Unmatched Dominance/C2340 The Abyss Origin Blood
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Unmatched Dominance/C2340 The Abyss Origin Blood
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C2340 The Abyss Origin Blood

The Myriad Spirit Restriction could interconnect with one another.

Yu Yuan was able to use the Myriad Spirit Restriction to reach the skies above the true Abyss and could instantly transport himself to the Creation Continent.

At this moment, the two Beilsteins had ventured to the Vast Ocean Continent and the Creation Continent, respectively, targeting the two nests of the Origin Soul.

After a journey to the foreign lands and encounters with Zhong Chichen and three Origin Beasts transformed into foreign deities, Yu Yuan no longer opposed the idea of interconnecting with these foreign realms.

His Yang God form was now leading several supreme beings, Mother Earth, and the lightning and light Origin Spirits on an expedition into the foreign lands.

In the current climate, permanently eliminating the Origin Soul would be advantageous for everyone.

With this in mind, he planned to use his true form to enter the Myriad Spirit Restriction and travel to the Creation Continent.

However, as he prepared to delve deeper, he was suddenly overcome with an intense sense of unease.

Frowning, Yu Yuan gazed at the Myriad Spirit Restriction and the dark green eye within it, sensing an eerie and unexplainable oddity.

Within the vast eye's depths lay a dark green world teeming with ghosts, spirits, and demons, all exuding an unsettling aura.

His spiritual consciousness had lost its sharp focus, and the female soul shadow of the Darkness Origin Spirit remained hidden.

The resplendent Myriad Spirit Restriction and the Soul Platform on the ninth level of Yu Yuan's consciousness shared a profound resonance.

Yu Yuan was now capable of manipulating the Myriad Spirit Restriction and altering the workings of the Chaos Abyss, effectively assuming temporary control over these extraordinary artifacts.

This was likely the moment of his greatest vulnerability.

Not long ago, Yu Yuan witnessed the ancient demon breach the Myriad Spirit Restriction with the Chaos Orb embedded in his chest, descending into the lower world and rescuing Lin Daoke and the Demon Phoenix.

What was once deemed an invincible and unbreakable Myriad Spirit Restriction now appeared to have lost much of its former strength.

"No, something is definitely off here."

Yu Yuan paused, deep in thought.

He massaged his temples, tuning into his innermost feelings and scrutinizing his intuition.

He ultimately realized that he was instinctively repelled by the idea of entering the Myriad Spirit Restriction, unwilling to step into the ominous green-black eye.

It seemed as if a great terror lay hidden within!

Deep in Yu Yuan's mind, a memory that had been sealed for eons was gradually awakening as he probed the depths of his heart.

Suddenly, his mind became foggy.

He recalled a time, countless years ago, when he had entered the Myriad Spirit Restriction filled with pride, confident that he was invulnerable and that he had accounted for every possibility.

Yet, upon his entry into the Myriad Spirit Restriction, the meticulously crafted five-tiered Soul Altar he had built suddenly fell apart.

Light and darkness, flora and lightning, soul—each crystalline layer of the Soul Platform was violently torn asunder within the dazzling confines of the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Yu Yuan was jolted to his core.

A memory of his downfall as the Abyss Lord surged forth with startling clarity.

Just when he believed he was on the verge of claiming the Myriad Spirit Restriction, convinced of his impending victory, the Myriad Spirit Restriction fused into one!

Yu Yuan shuddered uncontrollably.

He, who had been about to step inside, silently retreated a considerable distance.

The Myriad Spirit Restriction, firmly under the grasp of the Origin Soul, possessed the power to unify, completely disregarding spatial distances!

This meant that the Myriad Spirit Restriction above the true Abyss, encasing the green-black pupil, and the one on the Creation Continent could merge as one whenever necessary!

How fearsome must that power be?

Could his ten-tiered Soul Altar be dismantled as swiftly as before?

Yu Yuan's face darkened, and he was drenched in a cold sweat, the more he observed the Myriad Spirit Restriction, the more he sensed something amiss.

He involuntarily recalled the myriad challenges he faced while traveling from the Origin Realm to the Desolate Realm, carrying the Creation Pool.

Images raced through his mind, and Yu Yuan continued to back away.

He became certain that this was a most terrifying trap, meticulously laid by the Origin Soul for him!

The Origin Soul had granted him control over the Chaos Abyss, allowing him to wield the Myriad Spirit Restriction, including the deaths of the Origin Soul's two avatars. He had permitted the Great Demon God Beilstein to delve into the Desolate Realm and the Creation Continent without mounting much of a defense.

All these events were orchestrated to deceive him into entering the Myriad Spirit Restriction with his true form, so that the three Myriad Spirit Restrictions could unite once more, stripping him of his Soul Altar!

The Origin Soul's deepest desire was to attain the highest level of his Soul Altar.

The Desolate Realm, Origin Realm, and the true Abyss held the essence of life from all three Origin Bloodlines—an ultimate power that the Origin Soul had always longed for but could never possess.

"I would rather find another way than enter the Myriad Spirit Restriction again!"

Yu Yuan let out a cold snort.

His other form, the Undead Sovereign, stationed at the Creation Pool, grew wary of it and shifted its focus to the vibrant, five-colored flesh.

The branches and leaves of the Tree of God rustled, questioning whether he had discovered anything after such a long search.

Both incarnations of Yu Yuan shook their heads.

"This massive piece of flesh harbors the most expansive essence of vitality in the cosmos, including the life secrets of many wise beings, such as those from the Chaos Djinn."

"Perhaps, I should first assimilate this flesh before making a move on the Origin Soul," Yu Yuan mused.

The Undead Sovereign's form, perched upon the flesh, touched the gem-like tender flesh but felt nothing extraordinary.

However, when his Yang God had touched it, there was a strange sensation, as if he was touching his own body.

"The Undead Sovereign's form seems too rudimentary compared to my true self and the Yang God."

Yu Yuan stroked his chin thoughtfully. The Dragon Slash Platform shifted above the flesh as he murmured, "He can split his conscious essence, possessing both the extremely intelligent and Canli. The Lightning Origin Spirit can possess Qi Yunhong, and the Light Origin Spirit can possess Canli. If the Origin Soul can possess flesh with similar attributes, then..."

His eyes sparkled with a sudden, daring thought.

With a whoosh, his soul burst forth from the Undead Sovereign's form, transforming into a teal wraith.

The teal hue signified his original soul's color, while the green denoted the power granted by the Origin Soul.

This teal wraith, a culmination of the Yin God's numerous evolutions, left the Undead Sovereign's body and descended toward the multicolored flesh below.

Without any hindrance, his soul effortlessly merged with the five-colored flesh, penetrating deep within.

Simultaneously, the Soul Altar within Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness burst forth. The tenth layer of the Blood Platform radiated an intense divine light, casting its brilliance across heaven and earth.

The heavens were a vast expanse of stars, a celestial river in this realm.

The earth, an immense expanse of vibrant, multicolored flesh.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

At the heart of the Soul Platform, a gargantuan crimson heart began to pulsate wildly.

Mysterious Life Seeds and a wealth of knowledge connected to the vitality of life, along with the spirit that had sunk into the multicolored flesh, immediately commenced sharing.

Yu Yuan was acutely aware that the essence of life his true self had grasped, which encompassed the arcane mysteries of the bloodlines from both the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm, had all been imprinted onto his spirit.

This spirit, having descended into the multicolored flesh, bore the essence of life and drew upon the secret arts of the Origin Blood from the Three Realms.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

At the heart of the multicolored flesh, there too was a colossal heart that echoed with its own rhythm!

As the heart within the flesh of the Gloom Star River throbbed, the flesh began to rise slowly, taking the form of a titanic deity that seemed to have cleaved the heavens and carved the earth!

Dazzling, prismatic divine light danced over the flesh's surface, aiding in its self-sculpting process!

In an instant, it developed limbs, a neck, and... a head.

The spirit that Yu Yuan had submerged within resided in its head, becoming the wellspring of its cerebral power and the authentic seat of its consciousness.

"This, this is..."

Atop Creation Peak, the Tree of Creation, in its unique manner, roused another Mother Earth within the mountain's core, as well as the Light Origin Spirit, exclaiming, "In the ancient tales, the Abyss Origin Blood, equal in stature to the Abyss Origin Soul, appears to have... appears to have been resurrected!"

The Tree of Creation exclaimed in astonishment.

"We, the Origin Spirits, are an amalgamation of the Great Dao's laws, the sentience of spirits, and energy. That vast piece of flesh originally possessed only boundless energy and a few bloodline laws."

"But now, with Yu Yuan's spirit's entrance, it seems to have reawakened its consciousness!"

Crack! Crack!

It rotated its neck, its face as smooth as jade, carved by streaks of crimson lightning.

It was refining its visage, striving to clearly define its features. It continued to flex its joints, acclimating to this formidable form that surpassed the wildest imaginings of all beings and Origin Spirits.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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