Unmatched Dominance/C2306 An Invitation to Return Home
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Unmatched Dominance/C2306 An Invitation to Return Home
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C2306 An Invitation to Return Home

In the Devaputra territory, there existed an extremely cold, blood-colored, hexagonal ice crystal that had quietly distanced itself from the Holy Devil Continent.

Jee Ningshuang, who had ascended to the Supreme Realm through the power of ice, had already been instructed by the extreme cold to move from this ice crystal, a symbol of the icy power and Origin Blood, to the Holy Devil Continent.

The spiritual consciousness of the extreme cold naturally returned to her as well.

Their conversations were meant to be secret, and even Jee Ningshuang was not privy to them.

"What are they planning?"

Yuv Qian, the Great Demon God standing above the Aura Altar, sensed an anomaly in the path of the ice crystal. Upon noticing Jee Ningshuang approaching on her sword, he inquired, "The Origin Realm is vast, yet it offers them no sanctuary. The immense thunderous power concealed within the Holy Devil Continent is not their nemesis, so why do they shy away?"

Jee Ningshuang gently shook her head, "I don't know."

The fate of the newly elevated Spinosaurus seemed grim. When she observed the return of the blood-colored essence, she surmised that the Spinosaurus had likely been sacrificed.

This realization filled Jee Ningshuang with melancholy; even reaching the Supreme Realm did not guarantee eternal life.

She found herself envying the Demon Palace Sovereign, who would stop at nothing to achieve his ends, regardless of morality, the potential extinction of all beings, or the possible destruction of the world.

The Demon Phoenix's proposal to shatter the ice crystal by traversing the purple sea and overcoming the vicious creatures within it was an idea that she struggled to suppress.

The thought of refining away the Founder to seek a higher state of being and greater accomplishments, free from the constraints of the Origin Spirit, was tempting.

"No! I must not!" she thought.

Jee Ningshuang shook her head vigorously, as if to physically dispel the sinister thoughts, determined not to dwell on the seductive words of the Demon Phoenix.

She withdrew her attention from the hexagonal ice crystal that embodied the extreme cold, refusing to indulge in further speculation.


"I, the deity of the Desolate Realm, it seems we are numerous."

The Origin Blood, still far from the Holy Devil Continent, continued its dialogue with the extreme cold within the ice crystal, "We are scattered across various worlds, taking root and sprouting in different realms. Some have not yet matured before facing obliteration, either strangled by other Origin Spirits or erased by the intelligent races they have created."

"Some have slowly matured and become like me, like the deity of the Desolate Realm."

"It seems that worlds which have evolved similarly to me have all faced destruction, akin to the true abyss."

He strained to perceive the essence of the vibrant red heart on the tenth level of Yu Yuan's Aura Altar.

"It turns out we are truly pitiable, merely seeds scattered across various worlds."


In the Phoenix Starfield.

The two Yu Yuans above the Creation Pool wore grave expressions. The messages exchanged between the Origin Blood and the bitter cold struck like thunder, leaving him momentarily dazed.

The Origin Blood from both the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm, were they both derived from that entity in the abyss?

As he grasped the entirety of the life's essence left in the world, the crimson heart symbolizing that entity materialized on the tenth level of the Aura Altar.

What could this signify? Had he somehow absorbed and assimilated that entity?

After losing the battle with the Origin Soul, that entity's spiritual consciousness perished, leaving only a piece of flesh sealed by the Myriad Spirit Restriction for eons.

Could it be that by unraveling the entire truth of that entity's life and mastering the essence of the Origin Blood from both realms, he inadvertently resurrected that entity?

Yu Yuan's face was a canvas of shock and uncertainty.

"You look troubled. Is everything okay?"

Taishi had been observing his changing expressions. Noticing his eyes awash with confusion and astonishment, he remarked, "Has he made his move? His meddling in the Desolate Realm may not yield any advantage!"

"I am prepared to battle with my full might!"

Qi Yunhong shook his head, his hands drawing arcs of electricity in the air, addressing the unseen Origin Soul within the colossal tree, "Let's get one thing straight—if you intend to take over my body, you must inform me beforehand!"

With a crackle, lightning flared within the tree's trunk. The Origin Soul of the lightning consented to his terms, promising to give prior notice.

"This time, we will stand as allies in battle, not as adversaries."

The voice of Mother Earth remained gentle and soft, yet she was the most belligerent among the Origin Souls.

"I don't need to take possession of you or inhabit your body; I can manifest my power independently."

She cast a glance at Taishi.

Taishi chuckled awkwardly, responding, "That would be ideal!"

Since ascending to supreme status, Taishi had harbored concerns that Mother Earth, the Origin Soul governing the highest earth laws, might one day possess him, using his body as a vessel for combat.


Yu Yuan exclaimed softly as his true form stumbled upon a novel discovery.

Within the ninth level of his Soul Altar, on the Soul Platform corresponding to the Origin Soul, a sophisticated and wondrous order of laws swiftly took shape.

Upon closer inspection, he recognized them as the Destruction Laws overseen by Galuba.

Soon after, he became aware of the Great Demon God Beilstein.

In the mysterious void where the Destruction God Galuba and the Snail God Kuna resided, the Great Demon God Beilstein clutched a dark soul, murmuring with a grin on his face.

"The power of destruction! Ha, I too can grasp the laws of deities from other realms!"

The old demon fragmented into numerous small Devil Souls, drifting like purple stars within Galuba's soul, searching for memories.

The radiant Purple Crystal Devil Souls would engulf and assimilate any hint of the power of destruction they detected, inscribing it deep within their own Devil Soul Imprint, regardless of current comprehension.

Whenever a Destruction Law fused with his Devil Soul, a corresponding mark would be left on Yu Yuan's Soul Platform.

The anomaly on Yu Yuan's Soul Platform was due to the old demon extracting the pure essence of destruction from Galuba's departed soul, aiming to transform it into a divine power under his command.

Moreover, he was indeed capable of grasping the intricacies of destruction and penetrating its deeper meanings.

"Curse it, some external force is erasing all traces related to the thirty-six worlds!"

The old demon let out an alarmed shout.

Simultaneously, the Dragon Slash Platform, which sealed the Destruction Spring, also detected an enigmatic force.

This force, devoid of any distinct elemental aura, was rapidly obliterating Galuba's memories, erasing all recollections tied to the thirty-six worlds from the remnant soul of the Snail God Kuna.

The Dragon Slash Platform burst into a dazzling display of rainbow light, activating its space transfer capabilities and transforming into a super space teleportation array that Yu Yuan could use to step through.


Yu Yuan, having attained the status of Undead Sovereign, suddenly appeared on the Dragon Slash Platform. With his powerful form, he sought to control the platform and uncover the force that had erased the memories of Galuba and Kuna. Alas, his search was in vain.

In Beilstein's grip, the soul of the Destruction God, Galuba, had been stripped of all memories related to the thirty-six worlds, a deed forcibly executed. Even the remnants of Kuna, the Snail God, were devoid of these memories. Yet, the secrets of their dominion over destruction and the essence of their venomous power had been inexplicably preserved.

"How odd, it seems I've forgotten something," mused the Eleventh Level Golden Dragon, shaking its head in bewilderment as if it had misplaced some trivial memory.

Yuan Lianyao, Barol, and Lvliu, three supremes who had ascended to the highest echelons of power, shared this sentiment when Loong Jie spoke. They, too, felt as though a fragment of their memories had been stealthily extracted.

"It must be the work of a deity from another realm," Yu Yuan conjectured, his brow furrowed as he gazed upon the still Destruction Spring. "This deity's power has seeped through the spring, erasing every memory tied to their world from the souls of Galuba and Kuna."

"That individual doesn't want us delving into their realm, doesn't want us to comprehend the fabric of their universe," Yu Yuan continued, his voice chilling with each word. "Clearly, they harbor ill will towards our world. They're likely among those inciting the gods of foreign lands to infiltrate our realm through the energy vortices of the Gray Domain!"

Suddenly, the Destruction Spring was rocked by a cataclysmic upheaval, as an extraordinary force burst forth, shattering the pathways within its depths.

A deity from the other end was determined to prevent them from using the Destruction Spring to reach the Thunder Domain ruled by Galuba. Their worlds were interconnected; once Yu Yuan and his companions entered the Thunder Domain, they could traverse to the Muddy Domain, Nether Domain, and other realms.

With Galuba's demise and Kuna unable to return, the gods from beyond were deeply shaken.

They would certainly reassess the supreme power levels of the Desolate Realm and Origin Realm. When they reemerged, they would undoubtedly be fearsome.

"I think," the old devil began, clearing his throat to draw everyone's attention. Once all eyes were on him, he continued at a measured pace, "With the fall of these two deities, it's quite possible that the other gods from different worlds might band together."

Chen Qinghuang, her three-headed and six-armed aspect now retracted, furrowed her brow and remarked, "Kurkova herself admitted that her combat strength isn't top-tier on the other side."

"Is that so?" the old devil asked, his voice tinged with skepticism.

Chen Qinghuang gave a slight nod in affirmation.

"We shouldn't underestimate the forces there," the old devil mused, taking a deep breath. "This Death God, capable of dealing with her past incarnations, must be exceptional, even with the geographical advantage."

"To think that such a Death God doesn't rank at the top there, and there are even mightier beings."

"We must proceed with caution."

As he spoke, he consumed Galuba's soul in one gulp.

"You..." Yu Yuan began, watching him intently as he endeavored to grasp the essence of Galuba's destruction. "When you were perceiving the true essence of destruction, my Soul Altar received a corresponding imprint of the law."

The old devil looked surprised for a moment, then chuckled dismissively, "No harm done. It's not as if I've given an advantage to outsiders."

Yu Yuan let out a sigh, "But an advantage has been given."

At that, the old devil's brow creased, and he quickly came to a realization. "So, by comprehending Galuba's destructive power, could he gain knowledge just like you did?"

"Mm, especially since the Origin Soul that created you... was consumed by him," Yu Yuan trailed off, his thoughts drifting elsewhere.

Previously, he had believed that the Origin Soul of the Abyss had engulfed and refined the Origin Soul of the Vast Sea. But now, knowing that the remaining Origin Blood claimed kinship with the Origin Blood of the Desolate Realm from the Abyss, he was no longer sure.

He pondered whether the Origin Soul of the Vast Sea might also originate from the Abyss. If so, then the process shouldn't be described as devouring or refining. Perhaps 'returning' would be a more appropriate term.

As the Yang Meridian flows back to the Origin Blood, and the Yin Meridian to the Origin Soul, the vast Origin Soul has returned to its rightful place.

"Should I go on?"

Within Beilstein's luminous mind, the soul of Galuba was being disintegrated by the purple star shards. Immersed in the intricacies of destructive power, it transformed into an eternal imprint within his Devil Soul. The old demon had no intention of stopping.

"Keep going. I've got it under control," Yu Yuan said nonchalantly.


"What's your decision?"

From the depths of boundless darkness, a voice emerged from within the eerie green-black pupil, "The fracture of a single Destruction Spring won't prevent our passage. After all, in the Gray Domain under my dominion, many more springs lie open."

"I am prepared to unlock the Gray Domain and join you on a journey through thirty-six worlds to vanquish the gods."

"What are your thoughts?"

Clearly, he had also sensed the anomaly occurring beside the Dragon Slash Platform.

"Are you inviting me to revisit the Gray Domain?" Yu Yuan asked, astonished.


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