Unmatched Dominance/C2282 Just a Step Away!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2282 Just a Step Away!
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C2282 Just a Step Away!

Tan Xiaotian strode away with effortless grace, vanishing into the depths of the Death Spring.

The radiance that Creation Peak had emitted swiftly faded with his abrupt departure.

Clearly, the Light Origin Spirit was caught off guard by Tan Xiaotian's decision.

Yet, the Light Origin Spirit realized that with Tan Xiaotian gone, both it and Canli could rest easy.

Without Tan Xiaotian, the Darkness Origin Spirit lacked a suitable vessel for possession. Even with the Origin Soul's incursion into the Desolate Realm, it posed no threat to Canli or itself.

"He's just left?" Yu Yiyi was bewildered.

"He has his pride," Yu Yuan remarked gently.

The outcome of the struggle between light and darkness was determined when the Light Origin Spirit merged with the laws of the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

Canli, nurtured by the Light Origin Spirit, was destined to outshine Tan Xiaotian once she ascended to supremacy.

Due to Yu Yuan's influence, Canli and her patron, the Light Origin Spirit, might refrain from striking at Tan Xiaotian, allowing the Dark Supreme to coexist.

But could someone as proud as he truly accept this?

He believed that while the Darkness Origin Spirit at his back could lose, he himself refused to be defeated!

He would never concede that he, Tan Xiaotian, was inferior to Cadorath, let alone to Canli, a mere greenhorn!

His sole ambition was to fully assimilate the Darkness Origin Spirit to achieve another breakthrough.

Regrettably, the Origin Soul, allied with the Darkness Origin Spirit, had become the mightiest Origin Spirit across all realms, forever entrenched within the core of the Creation Continent.

Seeing no glimmer of hope, unwilling to wait for Canli to eclipse him, and even less inclined to be consumed by the Darkness Origin Spirit, he searched in vain for a power in the Origin Realm, Desolate Realm, and the silent Abyss that could propel him further. His last hope lay in the perilous Nether Domain.

Driven to pursue his grand path, he was aware of the dangers that lay ahead, yet he chose to face them with no regrets.

"A true titan of the Vast Expanse," Qi Yunhong mused, as he neared his ascension to the pinnacle after refining the massive lightning vortex. Watching Tan Xiaotian resolutely dive into the Death Spring, he felt a kinship with the audacious figure, "I've always admired him. He is the undisputed sovereign of the Vast Expanse, far surpassing Han Miaoyuan in might."

Youyu, who had been eager to settle a score with Tan Xiaotian in the Desolate Realm, was taken aback when the latter unexpectedly entered the Nether Domain without any forewarning. With a furrowed brow, he expressed his hope, "May we meet again someday."

"Apart from the Origin Soul, he's the first to willingly venture into the Nether Domain," Yu Yuan remarked.

Arthurs had been dispatched to the Nether Domain on the Origin Soul's command, wrapped in a banner flag. Meanwhile, Zhong Chichen, deeply engrossed in understanding the essence of the void, was quietly whisked away by an entity on par with the Death God.

Kurkova had extended numerous invitations to Chen Qinghuang, all of which were declined.

Only Tan Xiaotian, fully aware of the stark differences between the otherworldly realm and the Origin Realm, Desolate Realm, and Abyss—replete with mysterious and sinister forces—chose to plunge in with unwavering resolve.

"Yu Yuan, how much longer will it take?" Taishi inquired while standing atop Creation Peak, feeling the mountain's immense divine power of the earth, and urged, "You must refine that flesh quickly, or we risk complications."

Tan Xiaotian's departure hadn't surprised him in the least. He seemed to have anticipated Tan Xiaotian's true intentions for traveling to the Desolate Realm, understanding his refusal to bow to anyone.

"Not much longer," Yu Yuan replied. His true form and his "Undead Sovereign" persona were positioned at opposite ends of the Creation Pool. Speaking through his true form, he explained, "On my way here, there were several disturbances on the ninth level of my Soul Altar, which forced me to divert my focus to quell them. That's the reason for my delay."

He had planned to unravel the mysteries of the Abyss Origin Blood using the Soul Altar's power before reaching the Gal Starfield from the Cold Domain.

His encounter with Tan Xiaotian in the Perish Starfield had caused a slight delay. Subsequently, the Soul Platform's ninth level experienced repeated disturbances, compelling him to pause his contemplation of life's truths and concentrate on subduing the unrest.

This was why he had fallen behind.

"We must press on; I sense that... He is nearly upon us."

As Taishi's words faded, he delved into the depths of Creation Peak, letting his thoughts flow freely, "Please grant me access to a more advanced level of Earth Divine Power. I, Taishi, will forever be grateful."

"I don't need your gratitude; fulfilling my promise to Yu Yuan is enough," Mother Earth declared with a light huff.

Instantly, the profound secrets of the earth, perceptible only to Taishi, transformed into streams of light that surged into his limbs and merged forcefully into the depths of his soul.

Within various caverns of Creation Peak, Canli and Taishi simultaneously embraced the ultimate Dao Laws of the Light Origin Spirit and the Darkness Origin Spirit.

Meanwhile, Yu Yuan settled down once again at the edge of the Creation Pool.


Phoenix Starfield.

This vibrant Starfield, shaped like a phoenix in flight with outstretched wings, was defined by two nebulous starry expanses that formed the bird's broad wings.

Stars and land were scattered across these celestial seas, casting a resplendent glow.

The "neck" of the phoenix was a diamond-shaped tract of land.

At this moment, that slender diamond-shaped land was awash with luminous spatial light.

The unique starry river seemed as if it had been sliced by countless silver blades, leaving numerous fissures in its wake.

The Phoenix Shrine, embodying Zhiya's ultimate dignity, nestled within the largest of these rifts, bathed in the cascade of countless light rays.

The Sky Tiger, golden giant deer, iron-wing bird, Beast God, and Dark Gold Beast were diligently ushering a host of powerful alien beasts from the Phoenix Starfield into the shrine.

Among them were various Ice Phoenixes, Fire Phoenixes, and Golden Phoenixes, though their bloodlines were not particularly distinguished.

"Why does the Hall Master want us to do this?"

The Sky Tiger gazed upon the grand Phoenix Shrine and the scattered meteorite fragments near the sacred hall, voicing its puzzlement: "Is there a deeper purpose?"

This was the chaotic void within the Desolate Realm.

Following Zhiya's guidance, Yu Zhu, with the newly imparted void secrets from Zhiya, crafted a chaotic space within the void's crevices of the Desolate Realm.

Subsequently, they began relocating the alien beasts from the Phoenix Starfield into this space.

When the barriers between the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm crumbled, the Phoenix Shrine fiercely drew in a surge of spatial abilities. The recent instructions from Zhiya on crafting a chaotic space allowed Yu Zhu to effortlessly conjure such a wondrous realm with the power of the Phoenix Shrine.

This place, while within the Desolate Realm, stood apart as an entity unto itself.

"I'm not sure either. Mother simply instructed all key members of the Demon Palace to enter here first," Yu Zhu explained.

"It feels like we're seeking refuge," the golden giant deer shook its head.

"Refuge?" The Sky Tiger pondered, then said, "Earlier, I sensed a call beckoning me to the Origin Realm. Thankfully, I was able to resist the summons quickly."

"It's the influence of the Phoenix Shrine at play."

Yu Zhu nodded gently and explained, "Without the Phoenix Shrine and this chaotic void, I would have struggled to resist the call. But you, you managed to easily avoid it because you don't prioritize refining your beast soul, and your physical strength far surpasses that of the beast soul."

"We didn't feel anything," stated the golden giant deer, the iron-wing bird, and the Dark Gold Beast Beast Gods in unison.

"It really doesn't concern you," Yu Zhu responded coolly.


That day.

Boom! Thunderous booms echoed!

Within Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness, the ninth level of the Blood Platform stirred once more.

The upheaval on the ninth level compelled Yu Yuan to concentrate all his mental and willpower on the tenth level of the Blood Platform to prevent any alteration of the levels.

He recalled the Death God's warning: he must never allow the Soul Platform to rise to the highest tier of the Soul Altar.

He was just one small step away from fully unraveling the life secrets contained within the Abyss Origin Blood on the tenth level of the Blood Platform.

Once he succeeded, he could imprint the true essence within the Yang God, allowing the Yang God to control the flesh within the Creation Pool and directly commence the refining process.

Hua! Hua! Hua!

The layered barriers of the Myriad Spirit Restriction began to vanish silently.

One layer, two layers, three layers, seven layers!

The Light Star, Mother Earth, Jianmu, and Youyu, all felt the tremors from the seal within the Creation Pool and observed the Myriad Spirit Restriction with keen interest.

The heart of the seal, where Yang God Yu had been seated upon the multicolored flesh, abruptly stood up.

Yang God Yu's face was etched with grave seriousness.

A thought passed from Yang God Yu to his true form and his Undead Sovereign body.

"I need to suppress the ninth platform!" Yu Yuan's true form declared.


His Undead Sovereign body swiftly drifted to the Dragon Slash Platform and instructed, "Qi Yunhong, Yu Yiyi, enter the Dragon Slash Platform first! Taishi, Canli, stay put inside Creation Peak!"

"Youyu, you should be alright since your body lacks any flesh and blood essence, but still, stay vigilant!"

"The Myriad Spirit Restriction is on the verge of collapse. It's he who is making the Myriad Spirit Restriction vanish. That mass of flesh is about to emerge!"

Yu Yuan urgently warned.

Each of his words landed like a hammer blow to everyone's hearts, causing a stark change in their expressions.

Simultaneously, Yu Yuan was also preoccupied with summoning Beilstein, Loong Jie, Barol, Lvliu, and Yuan Lianyao through his "Soul Altar."

"Everyone, be on your guard. A great calamity is imminent. That mass of flesh will soon break free from its seal!"

The supreme beings who received his Soul Sound suddenly realized that Yu Yuan could control their movements.

"Aren't you supposed to be able to control it?" Loong Jie quickly sent a message back.

"Just one step away, only one step!"


The final layer of the dark blue barrier of the Myriad Spirit Restriction within the Creation Pool vanished abruptly.

The layers of seals enveloping the flesh were laid bare to the Gal Starfield just as Yu Yuan was on the cusp of fully deciphering the life secrets of the Abyss Origin Blood.

Within the sealed realm, what appeared to be a small chunk of multicolored flesh, upon the disappearance of the seal, revealed its true form, astonishing everyone.

It was even more massive than Creation Peak!

Not as towering, it resembled an expansive multicolored sea of flesh, filling a quarter of the Gal Starfield.

The aura it emitted had the power to warp all flesh to its utmost strength!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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