Unmatched Dominance/C2272 Returning to the Cold Domain
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Unmatched Dominance/C2272 Returning to the Cold Domain
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C2272 Returning to the Cold Domain

In the Origin Realm's Cold Domain, the Origin Blood Continent, crimson as blood, had become the epicenter of this realm. The Divine Soul Sect's formidable experts, including several who had ascended to the rank of Divine King, were all present here.

Beyond the Origin Blood Continent, the Star Race, Dark Elfkind, Bright Clan, and other groups were dispersed among the stars of the Cold Domain.

Those warriors who had suffered persecution had found refuge in the Cold Domain, scattered across various stars.

Majestic new palaces rose across the Origin Blood Continent.

"I wonder what the situation is like outside," Taishi mused, standing before the palace with a grave look. With the aid of Origin Blood, he had forged a new body using the Life Seed of the Blood Devil Clan. Once his Primordial Spirit took residence, he assumed his current form.

His Blood Devil body, housing the Primordial Spirit, was now the essence of Taishi. This new form bore little difference in appearance from his previous human incarnation. However, the configuration of his dantian and internal organs was distinct from that of humans.

He had abandoned the practice of absorbing the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth, refining it within the Yellow Court Little World. Instead, he harnessed the rich blood energy of the Origin Blood Continent to temper his bones and bloodline. With the accelerated growth provided by the Origin Blood, he had advanced to the Ninth Level and was nearing the Tenth Level.

With a whoosh, Tan Xiaotian descended onto the Origin Blood Continent atop his Dark Cushion, looking travel-worn and hasty.

Taishi, Tianqi, Ann Ziqing, and other preeminent members of the Divine Soul Sect immediately turned their attention to him.

Since Beilstein and Lin Daoke had vanished after crossing the realm wall into the darkness, Tan Xiaotian had become the most formidable presence in the Cold Domain. Weary of his confinement, he would sometimes venture out with the help of Ji Ningshuang to gather intelligence on the outside world for his comrades.

"The situation is dire," Tan Xiaotian announced, his black garb mirroring his somber tone. His brow furrowed as he continued, "The Demon Domain has been obliterated. The Creation Continent, which should have emerged in the Starfield of endless darkness, has appeared and laid waste to the Demon Domain. That Starfield has been named the Creation Starfield, and many races fleeing the Abyss are now migrating there."


The Demon Lord gazed at the assembled crowd, pausing momentarily before revealing, "He has informed Han Miaoyuan and the other pinnacle beings that he now possesses the power to elevate those supremely powerful individuals loyal to him to the status of Eleventh Level Supreme Masters."


"How can that be?"

"Has he become that powerful?"

Members of the Divine Soul Sect, including the Divine Kings, the Chaos Roc, and other unique entities like the Spinosaurus, were stunned by the revelation.

"Not all, only those of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and the celestial bodies of the sun, moon, and stars."

As Tan Xiaotian spoke, he glanced toward the fissure beneath the Origin Blood Continent, adding, "After the Demon Domain, it seems likely that the Cold Domain will be next."

A sense of foreboding weighed on everyone.

With Yu Yuan absent, and the fates of Beilstein and Lin Daoke unknown, along with Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, and others having vanished in the Desolate Realm, the question loomed: how would they withstand the impending threat of the Cold Domain?

"At present, the true state of affairs in the Desolate Realm eludes us. Separated by two realms, it's challenging to discern what has transpired there, and we're also in the dark about whether Yu Yuan has unlocked the mysteries within the Creation Pool."

Taishi's expression was one of concern as he inquired, "And what of the Gray Domain?"

"I dare not approach the Gray Domain."

Tan Xiaotian expressed his helplessness with a shake of his head, "From what I've learned, the Origin Realm, aside from our Cold Domain, has fallen under his dominion."

After a brief silence, Tan Xiaotian let out a weary sigh, "My urgency in returning to the Cold Domain was driven by another matter."

"What is it?" Taishi pressed.

"The Darkness Origin Spirit, along with the Creation Continent, now resides in the Land of Annihilation within the Demon Domain. It can limit and bind me; I no longer dare to roam freely within the Origin Realm." Tan Xiaotian's brow furrowed as he continued, "My creator seems to be in a rush, as if desperate to augment his power and rank."

Unknown to the Demon Lord, the Darkness Origin Spirit had sensed that its adversary, the Light Origin Spirit, had undergone an extraordinary enhancement. This was a result of Yu Yuan's transformative experience at the "Soul Altar," where he had integrated the mysteries of the sun, moon, and stars into the Light Stage.

Feeling an intense crisis, the Darkness Origin Spirit was fraught with unease.

"Let's wait a bit longer. If Yu Yuan doesn't show up soon, we may need to consider alternative plans," Taishi declared.

Xuanli, Taixu, Tianqi, and Ann Ziqing exchanged bewildered glances, each pondering, "What alternative plans could there possibly be?"

When Loong Jie, Barol, and Lvliu harnessed energy using the Myriad Spirit Restriction, Yu Yuan steered the Dragon Slash Platform to the seal hovering over the true Abyss once more. The Creation Continent was nowhere to be seen. Above the seal lay absolute darkness.

"It's not above," he muttered.

Gazing upward, Yu Yuan's eyes pierced the luminous barrier, allowing him to scrutinize every detail within the dark expanse. Yet, there was no sign of the Creation Continent.

The fragments of land that had plummeted were now silent in the true Abyss, devoid of any energy.


Mastering the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan effortlessly transcended the seal and materialized in the profound darkness below.

Here, the purest soul energy mingled with the deepest darkness energy, along with the chilling soul force from the Demon Territory. Standing motionless in the dark, he could absorb energy through the ninth level of the Soul Altar.

The Creation Continent was absent, as were the Darkness Origin Spirit and It.

Nevertheless, Yu Yuan was aware that any movement within the Myriad Spirit Restriction would not escape Its notice.

His presence in this darkness would surely be accounted for.

The soul energy flowed into his Soul Altar like a deep sea, filling him to the brim in an instant.

The ninth level of the Soul Altar, invigorated by the influx of soul energy, grew restless, seemingly eager to challenge the status of the tenth level.

He then remembered the warning from the Death God, Kurkova, not to allow the ninth level to ascend further.

In this place rich with soul energy, he felt the ninth level of his Soul Altar reaping immense benefits—surely a development the Origin Soul would appreciate.

With a huff, Yu Yuan soared above the darkness.

The previous seven layers of the Abyss were now utterly barren.

The land that once radiated light had vanished, yet faint illumination still filtered down due to the fractured Abyss Gate.

The seven layers of the abyss had lost their former brilliance, shrouded in darkness. The familiar abyssal energy was gone, as were the laws and profound mysteries he once wielded.

The domain he had once firmly ruled as the Abyss Lord was now thoroughly ravaged by that individual.


With a heavy heart, he descended deeper into the abyss.

Upon locating the icy barrier, he hesitated no longer. Passing through it, he emerged into the Cold Domain.

In the blink of an eye, he utilized the Dragon Slash Platform to traverse the void, appearing above the Origin Blood Continent.

Below him, the world he knew had been transformed by Taishi, who had used his mastery of earth to forge a palace akin to the Divine Soul Sect's headquarters.


The Origin Blood Continent quaked subtly.

As everyone looked up and saw the Dragon Slash Platform, they recognized that Yu Yuan, long awaited, had returned.

"Yu Yuan!"

Joyful exclamations filled the air.

Jee Ningshuang, who was guarding the opposite border of the Cold Domain, sensed his presence and rushed to meet him.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Within the depths of the blood-red canopy encircling the entire Origin Blood Continent, a multitude of new Life Seeds emerged and vanished, stirred by Yu Yuan's arrival.

These vanishing Life Seeds, embodying profound truths of life, had already left their mark on the subterranean Origin Blood.

Deep within the earth's core.

Within a suspended blood-colored prism, a shapeless blood shadow slowly materialized, and beside it, a crystalline shadow gradually took form on the icy wall.

Life's new truths began to spark to life within the many prisms, manifesting as crimson lightning.

This left the Origin Blood filled with uncertainty.

As Yu Yuan's true form appeared, giving rise to the Origin Blood infused with seven emotions and six desires, it immediately sensed an overwhelming and terrifying presence above its own.

Upon recognizing this aura, it reached an astonishing conclusion.

The being from the Desolate Realm, which it had intended to assimilate and consume, had already been refined by Yu Yuan.

What was Yu Yuan's intention in returning this time?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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