Unmatched Dominance/C2271 The Bewitchment of the Death God
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Unmatched Dominance/C2271 The Bewitchment of the Death God
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C2271 The Bewitchment of the Death God

The Death God's warning weighed heavily on Yu Yuan's heart.

Struggling to suppress the ninth level of the Soul Altar, he knew the Death God would seize the chance to possess him. Should the Death God successfully refine the Origin Soul from the Realm of Demons, her power would undoubtedly surge once more. The realization burdened him with immense pressure.

The significance of the Soul Altar's ninth level, as revealed by the Death God, was paramount.

With this in mind, he glanced at the vibrant, five-colored flesh and the Yang God resting upon it, thinking, "Soon."

Within his sea of consciousness, the Soul Altar was rapidly deciphering the Life Seed. It wouldn't be long before he fully grasped the true nature of the Origin Blood from the true Abyss.

When that moment arrived, he would use the Yang God to refine an infinite supply of blood energy. The exact nature of the transformation that awaited him was unknown.

Surely, the Origin Blood from the Three Realms, combined with that of the Desolate Realm, would suffice to keep the ninth level in check.

"Arthurs mentioned there's another Origin Blood in the Origin Realm. I recommend you refine it promptly. Grasping the laws of an Origin Spirit is entirely different from refining one. You must have felt the difference," the Death God advised.

"It's safer to refine the Origin Blood from both the Origin and Desolate Realms before tackling that piece of flesh."

The Death God, deep within the spring, continued to send clear telepathic messages perceptible to Yu Yuan.

"You've surprised me; you understand how to refine an Origin Spirit just like we do. Since you've started, why not go all the way?" Kurkova's voice, beguiling as a demon's, suggested, "We are kin. You could visit our world, or perhaps it won't be long before we come to see you."

Her seductive message was not lost on Yu Yuan, Beilstein the Great Demon God, or Chen Qinghuang.


With that, the grey shadow within the spring vanished.

Arthurs, her herald, did not reappear, and the spring remained still.

Elsewhere, the Death God seemed eager to swiftly eliminate the Origin Soul wreaking havoc in the Nether Domain, unwilling to squander her energy here.

Before fading away entirely, she imparted a message within Chen Qinghuang's mind through a unique method.

Another invitation was extended to Chen Qinghuang, but she remained unresponsive. She chose not to accompany her into the depths of the Death Spring, nor to the Nether Domain where she resided.

"It's all good now."

Beilstein glanced at Loong Jie, who, along with Lvliu and Barol, was gradually regaining composure. He huffed, "You all fall short compared to Lin."

Lin Daoke's complexion was ashen. His invasive power had been erased, leaving the Sword Sect Lord looking as if he had been through a severe illness—an ailment of the soul.

"Don't worry. As long as I'm alive, I can restore you to your former self," Beilstein assured with a smile. "I can take care of any soul injuries you have."

"Mm," Lin Daoke acknowledged with a nod.


Yu Zhu, hovering above the Phoenix Shrine, softly called out to Yu Yuan. When he turned his attention to her, she said with a hint of resolve, "I need to return and assist my mother."

With Yu Yuan's Undead Sovereign body unharmed and her main body freed from the Myriad Spirit Restriction, she felt it was time to depart. She was aware of her mother's grand ambitions and the need for her support, as well as for the Phoenix Shrine.

Upon receiving Yu Yuan's nod, the Phoenix Shrine under her command shimmered with dazzling light, becoming the first to depart the Gal Starfield.

After her and the Shrine vanished from the Starfield, Chen Qinghuang cast a glance at Yuan Lianyao and the Great Demon God Beilstein, then addressed Yu Yuan, "I have other matters to attend to."

In a flash, she transformed into a streak of gray-white lightning and sped away, indifferent to the fate of the Death Spring.

"At some point, she will launch an unexpected counterattack against the Demon Phoenix," Beilstein, clad in the Golden Dragon Armor, predicted as he emerged from the Spring and dispatched a Devil Soul to hover in the void.

The group observed in silence, and when the Devil Soul remained intact, the Great Demon God breathed a sigh of relief, chuckling, "It seems I won't have to worry about him for a while."

With Beilstein unscathed, Lin Daoke, Loong Jie, Lvliu, and Barol all withdrew from the vicinity of the Spring.

Mother Earth posed the question, "Should we preserve this Spring or obliterate it?"

Once the Death God of the Nether Domain has processed the spiritual consciousness of the Origin Soul, the tendrils of the thirty-six worlds will inevitably extend to the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm. They've already planted the Death Spring within the Gray Domain. The recent flurry of activity there signals their malicious intent.

Beilstein, with a furrowed brow, added, "Had it not been for his dispatching of Arthurs and that banner, their actions would have been even more pronounced."

The Great Demon God, usually so full of pride, seemed somewhat resigned discussing this matter.

Yu Yuan had informed them about the crafting method of the Evil God Temple. Should the Origin Soul fall to the Death God in the Nether Domain, the temple might be lost as well.

This would hasten the adversary's maneuvers against the Origin Realm.

Yet, it was Yu Yuan's concern for his own demise that compelled him to strike such a bargain.

"For the time being, let's hold off on destroying it," Yu Yuan decided.

There were no dissenting voices.

"Come with me."

Yu Yuan gestured towards the Myriad Spirit Restriction, signaling to Yuan Lianyao, "In the true depths of the Abyss lies another flame from the fire origin soul. You're now ready to enter and assimilate it."

"My turn at last!"

Yuan Lianyao beamed, undaunted by the prospect of not returning, and immediately soared into the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Entering the seal was effortless; she vanished into it in an instant.

As soon as she materialized within the seal, myriad flames, drawn by her presence, swirled around her.

Unlike Loong Jie, Lvliu, and Barol, she was already a true supreme being before her arrival. Her body's enigmatic aura caused the flames' true essence and energy to actively seek fusion with her.

In an instant, the pinnacle of Fire Dao Law was etched into her soul and bloodline.

The seal's fiery essence was swiftly depleted by her intrusion.

Then, Yu Yuan stepped in with his true form, and with the aid of the Dragon Slash Platform, effortlessly extracted her.

It all transpired so rapidly that before the others could even grasp what had happened, Yu Yuan had already escorted her out.

"I'm off to the Ashes Starfield for a bit!"

She darted towards the Flame Battlefield docked on the fringes of the Gal Starfield. Propelled by the Three-legged Golden Crow, the chariot surged toward the fiery heart of the Desolate Realm.

As the Three-legged Golden Crow pulled the chariot, its bloodline surged, breaking through barriers in flight and ascending to a Tenth Level Beast God.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Myriad Spirit Restriction, now devoid of its fiery energy, once again unleashed the power of the Chaos Abyss, attempting to engulf any cosmic energies within its reach. Yet, it came up empty.

The Starfield had been rendered desolate, akin to the true Abyss itself, after the Wraith Tree converted its death energy and Chen Qinghuang, along with the Death Spring, had departed with it. This barren place was now the ideal setting to shatter the Myriad Spirit Restriction, for there was no longer any energy to consume or transform.

"Loong Jie, Lvliu, Barol, you shall consume all the golden energy, the essence of water, and the light of the stars contained within the seal," Yu Yuan commanded. "Since they're destined to be shattered, it would be wasteful to let them go unused. Better that you devour them."


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