Unmatched Dominance/C2326 He Was Forced to Do so
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Unmatched Dominance/C2326 He Was Forced to Do so
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C2326 He Was Forced to Do so

In a distant void, the old devil let out a sudden, shocking scream. His once resonant and lofty demonic voice, transmitted from another world, became intermittent and incoherent.

"It's not what you think!"

The old devil, in a fit of frustration, watched as Andrea transformed her finger into a blade within the confines of the secret chamber. Her face set with determination, she struck at the runes brimming with the essence of space.

"Dammit, girl, at least wait until I've finished speaking!"

Powerlessly, the old devil witnessed each symbol shatter under Andrea's relentless force.


On the Holy Devil Continent, within a chamber carved from Gouge Thunder Crystal, Andrea's swift blade movements obliterated the enigmatic runes infused with spatial energy.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you, Father, to bring those otherworldly forces into the Origin Realm."

Her light blade shone with an unparalleled brilliance, embodying the profound truths of the Great Dao that Andrea had mastered.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

One by one, the runes vanished beneath the light blade, and the nascent spring failed to materialize.

Andrea possessed the soul of a Devaputra and the physique of a Protoss. Her cultivation system bore a striking resemblance to that of the Vast Sea God Race.

Harnessing her spiritual energy as the foundation for Divine Power, and concealing the profound truths of the Origin Soul, she effortlessly eradicated the incomplete symbols.

In the otherworldly void, Beilstein's cries grew increasingly fragmented until they faded away entirely.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The remaining runes, undeterred, whirled within the crystal, attempting to reconstruct the spring's portal by adhering to some intrinsic mechanism and rules. Alas, with less than half remaining, the symbols' persistent will was insufficient to restore the connection to the other realm.

"You've disappointed me."

Exhausted from her actions, Andrea nearly collapsed onto the floor of the secret chamber. Her spirit, deeply wounded, took a long time to find solace.

She struggled to come to terms with the fact that her father had conspired with foreign deities to conquer the Origin Realm.

In her eyes, the old devil had always been the Origin Realm's valiant hero, ever-vigilant in protecting its inhabitants from external malevolence.

The seven layers of the abyss and the Desolate Realm remained untouched, safeguarded by her father's unwavering vigilance.

On the far side of the void, she had clearly witnessed tens of thousands of alien warriors chanting her father's name in adoration.

She was certain that once the spring's portal fully opened, her father would lead these foreign champions to make their descent upon Magic Mountain.

In the Desolate Realm, Origin Soul, Yu Yuan, and their companions stood vigilant beside the thirty-six springs, locked in combat with the gods from beyond.

Three of these foreign deities had already emerged from the springs, wreaking havoc across the Starfield of the Desolate Realm.

At such a critical and delicate juncture, should her father usher the foreign warriors into the Origin Realm through the springs, wouldn't both the Desolate Realm and the Origin Realm be thrown into utter turmoil?

With the spring nearing completion, she had no desire to entertain Beilstein's explanations, fearing they might be a stalling tactic. She resolutely wiped away the secret talisman.


Above Magic Mountain, Yuv Qian repeatedly called out to her with the voice of a Devaputra.

It took a while, but a composed Andrea eventually stepped out of the chamber of lightning crystals and emerged atop the now energy-depleted Magic Mountain.

As if nothing had transpired, Andrea's presence instantly captured the attention of all those around.

How had the immeasurable lightning energy within Magic Mountain been funneled into the vast Nether Abyss?

Since when had the entrances crafted by the Space-time Dragon, Zhong Chichen, and the Frost Dragon become conduits for the surging lightning?

And why had the spatial laws of the Origin Realm undergone such anomalies?

The crowd was brimming with questions, eager for Andrea to shed light on these mysteries.

"Could you provide an explanation?"

Han Miaoyuan, the somber-faced leader of the Protoss, retracted the Profound Dao Flag and inquired, "What secret did your father leave within Magic Mountain that caused all the lightning power to be redirected to the Vast Sea?"

"I have nothing to disclose."

Andrea, with her hands open in a gesture of innocence, addressed the skeptical gazes: "My father amassed an immense reserve of lightning within Magic Mountain as a bulwark against the Origin Soul that fashioned him. As to why that energy spiraled out of control and was siphoned off by some unknown force, that is beyond my comprehension."

She attributed all responsibility to the Space God from another realm.

The transformation in the spatial laws of the Origin Realm suggested that this interdimensional Space God had tampered with the realm's spatial enigmas.

How did the Space God accomplish this? She concealed everything about the secret room and the old devil.

"Without the space array and the Galaxy Crossing, your return to the Vast Expanse or journey to the Creation Starfield will be a long one," the Chaos Roc snorted. "I suspect something has happened in the Vast Expanse. You'd better look after yourselves first."

The assembled powerhouses turned their gaze to Han Miaoyuan.

They, too, had sensed the disturbances in the Vast Expanse and were concerned about potential unforeseen events.

Han Miaoyuan also sensed that something was amiss. After a moment of contemplation, he declared, "We must return to the Vast Expanse first!"

The Galaxy Ancient Starship, brought by the group, roared to life. The Protoss, led by the Evil God, along with numerous Devaputra, boarded various warships.

"Lord Reid," Andrea called out.

The High Priest Reid, the Devil Soul within his dark cloak, shuddered slightly.

Reid, who was about to depart, turned around. His eye sockets ablaze with dark flames, he inquired, "Your Highness, what would you like to know?"

"Why?" Andrea pressed.

The Origin Soul had evidently released the consciousness of all beings.

Knowing the truth—that the creator of the Devaputra Race had been consumed by the Origin Soul from the abyss—why would Reid still willingly serve under Him? That was Andrea's burning question.

"Your Highness, I, too, yearn to ascend to supremacy. Lord Beilstein has already established his position on that path, and he lacks the power to elevate me to that status," Reid explained in a hushed tone.

"And there's more..."

Reid paused, his voice growing softer, "If I were to disobey, the Devaputra Race would be eradicated. Without compliance, the only Devaputra you would see would be the few like you and Yuv Qian."

With these words, Reid and several newly risen Demon Gods soared toward the Galaxy Ancient Starship under Devaputra control.

Several Galaxy Ancient Starships, like monstrous beasts, departed from the Holy Devil Continent.

"What exactly is happening?"

Once the Protoss, Devaputra, and Evil Gods had vanished, Yuv Qian, en route to the Great Demon God, couldn't contain his curiosity any longer: "Your Highness, you look troubled. Your spirit has been deeply shaken. I sense you've uncovered something. Would you share it with us?"

"No, I can't do it. I'm sorry."

Andrea could only keep shaking her head.

Her father was her spiritual pillar, as well as the belief of Yuv Qian, and the object of admiration for other powerful beings from different races like Denise and Elena.

She couldn't reveal the truth she had witnessed and shatter everyone's faith, including her own.


Desolate Realm.

As the second incarnation of the Origin Soul set off toward the Gal Starfield, Yu Yuan, maneuvering the Dragon Slash Platform, also headed there but abruptly came to a halt.

The Gal Starfield, as if uprooted from the Desolate Realm, was now unreachable by the Dragon Slash Platform.

The Space God Devitt's power shrouded the entire Gal Starfield, severing the connection between him and Beilstein.

He was also in the dark about what was currently transpiring in the Gal Starfield, which was sealed by the "Great Void Divine Restriction."

Nevertheless, the Origin Soul, having reformed its demonic body, launched another assault on the Gal Starfield.

Before departing, the Origin Soul had made a point of entrusting him with the care of the springs and handed over control of the Chaos Abyss and Myriad Spirit Restriction.

"For now, I'll look after those springs to prevent a surge of foreign deities from infiltrating."

After much deliberation, Yu Yuan decided to take a dual approach.

His true form radiated with a spectrum of dazzling light, utilizing his mastery of spatial powers to head toward the location of the springs.

His other form, the Undead Sovereign, continued to steer the Dragon Slash Platform internally, speeding toward the Gal Starfield.


Within one of the thirty-six Chaos Abyss, a spring within the Evil God Temple, which was exuding a sense of death, suddenly produced a soul shadow.


"The God of the Origin Realm, Arthurs!"

Those who recognized him exclaimed in shock upon seeing him emerge.

"My friends."

Arthurs, standing within the spring, quickly scanned the green-black pupil and, seeing that another shadow of the Origin Soul had not yet formed, he felt at ease: "I am here on a mission, and also under the command of... Lord Beilstein."


"Beilstein again!"

The crowd was stirred, their expressions varied as they turned their attention to Arthurs, anticipating his next words.

"I have a message to convey."

Arthurs' eyes settled on the massive expanse of flesh above him, addressing Yu Yuan's Yang God form: "Lord Beilstein wishes for you to heed his words."

"Beilstein, isn't he supposed to be in the Gal Starfield?"

The Light Origin Spirit was visibly perplexed. It glanced between Yu Yuan's Yang God and Arthurs, the former god of the Origin Realm, and questioned, "I recognize you. You were once the chief of the Abyss Evil Gods. When exactly did Beilstein subdue you, turning you into his messenger and servant?"

Arthurs paused briefly before responding candidly, "It happened after I ventured into the foreign realm."

"Foreign realm?"

Mother Earth exclaimed, taken aback.

"I am obeying commands from a different Beilstein!"

Arthurs, clearly irritated by their incessant questioning, let out a cold huff and turned his attention back to Yu Yuan.

"Go on."

Yu Yuan gave a subtle nod.

His true form was already en route, drawing ever nearer.

The connection between the Soul Altar on the ninth tier of the Soul Platform and the Chaos Abyss where Arthurs resided was strengthening.

The Chaos Abyss resembled an ever-widening maw, its interior roiling with tumultuous energy.

The moment Arthurs stepped away from the spring's source, Yu Yuan could, with a mere thought, harness the power within the Chaos Abyss to engulf him.

"Life is unpredictable," Arthurs said with a grim smile, gazing into the swirling Chaos Abyss. "I was the leader of the Evil Gods, and with the silent consent of the Evil God Temple's guardians, I wielded the Chaos Abyss to strike at the Gray Domain of the Origin Realm. You probably never imagined that the Chaos Abyss would one day turn against me."

"And here I am, once the mightiest in the Abyss, now compelled to serve Lord Beilstein in a distant realm."

He continued to smile ruefully, shaking his head. He felt like a pawn being kicked around, helplessly passed from one side to the other.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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