Unmatched Dominance/C2351 Origin Domain
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Unmatched Dominance/C2351 Origin Domain
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C2351 Origin Domain

In the Origin Realm, within the Gray Domain, there existed a vast and boundless consciousness of souls. It was as if a unique dimension had been carved out in the heart of a crystalline expanse, creating a direct passage to the very edge of the heavens and into another world!

Even Beilstein was rendered speechless by the sheer terror of this soul consciousness.

With a whoosh, the radiant light from the Soul Altars coalesced and snapped back into Yu Yuan's true form.

"How did it go?" The Old Demon pressed eagerly, eager to hear Heesters' response.

Yu Yuan shook his head, his brow furrowed. "The Time God communicated with me across a Time River that mirrors my own. It seems to have taken a significant toll on him."

After a brief pause, Yu Yuan continued, "He did locate Zhong Chichen and made contact with my Yang God. Oh, and by the way, can we really trust this guy?"

Yu Yuan harbored suspicions about the Time God's true motives.

Upon hearing this, the Old Demon responded with a grave tone, "Don't be fooled by his appearance as a towering white skeleton; he is highly regarded in other realms, and many deities place their trust in him. Rest assured, he's not what you might expect."

"In that world, the most enigmatic being is the Origin God of the Origin Domain. Neither the God of Destiny nor the Time God have set foot in the Origin Domain since they refined their source spirits."

"Why is that?" Yu Yuan inquired with intrigue.

Stephanie, the God of Destiny, and Heesters, the Time God, were more powerful than Beilstein, serving as leaders among the source gods. Yet, despite having refined their Origin Spirits, they had never again entered the Origin Domain. What could possibly make them so wary of the Origin God?

The Old Demon hesitated before revealing, "I've heard that the Origin Domain is where many Origin Spirits first emerged. By refining these spirits, beings ascend to become Origin Gods or Origin Beasts. However, if anyone dares to venture into the Origin God's domain, they risk having their Origin Spirit forcibly extracted from within them!"

Yu Yuan was astounded. "Is that even possible?"

If that were true, wouldn't the Origin Blood of the Desolate Realm that he had refined be at risk of extraction upon his entry into the Origin Domain?

"Yes, that's what I've been told," the Old Demon confirmed with a nod. "Legend has it that some who have refined their Origin Spirits and achieved godhood find that, within the Origin Domain under the Origin God's control, their integrated Origin Spirits suddenly awaken and reclaim their hosts. One can only imagine what these Origin Spirits, the original Founders, might do upon awakening to find themselves refined."

Yu Yuan mused, "They might not be content with merely possessing bodies. To vent their frustrations, they could even go so far as to obliterate those Primordial Spirits!"

The old demon nodded in agreement, "That's exactly what I think! For that reason, those who have acquired the Origin Spirit steer clear of the Origin Domain, and that includes the Time God and the God of Destiny."

He then shared with Yu Yuan the enigmatic nature of the Origin Domain, where the Origin God dwells. According to ancient legends from another world, the Origin Domain is the birthplace of countless worlds, with many smaller worlds having split off from it.

The old demon added that the Origin Domain is the only place more vast than the Origin Realm, Desolate Realm, and the Abyss. None of the other thirty-five worlds come close to the magnitude of the Origin Realm, not even the Time Realm governed by the Time God or the Mystic Realm ruled by the God of Destiny.

"Actually..." the old demon pondered before continuing, "The other worlds are all referred to as realms. The Origin Domain was initially known as the Origin Realm."

"World? Origin Realm?" Yu Yuan exclaimed, taken aback.

With a thoughtful hum, the old demon elucidated, "Originally, the Origin Domain was called the Origin Realm. It's believed that our current way of referring to a world stems from this Origin Realm. But legends are just that—legends, impossible to verify. Eventually, the Origin Realm underwent a cataclysmic event, splitting into numerous smaller worlds, each known as a different realm."

"The name of the Origin Realm thus evolved, transitioning from 'realm' to 'domain,' and it came to be known as the Origin Domain," the old demon elaborated.

"The Origin Realm of that otherworldly domain, when linked with our Origin Realm, forms the Origin Domain. Curious, could there be some connection between the two?" Yu Yuan pondered quietly.

"Well, since we can't traverse it at the moment, why not take some time to examine this pool?" suggested the old demon, gesturing towards the mysterious pond that lay before them, following the departure of the vast, greenish-black sea of souls.

The pond, with its ancient design and dark green hue, appeared unfathomably deep and felt slightly cool to the touch. Yu Yuan attempted to shift it, discovering the pond's extraordinary weight, likely due to the multitude of... Origins within.

These Origins were the extraordinary substances responsible for the creation of the highest echelons of the Vast Expanse. A single Origin could bestow a divine status upon an Unrestrained Stage cultivator of the Vast Expanse and enable the Primordial Spirit to become tangible.

The enigmatic Origin had the power to elevate the ancient Demon God experts to the rank of Tenth Level Demon Gods.

Once the ultimate aspiration of all living creatures, the Origin signified the most exalted divine stations.

Currently, the pond was brimming with Origin, capable of forging numerous new supreme beings or even Tenth Level Demon Gods.

The small Origin Beast that Zhiya had brought forth appeared to be connected to the vast Origins. Moreover, this little Origin Beast depended greatly on the Origins for its growth during the Early Period.

So, what exactly is the Origin?

"The Protoss's Primordial Spirits and our Devaputra's Great Demon Gods differ in their ability to materialize. A materialized Primordial Spirit is like having a natural suit of armor, and Lin Daoke could even refine it into a Divine Sword."

"In this respect, we Demon Gods fall short."

The Old Demon, clearly filled with envy, gazed curiously at the Origins swirling in the pond and remarked, "To this day, I still can't fathom what the Vast Expanse's Origins truly are."


Yu Yuan's Soul Altar, towering ten layers high above his head, began to rotate gently once again. He reached out with one hand to touch the pond that held the Origins, while his other hand delved into the dark green essence of the Origin.

He sensed it in silence.

Suddenly, a flurry of fragmented memories seemed to be stirred by his Soul Altar.

In a daze, he envisioned a colossal creature, many times more ferocious and ruthless than the Titan or Spinosaurus, engaging in an act of world annihilation!

This fearsome beast slaughtered its kin, the Chaos Djinns, and obliterated the denizens of the abyss.

Within the creature's chest cavity shone a spectrum of divine radiance, engulfing all the flesh and blood beings of the abyss.

At the creature's brow, a vast vortex opened, drawing in the natural laws of that world.

The sun, moon, stars, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, light, darkness—all the fundamental laws constructing that world's foundation—were absorbed into the "vortex" on the creature's forehead.

Ultimately, the creature's brain underwent a transformation, becoming a mysterious green-black liquid through the refinement of the Origin Soul.

This was the Origin!


Yu Yuan inhaled sharply, snapping back to reality from his trance.

Once again, he touched the pond, his fingertips gliding over its smooth surface, and a sense of familiarity slowly emerged.

What felt familiar to him was the tenth level of the Blood Platform at his Soul Altar, the very heart symbolizing the Abyss Origin Blood.

"What creation?" The old demon inquired, puzzled.

"There exists a Chaos Djinn known as Creation, the most distinguished product of the real Abyss's Origin Soul and Abyss Origin Blood. The Origin Blood endowed it with an immense and nearly flawless body, while the Abyss's Origin Soul granted it exceptional intelligence, enabling it to enhance its own soul."

"In the past, the body of the Abyss served as a vessel for both its Origin Blood and Origin Soul."

"It was a world larger than the Vast Expanse and the Tia Main Planet, a living entity that could effortlessly draw upon the vast energy of the galaxies within the true Abyss."

"It was invincible, without a single flaw."

"The Origin Blood was located within its torso, while the Origin Soul floated within its brain."

"It appears to have perished due to a conflict between the Origin Blood and the Origin Soul, losing control and destroying the real Abyss, leading to its own demise."

"The victor of this battle was the Abyss Origin Soul."

"The Abyss Origin Soul excavated the sturdiest part of its skull and refined it into a pool. The essence within this pool, its brain matter, contained all the naturally evolved laws and principles of the real Abyss. By refining this pool, the Abyss Origin Soul also acquired the essence."

"This essence could significantly enhance the intelligence of the Demon Clan, making the Demon Gods of the Vast Expanse wiser than the Beast Gods of the Desolate Realm, and endowing them with more powerful Beast Souls. Moreover, this essence could enable Unrestrained Stage cultivators of the Protoss to ascend to the Primordial Spirit, providing the Primordial Spirit with a natural armor," Yu Yuan explained gradually.


In the Otherworld, within the Origin Domain, a grand and ancient tome floated up through the spring's eye, gently fluttering back to smoothness.

"No, this isn't the Time Domain!" exclaimed Heesters, the Time God, as his pristine cape radiated a dazzling light.

His jewel-like eyes whirled, taking in the world that was both familiar and strange before him, and he let out a piercing cry, "This is the Origin Domain of the Origin Spirit!"

Upon his declaration, the faces of all those upon the Time Book shifted with concern.

"The Origin Domain, the lair of the mightiest Origin Spirit in existence!"

Before Mother Earth had a chance to take in the world around her, she experienced a profound epiphany regarding the true essence of the earth across numerous realms.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Within her, new earth laws began to emerge, seemingly originating from the Origin Domain, yet reminiscent of those from many other worlds.

Initially frightened, Mother Earth's fear turned to elation as she felt her power surge dramatically.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Specters of the Light Origin Spirit and the Thunderbolt Origin Spirit emerged from Canli and Qi Yunhong, respectively, hovering above their heads.

Streams of light and bolts of lightning converged on their specters from every direction.

Without doing anything in this strange Origin Domain, the specters of the Light Origin Spirit and the Thunderbolt Origin Spirit began their transformative ascension.

Yu Yuan turned to see that behind him, there was only a single spring.

He instantly realized that the many springs of the thirty-six worlds had been tampered with by the Origin Soul from the abyss. In the future, those who wished to travel between the great worlds using these springs might find themselves lost, sent to unintended destinations.

Alternatively, they might end up at the same destination.

For instance, the deities, supreme beings, and rulers of various worlds could all find themselves transported to the Origin Domain of the God of Origin when traversing the springs!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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