Unmatched Dominance/C2350 The Origin Spirit
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Unmatched Dominance/C2350 The Origin Spirit
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C2350 The Origin Spirit

In the Gray Domain, the heart of the vast expanse, Yu Yuan's true form was engaged in conversation with the old devil. The old devil revealed to him that among the many worlds of the foreign lands, there existed three powerful and enigmatic beings that even he considered invincible. They were Heesters, the Time God, and Stephanie, the God of Destiny. Additionally, there was the Origin Spirit, the mightiest Origin Spirit hidden within the depths of the enigmatic Origin Domain, never to depart.

The old devil opined that the Origin Spirit was the most fearsome presence in the foreign lands, even more so than Heesters and Stephanie. Yet, for reasons unknown, the Origin Spirit seemed eternally bound to the Origin Domain. Given this restriction, as long as one steered clear of the Origin Domain, they would find sanctuary in the other foreign lands, under the dominion of the God of Destiny and the Time God. This limitation meant that despite the Origin Spirit's formidable power and dreadfulness, which surpassed those of the other two deities, it was not feared by all. If one could simply evade the Origin Domain, they need not fear its pursuit or its terrifying power.

"First, the Origin Spirit. Second, the God of Destiny. Third, the Time God," Yu Yuan whispered to himself. As he uttered "Time God," his Soul Altar suddenly became aware of a mysterious force that transcended all worlds and the infinite void. Almost at once, he perceived a peculiar river that echoed the journey of his life, resplendent with the essence of his Yang God and the chapters of his existence.

He and the Yang God established an immediate rapport, and through the Yang God, he saw Heesters, who had abruptly appeared on the Time Book, along with the words spoken by Aaron. "The Time God Heesters is using the power of time to trace back and search for my past!" Yu Yuan exclaimed.

"Heesters!" The old devil gasped in surprise, quickly adding, "He's a friend of mine. Remarkable, isn't he? His divine power of time can even transcend the void, reaching from the foreign lands straight into the Origin Realm! And it's also because you are strong enough; your Soul Altar transcends the inherent laws of the void between heaven and earth!"

"Hurry, let him know to be wary of the Abyss Origin Soul. It will surely make its way to the Origin Domain to meet the Origin Spirit!" The old devil cried out in warning.

"Heesters has said that he has likely already made the journey," Yu Yuan noted.

Yu Yuan exclaimed, "What? That quickly?"

The old demon paused briefly, then urgently added, "Quickly inform Heesters that I can't return just yet. He must assist Zhong Chichen in ascending to Ruler and expedite the creation of a new spring! Both I and your corporeal form can only reach the other side through the spring."


Yu Yuan had barely sent the message when his connection to the Time River abruptly severed.


In the vortex, the Bone Race leader's crystalline skeleton, clad in a pristine white robe, began to emit a dimming gentle glow. The swinging pendulum that had appeared on his forehead was now gone.

Exhausted, he addressed Yu Yuan's Yang God, "Your other two forms in the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm are immensely powerful, capable of transcending the barriers of the void. That's precisely why, when I used your Yang God to search for your lost memories, it instantly alerted your formidable presences in those two worlds."

"Their power is so immense that it defies the infinite spatial barriers. It's truly... outrageous."

Heesters was dumbstruck.

A single Beilstein in the Origin Realm had already drawn the attention of the entire foreign lands. After years of struggle and conquest, Beilstein's status had risen to be second only to his own.

Unexpectedly, another Abyss Origin Soul had emerged, slaying Devitt in the foreign lands.

As Heesters delved into Yu Yuan's history, he was shocked to discover two even mightier Yu Yuans in the Origin Realm and Desolate Realm, whose mere presence was enough to send shivers down his spine.

"What exactly is the Origin Realm? And that enigmatic Abyss, how peculiar!"

Heesters mused, his gaze fixed on Yu Yuan's mind, his imagination running wild.

"I intended to help you uncover any memories hidden before you became the Abyss Lord. I sensed a mystery buried deep within your memories, one that even you have yet to unravel."

"Alas, it's become difficult now," Heesters lamented, shaking his head.

Yu Yuan nodded and murmured, "Hmm."

He harbored blurred memories within the true, silent depths of the Abyss, yet they remained elusive.

The Time God had managed to glimpse this truth, attempting to reveal it with his formidable powers.

"Regrettably, it's no longer feasible. Recalling your memories from the Origin Realm and Desolate Realm is too energy-intensive. Moreover, I've realized that to unearth your deeper memories, I must be at my peak and within my own Time Domain."

"So, you, and all of you..."

Heesters gestured towards Zhong Chichen, the supreme beings, including Mother Earth, and said, "Come with me to the Time Domain."

With those words, the frozen state of the Time Domain lifted, and everyone regained their ability to move and think clearly.

Supreme beings like Loong Jie and Taishi instinctively turned to Yu Yuan, seeking his opinion with their gazes.

Yu Yuan stated, "I'd like to see the Time Domain for myself."

Heesters had explained that only by returning to the Time Domain and harnessing its power could there be a chance to trace back to the time before Yu Yuan became the Abyss Lord.

Yu Yuan had long sensed that his existence predated the era of the true Abyss.

He was already acquainted with the Origin Soul and Darkness Origin Spirit, having once resided within the massive Chaos Djinn known as 'Creation.'

He retained fragmented memories of the true Abyss—of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the celestial bodies.

Yet, these memories seemed tied to his Origin Soul, which was in turn constrained by the Origin Soul, preventing the emergence of clear recollections.

The display of power by Heesters had ignited a spark of hope in Yu Yuan!

Since the destruction of the spring passages, the two other selves in a different dimension and his Yang God had lost their connection.

But the Time God, in his pursuit of Yu Yuan's past along the Time River, had effortlessly bypassed the myriad voids.

Heesters might indeed possess the power to help him recover all his memories and understand the full story.

"And what about the rest of you?"

Heesters turned to Mother Earth and glanced at the Origin Spirits residing within Canli and Qi Yunhong.

"Then we shall journey to the Time Realm to witness the extent of your miraculous powers as the zenith of this world," Mother Earth conceded with a nod.

With the pathways to the Origin Realm and Desolate Realm severed, she had no choice but to stick with Yu Yuan for support.

Wherever Yu Yuan went, she would follow.

"Let's proceed."

The group promptly boarded the vast and hefty Time Book, soaring towards the whirlpool's numerous springs.

In the midst of this, Zhong Chichen was singled out by Heesters with a gesture, finding himself on one of the pages.

Seeing the puzzled looks from the group, Heesters calmly clarified, "Within that page, time flows ten times slower than in the outside world. This young dragon is well-versed in the power of time and will be able to adjust to the tenfold time differential."

Spending just one day inside equates to ten days in the outside world. This allows for an immense saving of time, enabling the quickest possible understanding of the true essence of space.

Within those pages lies the secret essence of time I've left behind for him to discern as well.

The Time God Heesters made a special trip not only to shield Zhong Chichen from the lethal threat of the Abyss Origin Soul but also to expedite his rise to Sovereignty.

Before long, the Time Book had transported all the supreme beings, the Origin Spirits, and the three Origin Beasts to the spring's source.

"Lord Heesters, may we visit your Time Domain?" The God of Gale, Qiongqi, inquired unexpectedly.

"You?" Heesters regarded the three Origin Beasts with astonishment.

Since Beilstein had slain Chaos and fashioned the Chaos Orb from its heart, the remaining three Origin Beasts had been subdued for quite some time. These beasts had no deep connections with their kind nor had they been swayed by the Origin Spirit Alliance. Now, with Qiongqi's sudden request to enter his Time Domain, Heesters was naturally curious.

"It's like this," Qiongqi began, volunteering an explanation that their lineage seemed to originate from the true abyss. In the Desolate Realm, through a piece of enigmatic, multicolored flesh, they had sensed the might of their forebears and now sought Heesters' insight into their origins.

"Is that so?" Heesters nodded, granting their request.

"There lies the gateway to the Time Domain!" The Time God Heesters channeled his power, rolling the Time Book to envelop the three Origin Beasts, Yu Yuan, the supreme beings, and the Origin Spirit akin to Mother Earth.

Heesters himself also retreated into the Time Book, propelling them all towards the Time Domain. His intention was to first replenish his strength there, then use Yu Yuan's Yang God to unearth all of Yu Yuan's obscured memories.

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