Unmatched Dominance/C2277 It Didn't Matter
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Unmatched Dominance/C2277 It Didn't Matter
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C2277 It Didn't Matter

On the Origin Blood Continent, a startling development unfolded.

"The barrier between the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm has been shattered by the Demon Phoenix," Tai Xu announced, having received a message from Yu Yuan. He addressed the gathered crowd on the surface, "Henceforth, the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm will be freely accessible, without any hindrances. I advise everyone to remain within the Cold Domain and avoid unnecessary travel."


"The realms are interconnected?"

The news sent shockwaves through the crowd, who had been anticipating Yu Yuan's appearance. They were left pondering the dire consequences that might follow the merging of the two realms.

"It doesn't make sense. Why would she do this?" Xuanli murmured, trying to make sense of the situation. "Yuen Bu is dead, and so is the Origin Blood from the other side. The Beast Gods haven't fully united yet. With the realms connected, the power of the Origin Soul could seep through. It seems like she's at a loss."

The crowd shared a moment of collective confusion.

The Desolate Realm was critically weakened; it stood no chance of mustering new forces to strike at the Origin Realm.

After seizing the Demon Domain, a new pinnacle was on the horizon. How could the surviving Beast Gods of the Desolate Realm possibly contend with the forces under its command? The barrier between the realms had been a check against the Devaputra and the Demon Phoenix. Its destruction defied all logic.

Suddenly, a nondescript stone in the palace behind Tai Xu burst apart without warning. An intensely black light sparkled from within the stone before vanishing into thin air.

"Tan Xiaotian left a spy behind!" Canli declared, her face set in a frosty mask.

"I no longer need Yu Yuan. I'm heading to the Desolate Realm on my own!" Tan Xiaotian's boisterous laughter echoed from a distant corner of the cosmos, "Ji, I've found my own way out of the Cold Domain. You needn't bother seeing me off."

Upon learning of the newfound passage between realms, Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian wasted no time in departing.

"I..." Canli's anxiety was palpable as she stamped her foot in frustration. "He's not planning to invade the Desolate Realm and destroy the Source Spirit that could elevate me to Sovereignty, is he? I've heard that each Source Spirit needs a suitable vessel to manifest its power. The Desolate Realm lacks any members of the Bright Clan. I fear Tan Xiaotian might do something drastic in his madness!"

The Chaos Roc spoke with a grave tone, "Tan Xiaotian is certainly capable of that!"

"To avoid being overshadowed by you, he might just go through with it!" Beru added, his anxiety palpable.

Lin Daoke stated impassively, "There are still two Yu Yuans out there."

The group instinctively turned their attention to him.

"The Desolate Realm is teeming with new Sovereigns—Loong Jie, Barol, Lvliu, Youyu, Yu Zhu, and Beilstein are all present," Lin Daoke elaborated, "It's not a problem."


The vastness of the cosmos.


A fresh, azure-black Primordial Spirit emerged from the depths of the earth, soaring directly towards the Sword Sect on the Heavenly Source Continent.

Many onlookers watched the new Primordial Spirit as it descended upon the Sword Sect.

"Uncle-Master Fan!"

"Uncle-Master Fan has returned to the Primordial Spirit!"

Cheers erupted from the Sword Sect.

The elders and disciples watched as the greenish-black essence settled on the mountain where Van Heqing was honing his swordsmanship.

This was not the first occurrence.

Shortly after being stripped of a source by Zhiya in the Outland Star River and plummeting from the highest echelon, Van Heqing reconstructed his Primordial Spirit.


In the cave, Van Heqing observed the transformation within his sea of consciousness, his expression growing increasingly solemn and puzzled.

His Primordial Spirit and Yin God had miraculously merged!

His cultivation level not only remained intact but had also advanced.

His Primordial Spirit, a sword token etched with numerous marks, had now become tangible due to the source.

Previously, though his Primordial Spirit and Yin God coexisted in his sea of consciousness, they never mingled. There was never a hint of fusion.

Indeed, after he had forged his Yang God, he stopped refining his Yin God.

Yet now, as he condensed a new Primordial Spirit with a fresh source, his Primordial Spirit and Yin God instantly unified!

"Throughout the vast history, many have reached the zenith as Primordial Spirit Beings, but never has there been such a precedent."

Van Heqing was profoundly shaken. Unsure whether this development was fortuitous or ominous, he made haste towards the Profound Sky Sect amidst the Sword Immortals' felicitations.

In the vast expanse of the Heavenly Source Continent, above the Silver Moon Sect, fragments of stars scattered throughout the sky, radiating an astonishing sword intent.

"Jun Chen!"

Shi Jing'er from the Babel Chamber of Commerce called out softly.

At that moment, Duan Yisheng, Tan Junshan, and other formidable figures were gazing at the fragmented stars, tuning into Jun Chen's presence.

These fragments were the Yang God Fragments that Jun Chen had shattered himself, marking his distinct path of cultivation.

As the most esteemed guest of the Babel Chamber of Commerce, Jun Chen was known for practicing the sword path, yet his earliest foundations lay in the Star Sect's stellar Dao.

Jun Chen had once believed that with Jee Ningshuang of the Sword Sect and his mastery of the stellar Dao, he would never attain divinity in his lifetime.

But when Jee Ningshuang shattered her divine status and a part of her essence departed, choosing to refine her physique with the Blood God Cult's secret arts and concentrate on the Great Dao of Extreme Cold, Jun Chen realized his opportunity had arrived.

Recently, Reid, the High Priest of the Outland Devaputra, made a personal visit to the Tia Main Planet.

He declared that Jun Chen could ascend to godhood through the Dao of the stars and, given Jun Chen's innate talent, he even had the potential to reach the pinnacle of supremacy, promising to lay out this path before him.

The allure of becoming supreme obliterated all hesitations!

Initially resistant, Jun Chen was eventually persuaded by his father, Duan Yisheng, and Tan Junshan to accept the offer.

And now, his breakthrough had been a success.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The star fragments coalesced back into Jun Chen's Yang God and integrated into his body from the sky.

Everyone waited and then saw Jun Chen emerge from the mountain stream with an odd look on his face.

"Jun Chen, what's the matter?" Shi Jing'er inquired anxiously.

Duan Yisheng, struggling to contain his thrill, watched Jun Chen in silence.

Tan Junshan gave Jun Chen a curious look and questioned, "What about your Yin God?"

"It has fused with the Primordial Spirit."

Jun Chen's demeanor was stern, his eyes betraying his bewilderment as he turned to Tan Junshan, "When you achieved the highest realm, did your Primordial Spirit and Yin God also become one?"

Tan Junshan paused momentarily before releasing his Yin God, which shimmered like moonlight, and said, "My Primordial Spirit and Yin God have always remained separate. They've never fused into one."

At that moment, Tan Junshan's expression shifted as he exclaimed, "I've got it!"


Duan Yisheng and Shi Jing'er looked at him, clearly perplexed.

"Jun Chen, let's go meet Senior Han!"

Shortly after, Tan Junshan and Jun Chen made their way to the Profound Sky Sect, where they encountered Van Heqing and Yue Mu from the Sword Sect.

Like Jun Chen, Van Heqing had merged his Primordial Spirit and Yin God upon returning to the highest realm.

Both were seeking answers from Han Miaoyuan.

"It must be the Origin Soul of the Demon Territory," Han Miaoyuan surmised, pausing briefly before asking them, "How do you feel?"

Jun Chen, newly ascended to the highest realm, considered for a moment and replied, "Pretty good."

Han Miaoyuan then turned to Van Heqing.

"Excellent, it's even better than before," Van Heqing reflected, his voice carrying the weight of his dual experiences. "The union of the Primordial Spirit and Yin God has made me more powerful than I was previously."

Han Miaoyuan nodded in acknowledgment.

"Senior Han, he made a promise to me when he sent Reid to find me."

Jun Chen, now elevated to the Supreme Realm, noticed Van Heqing and Yue Mu were present and spoke with an icy demeanor, "He agreed to let me seek vengeance against Lin Daoke."

At these words, a flicker of sorrow crossed Tan Junshan's eyes as he responded, "As for Lin Daoke, once I ascend to the Supreme Realm with the power of the moon, I will be the one to challenge him. It's not your place, Jun Chen!"

"Why must you two go through this?" Duan Yisheng lamented with a pained expression.

Lee Sha of the Silver Moon Sect, upon her return from beyond the heavens, was slain by a single sword strike from Lin Daoke.

Lee Sha was Tan Junshan's beloved, and as the Moon Sect Master, her death was a matter of honor for the entire Silver Moon Sect.

Both Jun Chen and Tan Junshan shared the same goal: to take down Lin Daoke.

Libre Baskerville
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