Unmatched Dominance/C2289 The Appearance of the Extreme Cold and the Source Blood
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Unmatched Dominance/C2289 The Appearance of the Extreme Cold and the Source Blood
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C2289 The Appearance of the Extreme Cold and the Source Blood

In the Cold Domain.

"Lin Daoke!"

"Lin Daoke!"

"The Sword Sect Lord is truly formidable!"

Cheers erupted throughout the Starfield simultaneously.

The Primordial Spirit Sword shattered the purple barrier, clearing the way for the Origin Blood Continent to glimpse the clear sky, while a Yang God Sword penetrated the realm's wall, annihilating the demonic energy shrouding the Cold Domain.

Lin Daoke's actions had sent shockwaves throughout the world.

The little spinosaurus and Jee Ningshuang, one burrowed deep into the earth and the other stationed amidst the palace ruins, watched the Demon Phoenix with a cold, unwavering gaze.

Suddenly, the little spinosaurus tuned into a faint whisper from the Origin Blood.

He paused, then broke into a mocking smile at Zhiya, "Lin Daoke's Yang God Sword has breached the seal you placed on the outer world. My father's true form in the Origin Realm is now aware of your presence in the Cold Domain."

Hovering above the violet sea, Zhiya stood in solitary grace, her visage a portrait of icy severity.

She had been scrutinizing Lin Daoke's Primordial Spirit Sword, marveling at its extraordinary properties. But upon seeing the little spinosaurus's sneer and hearing Yu Yuan referred to as "my father," the venom in Zhiya's phoenix eyes intensified, "What does it matter if he knows?"

"Hehe, my father has traveled to the Phoenix Starfield."

The little spinosaurus's grin turned vicious, "If you dare to cause trouble in the Cold Domain, he'll be in the Desolate Realm's Phoenix Starfield, eradicating your Phoenix Tribe. Even those Beast Gods loyal to you, hiding in the deepest crevices of the void, cannot escape his wrath!"

At these words, Zhiya fell abruptly silent.

She could not detect Yu Yuan's presence, nor was she aware that Yu Yuan's Soul Altar could track her movements and location.

Yet, she was acutely aware that Yu Yuan and the Origin Blood had a connection.

She hadn't anticipated that Yu Yuan, so distant across the vast starry river in the Desolate Realm, could still communicate with the Origin Blood.

The fact that the little spinosaurus, whom she had entrusted Yu Zhu to guide through the tumultuous void, spoke thus, meant that it was no fabrication.

Yu Yuan was indeed in the Cold Domain at this very moment!

"Interesting," remarked the Chaos Roc of the Star Race's domain, channeling its magical power and divine abilities. Once the purple light screen had shattered, it could discern the subtle movements on the Origin Blood Continent and hear the Spinosaurus's deliberate, strange laughter.

"The Demon Phoenix is fiercely protective and won't easily sacrifice its own," the Chaos Roc mused, feeling at ease. "It seems that Yu Yuan's appearance in the Demon Phoenix's lair within the Desolate Realm will effortlessly defuse the crisis in the Cold Domain."

"I hope that's the case," Denise replied.

In the vastness of space beyond the Origin Blood Continent, Divine Kings like Tianqi and Xuanli felt a surge of excitement at the Spinosaurus's laughter, believing the Demon Phoenix's frenzy should now come to an end.

"I don't care what you're planning, but I won't stop our fight," Lin Daoke declared, his divine form towering as he brandished the Primordial Spirit Sword in one hand while the other hand made a dismissive gesture.

The Yang God Sword, having penetrated the realm wall of the Cold Domain and shattered Zhiya's confinement, now flew back through the sword hole.

With a swift motion, the Yang God Sword returned to Lin Daoke.

"This so-called Starry Forbidden Ground no longer needs to exist," Zhiya proclaimed before her exquisite figure vanished into the depths of the purple sea.

The purple sea erupted into chaos, the blood waves roiling and twisting within the dark purple demonic energy. The vicious creature, long in preparation, seemed poised for action. As Zhiya vanished, it rapidly transformed, growing in strength and ferocity.

Before long, in the starry expanse outside the Origin Blood Continent in the Cold Domain, it took on the misty form of a phoenix. The demonic energy on the creature's wings shone with massive purple orbs like stars, suggesting the presence of newly formed miniature worlds, complete with their own suns and moons.

Anyone familiar with the Phoenix Tribe's ancestral lands and the current Phoenix Starfield where Yu Yuan resided would recognize the similarities in the surging purple sea.

The Chaos Djinn, born from Zhiya's influence within the purple sea, bore a resemblance to the Phoenix Starfield. It remained unseen, but its size, bolstered by the purple sea, quickly surpassed that of the Origin Blood Continent, becoming the most colossal being in the Cold Domain.

The Chaos Roc, the diminutive spinosaurus, the ground beetle, and the Monolith Tortoise paled in comparison to its massive size.

The overwhelming blood energy it radiated exceeded the combined total of the four Starry Behemoths!

It was even mightier than the Origin Blood found within the Origin Blood Continent.

"She didn't want to stop!"

The Chaos Roc was astounded, thinking, "Is this madwoman going to completely disregard the alien beast clans of the Phoenix Starfield?"


Zhiya's piercing shriek suddenly emanated from the vicious creature within the purple sea.

The moment the sound emerged, the fundamental laws of the Cold Domain were forcibly rewritten, the shriek slicing through the crystalline barrier like countless razor-sharp blades.

Crack! Crack!

The crystalline barrier, which enveloped the Origin Realm, was punctured by the vicious creature's screeching.

The Cold Domain was laid bare!

"She's lost her mind, she's truly gone mad!"

The ground beetle, now in its colossal beast form, looked toward the direction from which Tan Xiaotian had come, filled with terror at the thought of the boundless darkness about to engulf them.

In a brief span of time, the Cold Domain would be overrun by the power of the Darkness Origin Spirit.

The most dreadful evils lurked in the infinite depths of darkness, and the Cold Domain was on the brink of ruin due to the Demon Phoenix!

"Ah, it's no more!"

The exceedingly anxious ground beetle suddenly noticed that the boundless Divine Land of Darkness, which had lain beneath the seven abyssal layers, had vanished.

All darkness had receded.

Beneath the vast, empty starry sky remained only a grand, resplendent seal, with the true abyss lying beneath it.

"Shatter again!"

Zhiya's scream could penetrate stone, rend the void, and obliterate any barrier.

The Origin Blood Continent began to fracture abruptly.

Mountains collapsed, the earth cracked into fragments, and lakes and rivers fell apart.

It was as if an unseen divine hand was diligently dismantling the Origin Blood Continent, tearing off pieces of the deep crimson surface and shifting them aside.

Amidst the billowing smoke and rising dust, Jee Ningshuang, who had been concealed deep within the earth, was the first to emerge.

Behind her stood an immense, vertical prism-shaped ice crystal.

Innumerable ice rocks and frigid meteorites hovered around this prism-shaped ice crystal.

Enveloped in a white fog, the crystal continued to radiate a divine brilliance.

The ice crystal was the embodiment of extreme coldness, spiritual consciousness, and the fusion of laws, representing the original form of the Origin Spirit of Extreme Coldness. Within its innermost core, blood-colored lightning occasionally flashed, illuminating the stalactites that dangled within the heart of the crystal.

Shaped like a prism, the ice crystal stood mountainous, with its internal stalactites resembling those found in an ice cave, each blood-colored prism brimming with the profound truths of life and the arcane secrets of bloodlines.

Extreme Coldness and Origin Blood were thus revealed to the world, and to Zhiya's gaze.

"I'm going to possess you now."

A frigid consciousness emanated from the prism-shaped ice crystal, sending a piercing cold light straight for Ji Ningshuang's brow.


Zhiya's voice rang out icily from the purple sea.

Massive blood-colored runes, reminiscent of the script she had devised for the Demon Race, emerged within a sphere of light in the purple sea, embodying the ultimate truths of the Great Dao.

The cold light, a gathering of spiritual consciousness, was silently obliterated by her single command.

She had vanquished the consciousness of extreme coldness, ensuring Ji Ningshuang's clarity of mind.

"All I desire is the Origin Blood, not the protective Origin Spirit of Extreme Coldness."

Zhiya's voice emanated with a chilling edge from within the purple sea, "Ice girl, I advise against disrupting my plans. I can shatter the ice crystal symbolizing extreme coldness and leave the refinement to you. As a supreme being, if you can reverse the process and forge your own extreme coldness, your potential achievements will be beyond measure."

"Moreover, your growth and breakthroughs could aid Lin Daoke. And your power of extreme coldness possesses formidable destructive force against him."

At this pivotal moment, she was cunningly attempting to drive a wedge, aiming to divide the spoils of Origin Blood and extreme coldness with Ji Ningshuang.


In the Phoenix Starfield, Yu Zhu bowed her head and declared, "I cannot allow you to ruin my mother's legacy. If you wish to slay all the alien beasts concealed within, you must kill me first."

Her words prompted the spatial rifts to seal shut.

Only one final rift remained, leading to the chaotic streams of space she had forged, and she stood guard at its mouth, preventing Yu Yuan from entering.

It was then that Yu Yuan realized why Zhiya had the audacity to continue her reckless actions, even after his threats.


Libre Baskerville
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