Unmatched Dominance/C2329 The Origin Spirit's Counterattack
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Unmatched Dominance/C2329 The Origin Spirit's Counterattack
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C2329 The Origin Spirit's Counterattack

"Where's Devitt?"

Invited by two exotic deities, Yu Yuan scoured the Gal Starfield for the Space God, his footsteps causing the Dragon Slash Platform to shimmer with waves of light.

As the light swept through, it missed not a single trace of a soul's presence.

To Yu Yuan, the Gal Starfield was not immensely vast. Utilizing the power of the Dragon Slash Platform, he swiftly turned the starfield inside out.

Yet, there was no sign of the Origin Soul's energy fluctuations.

Of the three foreign gods who had crossed over, the Space God, Devitt, proved to be the most elusive. Even after sealing off the entire Gal Starfield, he remained absent.

Had he joined the fray, defending the Origin Soul would have been an even greater challenge, likely leading to a swift defeat.

What could possibly be more pressing for Devitt than hunting down the Origin Soul?

Memories of the blood-drenched chaos in the Phoenix Starfield, where countless alien beasts perished, weighed heavily on Yu Yuan, sparking fears that Devitt might be unleashing his poisons in other galaxies within the Desolate Realm.

For a deity governing space, the vastness of the Desolate Realm was trivial, easily traversed with a few spatial jumps.

"Oh, Devitt has headed to the Holy Devil Continent in the Origin Realm. There's been a slight complication there."

The Oblivion God of the Bone Race, his green eyes ablaze with an eerie flame, chuckled, "The issue isn't significant. It should be resolved shortly."

"Holy Devil Continent?"

Yu Yuan's expression darkened.

Key figures of the Divine Soul Sect like Tianqi, Ann Ziqing, the Chaos Roc, and Yuv Qian, along with formidable allies like Elena and Denise, were all on the Holy Devil Continent!

If Devitt were to leave behind a toxic remnant there, wouldn't it spell disaster for the inhabitants?

"It's not as you imagine. My physical form in the foreign lands is on the verge of descending through the Magic Mountain on the Holy Devil Continent."

Beilstein, for his part, was forthright with Yu Yuan, perceiving his concerns and clarifying, "The gateway through Magic Mountain was nearly complete when Andrea destroyed the spatial runes that formed its core, delaying the return of my foreign body."

"Devitt is simply addressing that situation."

The elder demon said with a smile, "In the Boundless Great World and on the Creation Continent, there are now two of them. You and I should join forces to eradicate this threat."

The Gal Starfield, shrouded by Devitt's Void Sky Great Forbidden Technique, did not impede the connection between Yu Yuan and his two other forms.

Upon hearing certain news, Yu Yuan's expression suddenly shifted dramatically.


The Chaos Abyss, where many such places exist.

Within the depths of his greenish-black eyes, his soul threads continued to intertwine and refine, evolving towards a spectral form.

Arthurs boasted of the Great Demon God Beilstein's esteemed status in foreign lands and his unconventional protection of the Origin Realm, while he vehemently criticized the Origin Soul's misdeeds.

Then, out of nowhere, a blinding bolt of lightning streaked from the summit of Creation Peak, striking Qi Yunhong directly between the eyebrows!

Qi Yunhong, who had only recently ascended to supreme status, was instantaneously overtaken by the lightning source spirit!

"What are you doing?"

All three Yu Yuan were startled by the lightning source spirit's sudden activity, and they couldn't help but shout their questions.

At that moment, a cacophony of buzzing noises emanated from the Soul Altar deep within his consciousness, resonating with the earth, lightning, and vegetation.

He experienced a brief moment of mental disorientation.

With a whoosh!

Qi Yunhong transformed into a fearsome bolt of divine lightning, racing from Creation Peak to the Chaos Abyss where Arthurs had been. He reached the spring's source in a flash.

The bolt of lightning expanded abruptly, forming a vast pool of thunder that enveloped Arthurs.

Crack! Boom!

Lightning danced and thunder roared within the pool, its frenzied power obliterating Arthurs's spectral form.

Arthurs, who had been conveying the Great Demon God Beilstein's benevolent message to Yu Yuan, met his demise in an unforeseen twist of fate.

Qi Yunhong's unexpected strike left everyone, including Arthurs himself, dumbfounded.

Only after Arthurs's ghost vanished from the spring did Qi Yunhong step out from the Chaos Abyss with a detached demeanor.


Yuan Lianyao, Barol, Lvliu, and Loong Jie immediately recognized that it was the lightning source spirit that had unexpectedly seized control of Qi Yunhong, wielding his supreme form to unleash the formidable power of thunder!

The Thunderbolt Origin Spirit's act of killing Arthurs without Yu Yuan's consent sparked a flurry of speculation among the onlookers.

"We don't want to listen to his drivel any longer."

Qi Yunhong approached Yu Yuan's Yang God and seized Qi Yunhong's Thunderbolt Origin Spirit. He gestured towards the Light Star suspended in the sky above Creation Peak and the somber-faced Mother Earth.

Yu Yuan glanced back and noticed that the four origin spirits had unexpectedly formed a small alliance.

The Light Origin Spirit bowed its head, avoiding eye contact, as if it was hiding from something.

"We are origin spirits; we are not like you," Mother Earth stated gravely. "The gods from the foreign lands take pleasure in hunting origin spirits. The Oblivion God, the Snail God, the Destruction God, and the Death God have all sacrificed their own origin spirits to empower themselves!"

Her gaze turned icy as she stared at Taishi.

Taishi, touching his nose, asked with feigned innocence, "Why that look?"

"Yu Yuan, we were willing to ally with you because you opposed him. Our agreement to stand united with you was contingent on your commitment to confront him," she explained.

"But now, with the situation having changed significantly, we must reconsider our options."

Mother Earth inhaled deeply, her chest swelling with resolve, as she proclaimed, "We refuse to make contact with the thirty-six worlds of the foreign realm! We do not wish for the Origin Realm to become the thirty-seventh, nor for the Desolate Realm to become the thirty-eighth!"

"The interconnectivity of these worlds implies that their mighty creatures will move freely between the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm."


Turning to the young girl from the Light Star and the Tree of Life, Mother Earth continued, "As origin spirits, we would become mere prey for those worlds' powerful entities."

She then fixed her gaze back on Taishi and Qi Yunhong, adding, "There's also the risk that they might fall under the sway of those worlds, turning to refine us in turn, using our demise to ascend as gods in the foreign lands."

The resplendent star, home to eight pairs of pristine white wings, radiated a sanctity that was beyond reproach. The Light Origin Spirit nodded in agreement, "I do not wish to be refined by anyone, nor end up like the Origin Blood of the Desolate Realm."

The Tree of Life's leaves whispered in the wind, signaling its accord.

"If you, Yu Yuan, decide to side with Beilstein from the foreign lands, then we will support him in opposing you!"

Mother Earth made her stance clear, stating, "The Darkness Origin Spirit that created the continents, the expansive Light Origin Spirit, and all the Origin Spirits of the current realms, including the Origin Blood and the Extreme Cold of the Origin Realm, will stand together to confront the formidable beings of that world, just as we do."

The arrival of Arthurs, along with the message from Beilstein, alerted the Origin Spirits to the looming threat.

At that very moment—


After Yu Yuan's Yang God departed, the adult Origin Beast lying on the multicolored flesh seized the opportunity while Yu Yuan was deep in thought, and it transformed its massive form into a streak of bright light.

This vibrant light surged with an intense spatial force!

It randomly selected a spring within the Chaos Abyss and shot towards the foreign lands.

Following in the footsteps of Zhong Chichen and Tan Xiaotian, this Origin Beast too decided to venture into the foreign lands in search of its own breakthrough and destiny.

Feeling the immense pressure from Yu Yuan, the Origin Beast realized it could never surpass him and thus chose this new path.

"You've slipped away too?" Yu Yuan murmured, momentarily taken aback as he awaited the arrival of his true form.

"Before entering the foreign lands, we truly have no idea what conditions await us there," Yu Yuan's true form mused, standing over the spring where the little Origin Beast had vanished. After a brief contemplation, he declared, "Here's what I'll do: I'll head over to the other side to have a look myself. I want to scrutinize the foreign lands with my own eyes!"

Libre Baskerville
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