Unmatched Dominance/C2285 The Suggestion of the Great Demon God
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Unmatched Dominance/C2285 The Suggestion of the Great Demon God
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C2285 The Suggestion of the Great Demon God

"No matter how strong he is, there's no way he's without weaknesses!"

A spark of excitement flickered in Beilstein's eyes.

The disaster that struck the Desolate Realm seemed to have no effect on him. His fighting spirit remained undiminished as he pondered how to confront the Origin Soul.

He was perpetually optimistic and brimming with confidence, regardless of the setbacks and hardships he faced.

Yu Yuan found it difficult to dampen his spirits with harsh words.

Beilstein's soul power surpassed that of Youyu, the Undead Sovereign. If he attempted to strike at that entity, he likely wouldn't make it to the Creation Continent or the vast expanses beyond. The moment he showed up in the Origin Realm's Starfield, the Origin Soul would be alerted to his presence.

The Origin Soul was his inborn adversary!

None of his divine abilities or secret arts related to the soul had any effect on this foe.

"Teacher, there's no point in exhausting yourself."

After watching him scratch his head in deep thought without success, Yu Yuan advised, "Don't try to take him on with your strength. It's simply not feasible."

"Let me think, don't rush me!"

Beilstein shot him a look of annoyance.

As the Great Demon God continued to deliberate, the five-colored flesh rampaged through two more Starfields of the Desolate Realm, claiming even more lives.

Wherever the massive flesh went, it left nothing but extinction in its wake, with countless dead souls emerging.

He seized the moment to lay down the Path of the Undead. In the Starfields now devoid of life, he rewrote the soul laws to his own design, preparing them for the instruction of future species.

Then, one day, Beilstein suddenly slapped his thigh and smiled broadly, "I've got it!"

Yu Yuan's true self was still quelling disturbances on the ninth level of the Soul Platform within his sea of consciousness.

His Undead Sovereign avatar, left behind in the Creation Pool, was untroubled, prompting him to inquire, "Is there a method we can use?" He wasn't overly hopeful.

"I get your concern; I'm not in a position to pose a threat to him," Beilstein said with a chuckle, clarifying this before continuing, "But the Death God, Kurkova, managed to annihilate a fragment of his spiritual consciousness in the Nether Domain. Another fragment, fused with the Evil God Temple, might also be wiped out by the Death God."

"Hmm, that one seems capable of causing her harm," Yu Yuan concurred.

"Moreover, the contaminants within me, as well as those within Loong Jie and the others, have been wiped clean by the Death God's power. This clearly indicates that the Death God from the other realm poses a real threat to her!" Beilstein declared with certainty.

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuan nodded in agreement, but then added, "Once the spring vanishes, we'll lose our ability to contact the Death God."

"That spring was forged by Chen Qinghuang. If she could craft the first one, she can certainly forge another!" Beilstein's logic was impeccable. "We can create a new spring in a different part of the Desolate Realm, have Chen Qinghuang communicate with her, and obtain the deathly power she grants. We'll say it's to confront that individual."

"I'm confident the Death God would consent."

Beilstein continued, now with a grin, "And you have access to the Myriad Spirit Restriction, the newly formed one on the Creation Continent. With the Dragon Slash Platform, you can leap right in with ease!"

"The Myriad Spirit Restriction serves as the primary defense, while the second layer is the boundless darkness."

"I suspect that the ultimate darkness, which once eternally hovered above the true abyss, has vanished due to the Creation Continent's departure and the distancing of the Darkness Origin Spirit."

"That profound darkness has likely shifted to where the Creation Continent now resides, possibly merging into its deepest reaches."

"Therefore, we still have to breach the most formidable darkness."

He glanced down at Creation Peak, letting out a sly chuckle.

He went on to say, "The Light Origin Spirit has transcended the Darkness Origin Spirit in rank. Once the Bright Clan's young maiden ascends to supreme status, you'll persuade the Light Origin Spirit to temporarily inhabit her, bringing her along to the Dragon Slash Platform."

"My strategy is simple: use the Dragon Slash Platform to swiftly enter the Myriad Spirit Restriction, breaking the seal to penetrate the darkness. Then, the Light Origin Spirit, possessing Canli, will cut through any dark obstruction."

"Once you confront him, let the Secular Bird Queen unfurl her wings and sprinkle the embers of death to severely wound him!"

"With that, he will undoubtedly be too preoccupied to pay you any mind!"

Beilstein finally revealed his plan.

Initially, Yu Yuan was skeptical, but after listening to Beilstein, he remarked, "Teacher, if your plan can be executed smoothly, it really seems like it could be effective."

"Nonsense!" Beilstein huffed. "It's settled then! You need to prompt the Light Origin Spirit to expedite Canli's ascension to Sovereign. After that, convince both the Light Origin Spirit and Canli to allow a temporary possession by the Light Origin Spirit. Given its timidity, you'll likely need more time to persuade it."

"I'll handle Chen Qinghuang," he added.

With a whoosh, a Shrouded Tower flew out from Beilstein's sleeve.

He chuckled as he took his seat, and as the Shrouded Tower touched down, it unleashed a wave of spatial turbulence.

"A Shrouded Tower?" Yu Yuan exclaimed in surprise.

"This is one of Yuan Li's relics," Beilstein boasted with pride. "During my travels across the Starfields of the Desolate Realm, I discovered Yuan Li's hidden treasury, and this Shrouded Tower is just one of the treasures within."

"Heh, leave the Secular Bird to me. And don't trouble yourself with creating a new spring—I'll take care of that and persuade the Death God of the Nether Domain," Beilstein declared confidently.

"I have no idea where Chen Qinghuang has gone. Do you?" Yu Yuan asked, puzzled.

"I do," Beilstein replied.

With those words, he boarded the Shrouded Tower and vanished into the void.

Moments later, Mother Earth, with her extraordinary form, manifested atop Creation Peak, saying, "His ideas are truly out of the box, planning to harness the Death God's power to confront the Abyss Origin Soul."

"If he actually succeeds, it could severely wound the Origin Soul!" Her eyes glinted with animosity.

The leaves of the Tree of God rustled softly, conveying to Yu Yuan that the Light Origin Spirit's fear of the Origin Soul meant that convincing it to possess Canli and venture to the Creation Continent to pierce through the boundless darkness was no simple task.

"Yu Yuan, we should leave the Gal Starfield and find a new one," Mother Earth suggested. "This galaxy is devoid of any natural energy. It was once filled to prevent the Myriad Spirit Restriction. Now that it's gone, and the flesh and blood have departed, there's no reason for us to stay here any longer."

Beilstein made his stance clear: "Let's select a location where the star energy is abundant."

"Then to the Phoenix Starfield we shall go!" Yu Yuan declared.


In the Origin Realm, within the Cold Domain.


A thick wall of ice, like crystalline glass, was punctured by a purple-golden blade.

Dense purple demonic energy immediately seeped through the fissure into the Cold Domain. At the tip of the purple sea, now in the form of a phoenix, an indescribably beautiful figure emerged.

She stood at the forefront of the purple sea, her immense power radiating outward, intimidating all the formidable beings in the Cold Domain.

With a scoff, she coldly uttered, "Origin Blood Continent."


The purple sea stirred, creating captivating ripples of seven colors, which made the vast distances of the starry sky seem but a mere finger's breadth away.

In a blink, she and the purple sea materialized in the outer reaches of the Origin Blood Continent.

"The Demon Palace Sovereign!"

"How did she get here?"

Within the Origin Blood Continent, the Divine Soul Sect's powerhouses, along with the Chaos Roc, the ground beetle, and the distant Monolith Tortoise, were all thrown into disarray at the sudden appearance of this figure.

The fearsome Origin Soul hadn't reached out towards the Cold Domain after its assault on the Demon Domain.

Instead, it was the Demon Palace Sovereign who had arrived.

This individual, who had once commanded the Demon Race and the coalition of alien beasts, had previously launched an assault on the Dim Starfield, nearly engulfing the source of the Yang Meridian. The memory of that event was still fresh in everyone's minds, and now, unexpectedly, she had come here alone.

Elsewhere in the Cold Domain, atop other stars, Denise, Elena, and many other powerful beings from different races, regardless of what they were previously doing, all halted and turned their gaze towards the Origin Blood Continent.

The arrival of the Demon Phoenix in the Cold Domain held a significance not much less than an invasion by the Origin Soul.


Below her, from the depths of the purple sea, came a roar that seemed to split the heavens.

With the roar, the blood-red light barrier encircling the Origin Blood Continent shattered.

Infinite blood shadows and crimson light rivers burst within the barrier, transforming into clusters of blood-colored Flowing Flames that vanished into the heart of the Origin Blood Continent.

Numerous interwoven bloodline laws also fractured in the void, no longer able to shield the Origin Blood Continent.

The deep red star, once concealed by the light screen, was now laid bare for all to see.

"This is the second time."

Nostalgia flickered in Zhiya's youthful, phoenix-like eyes.

She vividly remembered the last time she set foot on the Origin Blood Continent and the myriad challenges that had confronted her.

Back then, Yu Yuan and Ji Ningshuang had intercepted her, along with the Great Demon God Grec and a host of Blood Devils, not to mention the assistance of Reid, a formidable Devaputra.

She had engaged in a fierce battle of wits and strength with Yu Yuan to penetrate the blood-red barrier.

Years had flown by since then, and now, with a mere roar from within the Purple Sea, she had shattered the blood-red barrier, fully revealing the Origin Blood Continent.

She had grown far stronger than before.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Tianqi, Taixu, Ann Ziqing, Xuanli, and the other paramount warriors of the Divine Soul Sect shot into the sky as the blood-colored barrier cracked open.

The Divine Kings looked on with expressions of deep solemnity.

In Yu Yuan's absence, having taken Taishi and Canli with him, and with Tan Xiaotian having departed on his own, the Cold Domain was left without any notable powers. The ice crystal seal that had long protected the Cold Domain was evidently ineffective against Zhiya.

Everyone was aware of Zhiya's formidable nature, having been informed by Yu Yuan that she was a supremely powerful being who had ascended through the force of life itself.

She had always been the most powerful in the vast expanses, second only to Beilstein in the Origin Realm. Moreover, she had never held the Divine Soul Sect in high regard.

It was precisely because of their understanding of Zhiya's fearsome reputation that everyone was on edge, uncertain of her intentions.


With a face etched in bitterness, Taixu reluctantly stepped forward to greet Zhiya.

As a Blood Demon hosting his Primordial Spirit, Taixu could sense the limitless menace emanating from Zhiya. His smile grew even more strained as he inquired, "May I ask the reason for your visit?"

"I'm extending a courtesy to Yu Yuan. I want everyone on the Origin Blood Continent to evacuate immediately," Zhiya declared, her tone icy.

Her gaze paused on the Chaos Roc, and she remarked, "You truly are of no use. Lvliu has ascended to supremacy, yet you remain unchanged."

The Chaos Roc was seething with anger but dared not voice it.


Tai Xu mused for a moment, attempting to reach out to Yu Yuan, who was far off in the Desolate Realm, from within the Cold Domain.

"When I arrived, I sealed off this section of the starfield," Zhiya said with a sneer, her lips curling in contempt. "My potent demonic powers are restricting the outer reaches of the Cold Domain, so you won't be able to make contact with him."

She turned her gaze to the Origin Blood Continent and declared icily, "You once denied me your complete life sequence. You wouldn't allow me to ascend to supremacy, and you even interfered with my absorption of the Yang Meridian's source. My purpose in coming here is to consecrate you through refinement!"

Her true target was the Origin Blood Continent!

Libre Baskerville
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