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"So this is the Desolate Realm!"

Qi Yunhong, who had been brought here by Yu Yuan from the true abyss, channeled the power within him, encircling the Thunder Divine Pool as he called out amidst the crackling lightning and thunder.

"The Desolate Realm!"

Yu Yiyi was equally thrilled.

She took in the unfamiliar Starfield, noting the dominant presence of blood energy, and frowned, "This place isn't right for me, nor is it conducive to the growth and advancement of the Evil Cauldron."

In the Desolate Realm, the blood energy in any Starfield was far more concentrated than in the Origin Realm.

However, soul energy was scarce in comparison.

For both her and the Evil Cauldron, the Desolate Realm was far from comfortable, and she was the first to sense the unease.

Crackle! Snap!

"I, for one, am fond of this world!"

Qi Yunhong's voice boomed as he left the Dragon Slash Platform behind, navigating the Thunder Divine Pool through the cosmos in search of formidable lightning forces. "This place, unlike that lifeless abyss, is a treasure trove that truly resonates with me!"

When he brought up the abyss, Yu Yiyi pondered for a moment before concurring, "True, anywhere is preferable to the desolate abyss."

"The desolate... Abyss."

At the Beast Temple, the Sky Tigers and the assembly of Beast Gods exchanged puzzled glances.

"The abyss you're familiar with is the one with seven layers," Qi Yunhong boasted as he clarified for them, "But the real abyss lies beneath that endless expanse of darkness, sealed off by an enigmatic barrier."

He glanced at the Myriad Spirit Restriction within the Creation Pool and grimaced, "It's just like the seal in there, only infinitely larger."

"Basically, the real abyss is devoid of life, a barren wasteland without a trace of energy to harness!"

Having been confined there for ages, Qi Yunhong harbored no fondness for that place. He ranted, "That godforsaken place is dead. There's nothing worth seeing or exploring. I strongly advise against going there."

His words cast an odd look on the faces of Zhiya, Lin Daoke of the Sword Sect, and those from the Demon Phoenix Sect.

They were intrigued by the true abyss, much like Beilstein, who sought to explore its depths. However, once Qi Yunhong described the conditions within, Zhiya and Lin Daoke quickly lost their enthusiasm.

Drifting through the Starfield, Qi Yunhong was brimming with curiosity. The massive branches and leaves of the Creation Wood swayed, eagerly absorbing the diverse yet powerful energies of the starry sky.

The Creation Wood, having expended a great deal of energy in the abyss, recognized the chaotic but formidable power of this place upon its arrival.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Each of its enormous leaves acted like a bottomless pit, voraciously swallowing up energy. The once withered, yellow leaves began to transform, taking on the vibrant green of jade and emitting a gentle, jade-like luminescence.

As it harnessed this energy and converted it into the essence of wood, it seemed to be on the cusp of a significant breakthrough. New, intricate patterns emerged on the vast leaves, signifying new secret arts of wood that were etched into its spiritual consciousness, becoming an integral part of its being.

"I... I might actually... advance!" it exclaimed with tears of joy, its voice echoing from Yu Yuan's "Soul Altar," causing ripples to dance across the verdant surface.

"Indeed, you're bound to evolve into a high-level Origin Spirit," Yu Yuan responded with a smile, sharing in its delight. "Each of the eight mighty Origin Spirits from the Myriad Spirit Restriction was exceptional. I'm convinced that the grass and wood Origin Spirit among them was already high-level. Having accessed its profound essence through me, you're naturally poised to surpass it."

"Thank you, I truly mean it this time!" The Creation Wood's joyful essence seemed to radiate from each leaf as it continued to express its gratitude.

"There's no need for thanks. When I was the Abyss Lord, you made your choice to stand with me," Yu Yuan replied with a serene smile.

Before the exalted Titan spinosaurus stepped into the Origin Realm, its status was comparable to that of the Abyss Origin Soul. In that shadowy realm, the Creation Wood and Mother Earth had always been intertwined. Yet, when faced with Yu Yuan during that era, they made different choices.

The Creation Wood opted for submission, candidly sharing its intrinsic truths of wood with Yu Yuan. Consequently, a layer of the "Soul Altar" was dedicated to it, and the Creation Wood was spared from calamity.

Mother Earth stood her ground, refusing to submit, and thus she perished.

Reflecting on this, Yu Yuan flashed a sinister smile and remarked, "Now that Mother Earth has been resurrected, she may not be so inclined to welcome you."

The one who was visibly agitated, having been replenishing the timber he had depleted in the true Abyss with the starry sky's power, grew anxious upon hearing this and quickly asked, "What should I do? If she refuses to accept me and holds me responsible, what then?"

"Yu Yuan, you must assist me! It's beneficial for both of us if I can merge with her and settle in her domain," the Tree of Creation pleaded desperately.

"Don't fret too much. She has now made the same choice as you," Yu Yuan reassured him with a smile.

With a flourish, Yu Yuan unfolded the Dragon Slash Platform, transforming it into a stand to support the Creation Pool, and once again suspended the pool, bound by the Myriad Spirit Restriction, in midair.

It was reminiscent of his journey from the Origin Realm.

"We're heading to the Gal Starfield."

Upon declaring this, Loong Jie, Lvliu, Barol, Qi Yunhong, Yu Yiyi, and the rest descended onto the Dragon Slash Platform.

"Mr. Lin," Yu Yuan greeted with a smile.

The Dragon Slash Platform, now bearing the Creation Pool, suddenly began to absorb the starry sky's energy as if it were the Myriad Spirit Restriction itself, cleansing and purifying the spiritual essence of the heavens and earth.

The surface of the Dragon Slash Platform, gleaming with a pearlescent sheen like the firmament above, served to cleanse and purify.

As the energy mingled with various essences seeped into the platform, it underwent another round of refinement.

To Beilstein and Zhiya, the Dragon Slash Platform at this moment bore a striking resemblance to the Boundless Great World where they had grown up.

The Boundless Great World, too, had refined pure spiritual energy from the powers of the Outland Star River, energy that any creature could absorb.

"The forging of your Yang God Sword must be done inside," Yu Yuan invited.

Lin Daoke, with an impassive face, glanced at Beilstein upon hearing this.

"What's with the courtesy?" the Great Demon God chided him with a glare.

Without further ado, Lin Daoke, unlike Loong Jie, Lvliu, and the others, did not take his place on the platform's surface but instead stepped into the microcosm within the Dragon Slash Platform.

Upon entering, he began to draw in the transformed spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth, incorporating it into the Yellow Court Little World for repeated refinement.

"I possess a Devil Soul in the Gal Starfield. As long as my true form isn't confined within the Myriad Spirit Restriction, I can communicate with that Devil Soul," Beilstein said with a chuckle. "I've never visited the Desolate Realm before. I'm planning to tour the various Starfields within it."

"The Desolate Realm is home to more than just the Beast Gods. I'm also curious about beings like Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen."

His words soured the mood of the Beast Gods gathered before the Beast Temple.

Zhiya cast a cold glance his way, warning, "You'd best not cause trouble in the Desolate Realm."

She was well aware that the Great Demon God, who appeared to take everything in stride, was far from benign. Numerous supreme beings from the Human Race and Demon Gods from the Demon Race had met their demise at Beilstein's hands.

Back in the Origin Realm, her focus had been on hunting Starry Behemoths, and Beilstein had no desire to see their kind resurge, which meant their paths rarely crossed. But on the few occasions they did clash, she had to rely on the strength of Lin Daoke or Tan Xiaotian to make a safe exit.

With Yu Yuan still asleep and the Yang God yet to ascend to Supreme status, Beilstein was the one she dreaded most.

Now, with Yuan Li gone and herself at the helm of the Beast Temple, she saw herself as the new sovereign of the Desolate Realm and was determined to prevent Beilstein from wreaking havoc.

"What I choose to do is none of your concern," Beilstein retorted with a laugh, then, after giving Yu Yuan a nod, he drifted away.

Whoosh! The sound echoed as Beilstein, clad in his Golden Dragon Armor and possessing a purple crystal demon form, released Devil Souls into the air as he departed.

These Devil Souls spread out in every direction, as if scouting the various corners of the galaxy.

Zhiya and the others witnessed firsthand how, after the Devil Souls scattered, they began to siphon faint soul energy from various regions.

It appeared this was one of Beilstein's unique methods of cultivation.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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