Unmatched Dominance/C2278 The Butterfly's Nest!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2278 The Butterfly's Nest!
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C2278 The Butterfly's Nest!

Han Miaoyuan remained silent.

Beside him, Duan Yisheng earnestly tried to dissuade Tan Junshan and Jun Chen from fixating on killing Lin Daoke.

He had a nagging suspicion that even if they ascended to supreme status, they might still fail to defeat Lin Daoke.

Yet, despite his efforts, Tan Junshan and Jun Chen's resolve to pursue Lin Daoke was unshaken.

Van Heqing, usually a man of few words, looked upon the pair with a gaze filled with pity and gently shook his head, which only deepened Duan Yisheng's sense of frustration.

Yue Mu, who had recently risen to the Supreme Realm, chimed in with a grin, "You two, wasn't Lee Sha's death a consequence of her own actions? And let me add, it was Senior Han who consented to Senior Ji taking over the vacant Supreme Elder seat after Senior Gu's passing."

The typically laid-back Yue Mu gestured towards the quiet Han Miaoyuan and teased, "Shouldn't you be seeking revenge from him?"

"It wasn't him who struck the blow," Jun Chen said, furrowing his brow.

Tan Junshan's expression turned grave as he cast a glance at Han Miaoyuan, acknowledging that he wasn't entirely blameless.

"Shut your mouth! If Little Lin Zi wants Ji's Supreme Elder position, how could I refuse?" Han Miaoyuan shot Yue Mu a fierce glare, silencing him, before forcing a chuckle and adding, "Tan Junshan, I've already died once."

His words implied that he had paid his dues.

"Enough, let's leave," Duan Yisheng insisted, pulling Tan Junshan and Jun Chen away to prevent any further confrontation with Han Miaoyuan at the Profound Sky Sect.

"Don't mind them."

Once the trio from the Silver Moon Sect had left, Van Heqing expressed his confidence, "I have faith in the Sect Master's prowess in battle!"

Yue Mu smiled, "My intentions were good, actually. I find Tan Junshan and Jun Chen rather unfortunate. Imagine if, after their hard-earned ascension to the Eleventh Level, they were to be cut down by the Sect Master in just two strikes—wouldn't that be squandering our resources?"

He gave Han Miaoyuan a mischievous wink and added cheerfully, "Isn't that right, Senior Han?"

"Am I supposed to thank you now?" Han Miaoyuan retorted with a cold huff.

"It's only right; it's what I'm supposed to do," Yue Mu said, dismissing the matter with a wave of his hand.

Van Heqing was taken aback. "Do you mean that even after they've reached the Eleventh Level Supreme, they're still no match for the Sect Master?"

Yue Mu shrugged nonchalantly. "Honestly, even if I were to ascend to the Eleventh Level Supreme through the Great Dao of Water, I wouldn't dare to engage in a fight to the death with the Sect Master."

"Heh, but I'd willingly face Tan Junshan or Jun Chen in a life-or-death battle!"

As Van Heqing pondered this, Yue Mu turned to Han Miaoyuan and said, "Senior Han, the Sect Master has heeded your advice for tens of thousands of years. Maybe you should seek out the Sect Master and persuade him to return to our Sword Sect to lead us once again."

With that, he gestured for Van Heqing to follow him, and they departed.

Back at the Sword Sect, once they were alone, Yue Mu's expression grew somber. "Jun Chen mentioned earlier that... he has been given permission to seek revenge against the Sect Master. Regardless, I truly hope the Sect Master survives."

"You're concerned about the Sect Master?" Van Heqing inquired, sensing the implication.

"Neither Tan Junshan nor Jun Chen could kill the Sect Master, not even as Supreme Beings. But..." Yue Mu sighed, "Now that your Primordial Spirit and Yin God have merged, his power must have grown stronger. It suggests he's assimilated the Source Soul."

"You're not worried he might overhear us?" Van Heqing asked, alarmed.

"He has no use for fools, and he's not as petty as you think. What does it matter if he overhears? He knows I would never abandon the position of Supreme Being. I'm bound to him," Yue Mu said with a casual air. "Boss Gu is gone, and Old Lu too. Cough, cough..."

After a brief pause, he continued, "Let me speak frankly, and please, don't take offense. Boss Fan, the Demon Phoenix killed Lin Yu and Old Lu with such ease. By all accounts, you shouldn't have survived. Could you tell me if the Demon Phoenix showed you mercy, or if there's another reason?"

Van Heqing pondered for a moment before shaking his head. "I'm not sure myself. It's just that... sometimes, I feel like she spares me a glance."

Yue Mu was startled. "What do you mean by 'look at you'?"

"I feel like she's watching me from somewhere," Van Heqing said with some hesitation. "After I fell to the Unrestrained Stage, I never had this sensation. But once I ascended back to the highest level and my Primordial Spirit merged with the Yin God, I started feeling it."


In the Cold Domain, Yu Yuan, who had delved deep beneath the surface of the Origin Blood Continent, finally emerged once more.

Casting a glance at the crowd of people waiting anxiously, his eyes settled on the small spinosaurus. "You, go down for a moment," he instructed.

The Titan spinosaurus, whose lineage had reached the Tenth Level, stood before him in human form, with purple-gold dragon horns crowning its head and a broad, muscular frame that radiated a fierce, commanding presence.

Confused by Yu Yuan's command, the small spinosaurus asked, "What for?"

"The Origin Blood now has the power to forge another Eleventh Level supreme being," Yu Yuan explained with a smile.

The small spinosaurus shook with excitement as fine lightning flickered in its purple-gold eyes.

The others watched in amazement.

Could it be that after Yu Yuan's Yang God, another supreme being was about to ascend to power through the force of life?

"Don't delay. The Origin Blood is more potent than it was before. Once you ascend, you're bound to exceed your forebears. I foresaw this day when I first hatched you," Yu Yuan said with an encouraging smile.

"Thank you, Father!" The small spinosaurus bowed deeply to Yu Yuan, eyes brimming with gratitude.

With a whoosh, he transformed into a beam of purple-gold light and sped down the fissure to the depths below.

In that moment, everyone sensed his profound recognition of Yu Yuan, perhaps even surpassing that of his true bloodline. He regarded Yu Yuan as his father.

Yu Yuan, witnessing the scene, was then addressed by the Chaos Roc, who made a 'thoughtful' proposition. "Everyone seems to have a shot at becoming a supreme being. What about me? Why not eliminate Lvliu and let me ascend to supremacy on this divine path?"

Just then, a star in the Outer Star River suddenly blazed brightly.

Yu Yuan looked up in surprise, only to discover that it was the ground beetle.

The ground beetle, too, was evidently eager to ascend to the Eleventh Level. It sought the same path as Barol, but regrettably, it hadn't ventured into the Desolate Realm, missing out on a prime opportunity.

"We can discuss this later. The future may hold new opportunities. Besides, there are worlds beyond the Desolate Realm and the Origin Realm that merit our thorough exploration," Yu Yuan offhandedly reassured everyone, effectively boosting their spirits.

He then turned his attention to Canli, Chen Liangquan, and Elena.

"Tan Xiaotian has headed to the Desolate Realm!" Canli announced.

"Don't concern yourself with him. Once the Taishi bloodline reaches a stable Tenth Level, I'll take both you and him to the Desolate Realm," Yu Yuan replied with a smile. "Rest assured, we'll definitely get there quicker than Tan Xiaotian."

Canli breathed a sigh of relief at his words.

Yu Yuan went on to explain to the group that he needed to understand the profound truths of life left by the Origin Blood within the true abyss.

His goal was to accelerate his progression, which is why he had come to the Origin Blood Continent. The subterranean Origin Blood was aiding him in achieving his rapid advancement.

The group had many questions about the Desolate Realm, all of which he answered in detail.


Suddenly, Yu Yuan's brow quivered; he sensed something and murmured to himself, "She actually went there."


In the Origin Realm, amidst the tumultuous void streams.

Initially seduced by the Origin Realm God, Arthurs, he later pledged loyalty to the wise Pei Yuling, becoming the leader of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan in a holy site deep within the streams of spatial light.

Currently, he sat in meditation beside a resplendent sacred lake, purifying his bloodline and refining his soul.

Many members of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan had come to accept his leadership, regarding him as an equal to Rovi.

His veins coursed not only with the essence of the Void Spirit Succubus bloodline but also with the exalted might of the Protoss.

Suddenly, a graceful figure emerged within a fissure.

Pei Yuling and several elders of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan gazed upon this exceedingly beautiful woman, their faces registering surprise.

"An envoy of the Protoss?"

One of the Void Spirit Succubus elders, puzzled, turned his gaze to Pei Yuling.

He was aware that Pei Yuling had once discreetly departed, apparently on a clandestine visit to the Vast Ocean.

In the Origin Realm, the Protoss, Devaputra, and Evil God were also hunting the Void Spirit Succubus outside the sacred lands. However, Pei Yuling's journey to the Vast Ocean changed everything, leading to the acceptance of all the Void Spirit Succubus.

"I used to want to kill your forebears but could never quite manage it. Now, thanks to you, Pei Yuling, I've found my way," the woman said with an icy demeanor and a mocking tone. "You merged with an original force and became its servant, saving the Void Spirit Succubus. It's such a shame that you, a member of the Boundless Human Race, have become something neither human nor ghost."

Pei Yuling, who had become a non-human entity after consuming the blood of the Void Spirit Succubus, shivered uncontrollably. "Demon Palace Sovereign!"

This was his first encounter with the Demon Palace Sovereign in human form. He had never been worthy of meeting Zhiya before, and her appearance back then was nothing like the seamless beauty she presented now.

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