Unmatched Dominance/C2336 The Origin Beast
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Unmatched Dominance/C2336 The Origin Beast
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C2336 The Origin Beast

Chai En slowly ascended, levitating in the air.

Fragrant pieces of cooked meat fell into the gaping maw in his stomach, and the wounds on the mysterious Origin Beast's body healed in an instant.

"The Great Creator, is it?"

Chai En gazed toward the escape route of the small Origin Beast. His two curved horns suddenly shone with an icy light, projecting a mental force that locked onto the small creature.

"It is like us, yet I've never heard of or seen it before."

Chai En, with a look of concern, spoke cautiously, "It's immensely powerful and hasn't fully harnessed its strength. Its heart contains a pure and vast life essence, along with an aura similar to yours."

Yu Yuan replied calmly, "It followed me here. Its existence is indeed connected to mine."

"That explains it."

Chai En nodded slightly, choosing not to probe further. He disregarded the fleeing little Origin Beast and instead escorted Yu Yuan and Zhong Chichen back to the thirty-six springs where Yu Yuan had arrived.

"This is where I came from."

Yu Yuan pointed to one of the springs.

"The Origin Realm!"

The Gluttony God exclaimed in astonishment.

"No, it's the Desolate Realm now," Yu Yuan clarified.

Chai En paused, then turned to Zhong Chichen, who wielded the Time Book.

"The springs meant for the Origin Realm were moved to the Desolate Realm by a transcendent Origin Spirit. That's why he and the little one came from there."

Zhong Chichen elaborated, addressing Yu Yuan, "Springs like this exist in most foreign lands, linking different worlds. The one corresponding to the Origin Realm has, due to the presence of the Great Demon God Beilstein, always been a one-way passage."

"Exit only, no entry?"

Yu Yuan was taken aback.


Zhong Chichen clarified, "Until Lord Beilstein declares the Origin Realm open, only its inhabitants can travel to other worlds through the spring. The deities and mighty beings of this place are not permitted to step through. Naturally, without Devitt's assistance, the gods lack the power to cross over."

After a thorough explanation, Yu Yuan understood that it was because the Origin Soul was in the Gray Domain that Arthurs had been sent over, which in turn had drawn the attention of the Death God, Kurkova.

Carolina and Devitt were siblings, and they already had a close relationship with Beilstein, which is why Carolina dared to spread the symbol of death and locate Chen Qinghuang in the Origin Realm.

The arrival of Arthurs alerted Beilstein, who was waging wars in foreign lands, to the significant upheaval in the Origin Realm.

He also came to the shocking realization that the Founder he had been reluctant to destroy had been consumed by an Origin Soul from the abyss.

Observing the chaos within his own ranks, Beilstein in the foreign lands promptly shifted his focus to his own backyard and devised a plan for his return.

It was only with the tacit approval of the Great Demon God Beilstein that Carolina felt emboldened to disseminate the symbol of death.

Subsequently, the Origin Soul dispatched avatars to wreak havoc in both the sky and the Nether Domain, which thoroughly enraged both Carolina and Devitt.

"We're heading to the Evolution Domain."

The Gluttony God, Chai En, waited until Zhong Chichen had fully briefed Yu Yuan before indicating the spring that led to the other realm.

His look of reverence towards Yu Yuan deepened.

Chai En had never imagined that this Creator, who had seemingly materialized out of thin air, hailed from the enigmatic Origin Realm.

As a deity of the river domains, he was aware of the powerful Origin Soul's assaults on both the sky and the Nether Domain and had learned of the demise of the deities from the Thunder Domain and the Muddy Domain.

The deaths of Galuba and Kuna, two deities of equal might to himself, had sent shockwaves through the echelons of power in this world.

"Let's hope for the best."

The Gluttony God Chai En mused internally, harboring a sense of dread towards the mysterious Origin and Desolate Realms, believing the beings from these worlds to be exceptionally fearsome.

Days later, in the water-rich and swamp-filled Evolution Domain, Yu Yuan encountered two other Chaos Djinns.

The Bloodthirsty God, Taowu, and the Wind God, Qiongqi.

Like the Gluttony God Chai En, upon witnessing the unveiling of the Soul Altar by Yu Yuan, they devoutly prostrated themselves before him.

Taowu, resembling a massive yellow-furred dog with sharp fangs, bore a pair of murky crimson eyes, giving off the impression of being perpetually in a daze.

The Taowu reeked of a pungent blood scent, each strand of its fur seemingly drenched in the blood of formidable warriors from distant lands.

Thwack, thwack!

Its thick, hook-curved tail whipped through the air restlessly, unleashing a terrifying energy storm in the Void of the Yan Territory that sent shivers down the spines of all its inhabitants.

The Yan Territory's loyal experts gazed upon the tumultuous aura spilling from the celestial waters with concern, fearing that in his fury, he might uncontrollably slaughter a host of living beings.

The Qiongqi, with a body like a winged tiger, housed roaring, violent winds within.

Upon receiving the message, he had made haste from the whirlpool realm to meet the so-called "Great Creator" spoken of by Chai En.

Both the Taowu and Qiongqi were deities as renowned as Devitt, Kurkova, Galuba, and Kuna, hailing from the thirty-six worlds of the foreign lands.

However, their distinction lay in their birth from the Origin Beast.

"Chaos has perished."

The Vicious Beast Qiongqi, his eyes shimmering with intelligent light, responded with deference.

Once he verified that Yu Yuan was indeed the progenitor of their lineage, he spared no detail in his disclosures.

"Chaos fought a battle with Beilstein and was slain by him. Beilstein extracted and refined his heart, creating a mystical artifact known as the Chaos Orb."

The eldest Qiongqi, with eyes full of awe, gazed upon the Soul Altar and elucidated the mystery to Yu Yuan.

Chaos, Taotie, Qiongqi, and Taowu had been part of this world for as long as they could remember.

Their uniqueness set them apart from the other spiritual beasts of the thirty-six worlds.

Innately powerful, they were unrivaled by most spiritual beasts. Upon encountering and absorbing Origin Spirits resonant with their essence, they ascended as the four paramount deities of this realm.

According to their account, Chaos, who fell to Beilstein, had long sought their origin.

Chaos appeared to have made some headway, but ultimately met his demise at Beilstein's hands.

"Creator, the essence emanating from you, the power you wield—it is the source we originate from!"

The three vicious creatures from the foreign lands prostrated on the earth, gazing up at Yu Yuan with fervent anticipation.

To them, Yu Yuan was their sovereign, the one they were resolutely bound to follow.

Even if Yu Yuan commanded them to die, they would be unable to resist and would comply without question.

Zhong Chichen, standing nearby, watched the scene unfold with astonishment, taking a long while to regain his composure.

The three vicious Origin Beasts from the foreign lands had their own cliques, immune to the seductions of the other two factions.

Unexpectedly, upon Yu Yuan's arrival, he effortlessly subdued them, compelling their immediate fealty.

The three foreign gods and their respective worlds were swiftly secured by Yu Yuan.

"In these thirty-six worlds, there are still powerful Origin Spirits that no creature has yet refined. The Origin Gods and Origin Beasts who seek to refine these Origin Spirits often clash with them. This world is far from peaceful, which is why the Great Demon God Beilstein has to assert his might through conquest," Zhong Chichen abruptly interjected.

"Origin Spirits have a place here as well?" Yu Yuan asked, taken aback.

"Absolutely!" Zhong Chichen replied, his demeanor grave. "We inhabit a diverse and expansive universe, home to worlds governed by extraordinary Origin Spirits and regions dominated by Origin Gods and Origin Beasts."

"That's reassuring," Yu Yuan murmured, a bit more at ease.

If, in the foreign lands, all Origin Spirits were merely prey to be consumed and refined by powerhouses like Galuba and Kuna, then the four grand Origin Spirits of the Desolate Realm would never be swayed by him.

But if these extraordinary Origin Spirits could carve out their existence in such a multifaceted universe, then there was hope for the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm, as well as for the survival of their four grand Origin Spirits.

"Still, the relations between them are strained, marked by ongoing conflict and strife," the Vicious Beast Qiongqi added after a pause. "The Origin Gods and Origin Beasts are not in harmony, and even among us Origin Beasts, disputes arise."

"I, Chaos, Taotie, and Taowu, we used to be a tight-knit group."

"The Spiritual Beasts born in this world, those who absorbed Origin Spirits and became other Origin Beasts, they don't align with us."

Zhong Chichen and Taowu chimed in, each adding their perspective.

"This place is indeed complex," Yu Yuan acknowledged, nodding. With their explanations, his insight into the foreign lands deepened substantially.

Chai En, upon encountering the Origin Beast, felt an overwhelming sense of awe. This creature, native to the Origin Realm, exuded a power that was both ancient and formidable. Yu Yuan and Zhong Chichen, who had been traveling with Chai En, shared his sentiment. They knew that they were in the presence of a being that was a pivotal part of their world's mythology.

Devitt, a loyal follower of Lord Beilstein, had embarked on a perilous journey to the Gray Domain. His mission was to seek an audience with the Death God, a deity whose power over life and death was absolute. Kurkova, the keeper of the Origin Soul, was his guide through the treacherous landscapes that lay ahead.

Libre Baskerville
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