Unmatched Dominance/C2297 Showing Weakness to the Enemy
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Unmatched Dominance/C2297 Showing Weakness to the Enemy
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C2297 Showing Weakness to the Enemy

Kuna scrutinized the Secular Bird Queen with a sneer and shook her head dismissively. "I had hoped you might become a devotee, serving me as your sovereign."

"Clearly, you are not."

Upon her arrival, she discovered traces of destruction and death within Chen Qinghuang's being.

Moreover, the deathly power had unmistakably been inherited from Kurkova. Such a Secular Bird Queen was beneath her consideration, unworthy of her efforts to nurture.

For this reason, she promptly shifted her focus, aiming to harness the potent Yang God of Yu Yuan through the Poison Dao Law she wielded to augment her own strength.

The essence of the poison she cultivated, and the profound insights of the Poison Great Dao, were utterly dependent on a robust corporeal vessel.

In her eyes, Yu Yuan was a precious elixir, capable of significantly boosting her power.

"Galuba, let us join forces for now and divide the bounty before us."

As the Snail God, Kuna's serpentine form darted through the void. Crossing a glittering "star river," she threw Yu Yuan's Sea of Light into disarray, extinguishing its brilliance one by one.

Her emanating miasma and smog engulfed the Sea of Light, eroding even its sources.

The power of light was evidently ineffective against this deity from a foreign realm.

"So be it!"

The Destruction God, Galuba, manipulated his divine effigy constructed of Destruction Charcoal, as the myriad small eyes within his singular eye emitted peculiar glows.

"Destruction's blessing..."

He murmured, first fixing his gaze on the Secular Bird Queen with his eye, then chanting in an alien tongue.

A cacophony of noise erupted in Chen Qinghuang's mind. Listening intently, she realized it was the adulation of Galuba from another world.

Galuba's legions of followers, scattered across numerous worlds, now had their praises channeled by him into Chen Qinghuang's consciousness.

The clamor of countless worshippers jumbled her thoughts and dulled her intellect.

In time, she found herself involuntarily joining in the chorus of praise for the Destruction God.

"Embrace the essence of my destruction, and you shall be bound to me!"

Galuba basked in his triumph.

The raging Destruction Fire from beyond the known Starfield, drawn by his might, surged in wildly.


Kuna nodded in approval, aware that Galuba was gearing up for a significant confrontation.

Beneath her elongated body, a tentacle-like centipede leg suddenly shot forth.

The tentacle burst in mid-air, unleashing a torrent of spiritual energy laden with deadly poison, surging toward Yu Yuan's soul in an attempt to corrupt it.

"Snail God!"

"Snail God!"

"Redeem us, Snail God!"


The murmurs of countless followers were carried by the spiritual torrent into Yu Yuan's consciousness, spreading an evil force capable of invading and dissipating the soul.

The devout worship of Kuna, the Snail God, by her followers, transformed into a formidable power under her firm control.

She now directed this malevolent spiritual force at Yu Yuan, intending to plunge him into turmoil just as Galuba had done to Chen Qinghuang.

Emulating the successful tactic of the Destruction God, the Snail God employed a similar approach.

Using the devout faith of their followers to launch a spiritual assault was a common strategy among these foreign deities, sometimes yielding miraculous results, though at other times proving futile.

Take the present moment, for instance.

The malevolent twisting force, borne by the believers' spirits, entered Yu Yuan's consciousness, prompting him to laugh.

"Galuba forgot to mention that I, too, am a master of Soul Arts, just like the one who breached the Nether Domain."

The spiritual torrent of the Snail God failed to stir even a ripple in the depths of Yu Yuan's consciousness before it vanished without a trace.


Kuna, the Snail God, exclaimed in astonishment.

She was well aware of the tumult caused by the Abyss Origin Soul's incursion into the Nether Domain and the Void Domain.

This otherworldly evil had inflicted severe harm on both the Death God, Kurkova, and the Space God, Devitt, leaving their souls in disarray on multiple occasions.

If Yu Yuan was indeed connected to the Snail God, then attempting to infect him with the spiritual faith of his followers was surely an exercise in futility.

Realizing her mistake, Kuna hastily ceased her ineffective assault.

Her twisted body, drifting through the void, finally reached Yu Yuan.


Yu Yuan bellowed, and within the Yang God's form, meridians surged like crimson waterfalls, brimming with endless vitality and blood energy.

His stature was soaring, growing taller by the moment!

In no time at all, his Eleventh Level Yang God physique, amidst a tumultuous blood-colored tempest, took on a form as imposing as a mountain. The vibrant, multicolored canopy that had shrouded the broken world burst apart under the pressure of his crimson crystal-like body.

Orbs of colorful smoke and patches of vivid miasma clung to his shoulders and head, crackling in the air, yet the venomous power of the Snail God couldn't penetrate even an inch of his being.

This towering Yang God, whose head seemed to touch the stars with the sun and moon encircling his shoulders, radiated an aura of unparalleled grandeur. With each opening and closing of his eyes, it was as if a sea of blood churned between heaven and earth.

Compared to Yu Yuan in this moment, the Snail God, hurtling towards him, appeared significantly diminished.

"Yu Yuan, summon me quickly! I will aid you in slaying her!"

Loong Jie's bellow echoed throughout the Dragon Slash Platform.

Eager to emerge and assassinate the Snail God, he urgently called out, "Once I transform, my dragon blood will solidify into fine gold, impervious to that flesh's warping power!"

"I can incinerate her as well."

Yuan Lianyao, present on the Dragon Slash Platform, also noticed the Snail God's evident fear of fire.

She shared her insight but refrained from asking Yu Yuan to release her, clearly cautious of the peculiar flesh.

Barol and Lvliu, both supreme beings at the Eleventh Level, did not volunteer themselves. They were acutely aware that stepping off the Dragon Slash Platform would expose them to the corrupting influence of the Origin Realm's Five-Colored Flesh.

"Feign weakness, pretend to be overpowered," Beilstein's Soul Sound timely advised. "You must give these foreign deities the illusion of a possible victory. Galuba's true form in the Thunder Domain can connect with this divine effigy, and he too might be lured here!"

"Fall back, and make sure Loong Jie stays hidden, along with the other supremes on the Dragon Slash Platform."

The old schemer continued to instruct.

Yu Yuan, in his monumental Yang God form, caught on immediately.

With a mere thought, he veiled the luminous Dragon Slash Platform with a curtain of blood.

Within, Loong Jie, Yuan Lianyao, Barol, and Lvliu, the four supremes, could still witness the unfolding events outside and the Snail God's imminent approach.

The Snail God, Kuna, and the Destruction God, Galuba, found themselves unable to peer into the Dragon Slash Platform.

These foreign deities hadn't paid much attention to the artifact in his possession and were unaware that it concealed several supreme beings.

"Feign weakness, let her glimpse hope!" the old demon advised.

Yu Yuan, the Yang God, who had burst through the dense miasma and stood outside the shattered cosmos, watched as the icy sheath, golden radiance, and rocky armor on his body's surface began to fade.

Within him, the vast blood energy could metamorphose into various powers, enabling him to harness the might of the Soul Altar contained within.

He had recently fused the laws of gold, the profundity of the earth, and the force of bitter cold to form a protective layer over the Yang God's exterior.

This shield was what allowed him to remain composed amidst the toxic smog.

Still, he sensed that the barrier he'd erected with these three powers could potentially be shattered by the Snail God, leaving him vulnerable to her venomous assault.

Yet, the rate of such an event would be exceedingly slow.

Before the Snail God's toxic force could dissolve his defenses, there was a substantial chance that he could gravely wound or even slay the Snail God herself!

The Snail God had halted her advance upon witnessing the Yang God's display of divine might, troubled by the uncertainty.

The Yang God's body, continuously revealing intricate laws and defenses, had taken her by surprise.

She was clearly indecisive, contemplating whether to withdraw and cease risking further in this alien realm.

Prompted by the Great Demon God's reminder, Yu Yuan deliberately concealed the essence of his golden sharpness, causing the golden glow on his body to vanish.

With the most robust golden defense gone, the engulfing toxic smog hissed as it delved deeper.

The Snail God's expression brightened with delight.

She thrust the first pair of hooked legs at the Yang God Yu's limbs, piercing through the stone and ice that clad Yu Yuan's legs.

These razor-sharp hooks carried a venom so potent it surged directly towards Yu Yuan's legs—a poison of no small consequence.

Yu Yuan let out a pained cry, and before the venom could sear his flesh, he hastily employed the Dragon Slash Platform to teleport to safety.

Upon witnessing her ability to penetrate Yu Yuan's defenses, and seeing how terrified Yu Yuan was of the venom within her hooked feet, the Snail God felt a surge of hope.

With her serpentine form, she undulated through the void of the shattered cosmos, sweeping toward the fleeing form of Yu Yuan with the force of an army.

All the while, Beilstein remained still, simply observing from the sidelines.

As he watched, he analyzed the situation.

"The deities from the other side don't exhibit any clear vulnerabilities. Their physiques are formidable, on par with the Starry Behemoths of our Origin Realm, and their regenerative powers are astoundingly potent. Moreover, each of their souls is strong, and they adeptly merge their own powers with their souls to launch attacks."

"With such ferocious physicality, mastery of Soul Arts, and remarkable healing abilities, they are indeed formidable adversaries."

The old demon could tell that neither the Snail God nor the yet-to-show Destruction God would be easy to handle.

It's no surprise that even the Abyss Origin Soul had met its match in that world.

"I have arrived!"

A bizarre chuckle echoed from the depths of the spring, belonging to Galuba.


A deity of colossal stature, with an enormous head and a slender, elongated body, stepped through the spring and into the Desolate Realm.

In comparison to his true form, the statue crafted by Chen Qinghuang was nothing more than a toy model.

"Kuna, let's see who can dispatch our quarry first. The victor claims the prize."

The Destruction God Galuba, now present in his true form, declared with a bold air, "We cannot linger here too long. We must make quick work of this!"

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