Unmatched Dominance/C2291 The Forbidden Area of Desolate Realm
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Unmatched Dominance/C2291 The Forbidden Area of Desolate Realm
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C2291 The Forbidden Area of Desolate Realm



Xue Jiu and Han Miaoyuan exclaimed in surprise upon witnessing the scene at the edge of the Still Starfield.

With the shattering of the Cold Domain's icy barrier, the area was no longer part of the Starry Forbidden Ground but became a world connected to the Still Starfield.

Han Miaoyuan, with his divine powers, could clearly see the godly dharma idol summoned by Lin Daoke. He also spotted the prismatic ice crystal symbolizing extreme cold and the vast purple sea that had claimed a portion of the galaxy.

The purple sea was so vast that it shrouded many of the Cold Domain's stars, making it impossible to overlook.

"Han Miaoyuan!"

Within the Cold Domain, formidable entities like Tianqi, the Chaos Roc, and the ground beetle took notice of him as the barrier vanished.

Han Miaoyuan, recently resurrected, remained the revered leader of the Protoss and their most steadfast follower.

His presence caused a deep unease among the others, as they sensed that he might unleash his formidable powers at any moment.

With the Demon Phoenix causing chaos within and Han Miaoyuan looming threateningly from without, the Cold Domain's mighty found themselves trapped.

The small spinosaurus let out a roar, its purple-gold scales quivering. Assuming the ferocious form of a Starry Behemoth, it plunged into the tumultuous purple sea following Lin Daoke.

Before the small spinosaurus entered, a streak of blood-red lightning struck its forehead.

This signified that a sentient fragment of the source blood had infused itself into the spinosaurus, using the new supreme dragon's body to engage the vicious creature within the purple sea.

With a whoosh, Jee Ningshuang, momentarily dazed, seemed to heed Lin Daoke's well-meaning advice and gracefully descended onto the prismatic ice crystal.

The ice crystal, embodying both extreme cold and the essence of blood, swiftly took flight, widening the gap between itself and the purple sea.

It appeared that a decision had been reached between the essence of blood and the extreme cold.

The essence of blood had infused a sentient consciousness into the small spinosaurus with the intent to distract the Demon Phoenix and the vicious creature within the purple sea, thereby allowing its true form and the extreme cold to make their escape.


In the Desolate Realm, an enigmatic Starfield lay undiscovered.

The Phoenix Empress, Chen Qinghuang, hovered in the ruins of a shattered world, her gaze fixed on an unfinished stone statue.

The statue, with its eight arms and elongated, slender torso, had a single eye that blazed with black flames, exuding an aura of annihilation.

This realm bore a resemblance to the Gal Starfield, devoid of any extraordinary starry talents.

Occasionally, fierce hurricanes would sweep through, carrying traces of starry abilities with them. In certain areas of this desolate world, similar black flames burned, each flicker radiating a sense of utter destruction.


After a moment of deep contemplation, Chen Qinghuang began to assemble the statue using charred, bone-like fragments, intent on unveiling it within this forsaken land.

Time passed unmarked until the Great Demon God Beilstein appeared silently, pausing before the incomplete effigy.

"Cough, cough." Clearing his throat to signal his presence, he spoke, "Before Yuen Bu, there was another ruler of the Desolate Realm, whose precise name eludes me. All I know is that he belonged to the God Eye Clan."

Without turning, Chen Qinghuang responded icily, "As the supreme ruler of the Origin Realm, it's hardly surprising that you're privy to such details."


Beilstein nodded, sharing the statue's secret with a conversational ease.

"The former King of the Desolate Realm is said to have succumbed to demonic seduction, forsaking the realm's primal essence. It was here that he perished, his body consumed by flames. As his flesh and blood turned to ash, the energy of this Starfield was drained."

"Subsequently, his remains would ignite into black flames whenever they encountered a fresh surge of Galaxy Extraordinary Talent."

"This is a forbidden zone of the Desolate Realm, off-limits by decree of Yuen Bu. The Beast God and the mighty from various races are all aware of this prohibition."

Pausing briefly, Beilstein continued, "Yet, Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen once defied Yuen Bu's edict and ventured here. I extracted their memories after dispatching them in the Myriad Spirit Restriction, which is how I came to know of this place."

"I was certain you would seek it out, for you, too, have delved into the power of destruction."

The Great Demon God chuckled as he spoke.

Chen Qinghuang didn't respond right away. She carefully placed a piece of charred bone at the base of the stone statue, fashioning it into one of the statue's toes, before asking, "What do you want?"

Beilstein's eyes crinkled with a smile. "We'll discuss that in a moment."

Shortly after, Chen Qinghuang felt something and cast her gaze skyward.

A vast expanse of five-colored flesh sped from another starfield, sweeping through the shattered world where she and the Great Demon God Beilstein stood, and glided over their heads without pause.

It was consuming the starfields of the Desolate Realm, and no creature of flesh and blood could evade its harvest.

Yet, for Chen Qinghuang and the Great Demon God Beilstein, it posed no threat.

They both looked up, watching it drift away.

"You've been close by all this time, just waiting for it to pass?" Chen Qinghuang asked, her brow furrowed.

Beilstein nodded and replied, "Yu Yuan requires your assistance."

The Great Demon God quickly explained Yu Yuan's predicament, sharing that Yu Yuan wished to strike at the Origin Soul and was hoping to leverage the power of the Death God, Kurkova.

After listening, Chen Qinghuang fell silent for a long while before speaking, "Canli hasn't reached the pinnacle of power yet; his impatience won't change that. I too need to complete this stone statue successfully, in the hopes of making contact with the Destruction God."

"This stone statue can actually facilitate communication with the Destruction God?" Beilstein asked, astonished.

Drawing from the memories of Mu Xiao and the Moon Succubus Queen, as well as his own knowledge, he deduced that Yuen Bu, the former King of the Desolate Realm, had once encountered the malevolent demons of another world—the Destruction God that Chen Qinghuang referred to.

The previous King of the Desolate Realm ultimately perished here, leading to the extinction of the God Eye Clan.

Only then did Yuen Bu emerge, and the alien beast clans rose to dominate the Desolate Realm.

This place was eternally designated as forbidden territory, off-limits to all living beings.

"The core power within the bloodline of the Origin Realm's colossal destruction beast is also rooted in Destruction."

Chen Qinghuang hesitated, then said reluctantly, "Destruction and death share a common origin and are compatible. When the Death Spring opened and Zhong Chichen vanished within it, I detected a whiff of the aura of Destruction."

In one of the thirty-six worlds, there must be a realm where the Destruction God exists.

"This Destruction God..."

She gazed at the stone statue before her and mused, "His true form is likely that of a one-eyed being with a disproportionately large head and a smaller body, complete with eight arms. The former King of the Desolate Realm didn't refine enough Destruction Charcoal to establish contact with him. Perhaps I can succeed where he failed."

"Destruction Charcoal?" Beilstein exclaimed in surprise.

Chen Qinghuang, clutching a withered bone, explained, "The sporadic flames of Destruction Fire transform the energy of the cosmos into pure destructive power, but it requires the bones of a mighty warrior. The previous King of the Desolate Realm couldn't accomplish this, but fortunately, he perished here, making his bones suitable raw material for the Destruction Charcoal."

"All I need to do is channel the Galaxy Extraordinary Talent here or relocate this shattered world to a place suffused with that same talent. Then, these withered bones can burn with energy, and the Destruction Charcoal will be created."

"The statue of the Destruction God he erected is down to half a leg now; it will soon take shape."

Chen Qinghuang's eyes shone with anticipation.

Beilstein scratched his head, his expression bemused as he asked, "Is this the will of the Death God?"

Chen Qinghuang shook her head, "She never mentioned anything about the Destruction God to me. In fact, she advised against pursuing the path of destructive power."

With a sardonic smile, the Secular Bird Queen continued coolly, "When I vanquished the Death Wing and the Destruction Beast in the Origin Realm, stripping them of their bloodline secrets, I realized something."

"Destruction and death can coexist; they can be integrated."

"The recent fusion of soul and spirit at Yu Yuan's Soul Altar, with the descent of the sun, moon, and stars onto the platform of light, was a profound revelation for me. If destruction and death can be compatible and coexist, it implies that the Death God and the Destruction God will each seek to overpower the other, desiring to absorb the other's strength for their own."

"It's precisely because they can coexist that they are both consumed with the desire to devour one another."

Chen Qinghuang gestured, and the aura of destruction emanated from her, drawing more bones to her side.

Holding a fresh bone, she smirked, "I intend to make contact with the Destruction God to see if this otherworldly being is willing to grant me the true essence of destruction."

"Do you think there's hope?" Beilstein asked, taken aback.

"The Death God and the Destruction God have each refined an Origin Soul with a similar attribute in another world. I'm curious to see if we can draw them into the Desolate Realm and manage to refine at least one of them," Chen Qinghuang said, inhaling deeply and maintaining her composure.

"It would be ideal if we could refine both," she added.

"We can certainly try," Yu Yuan responded.

As his voice echoed, the Dragon Slash Platform materialized, tearing through the void and arriving at the sacred forbidden zone within the Desolate Realm.

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