Unmatched Dominance/C2342 The Incarnation of the Tao
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Unmatched Dominance/C2342 The Incarnation of the Tao
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C2342 The Incarnation of the Tao

In the heart of the Creation Continent, where the deepest darkness reigns supreme, pure Soul Energy and the forces of darkness saturate the world, reaching their utmost potential. Here, they are the very embodiment of the Dao, the foundational pillars of countless laws.

Even without an appropriate vessel to possess, it would be no easy feat for Beilstein and the three deities from foreign lands to vanquish them in this secret realm, cultivated over eons.

A vast expanse of pitch-black crystal, resembling a flat expanse of land, hangs silently in the void. Within this crystal face, solemn black cities house bizarre ancient gods and formidable abyssal entities, now perched atop the city eaves.

These gods and abyssal titans, the most illustrious rulers of the seven levels of the Abyss, once boldly vied with Yu Yuan for the title of Abyss Lord. Long vanished into the Time River, they have now returned as soul spirits, wielding their demonic and divine arts in battle against the Great Demon God Beilstein.

Their mystical arts, forged from Soul Energy and demonic power outside the crystal face, weave into an array of extraordinary and mesmerizing phenomena.

Within the shadowy city, two particularly striking soul shadows issue their commands. One is the spectral form of Yu Yuan, and the other, a bewitching woman clad in black. She is the soul shadow of the Darkness Origin Spirit, the sovereign of the dark crystal face.

"Go," she commands, flinging forth a piece of verdant jade that transforms into a lush forest, ensnaring the Oblivion God, Harris. His corporeal form, belonging to the Bone Race, sprouts branches and leaves within this enigmatic forest, turning him into a treant. His internal energy is sapped by the foliage, his divine power rapidly diminishing.

This piece of jade is none other than the vegetative layer of the Soul Altar, crafted by Yu Yuan during his reign as Abyss Lord. As thousands of purple Devil Souls descend like clusters of violet flames, he conjures a sphere of lightning. The sphere bursts with a thunderous roar, unleashing countless verdant bolts of lightning, poised to obliterate the Devil Souls fragmented from the ancient demon.


The old devil cackled malevolently as his Devil Souls navigated through the thunder and lightning without a scratch.

Clad in Golden Dragon Armor, his demonic form shattered the seals imposed by numerous gods and demons, and he landed forcefully on the pitch-black stage, driving the Dragon Bone Staff into the ground with a resounding clang.

Sparks scattered in all directions as he pierced a hole through the pitch-black crystal face.

Rip! Rip!

The law forces bestowed by Beilstein, the Great Demon God, transformed into visible streaks of lightning and blood, seeping into the crystal face through the hole.


The Chaos Orb within the old devil's chest unleashed its power, and the law-infused lightning that penetrated the pitch-black crystal face suddenly became overwhelmingly destructive.

The being who had lingered on the dark crystal face realized the dire situation and was forced to flee.

However, the Darkness Origin Spirit, which had become one with the dark crystal face, sustained injuries from the lightning assault.


The Space God, Devitt, let out an exuberant shriek upon witnessing the fissure on the crystal face.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A series of brilliant Space Light Blades shot from Devitt's sleeves, slashing additional cracks into the dark crystal face where the Darkness Origin Spirit sought refuge.

The Death God, Kurkova, lunged forward as her soul shadow emerged, enveloping the soul shadow that had escaped the dark crystal face in a dense, grayish-white fog that reeked of a deathly aura.

"The Thunder Platform, the Darkness Platform, and the Verdant Throne."

Beilstein, having shattered the Darkness Platform with the Dragon Bone Staff, spoke with a heavy brow, "The Abyss Lord was torn apart by you, his Soul Altar desecrated. You stripped away the layers of divine thrones. I never imagined that these layers would now serve as your weapons."

"But you will ultimately perish."

Beilstein snorted dismissively.

"Not at all."

Suddenly, a new incarnation of 'Yu Yuan' materialized.

This 'Yu Yuan' possessed a corporeal form and the essence of his soul. The magnetic waves radiating from his being caused Beilstein's expression to darken.

Facing this Yu Yuan, Beilstein felt as though he was confronting the will of the Origin Realm itself!

To the myriad gods of foreign lands, Beilstein was the sovereign of the Origin Realm, his personal dominion.

And indeed, he regarded the Origin Realm as his own private territory.

However, this Yu Yuan who had suddenly emerged carried the essence of the Origin Soul, Origin Spirit, and Origin Blood within him!

The bloodline coursing through Yu Yuan's veins encompassed the life force of the entire Origin Realm!

Yu Yuan seemed to be the living embodiment of the Origin Realm's Heavenly Dao, a manifestation of the realm's will!

Confronted with such a being, the old demon felt an innate sense of powerlessness, as if battling Yu Yuan was akin to challenging the very laws of the Origin Realm itself!

Consider the Unrestrained Stage cultivators of vast realms who achieved their status in unique ways, such as Zu Ann with Ascension Peak or Mo Baichuan with Hellfire Mountain.

Yet, for Yu Yuan, he was in harmony with the entirety of the Origin Realm.

From this moment forward, he was the true God of the Origin Realm.

Beilstein couldn't help but lament, fully aware of the terror Yu Yuan represented in the current state of the Origin Realm.

"You will all perish here."

He declared the fate of the mighty with unsettling calm.


Vast and boundless.

Crack! Boom!

Beilstein, wielding the apocalyptic thunder and plunging into the depths of the Geocentric Fire, suddenly furrowed his brow.

He had abruptly lost all connection with his other self in this realm.

Upon his return from the Gal Starfield, he could occasionally communicate with his other self, especially when they had just descended into the Myriad Spirit Restriction and ventured into the enigmatic Darkness World.

But now, he could no longer sense his counterpart.

"It must be him, resorting to his ultimate measures to completely obscure the Darkness World."

Beilstein, having returned from the foreign domain, wasn't overly concerned.

He saw it as a normal phenomenon and continued to assault the heart of the inferno, adhering to his initial strategy.

Amidst the tumultuous thunder, he, cloaked in a blood-red cape, activated the Chaos Orb within him, shattering the dispersed spiritual consciousness within the fiery abyss.


Flares within the sea of fire would occasionally burst into brilliance before swiftly fading into nothingness.

Even the mighty Geocentric Fire, amidst the frenzied thunder, was grievously wounded by the onslaught of Beilstein's Chaos Orb.

At last, the fiery ocean willingly parted, revealing a path that led straight to its heart.

"That's more like it. I always appreciate a spirit that knows when to yield."

Beilstein flashed a wide grin and declared, "My true adversary is none other than the Abyss Origin Soul that emerged from the depths. You were never my enemy. If you show some sense, you can remain the Geocentric Fire that I once respected and cherished. I will permit you to roam freely within the Origin Realm."

Years ago, the Old Devil was favored by the Vast Ocean Origin Soul and, consequently, received the Extreme Flame's benevolence.

At some point, the Extreme Flame fell under the sway of the Abyss Origin Soul, becoming its ally.

Yet in the Old Devil's view, all Origin Spirits of the Origin Realm were his personal treasures. Once he subdued the Abyss Origin Soul, the Extreme Flame would surely fall in line and appreciate his well-meaning efforts.

With a swift whoosh, he traversed the fiery path and came upon an enormous crystal ball.

The heart-like crystal ball radiated dazzling light, with truths of bloodlines streaking across its surface like dense, zipping lightning.

Within the sphere, a soul pond, a dark sea of souls, and a blend of spiritual consciousness became faintly visible.

"We've arrived," Beilstein said with a smirk.

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