Unmatched Dominance/C2318 A Foreign God That Had Escaped
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Unmatched Dominance/C2318 A Foreign God That Had Escaped
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C2318 A Foreign God That Had Escaped


The temptation Han Miaoyuan offered was irresistible, sending a wave of excitement throughout the strongest on the Holy Devil Continent.

Who among them wouldn't aspire to ascend to the Supreme Realm?

Once Taishi ascended to the Supreme Realm, he wielded the Creation Peak in the Darkness World, striking fiercely at the Evil God Temple held by the foreign deities. This vivid image was etched in everyone's mind, delivering a powerful shock.

Without attaining the Supreme Realm, how could Taishi possess such formidable combat power?

The strength emanating from the Eleventh Level Golden Dragon, as if ready to burst forth from the Profound Dao Flag, made it evident that reaching the Supreme Realm would be a transformative breakthrough.


The mighty ones, both near and far, whispered to themselves, filled with longing.

Han Miaoyuan, with a stroke of his beard and a satisfied smile, was pleased with their reaction. He added, "In the foreign lands, there are thirty-six worlds, each with its own deity. The Secular Bird Queen reached the Eleventh Level by harnessing the power of just one of these gods."

Their eyes shone with even greater desire.

Han Miaoyuan went on, "My friends, once the war between the worlds erupts, you'll have the opportunity to venture into the foreign lands. Should you manage to slay one or two of these gods, you might just ascend to the Supreme Realm."

"Our Source Spirits here have their limits; some supreme laws simply do not exist and must be sought in the foreign lands."

"Take, for instance, the higher-level laws of space, or forces like death and destruction—our world has never seen the birth of such Source Spirits."

With the old fox's elucidation, the Divine Kings of the Divine Soul Sect appeared intrigued.

The experts regained their composure and kept their eyes on the anomalies above the Profound Dao Flag, hopeful that the impending war would grant them the chance to hunt gods in the foreign lands.


"Hey, Death God."

Taishi's laughter echoed to the heavens as he masterfully maneuvered the Creation Peak, launching relentless assaults on the Skeleton Giant where Kurkova lay hidden.

In the dense expanse of the Darkness World, this towering mountain peak shone with exceptional brilliance.

It defied the Darkness World, shining so brightly that its radiance could not be obscured by the shadows.

As it moved, the darkness was gradually dissolved, carving out a luminous new realm.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The mountainous Skeleton Giant was repeatedly struck, its bones shattering, and the sinister lightning of death flickering out one by one.

The Skeleton Giant, usurped by the deities of foreign lands from the suddenly descended Creation Peak, found itself instantly stripped of the power to fight back.


Loong Jie, resembling a golden wall, coiled his dragon form across the dark void, roaring his admiration.

With the Skeleton Giant's retreat, the Golden Dragon was fully liberated, no longer needing to exert its full strength to ward off the encroaching power of death.


From the depths of those eerie green-black eyes, the alluring figure representing the Darkness Origin Spirit let out a fierce cry.

At her command, the light carved out by the Creation Peak was swiftly submerged by darkness.

"I'm not in the mood to quarrel with you at the moment."

Atop Creation Peak, within a resplendent star, a light hum resonated.

Standing within the Light Star, the poised figure of the Light Origin Spirit raised her eyebrows slightly, casting a disdainful glance at the Darkness Origin Spirit. "You've long ceased to be a challenge for me."

When foes meet, the air crackles with tension.

Yet, informed by Yu Yuan's prior revelations about the impending arrival of numerous gods from the outer realms, the Light Origin Spirit refrained from banishing the darkness, despite possessing ample power to do so.

Its true form resided within Creation Peak, and with Canli at its disposal, its divine might, once fully unleashed, would brighten even the secret realms fashioned by the combined efforts of the Origin Soul and the Darkness Origin Spirit.

The imminent threat of foreign adversaries compelled it to temper its power, to refrain from a full display of might.

Nonetheless, despite efforts to mask its strength, the fearsome aura it exuded after assimilating the profound mysteries of the sun, moon, and star Origin Souls still unsettled the Darkness Origin Spirit.

"Once we've dealt with the external threat, if you're still eager to test your mettle against me, I'll indulge you in a little game."

The Light Origin Spirit, with the visage of a young girl with sparkling eyes and a bright smile, barely concealed her contempt for the Darkness Origin Spirit.

Her pristine wings unfurled behind her, radiating a sacred glow, her newfound confidence stemming from her transformation.


The femme fatale incarnation of the Darkness Origin Spirit vanished once more into the depths of her eyes, like a phantom.

Boom! Thunderous crashes echoed as Taishi wielded Creation Peak, relentlessly hammering the Skeleton Giant time and again.

The Skeleton Giant, crafted by the Evil God Temple, appeared on the verge of collapse beneath the formidable Creation Peak.

Atop the mountain, Mother Earth's expression was one of detached satisfaction.

Creation Peak could have been larger, but she deliberately condensed it for ease of navigating the void and to empower Taishi to strike the Skeleton Giant, a creation of the Evil God Temple.

"Excellent hit! Well struck!"

Mother Earth reveled in her elation.

There was a time when she too had endured the relentless assault of the Evil God Temple in the thick darkness. She had longed to dismantle that temple!

Today, she could finally unleash her vengeance, and naturally, she intended to savor the moment with Taishi's aid.

"You wielded the Abyss Lord to bombard me once; now, with Taishi, I shall see your temple razed!"

Mother Earth mused silently.

Suddenly, a broad azure-black beam of light burst forth from an eye as vast as a star, piercing the Skeleton Giant in an instant.

The Origin Soul, mustering its power in stealth, dealt a crushing blow to the retreating Skeleton Giant.

With a resounding crash, the Skeleton Giant fragmented into countless massive bones, adrift in the dark expanse.

The Origin Soul, with its wise visage, gazed at Mother Earth impassively, as if to say, "Only I have the right to destroy the temple I built, not you."

Mother Earth responded with a disdainful scoff.

At that moment—


A brilliant spectrum of divine light, teeming with the profound mysteries of space, burst forth from the bones of the exploded Skeleton Giant.

Within the divine light, two silhouettes emerged, seemingly deities from foreign lands.

Before anyone could discern the true faces of these deities, the divine light whisked them away through the previously torn rift, vanishing into the shrouded void.

Yu Yuan, wielding the Dragon Slash Platform and the intelligent form, along with Mother Earth from Creation Peak, both masters of spatial power, immediately commenced a search for the elusive divine light across the outer Starfield.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless strands of spatial turbulence undulated through the outer world, the void heaving like a fluctuating carpet.


The three power wielders ferociously tore open numerous fissures.

Their presence and divine might surged through these openings into various sectors of the Desolate Realm, in pursuit of the fleeing divine light.

The two deities from the foreign lands were of critical importance, and it was imperative to address their situation promptly to avert a potential catastrophe.

Regrettably, their search yielded nothing in the end.

Enveloped in divine light, the two deities vanished into the starry expanse of the Desolate Realm. Despite their exhaustive search, they could not detect the movement of the divine light, leaving the whereabouts of the foreign deities unknown.

"It was the Space God, Devitt, who abducted Zhong Chichen."

Chen Qinghuang, gravely wounded, had already withdrawn her formidable form with three heads and six arms. The ashen Divine Bird, riddled with injuries, had once again settled into her body.

Gazing toward the direction of the departing divine light, she spoke gravely, "In addition to the two foreign deities, there is something else within the divine light, harboring a terrifying toxin."


The revelation alarmed everyone present.

Yu Yuan's brow furrowed with concern. He was aware of Chen Qinghuang's extraordinary ability to detect poisons, thanks to her connection with the Snail God, Kuna.

Chen Qinghuang's deliberate mention of the toxin indicated that its presence within the divine light was a matter of great significance.

Kuna had mastered the essence of the deadly poison from the foreign realm, unlocking its secrets, which posed a significant threat to his Yang God and the vast expanse of flesh beneath him.

With the Space God and the Death God having departed with a poisonous entity, one had to wonder what they intended to do.


The entity of Supreme Wisdom activated the Path of the Undead, a network sprawling across the vast voids of the Desolate Realm. Through the spirits and phantoms drawn into this path, the search for the foreign deities' activities continued.

This being also harbored a foreboding sense that the departing deities would surely undertake some action within the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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