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After Lin Daoke of the Sword Sect vanished, the purple sea within the Cold Domain gradually ceased its churning.

In this silent world, only Zhiya, the Demon Phoenix, remained.

Emerging from the sea, she squinted toward the direction where the prismatic ice crystal had departed and murmured, "Holy Devil Continent."

A look of deep scorn crossed her impeccable face.

Moments later, she shifted her gaze, her eyes brimming with anticipation as she began to observe the conditions beneath the sea.

Time passed, and eventually, a fleshless dragon skeleton emerged, drifting slowly to the surface.

It was the purple gold skeleton of a diminutive spinosaurus!

The small Titan spinosaurus, recently ascended to a supreme being, had been stripped of flesh and organs, its dragon sinews gone, leaving only the purple gold bones radiating a soft glow.

"Excellent material."

Zhiya licked her lips, content as if she had just savored a sumptuous meal.

"With your bones, I shall forge a Divine Weapon that suits me perfectly."

She approached the colossal purple gold skeleton, and a myriad of purple lightning surged from within her, enveloping the bones and branding them with their unique essence and traces of blood energy.

The massive purple gold skeleton was hammered and refined by her power, scattering shimmering fragments.

Piece by piece, the bones were disassembled by her force and amassed into a heap.

With a thunderous roar, her overwhelming Demonic Power burst forth, wrapping the mysteries of the purple sea's laws around the pile of bones, which began to coalesce.

Slowly, a Totem Pillar, mountainous in form, was crafted using the Spinosaurus's bones as the primary material.

From her palm, a cascade of silver crystals, gold essence, meteoric iron from beyond the heavens, and the blindingly bright Divine Stones flew out, each embedding itself into the towering Totem Pillar.

This newly forged Totem Pillar radiated a profound blood energy, at times taking the shape of a purple-gold Holy Mountain, at others, a formidable spear.

The enigmatic Totem Pillar was also imprinted with numerous laws and truths that Zhiya had discerned.

After a considerable time, she alighted upon the grand purple-gold Totem Pillar with a look of satisfaction and declared, "The time has come to depart."

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The vast expanse of the purple sea began to contract.

Once it had diminished a millionfold, covering merely ten thousand acres, the purple sea took flight once again.

Shortly thereafter, it halted abruptly, positioning itself above the real Abyss World.

"Abyss, Myriad Spirit Restriction," Zhiya called out, her brow furrowed.

Beneath the purple sea lay the resplendent Myriad Spirit Restriction, enveloping the entire firmament of the Abyss World.


Within the purple sea, the mature Chaos Djinn unleashed a roar that reverberated through heaven and earth.

The roar, powerful enough to shatter the barriers of the Cold Domain, caused the Myriad Spirit Restriction cloaking the true Abyss World to emit a blinding brilliance.

Encased within the successive seals, the essences and profundities of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, sun, moon, stars, ice, and lightning—along with numerous Source Spirits' remnants in the world's Daos—were all revealed.

The Demon Phoenix Zhiya and the unseen vicious creature within the Demon Energy Sea fixed their gaze upon the Myriad Spirit Restriction as it displayed its marvels.

It seemed they could discern the secrets of the Daos imprinted within the Myriad Spirit Restriction, grasping the true essence of the laws therein.


Desolate Realm.

The sky-obscuring, multicolored flesh soared through the bleak and desolate void, crossing galaxy after galaxy.

With no living beings left in its path of return, it sped along unimpeded.

Suddenly, it came to a gradual halt.

A crimson bolt of lightning, as red as blood, flashed across the distant cosmos, racing toward it.


The lightning ceased abruptly, transforming into the stern visage of Yu Yuan's Yang God form.


Both Yu Yuan's Yang God form and his true self in the Phoenix Starfield trembled lightly.

His true self acutely sensed that deep within the purple sea governed by Zhiya, the young beast of Chaos Djinn lineage had consumed the little spinosaurus, maturing in the process.

It was akin to a child blossoming into adolescence, signifying a pivotal metamorphosis.

This formidable creature had first devoured the supreme Yuen Bu, born of the Desolate Realm's origin blood, and then consumed the origin blood of the Origin Realm to become the exalted Titan spinosaurus.

The Eleventh Level supreme beings, ascended through the mysteries of life and bloodlines, were both consumed by the young creature, leading to its transcendence. This metamorphosis and elevation somehow reverberated back to Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness, reaching the tenth tier of the Blood Platform. The Blood Platform utterly dominated the Soul Platform, which had been resisting for an extended period, but it suddenly became docile and ceased all movement.

Yu Yuan was swiftly grasping the final fragments of the life essence left in the world by the Abyss Origin Blood. He was on the verge of fully mastering the secrets of life and bloodlines across the Origin Realm, the Abyss, and the Desolate Realm. He knew instantly that the shifting, multicolored flesh would soon be within his grasp.

Using his Yang God form, he approached the five-colored flesh. This mass, a harbinger of calamity and annihilation to all beings in the Desolate Realm and the Abyss, sensed his presence and stilled. Yu Yuan paused at the edge of the flesh, extending his hand to gently caress the vibrant hues. A brilliant red divine glow emanated from its surface, and upon contact, the flesh felt as smooth as jade and exuded an enticing aroma.

Previously, when he sat atop this colossal flesh, he had detected nothing out of the ordinary. But now, as his true form was on the cusp of unlocking all its secrets, the sensation he felt upon touching it again was beyond comprehension. The flesh, reminiscent of multicolored soft jade, seemed incredibly familiar—as if he were touching his own body. It was as though the flesh was an extension of himself.

He had always intended, once he had fully unraveled the esoteric knowledge of the Abyss Origin Blood, to refine this flesh. He envisioned either using it to forge a new lineage or harnessing its boundless blood energy to grant Life Keychains to the mightiest among his followers. His initial plan was to refine this flesh through the Yang God.

But suddenly, he sensed an intrinsic and inseparable connection between this flesh and his own soul consciousness. "Could this be because the tenth level of the Soul Altar within my sea of consciousness has unlocked the mysteries of the Life Seed?" Yu Yuan pondered.

At that moment, his true form remained within the Phoenix Starfield, earnestly striving to fully comprehend the remaining truths of life.

Images both blurry and eerie began to emerge in his mind, reminiscent of the Abyss in its primordial form. He seemed to recall interacting with the Origin Spirits of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, as well as the sun, moon, and stars. It was as if he had been inside the most powerful "Chaos Djinn" named Creation.

Whoosh! Suddenly, an expanse of endless darkness materialized in the nearby void. A dark green pupil, star-like in appearance, floated atop the darkness, gazing out solemnly.

Yu Yuan, who had been touching the flesh, now floated above and locked eyes with the immense dark green pupil. Within its depths, the restless spirits, demons, and devils began to fade into obscurity.

A soul's silhouette, mirroring his own visage, became clearly visible within the dark green eye of the Abyss Origin Soul and rapidly expanded in size.

The Abyss Origin Soul had not journeyed to the realms of the foreign gods but had instead taken a detour here.

"We can join forces to first annihilate the other side, the thirty-six worlds," he proposed calmly. "Our conflict has spanned billions of years; a moment longer makes little difference."

"The gods of those worlds wield Heavenly Dao Laws that you and I can largely accommodate."

"For eons, we have shared all our power, through the Myriad Spirit Restriction I govern and the Soul Altar you have consecrated."

Yu Yuan remained silent. His true form, light-years away in the Phoenix Starfield, radiated a spectrum of light and carved out a passageway to the Yang God, poised to provide reinforcement at a moment's notice.

It was then that Yu Zhu, concealed within the tumultuous void, realized he could enter at any time. Should he choose to strike, not even the denizens of the Phoenix Shrine or the Beast Temple, including the White Divine Tiger, would escape with their lives.

"The gods of other realms differ from us; they are unlike any in our world," the Abyss Origin Soul declared, not eager to demonstrate his might but instead steadily extending the reach of darkness into the surrounding galaxies.

"What makes them different? I'm listening."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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