselves.

Their spirits, blood, and consciousness seemed to be under its influence.

"The tenth stage encompasses the laws and truths of numerous Source Spirits."

Yu Yuan declared, snapping Lvliu and Barol out of their trance. They exchanged glances, each recognizing the tremor in the other's heart.

"It appears that there are no longer any constraints upon me."

Yu Yuan sensed that the Myriad Spirit Restriction, which had been suppressing that mass of flesh, no longer held any sway over him.

"Dragon Slash Platform."

With a gesture, he summoned the Dragon Slash Platform, which had previously been in the possession of the Yang God, into his own true form's grasp.

Within the Dragon Slash Platform, the Demon Phoenix Zhiya gazed at him with her stunning beauty that could enchant all beings.

The astonishment in Zhiya's eyes was unmistakable.

Above Yu Yuan's head, the Soul Altar had become one with his soul, allowing him to grasp the profound Great Dao of the sun, moon, and stars, which he had etched onto the surface of light. He had also penetrated the truths of gold, water, and fire, crafting a brand-new tier from the three layers of the platform. Zhiya watched the entire process unfold clearly from the Dragon Slash Platform.

Throughout the entire event, Zhiya remained silent.

She was at a loss for words, unsure of how to assess Yu Yuan or even how to interact with him.

Yu Yuan had surpassed her comprehension. She could never have envisioned an existence like his, capable of creating a miraculous platform that harmonized so many of the ultimate mysteries of the Source Spirits.

The surface of the Dragon Slash Platform no longer swarmed with deep red Life Seeds, and Yu Yuan ceased to unfurl the profound mysteries of life on the Sky Screen within the platform.

Moreover, the Abyssal Lord, who had previously watched her with predatory intensity and would have furiously attacked at the mere scent of her presence, had not reappeared.

This indirectly indicated that Yu Yuan had harnessed a portion of the power from that massive expanse of flesh!

With this realization, Zhiya grew even more vigilant.

"I'll escort you out first," Yu Yuan offered with a casual smile.

The ten-story Soul Altar abruptly contracted into his sea of consciousness, and his true form radiated a divine brilliance nearly identical to the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

The aura enveloping his true form subtly revealed the elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, the sun, moon, stars, ice, and lightning, along with their true essence—mirroring the enigmatic light and shadows within the barrier.

At first glance, it appeared as though a miniature Myriad Spirit Restriction orbited around Yu Yuan's true form.

Though diminutive in scale, it was perfectly complete.

Yu Yuan's surrounding light contained every law, lightning strike, and Dao phenomenon found within the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

With a swift motion, his true form seized the Dragon Slash Platform and departed from the vibrant flesh.

"It's quite simple," Yu Yuan said with a toothy grin, pausing briefly in the direction of Lin Daoke, Barol, and the others before adding, "Breaking through another layer should also pose no issue with the seal's power."

Under the watchful eyes of Beilstein, Lin Daoke, Lvliu, Loong Jie, and a host of Beast Gods, he soared toward the resplendent barrier that had separated them.

In the blink of an eye, he was through.

The Myriad Spirit Restriction, possibly the most formidable seal in existence, could no longer contain him!

He materialized outside the Creation Pool, standing atop the heavenscape created by the Myriad Spirit Restriction. With a mere flick of the Dragon Slash Platform, Zhiya was propelled out by an overwhelming force.

Trapped for an extended period within that bizarre expanse of flesh, the Demon Phoenix Zhiya, who had nearly been drained of life, was at last released.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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