Unmatched Dominance/C23 The City Lord Had Appointed Him
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Unmatched Dominance/C23 The City Lord Had Appointed Him
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C23 The City Lord Had Appointed Him

Outside the city, at Jewelry Mount, the four great families held their triennial competition. This time, the Huang family had selected this site.

The morning sky was overcast and dim, suggesting the sun might not make an appearance today. An empty valley, specially cleared and tidied, was dotted with high platforms.

The heads of the four great families, along with their core fighters, had all gathered, spread out across the area. Each high platform, constructed from solid stone, served as an arena for combat.

Yu Yuan was at the rear, assisting his grandfather, Yu Cann, in his wheelchair, listening as he pointed out key figures from the other three families.

Near Yuan Lianyao, there was Lih Feng and several other members of the Yuan clan, each exuding a formidable presence that clearly signaled they were not to be provoked.

"Don't be fooled by the fact that our City Lord is a woman; here in Darkmoon City, she surpasses the older generation in cultivation," Yu Cann explained in a hushed tone. "If I'm not mistaken, the City Lord is at the Early Period of the Penetrating Stage, the only one in the entire Darkmoon City!"

He looked on with admiration. "To step into the Penetrating Stage at such a young age, the Yuan family could one day become a mainstay of the empire, like the Lim or even the Su family."

Before his legs were broken and his level fell, Yu Cann was only at the Profound Break Stage. His cultivation and talent paled in comparison to Yuan Lianyao's.

"The Yuan family is far from simple," Yu Yuan murmured.

The elder from the Red Devil Sect was close to achieving the Yin God. His deep connection with Yuan Lianyao was undeniable, and he was now covertly residing in the City Lord's Mansion.

Despite his failure to achieve the Yin God, the elder's cultivation had reached the Middle Period of the Penetrating Stage. Coupled with his past experience, his combat strength was on par with someone in the Late Period of the Penetrating Stage.

This was why he had so effortlessly slain Lu Yue of the Cold Yin Sect.

Yuan Lianyao's position as the head of the Yuan family and the City Lord of Darkmoon, along with the clandestine support of the Red Devil Sect elder, explained why Yu Yuan remained in the city, risking it all despite knowing about the Blood God Cult and their schemes.

"By the way, you forced your way into the City Lord's Mansion just to see the City Lord. What was that all about?" Yu Cann inquired with a hint of curiosity.

"I simply wanted to find out if the Huang family's threats to kill me during the three realms' competition were being taken seriously by her," Yu Yuan replied with an easy smile, his hands reassuringly on the elder's shoulders. "The City Lord assured me that she can guarantee my safety, that I won't meet my end at the hands of the Huang family's youngsters."

"Is there really such a promise?" Yu Cann asked, skepticism clear in his gaze.

Since the moment he heard that the Huang family was targeting Yu Yuan, he had been against Yu Yuan continuing to fight. But Yu Yuan's determination had swayed him, and he had reluctantly given his consent.

Still, he couldn't shake his deep-seated worries.

"Grandpa, you can rest easy. I'm sure I'll be fine," Yu Yuan comforted, then turned to his aunt, Yu Lili, with a playful look. "How's that item working out for you?"

He had stealthily approached Yu Lili the night before and gifted her the Black Dragon Scissors.

Joy sparkled in Yu Lili's eyes as she replied, "It's incredibly useful! You've really got a knack for this! Rest assured, in this Yellow Court Stage competition, I'll come out on top no matter who I face!"

With that, her attention shifted to the Zhao family.

Next to the corpulent Zhao Dongsheng was a tall man in white, who seemed utterly disinterested in the competition between the great families.

"Zhao Xi, at the Late Period of the Yellow Court Stage, you're likely the toughest competitor at this level," Yu Cann said with a furrowed brow. "Zhao Dongsheng here may not care for leading the Zhao family, preferring to dream of leaving the Profound Sky Continent. He may lack the talent for family affairs, but in the realm of cultivation, he might just surpass Zhao Dongsheng one day."

A fighting spirit ignited within Yu Lili. "I've always known he'd be my most formidable opponent!"

Over with the Zhao family, a beautiful young woman in a flowing blue dress caught their attention. Her bright eyes and radiant smile were directed warmly at Yu Lili as she said, "Aunt Yu, if you end up facing my uncle, please go easy on him."

"Listen up, missy, you better call me 'sister'!" Yu Lili fumed, shooting her a fierce glare. "Serves you right, being stuck in the Spirit Accumulating Stage without a breakthrough!"

Yu Yuan was taken aback and gave her a second look. "So, that's Zhao Yafu."

Both hailing from Darkmoon City and belonging to one of the four major families, the Yu and Zhao families were not adversaries. With the Zhao family's year-round management of various shops, the two families often interacted.

The Yu and Zhao clans kept to their own, yet many family members were well-acquainted.

Yu Lili clearly knew Zhao Yafu, having had dealings with her before, and their familiarity was evident from the way she spoke.

"Yafu, it's an honor to meet you, Brother Yu."

From a distance, the graceful and beautiful Zhao family maiden bowed with respect, her dazzling eyes lingering on Yu Yuan. "If I ever trouble you in the future, Brother Yu, I hope you'll forgive me."

Her words caused a stir among the Yuan, Yu, and Huang families, and even within the Zhao family, many were taken aback.

Zhao Dongsheng, her father, was the de facto next head of the Zhao family.

Since birth, Zhao Yafu had been marked by Hidden Dragon Lake, chosen to carry the spirit of a young dragon, making her a likely candidate to become a Dragon Servitor.

The Zhao family's inner circle saw Yafu as the future, the vital link to Hidden Dragon Lake.

Regarding the young dragon's demise and the Zhao family's secretive "Dragon Swallowing" plot, only a select few were privy to it, leaving most of the Zhao clan in the dark.

For the family's pride and the future Dragon Servitor, Zhao Yafu's high regard for Yu Yuan was baffling to many.

"No need for formalities," Yu Yuan replied with a nod and a smile. "You're quite the tease, aren't you? Clearly ready for the Yellow Court Stage, yet you hold back your power. Is it to claim the top spot in the Spirit Accumulating Stage and secure an advantage for your family?"

Zhao Yafu offered a sweet smile. "Brother Yu, please, no more teasing. The family has invested in me, and it's only right that I give back with all my might."

Both were sharp-minded, fully aware of the intricacies at play, yet they chose to speak as if oblivious.

"How peculiar!" Huang Bin of the Huang family brooded, his expression darkening as he alternated his gaze between Zhao Yafu and Yu Yuan. "These two shouldn't be acquainted."

Zhao Yafu, Huang Bin, and Yu Yuan were all contemporaries. Among the third generation of the four great families, Zhao Yafu shone the brightest. At her tender age, she had already reached the pinnacle of the Spirit Accumulating Stage, rumored to be just a step away from ascending to the Yellow Court Stage—a testament to her exceptional talent.

Lim Zhuyun had already advanced to the Yellow Court Stage, becoming the Silvermoon Empire's pride, her achievements bolstered by the Cold Yin Sect's support. Yet, Zhao Yafu was merely one stage behind her.

Huang Bin, also Zhao Yafu's peer, carried the weight of his family's expectations. But he was only at the peak of the Pulse Opening Stage, a whole realm below her. To Huang Bin, Zhao Dongsheng's treasured daughter was a dream far out of reach.

Yet, during the tri-stage competition, Zhao Yafu showed a surprising fondness for Yu Yuan, who had only recently emerged from his daze, warmly addressing him as Brother Yu with an eagerness that stood out.

Watching the pair, Huang Bin's discontent grew, fueling his resolve to eliminate Yu Yuan.

"The time has come."

Just then, the city lord, as radiant as a red lotus, gracefully descended onto a high platform.

With her first words, the chatter among the four families' members ceased.

All eyes converged on her in an instant.

"As the procedure remains unchanged, I'll spare you the repetition of the rules. You're all well aware," Yuan Lianyao's gaze swept over the leaders of the other three families. "You've presumably briefed your contenders not to trouble me further."

Her gaze lingered on Yu Yuan for a final moment.

Yu Yuan responded with a subtle nod.

"Now, let us commence the Pulse Opening Stage battles," Yuan Lianyao declared from her elevated position. "Each of the four great families will be represented by three competitors. I will draw lots to determine the family matchups. Then, you will draw to select your individual adversaries."

The four prestigious families were set to clash against one another.

As the leader of the Yuan family, all she had to do was select their opponent first. The other two families would have no choice but to battle each other.

Such was the authority of the mightiest in Darkmoon City!

Representatives from the Zhao, Huang, and Yu families—Huang Chen, Yu Wei, and Zhao Dongsheng—delivered their bamboo sticks. After shuffling them in the container, Yuan Lianyao elegantly plucked one out with her delicate fingers. Glancing down, she let out a soft chuckle, "The Zhao family, once more."

Her gaze fell on Zhao Dongsheng with a smile.

The corpulent Zhao Dongsheng, with a gloomy expression, lamented, "Ah, my bad luck."

"Very well, let the Huang and Yu families go first. We'll step in after the victor emerges." Yuan Lianyao's nonchalance was evident as she gestured to Yu Wei and Huang Chen to expedite their best-of-three rounds. She wasn't keen on having her time wasted.

"No need for further draws." Huang Chen flashed a wide grin and proposed, "My son, Huang Bin, has long admired Yu Yuan's reputation and wishes to challenge him first. Would that be acceptable?"

His gaze challenged Yu Wei.

"Isn't that against the rules?" Zhao Dongsheng chimed in.

Yu Cann's expression soured, "The Huang family is too eager!"

"I consent," Yuan Lianyao said with a light laugh, pointing first to the enthusiastic Huang Bin and then to Yu Yuan. "The inaugural battle of the Pulse Opening Stage will be yours to fight."

"Oh, and one more thing," she added, tapping her head as if a thought had just struck her. "This battle will not only decide the victor but also life and death!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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