Unmatched Dominance/C2333 The Power Structure of the Foreign Realm
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Unmatched Dominance/C2333 The Power Structure of the Foreign Realm
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C2333 The Power Structure of the Foreign Realm

"It's going to be difficult," Zhong Chichen remarked, his attire as vibrant and his demeanor as graceful and carefree as ever.

"Alas, the Muddy Domain and the Thunder Domain have been contaminated by its chaotic energies. Countless beings have perished," lamented the Colorful Divine Dragon, shaking its head in sorrow. "This vicious beast has barged in, wreaking havoc and slaughtering the innocent. I fear Lord Beilstein will have a tough time accounting for this."

As a descendant of the Titan Spinosaurus and an elder of the Nagas, it was surprising to see him concerned for the old tyrant.

Yu Yuan gave him a curious look.

"Don't give me that look. Lord Beilstein is the guardian of the Origin Realm. Without his protection, who knows what state it would be in by now?" Zhong Chichen, now in a foreign realm, surprisingly held the old tyrant in high regard. "Many deities have ventured to the Muddy Domain and the Thunder Domain to extinguish the fires and counteract the abyssal energies that have been unleashed. With Devitt absent, I've come to assess the situation myself."

While speaking, Zhong Chichen's eyes continued to scan the horizon for the small Origin Beast.

"Is that the one nurtured by the Demon Phoenix in the Purple Sea?"

The Space-time Dragon tapped the Time Book with a light footfall, and on an ocher piece of paper, the trail of the small Origin Beast's escape was revealed.

The small Origin Beast darted through this part of the cosmos, its body emitting a purple demonic aura that enveloped it like a vast ocean.

Deep within the Purple Sea, iridescent lights shimmered, propelling it and the void of the Purple Sea forward at incredible speeds.

Clearly, it was well-versed in the mysteries of the void.

The little Origin Beast bobbed its head in the sea of purple energy, with sparks shooting from its nostrils, as if in search of something.

"Yes, that's the one," Yu Yuan confirmed, having just arrived. He wasn't eager to pursue the little Origin Beast; instead, he took a moment to explore this strange new world.

The ambiance here bore a resemblance to that of the Desolate Realm, complete with celestial bodies, and even the sun and moon.

Within the complex energies of the galaxy, the presence of flesh and blood was notably pronounced, while the essence of the soul was exceedingly rare.

The stars surrounding us, along with their celestial realms, also possess vast atmospheres akin to immense oceans, enveloping various stars and casting a soft, hazy glow.


Yu Yuan's expression shifted abruptly.

In an instant, he soared toward the nearest star.

For him, billions of miles in the galaxy were merely a stone's throw away. With just a slight application of the profound truths of the void he had mastered, he found himself on an alien star.

This star was home to the One-eyed Tribe, whose members typically had two or four arms and were currently gripped by immense fear.

The One-eyed Tribe feared the little Origin Beast, worrying it would come and devour them one by one. Their fears were not unfounded, as some of their strongest warriors, renowned for their valor and skill in battle, had been brutally slain by the little Origin Beast in the starry expanse beyond the atmosphere.

Yu Yuan touched down on this star, gazing upon the ancient and rugged stone cities built by the One-eyed Tribe.

The cities were simple and unrefined. The bloodline of the One-eyed Tribe was not particularly noble, and their strength was modest at best.

Then, he inhaled deeply. To his surprise, the interior of the One-eyed Tribe's star contained an incredibly pure Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi!

This star in the Outland Star River shared the same essence as the Boundless Great World and the environment within the Dragon Slash Platform.

The diverse energies of the Outland Star River, once filtered and purified by the atmosphere, transformed into pure Spiritual Qi, readily absorbable by any sentient being!

Yu Yuan also detected that in the secluded high mountain regions, there were Spirit Stones of not insignificant quality!

Furthermore, the lush forests harbored numerous exotic fruits, each infused with Spiritual Qi!

Though the Spiritual Qi of this place paled in comparison to the Boundless Great World, to Yu Yuan, it felt remarkably similar, almost like a comforting illusion of homecoming.


Following closely, Zhong Chichen arrived on his Time Book, a smile gracing his features. "Isn't it curious? I felt the same astonishment when I first made this discovery."

"Why is it so?" Yu Yuan asked, taken aback. After a moment of contemplation, he inquired, "In other worlds, does the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi also flow within the stars?"

"Yes," Zhong Chichen nodded. "I'm not clear on the specifics either. Even the Space God Devitt is in the dark about it. Essentially, within the stars of other worlds flows purified Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi. All the intelligent races and spirit beasts across the major worlds have grown accustomed to using Spiritual Qi to strengthen themselves."

Yu Yuan furrowed his brow in deep thought. The ability to purify the starry sky outside of heaven, as the Boundless Human Race had done, was nonexistent in the Origin Realm.

In the Origin Land, the birthplace of the Boundless Human Race, the seven layers of the abyss teemed with violent and chaotic energy, which was not the pure Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi either.

The humans of the abyss were naturally attuned to the energy of the abyss, whereas the Spiritual Qi of the Boundless Human Race was adaptable to all things!

After Yu Yuan refined the Origin Soul of the Boundless Human Race and began to manifest his power, the dynamics of the Boundless Human Race underwent a dramatic shift. Abyssal energy erupted from the earth's depths, and the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi was gradually supplanted.

The Boundless Great World, which had given rise to the Boundless Human Race, Demon Gods, and Giant Dragons, had changed from what it once was.

The abyss, Desolate Realm, and Origin Realm had no other places like the former Boundless Great World.

Yet, in the foreign lands, any random world or star flowed with Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, just like the original Boundless Great World!

What was this phenomenon?

Suddenly, Yu Yuan's curiosity about the foreign lands was piqued. He sensed that there were many secrets there, ripe for exploration.

Zhong Chichen suddenly added, "The world we're in now falls under the domain of the Gluttony God, Chai En, who was originally a spirit beast. After devouring the Origin Soul of the Taotie, he ascended and transformed into... an Origin Beast."

"An Origin Beast?" Yu Yuan was taken aback.

There was actually an Origin Beast in this world!

The Origin Beast was a spirit beast of this land, transformed by refining a particular Origin Spirit!

The peculiarities of the foreign lands vastly surpassed Yu Yuan's understanding, leaving him utterly bewildered.

"Furthermore..." Zhong Chichen, aware that Yu Yuan was new and had much to learn, continued to enlighten him, "Yu Yuan, do you know what Devitt and the Death God Kurkova are referred to as here?"


"They're known as the Origin Gods!"

Zhong Chichen exclaimed, "The Origin Gods and our Primordial Spirits differ only in name; their pronunciations are identical."

"Those who ascend to godhood by refining a certain Origin Spirit are known as Origin Gods! These thirty-six worlds share many similarities with our Origin Realm, the Abyss, and the Desolate Realm."

"Here, all intelligent beings, including spirit beasts, are classified by their bloodline rank."

"The power levels from one to ten are comparable to the alien beasts of the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm. The Eleventh Level, however, has two distinct variations. Those granted a specific power essence by an Origin Spirit, like Loong Jie, Barol, and Lvliu, are referred to as Sovereigns here, just as in our world."

"Yet, if one is empowered by the Origin Gods, like myself or the Secular Bird Queen, they are named Rulers at this level."

"Sovereigns and Rulers are both at the Eleventh Level; the difference lies in their creators."

"Sovereigns and Rulers of the Eleventh Level can ascend to Origin God status by finding and assimilating the appropriate Origin Spirit."

"The same applies to spirit beasts. Their Eleventh Level is also termed Sovereign or Ruler. With one more step, like the Gluttony God Chai En who devoured the Taotie Origin, they are honored as Origin Beasts."

"Origin Gods and Origin Beasts surpass the Eleventh Level and are recognized as the Twelfth Level here."

"By consuming the Origin Blood of the Desolate Realm, you've already reached the twelfth pinnacle. You, too, are hailed as an Origin God in this realm."

Zhong Chichen meticulously outlined to Yu Yuan the parallels and distinctions between this place, the Origin Realm, and the Desolate Realm.

Yu Yuan was momentarily stunned, silently processing the revelations and mulling over them.

In the thirty-six worlds of the foreign lands, most stars brim with the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth.

The inhabitants of these lands bolster themselves with this Spiritual Qi. Here, the Eleventh Level is known as Sovereign and Ruler, while the Twelfth Level, which involves absorbing an Origin Spirit, is termed Origin God, a mere letter's difference from the human race's Primordial Spirit.

At the Eleventh Level, an alien beast is known as the Supreme or the Ruler. At the Twelfth Level, it is referred to as an Origin Beast.

The power of an Origin Beast is on par with that of an Origin God.

Doesn't this imply that the little Origin Beast nurtured by Zhiya is born at the Twelfth Level, making it a bona fide deity in the foreign lands?

"They're clashing!"

Zhong Chichen exclaimed with a bizarre shout, his excitement palpable, "The Gluttony God Chai En and the little Origin Beast, offspring of the Demon Phoenix, have encountered each other in the river! Let's go see! I have a feeling that this little Origin Beast is something special. The Gluttony God may not be a match for it!"

Libre Baskerville
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