Unmatched Dominance/C2311 A Magnificent Feat
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Unmatched Dominance/C2311 A Magnificent Feat
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C2311 A Magnificent Feat

In the deepest reaches of the Desolate Realm, an unending void of darkness loomed.

Within the greenish-black eyes where he concealed himself, a surge of potent energy burst forth. A figure, cloaked in black and embodying supreme intelligence, materialized and offered Yu Yuan a serene smile.

As this figure appeared, his spectral soul seamlessly merged with the body, becoming one.

In the moment of their union, within the eerie greenish-black eye, billions of wandering spirits, demons, and devils seemed to resonate with him.

Crack! Crack!

The entire world resonated with peculiar sounds as the core Heavenly Dao Order, shrouded in darkness, was forcibly contorted and rewritten by his power.

His presence permeated the vast expanse of the Darkness World. He had not yet stepped out from within the eye, yet his presence was already immensely vast.

The little Origin Beast cowered atop the multicolored flesh, the purple sea beneath it drifting into its nostrils and the crevices of its scales.

Only nestled against this flesh did the Origin Beast find a modicum of comfort.

"The time has nearly come," he whispered to himself.

In the infinite darkness, where once only his formidable soul power dwelled, now a wild and tumultuous Abyssal power emerged, spreading even more rapidly throughout the realms.

Crack! Crack!

The fabric of the world seemed to buckle under the strain of his immense power, echoing with the sound of fracturing glass.

"Whether you are willing or not, I will act according to my own designs."

The body he had possessed, once belonging to the extremely intelligent figure, grew exponentially in strength and stature, reminiscent of the moment it severed from the Demon Phoenix Zhiya.

The body shimmered like a crystal, clear and radiant, casting a rainbow-like aura.

Behind him, ribbons of rainbow light coalesced, revealing numerous spatial rifts.

On the other side of these rifts, the familiar laws of Heaven and Earth were none other than those of the Gray Domain within the Origin Realm!

His body had managed to forge a connection to the Gray Domain, an accomplishment beyond even the Space-time Dragon's capabilities!

"Understanding the secrets of space isn't so difficult after all," he mused, his face alight with anticipation. "I chose this body of supreme intelligence to infuse with boundless energy and to imbue with spatial powers, all for this moment!"

After he finished speaking, he casually pointed his hand toward a shadowy expanse.


A mysterious Chaos Abyss came into being!

With each gesture of his hand, new Chaos Abysses sprang forth!

In this enigmatic Darkness World, he conjured Chaos Abysses out of thin air, as if by magic, leaving Yu Yuan utterly astonished.

Yu Yuan knew that once a Chaos Abyss fully formed, it would instantly consume all the energy of a Starfield, and even... matter itself!

The Deep Starfield had become a barren wasteland, vanishing without a trace, all because Arthurs had unleashed the Chaos Abyss.

With such an abundance of Chaos Abysses emerging in the darkness, it seemed the Desolate Realm was on the brink of annihilation!

How could any survivors of the Desolate Realm possibly find a way to live amidst the relentless consumption of their land?

Would the immense and infinite energy of the various Starfields, the precious natural resources, ores, and gold metal of the Desolate Realm all be swallowed up by the Chaos Abysses, just like the Deep Starfield?

What was the ultimate purpose of absorbing all the energy of the Desolate Realm, and where was it being transferred to?

Yu Yuan, with a steely expression, asked, "Do you intend to destroy the Desolate Realm?"


He smiled, shaking his head, his hand that could summon Chaos Abysses never pausing.

Soon, thirty-six Chaos Abysses materialized in this darkened realm.

As Yu Yuan was about to inquire further, a sudden change occurred.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The spatial power within the thirty-six Chaos Abysses altered dramatically, forming a mysterious connecting force.

The Chaos Abysses, born of his will, suddenly exerted an immense pulling power.

Yu Yuan then witnessed tiny energy vortexes appearing within each of the thirty-six Chaos Abysses.

Thirty-six energy vortexes in total!


Taking a deep breath, Yu Yuan was overwhelmed by the spectacle before him, at a loss for words.

Meanwhile, in the Gray Domain.

The Heaven Opening Flare Star, linked to the entire Origin Realm, burst forth with a captivating seven-colored radiance. The immense spatial power concealed within the Heaven Opening Flare Star erupted.

The highest laws governing the Gray Domain and the Tia Main Planet, along with the foundational forces of the entire world, seemed to be suddenly grasped in someone's hand.

The Heaven Opening Flare Star gracefully shifted, positioning itself above the thirty-six energy vortexes, enveloping the area with its spatial energy.

The Protoss, the Devaputra, and the various races inhabiting the Tia Main Planet gazed in astonishment at a particular area.

They witnessed thirty-six bizarre "fountains" vanish one by one.

In a short time, every fountain within the Gray Domain had disappeared without a trace.


Deep within the ultimate darkness, a "fountain" emerged inside each of the thirty-six Chaos Abysses.

The fountains capable of connecting to the foreign lands were encased by the Chaos Abysses he had crafted.

With his supremely intelligent form, his dominion over the entire Gray Domain, and the power-enveloped region, he accomplished this monumental feat.

The fountain was mysteriously transported from the Gray Domain of the Origin Realm to the present location.

Moreover, each fountain leading to the foreign lands was encircled by a Chaos Abyss.

Previously, a fountain in the Gray Domain, established by a malevolent deity, had erupted with starry sky energy, giving rise to the wonders of the Gray Domain.

Recently, all the fountains began to operate in reverse, absorbing the Gray Domain's energy before inexplicably halting.

If the thirty-six enigmatic fountains could enable Arthurs and his spiritual consciousness to travel to the other side,

then the mightiest beings of the foreign lands would surely be able to do the same.

Clearly, he had his own schemes in mind.

"The Death God Kurkova, the Snail God Kuna, and other deities from the foreign lands are not particularly formidable to us."

"You and I represent the pinnacle of our world's strength."

"I intend to forge a battlefield, opening the gateways of both sides fully, compelling them to traverse back and forth."

He gave a serene smile and continued.

"The Gray Domain and Origin Realm are my chosen sanctuaries. The majority of creatures there revere me as their sole deity. Clearly, neither the Gray Domain nor the Origin Realm is appropriate for a battlefield. Likewise, the true Abyss, devoid of any celestial energy, is unfit for battle."

"I've concluded that the Desolate Realm is the most fitting choice. If they venture here, we'll hunt them down in the Desolate Realm."

"If they don't come to us, we'll take the hunt to their worlds. What are your thoughts?"

He shared his strategy.

Yu Yuan pondered for a moment before responding, "It seems like an excellent option."

The thirty-six springs that connected to foreign lands were once deeply rooted in the Gray Domain, causing Yu Yuan considerable distress.

He could never quite predict when the deities of those thirty-six worlds might make an unexpected appearance.

Now, having possessed the body of Ji Hui, the Origin Soul wielded its dominion over the Gray Domain and its permeation into our world to relocate the thirty-six springs from the Gray Domain to our current location.

Moreover, each spring was encased in its own Chaos Abyss.

As a result, the Origin Realm no longer had to fear an invasion by the gods and their formidable followers from the foreign lands into the Gray Domain and Origin Realm.

Yu Yuan had many dear to him in both the Gray Domain and Origin Realm, many of whom were not yet powerful or battle-ready.

"You've slain two gods from the foreign lands, compelling me to act swiftly."

With a slight furrow of his brow, he spoke with a sense of resignation, "In the foreign lands, the thirty-six worlds, the numerous gods vying for control—they've always been at each other's throats, much like... you and I. The deaths of the Destruction God and the Snail God must be known to them by now, and it's likely they'll band together sooner rather than later."

"The two bodies I sent to reconnoiter were compromised—one stripped of its spiritual consciousness, the other lost to the depths, leaving me in the dark about their current state."

"The fall of Arthurs and the subsequent entries of Zhong Chichen and Tan Xiaotian have given them an intimate knowledge of our world."

"Since you've killed two of their gods, they will undoubtedly seek swift retribution. All I can do is shift the battlefield to spare the more vulnerable of the Origin Realm from harm."

He paused briefly, then snorted before adding, "To put it bluntly, I'm cleaning up your mess. Your actions against the Snail God and the Destruction God have hastened the war and fostered their unity."

Libre Baskerville
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