Unmatched Dominance/C2348 The Time God
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Unmatched Dominance/C2348 The Time God
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C2348 The Time God

In the foreign lands, Yu Yuan's Yang God form gazed upon a massive vortex in the void, within which countless stars twinkled.

Each star, adrift in the great whirlpool, corresponded to a different world.

This was the domain ruled by Qiongqi.

Led by Zhong Chichen, a host of supreme beings from the Desolate Realm, along with three Origin Spirits, had traversed the river and the Yan Realm before ultimately reaching Qiongqi's domain.

Through their journey across these three worlds, beings of great power like Taishi and Loong Jie, as well as the Origin Spirits, gradually came to understand the structure of the foreign lands. Despite differences from the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm, there were no fundamental disparities.

At that moment, the Light Origin Spirit and the Thunderbolt Origin Spirit had taken residence within Canli and Qi Yunhong, respectively, using them to observe the whirlpool realm.

However, they refrained from seizing control of any Origin Beasts again.

Mother Earth, possessing her own form, was also learning about the foreign lands alongside Zhong Chichen and the three Origin Beasts.

Thus, they discovered that some of the thirty-six worlds within the foreign lands were situated on the same latitude, allowing for travel between them across the starry river without the need for a spring.

Naturally, there were other worlds that required special void passages—the springs—for traversal, like the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm.

"The most enigmatic place in this world is known as the Origin Domain, where incredibly formidable Origin Spirits lie concealed," Zhong Chichen continued to elaborate on the wonders of this realm. "Yet, the true capabilities of the mightiest Origin Spirit within the Origin Domain remain unclear to me."

"After all, my time here has been brief."

In that instant, Yu Yuan's Yang God form's brow quivered as he detected the movements of a small Origin Beast.

After a brief intuitive connection, he pointed towards a vast starry river adjacent to the vortex and inquired of Zhong Chichen, "What lies in that direction?"

"The Heaven Domain!" Qiongqi responded in place of Zhong Chichen. The formidable Origin Beast crouched in the void, resembling an ancient, auspicious deity safeguarding the countless stars. His voice resonated deeply, "The Heaven Domain was once the realm of Chaos. Since Beilstein vanquished its ruler, it has been without a new deity."


Yu Yuan nodded in agreement and added, "Just like you, that little one from the Origin Beast infiltrated the Heaven Domain."

In his Yang God form, he could remotely sense the movements of the small Origin Beast and was becoming increasingly certain that many of the thirty-six worlds in the foreign lands were indeed interconnected.

Moreover, many of these worlds were not nearly as expansive as the Origin Realm.

Take, for instance, the Whirlpool Domain and the Evolution Domain—these were only several times larger than some Starfields in the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm, and paled in comparison to the entirety of those realms.

A portion of the worlds in the foreign lands were adjacent to one another, while others existed in different dimensions, necessitating connections through spring eyes and pathways.


Suddenly, a figure drenched in blood emerged from the vicinity of the spring and swiftly approached Zhong Chichen.

Like the Space God and the Death God, he too was a member of the Spirit Succubus Clan, his elegant garments stained with blood.

He was naturally strikingly handsome with porcelain skin, but his severe injuries left him looking frail and on the brink of death.

"You're the last one! You must take care of yourself!"

Upon seeing Zhong Chichen, he began to shout frantically, his panic palpable.

Zhong Chichen, taken aback, asked, "Yalun, what are you talking about?"

Before the man could reply, he caught sight of Yu Yuan and let out a terrified scream, "It's him, it's him again! He's slain many of our Spirit Succubus Clan warriors and nearly laid waste to the Void Domain and the Nether Domain!"

Yu Yuan looked on, utterly bewildered.

Zhong Chichen clarified, "Yalun, what's going on? This is Yu Yuan. He's not the same person who appeared in the Void Domain and the Nether Domain!"

"No! They are one and the same!" Yalun, the Spirit Succubus Clan member, glared at Yu Yuan's Yang God form with a mix of hatred and fear. "They emit the same scent, both have flesh and blood! And their soul vibrations are nearly identical! Zhong, you've killed our god in the Void Domain—Lord Devitt is dead!"

"Furthermore, the other two rulers have been slain by him!"

Aaron cried out in terror.

As he screamed, tears streamed down Aaron's face, betraying his realization that his own end was near.

"What? Lord Devitt is dead?"

Zhong Chichen was thunderstruck, aware that a significant event had transpired. He exclaimed, "Impossible! Lord Devitt was with Lord Beilstein in the Origin Realm!"

"Exactly. Lord Devitt perished in the Origin Realm, at the hands of this individual!"

Aaron, through clenched teeth, continued, "He's destroyed all the springs that connect to the Origin Realm. No deity can travel there now. We've lost all communication with those in the Origin Realm. Only you, once you ascend to ruler, can we hope to reestablish a pathway!"

Zhong Chichen was still processing the news when Yu Yuan inhaled deeply and lamented, "It appears he wasn't dealt with by our Teacher or by me in the Origin Realm."

The being before them had flesh and blood, and his soul's vibrations were familiar. Capable of slaying the Space God Devitt, he could be none other than the Abyss Origin Soul.

This Spirit Succubus, known as Aaron, had mistaken himself for the Origin Soul.

At that moment, the Time Book at Zhong Chichen's feet burst forth with a resplendent divine glow, and everyone was struck with the illusion that time had come to a halt.

Suddenly, a towering figure in a pristine white robe appeared from within the Time Book.

He was the chieftain of the Bone Race, his status surpassing even the Oblivion God Harris.

His frame was imposing, and within the depths of his eye sockets, gem-like eyeballs rolled about.

This grand white jade skeleton exuded an odd tranquility, inspiring an easy trust in those who beheld him.

From the wide sleeves of his robe, arms and pale hands emerged, seemingly wielding the power to halt time itself.

Every exalted being present, from the High Rank Origin Spirits akin to Mother Earth to Yu Yuan's Yang God, felt an enigmatic pressure.

From the moment of his arrival, time seemed to be at his command.

"Greetings, Lord Heesters!"

"We pay homage to you, Lord!"

"Good day, Lord!"

The Wind God Qiongqi, the Gluttony God Chai En, and the Bloodthirsty God Taowu all greeted him with deep reverence upon his arrival.

The three Origin Beasts from foreign lands exhibited immense reverence toward him, curbing their inherent arrogance and wildness.

They were a small group, free from the servitude of Origin Gods and Origin Spirits, yet they knew better than to be presumptuous in the presence of a true powerhouse. They held the patriarch of the Bone Race before them in high esteem, deserving of their earnest and solemn respect.

Heesters, the Bone Race patriarch, acknowledged them with a nod, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he said, "Please, there's no need for such formalities."

His words were clear to all who heard them, whether it was the three Origin Beasts of this realm, or Yu Yuan, Taishi, Mother Earth, the Light Origin Spirit, and the Lightning Origin Spirit from another world.


Zhong Chichen hesitated briefly before also bowing respectfully.

Once he had paid his respects, Zhong Chichen looked up again and inquired, "Are you the Time God?"

Heesters hummed affirmatively, his gaze falling upon the Time Book that Zhong Chichen had refined. He shook his head, remarking, "You've missed the forest for the trees. Having found the Time Book I left in that world, you've merely created tiny worlds within it, turning each page into a new realm."

"If you could settle your mind and fully grasp the mysteries of the Time Book, you wouldn't need Devitt's help to ascend to supremacy."

"The power of time I wield far surpasses his spatial abilities. You disappoint me, foolish dragon."

Heesters continued to shake his head, clearly at a loss for words.

Zhong Chichen stood there, his expression blank.

Those around him shared his stunned silence, all gazing at the Bone Race patriarch with disbelief. The enigmatic Time Book of the Origin Realm had been left by none other than the Time God Heesters, and within it lay the secrets to attaining supreme power!

Zhong Chichen had long possessed the book, yet he had failed to delve into the depths of its temporal mysteries. He had not grasped layer by layer the essence within, nor had he unlocked the hidden secrets Heesters had embedded in the Time Book.

Despite holding such a valuable artifact, Zhong Chichen spent his days lamenting his misfortune, bemoaning the absence of Time and Space Origin Spirits in the Origin Realm, Desolate Realm, and again in the Origin Realm.

"Lord Heesters, we trust in Lord Beilstein, but we have not managed to handle the affairs of the Origin Realm appropriately!" Allen of the Spirit Succubus Clan exclaimed.

"I understand," the Time God, whose rank surpassed Beilstein in the foreign lands, acknowledged with a slight nod.

"It was the sensation of Devitt's demise and the discovery that the two Masters he created were slain that led me to seek out this young dragon. You must survive. You are the key link to the Origin Realm, and you must grasp the true nature of Devitt's space as swiftly as possible."

The Time God urged Zhong Chichen to diligently strive for a breakthrough and ascend to Mastery without delay.

His gaze, warm and soft, then fell upon Yu Yuan's Yang God, and with a smile, he said, "I recognize you. Beilstein has spoken of you to me more than once. As his friend, I am aware that the Abyss Origin Soul has emerged in our world and is now en route to the Origin Domain."

"The Origin Domain is the hallowed ground of the Origin Spirits in our world, home to the mightiest among them."

As Heesters spoke, he cast a meaningful glance at Mother Earth and the Origin Spirits residing within Canli and Qi Yunhong.

"I have brought them here, and I will not allow any formidable beings in your world to sacrifice them in order to become your so-called Origin Gods," Yu Yuan declared with gravity.

The towering figure of white jade, wielding the power of time and serving as the Bone Race's chieftain, put Yu Yuan on high alert.

He was well aware of the enigmatic nature of temporal power, a force even more profound than that of space.

It was clear that Heesters had ascended to the status of an Origin God by refining a Time Origin Spirit, much like Harris, Devitt, and Kurkova had done.

In the foreign lands, there exists a rivalry and struggle between the Origin Spirits and Origin Gods.

To Heesters, Mother Earth, the Light Origin Spirit, and the Thunderbolt Origin Spirit might all be considered valuable quarry, capable of giving rise to three new Origin Gods.

"Rest assured, if we did not follow the rules and show respect for Beilstein, the Origin Spirits of your world would have already been refined by our people," Heesters reassured with a smile, indicating that Yu Yuan need not be overly concerned.

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