Unmatched Dominance/C2322 Father
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Unmatched Dominance/C2322 Father
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C2322 Father

"Gal Starfield!"

"They're in the Gal Starfield!"

Yu Yuan and the Light Origin Spirit exclaimed in unison.

The Oblivion God, Harris, used a spatial rift to make his escape. Like a luminous thread, he wove through the numerous galaxies of the Desolate Realm, steadily homing in on his final destination.

Indeed, it was the Gal Starfield!

Devoid of galactic energy, the Gal Starfield's oppressive silence bore a striking resemblance to the true Abyss, making it an ideal hiding place.

The Origin Soul's energy had not yet permeated the area, and the 'Paths of the Dead' had not been laid out across the Gal Starfield.

This was due to the Secular Bird Queen, who had once opened the Death Spring here and planted a Wraith Tree, leaving the entire Starfield bereft of any stellar power.

Before the Death Spring was destroyed, the Death God, Kurkova, had also extended her consciousness into this space.

Kurkova knew the Gal Starfield well, and the Space God had used its Spring to apprehend and take away Zhong Chichen.

Yu Yuan and the Origin Soul, tracking Harris's trail, deduced that his destination was the Gal Starfield and surmised that the Space God and Death God were likely concealed there.

"Hmm, what's happened?"

Loong Jie scratched his head, emerging from his confusion.

Barol, Yuan Lianyao, and Lvliu were plagued by splitting headaches. They strained to remember, but their minds were blank.

In their memories, the Oblivion God, Harris, seemed to have never existed.

"I can't seem to recall some of the starry secrets I've learned."

Barol looked bewildered. Upon awakening, he tried to cast a stellar spell only to find he had forgotten its execution.

Subsequently, Loong Jie, Yuan Lianyao, Lvliu, Qi Yunhong, and other exalted beings experienced similar lapses in memory, all related to the profound Laws of the Great Dao, which left them in utter dismay.

The intricacies of the laws they had painstakingly discerned were intrinsic to their stature as supreme beings. Their absence not only indicated a significant vulnerability in their Supreme Realm but also threatened to severely diminish their combat prowess.

Could a supreme being still be considered supreme if incomplete?

"Don't worry, the Oblivion God has merely stripped away a part of your memories," they were reassured.

Upon their awakening, Yu Yuan's true form at the Dragon Slash Platform gathered the ten levels of the "Soul Altar" into his sea of consciousness. He used different platforms to connect with them and transformed the profound laws they had lost into beams of memory light, which he infused into their souls.

"You'll need to recontemplate these laws and grasp their secrets once more," Yu Yuan explained to them.

The profound laws of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, sun, moon, stars, extreme cold, and lightning were all present in the depths of his Soul Altar, unaffected by the Oblivion God.

"I'm en route to the Gal Starfield. My arrival won't be swift."

His spectral form spoke with tranquility, while his other aspect, endowed with Supreme Wisdom, was hastening toward the Gal Starfield from another part of the Desolate Realm.

The Desolate Realm's "Paths of the Undead" were shifting towards the Gal Starfield, carrying the tremendous soul energy he had amassed from the neighboring Starfields toward the intended destination.

"I'll take care of the alien deities in the Gal Starfield."

Above that eerie pupil, his ghost form gave Yu Yuan a subtle nod.

The dark energy of the area was drawn into the depths of the eye, illuminating the galaxy.

Some of the soul energy he had dispersed was concealed within the eye and transferred to different "Paths of the Undead," ready to strike at the intrusive gods in the Gal Starfield.

"Keep watch here. Should any foreign gods intrude upon this realm, you're to slay them before my demonic form is complete," he instructed Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan responded with a nonchalant hum, but soon noticed that the consciousness of the poison source was brimming with green wraiths.

By the time he sensed the danger, the consciousness had vanished.

The Oblivion God Harris, in his flight, had infused his divine power into the Dragon Slash Platform, eradicating the lingering essence of the poison.

Thus, only the crystallized law of poison remained within the emerald gourd, devoid of the poison's conscious spirit.

"I must attend to a matter first."

With a whoosh, he wielded the Dragon Slash Platform to tear open a luminous rift in the void, through which his primary form traveled.

Moments later, wielding the Dragon Slash Platform, he reemerged in the Phoenix Starfield.

The Dragon Slash Platform transformed into a gleaming golden blade of light, carving a gash through the tumultuous void ensnared by the Space God Devitt. At that moment, the void was awash with rivers of blood, a vibrant, multicolored expanse that resembled a patchwork of floating swamps.

The overpowering stench was nauseating. Amidst the blood were a few small islands and two towering temples floating aloft. The Beast Temple and the Phoenix Shrine stood with their doors firmly shut, shrouded in a faint, poisonous miasma.

The venom within the miasma and smoke was seeping into the temples, causing their walls to emit a crackling sound. The intricate patterns on their surfaces were being eaten away by the toxic fumes, and the grandeur of the two temples appeared on the brink of collapse.

"This girl..." Yu Yuan's eyes briefly surveyed the inner world before settling on a purple phoenix sprawled in a pool of blood. The phoenix had draped its wings and body over a piece of skin imbued with deadly poison. The vibrant plumage was now ragged, and thick blood oozed from numerous wounds.

Miasma and smoke rose from her blood, drifting toward the two towering temples. The luster in her phoenix eyes had faded, a clear sign of her grave injuries.

She had been thwarted in her attempt to unravel the toxic mysteries of the skin. It seemed she would be reduced to a mere pool of blood before she could grasp its true essence. Unable to break the spatial constraints set by the Space God, she was also unable to detect her mother Zhiya's movements.

The chaotic space, crafted at Zhiya's behest, had ironically become a graveyard for her and the alien beasts. Despair began to seep into her heart.

She realized that she was destined to be consumed by the blood, and the sacred temples would succumb to the poison, dooming all the alien beasts hidden within to perish.

Then, amidst the haze clouding her vision, the Dragon Slash Platform materialized, with Yu Yuan standing above it. The look of concern and sorrow on his face warmed her heart, reigniting a glimmer of hope.

"Father..." she whispered inwardly.

Yu Yuan furrowed his brow and let out a soft sigh as the Dragon Slash Platform came to a halt before her phoenix gaze. With a whoosh, his form, the Undead Sovereign, emerged from the platform, delicately placing a jade gourd before Yu Zhu.

Within this gourd lie the laws and secrets of a foreign, deadly poison. Unlike the other Beast Gods, you should be able to grasp its intricacies swiftly. Rest assured, you will not perish."

After leaving the gourd behind, Yu Yuan drifted away.


Yu Zhu gently pressed down on the emerald gourd with her phoenix claw. As her venom-infused Bloodline Crystal Chain made contact with the gourd's toxic secrets, the intricate laws of poison became vividly clear.

She had already realized that attempting to decipher the poison's mysteries through the skin of the scroll was futile. The laws embedded within were chaotic and disordered, and unraveling the essence of the poison contained inside would require an exorbitant amount of time. Before she could even grasp a few truths of the poison, she would have been reduced to a pool of blood—clearly an impractical approach.

However, within the jade gourd, the poison laws were laid out in such a way that she didn't need to exhaust herself trying to determine the correct sequence; she could directly absorb and understand them. Thanks to the poison of Qiyan, the eight-legged spider, and the murky secrets of the Origin Soul, she already possessed profound insights into the world's poisons. In this domain, she was only marginally less adept than Chen Qinghuang.

The jade gourd gifted to her by Yu Yuan was her antidote. As her bloodline resonated with the gourd's toxic secrets, the poison that once afflicted her through the skin lost its potency. The abilities of the skin, the toxins within the miasma, and the smoke all became forces that mended her grievous wounds.

"I knew you would come to my rescue."

It was only after Yu Yuan had vanished that she whispered these words to herself. Her wings regained their splendor, the horrific wounds on her body closed up, and the blood that had been suspended around her drew closer, transforming into a wellspring of power.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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