Unmatched Dominance/C2295 Summoning the Destruction God
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Unmatched Dominance/C2295 Summoning the Destruction God
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C2295 Summoning the Destruction God

With a sudden burst, the terrifying Destruction Fire spread within the single eye of the statue, swiftly engulfing it in flames!

The ferocious inferno raged, and even Yu Yuan's Yang God form felt the corrupting influence of the Destruction Will within the fire, igniting an impulse to lay waste to the Desolate Realm and reduce every Starfield to cinders.

"Quite intriguing."

With a slight shift in his thoughts, Yu Yuan focused on the Extreme Cold Dao Law, and a pristine ice formed within his veins and flesh.


In the depths of his consciousness, a radiant silver light emerged, with the sun, moon, and stars in orbit.

This Yang God form harnessed the mysteries of light to purge his heart of malevolent thoughts.

The flames consuming the statue no longer swayed him.


The old demon chuckled, having dispelled the intense Destruction Will.

The Secular Bird Queen, versed in the forces of destruction for years, remained entirely unaffected, even drawing nearer to the ablaze statue.

She scrutinized the statue's solitary eye, searching for any sign of the Destruction God emerging from within.


As the statue was consumed by the Destruction Fire, numerous lightning flashes coursed through it like veins, seemingly drawing out a unique power and channeling it into the "Destruction Spring" within its mind.

Soon after, a sound like a membrane being pierced echoed from the spring.

Yu Yuan, presiding over the Dragon Slash Platform, exchanged glances with Chen Qinghuang and Beilstein, signaling to them that the passage had been breached and that he sensed an unusual spatial fluctuation.

The old demon grinned, gesturing towards the spring, hinting that Yu Yuan should seal it shortly.

Yu Yuan caught on immediately, nodding in acknowledgment.

Before long, a distinctly potent Destruction Intent surfaced within the swirling depths of the Destruction Spring.

This intent surged like a river of consciousness, swiftly pouring into the statue's head and into the inflamed eye.

Yu Yuan remained composed, while Beilstein squinted with a sly grin.

Only Chen Qinghuang's brow furrowed slightly, aware that the Destruction God had been stirred and a soul was now slipping through.

"The Destruction God possesses a soul, not merely a sentient consciousness."

Beilstein remained silent, cautious not to disturb the incoming Destruction God, contemplating within the confines of his demonic form.

Yu Yuan was aware of the presence he could sense.

He nodded subtly and edged closer to the swirling Destruction Spring, making covert preparations.

"Who summons me?"

The statue, constructed from Destruction Charcoal, seemed to awaken from a deep slumber, unleashing a powerful aura of obliteration.

This fearsome aura of death emanated from the unknown Starfield where Yu Yuan resided, radiating outward in every direction.

In this starless expanse, the aura failed to ignite, sparing the cosmos from catastrophic destruction.

Yet, in the far reaches of the void, flames of annihilation blazed to life. The presence of the Destruction God, upon contact with the stellar energies of the Desolate Realm, sparked a conflagration.

Several star systems were engulfed in the inferno. The descending Destruction God, feeling the surge of the power he coveted, was thrilled.

"What a splendid place!"

"I sense it. This is the world Kurkova sought to corrupt. One of my followers once lived here, but alas, he met his demise."

"Who would have thought, after so many years, someone would still fathom my power, grow strong through the Dao Laws I left behind, and even manage to summon my being!"

"You have done well. I shall reward you generously!"

Across the divide, the Destruction God's will flowed ceaselessly through the statue's eyes.

His pleasure was evident.

"It is I."

Chen Qinghuang spoke up.

The statue, still aflame with Destruction Charcoal, saw its massive eye's fire abruptly quell, giving way to a soft, eerie glow.

This glow, like countless smaller eyes, scrutinized Chen Qinghuang from various angles.

Both Yu Yuan and Beilstein could sense the will of the Destruction God continuing to infuse the solitary eye.

They remained still, silently observing, their preparations already in place.

"Is it you?"

The statue's eye fixed on Chen Qinghuang, a miasma of destruction enveloping her.

Chen Qinghuang allowed the aura to probe the power within her flesh and delve into the brand deep within her soul.

The Secular Bird Queen was acutely aware that she could not deceive the Destruction God.

Her suspicions were confirmed.

"No! You are a disciple of Kurkova!"

The soul of the Destruction God let out a piercing shriek, feeling betrayed.

He distinctly sensed the presence of the Death God within Chen Qinghuang's body. Mistaking it for a trap laid by Kurkova, the powerful deity was eager to retreat to where he came from.


The Dragon Slash Platform halted before the churning Destruction Spring, thwarting his will from returning through the void.

Upon the luminescent platform, thunder and the power of ice fused with the radiance of light, creating the Soul Cleansing Brilliance that sealed off the spring.

The Destruction God dared not force his way through the Soul Cleansing Brilliance to re-enter the spring.

A writhing flame of a soul emerged behind the statue's head, cursing, "Kurkova, you dare to conspire with beings from another domain, setting a trap for me in their world!"

Convinced it was Kurkova, the Death God, who had orchestrated this scheme against him, he was incensed.

"Since I'm already here, let's have a conversation," Yu Yuan suggested with a welcoming grin.

Beilstein laughed and added, "We're quite intrigued by your world. You've made the journey here; surely there's something you wish to ask us?"

The soul of the Destruction God possessed all the qualities of a normal soul.

Yet, his true form and his main soul had not accompanied him.

After a brief pause, Beilstein spoke, "If we prevent this soul from returning, once his true form and main soul sense an issue with their detached soul, they might cross the Destruction Spring and truly descend into the Desolate Realm."

"If he's bold enough to come over, it's up to us to decide whether he can return," the old demon said with a smile to Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan nodded in agreement. "That's exactly what I was thinking."

"Who are you two?" inquired the Destruction God, his soul unable to make the return journey and sinking back into the statue's solitary eye.

Forged from Destruction Charcoal, the statue allowed his soul to wield a fraction of its divine powers. Moreover, the statue served as a protective armor for his soul.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Across the vast expanse of the starfield, the Destruction Fire raged on. As his soul re-entered the statue, it attempted to harness the distant destructive forces.

Meanwhile, he scrutinized Yu Yuan and Beilstein through the statue's eye, detecting no trace of Kurkova, the Death God, within them.

He was somewhat puzzled and inquired, "What advantage did Kurkova offer you two to collaborate with her followers and draw me into this world?"

"Kurkova from the Nether Domain lacks the power to compel me to join her in hunting you down," Yu Yuan responded, shaking his head and observing the Destruction God with interest. "I merely struck a deal with her recently."


The Destruction God paused, as if a thought had just struck him. "I've heard that Origin Souls from other realms have invaded Kurkova and Devitt's territories! Both of you carry the scent of those foreign Origin Souls. Are you their disciples?"

The Origin Soul he referred to was, of course, the Abyss's Origin Soul.

The Origin Soul had utilized Yu Yuan's body as the Undead Sovereign and later the Evil God Temple to penetrate another world from the Gray Domain's fountain.

From what the Destruction God implied, the world the Origin Soul ventured into was distinct.

Kurkova's realm was known as the Nether Domain, but where exactly was Devitt's domain?

Yu Yuan cleared his throat and sought clarification, "Who is Devitt?"

"He's a deity of the Void Domain. In our world, Devitt is known as the Space God."

Mentioning this name seemed to irritate the Destruction God, who huffed, "Devitt and Kurkova are close allies. The Nether Domain and the Void Domain are adjacent, and they've joined forces to repel the Origin Soul's incursion. I've heard they've found a solution and have already entered that dreadful hall."

Yu Yuan and Beilstein exchanged a glance, piecing together the information from the Destruction God's statement.

"It seems Zhong Chichen was likely abducted by the Space God via the Death Spring," Beilstein confirmed with a nod.

Yu Yuan nodded in agreement and probed further, "And your name? Where do you hail from?"

"I am Galuba, from the Thunder Domain."

The Destruction God was forthright, sharing his origins without reservation. Then, he shifted the conversation, "You two are not in league with Kurkova."

"In the core of his soul lies a trace of the true essence of destruction, but it's only a minuscule fragment."

The Secular Bird Queen, who had been silent for a considerable time, gazed at the Destruction Spring, sealed by Yu Yuan's Dragon Slash Platform, with eager eyes. "I need more," she declared. "It would be ideal if he could descend in his true form."

"You're nothing but Kurkova's servant," the Destruction God, Galuba, stated icily.

Gurgling sounds echoed from the churning Destruction Spring, where a bubbling like boiling water began to resonate. A colorful miasma started to dissipate, suggesting the disturbance of another deity.

"Kuna!" Galuba, observing the commotion within the spring, suddenly exclaimed, "I knew it! This accursed woman has been hiding in my Thunder Domain! Seeing my soul enter this world, she couldn't resist the urge to claim her portion!"

"Very well, come forth! Excellent!" Galuba's voice dripped with schadenfreude as he, much like Chen Qinghuang, anticipated the arrival of the otherworldly being.

Chen Qinghuang's expression was one of uncertainty as the destructive force within her began to recede, unveiling the law of power she had extracted from the Disaster Snake.

Whoosh! Chen Qinghuang's form was swiftly engulfed by the vibrant miasma and smoke clouds, emitting a potent corrosive essence.

The entity within the spring, sensing her presence, grew increasingly desperate to break through.

Libre Baskerville
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