Unmatched Dominance/C2353 It Was a Mess
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Unmatched Dominance/C2353 It Was a Mess
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C2353 It Was a Mess

The luminous corridor stretched into the deepest recesses of the spring after it had pierced through the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Mysterious temporal laws manifested as vivid ripples, which continued to expand the Myriad Spirit Restriction, causing it to fracture even further.

Yu Yuan's eyebrows twitched as he once again sensed the presence of the Origin Soul, along with the fourth Myriad Spirit Restriction.

This fourth Myriad Spirit Restriction, entwined with the Origin Soul and a green-black pupil, seemed to be in a state of indecision.

It deliberated whether to transfer the fourth Myriad Spirit Restriction into the spring, thereby ensuring the Time God, Heesters, remained within the Origin Domain, preventing the Space God from transporting everyone out.

It had manipulated the fountains of various worlds and laid out an astounding strategy to lead the gods of this realm into the Origin Domain.

It would not permit Heesters to leave without consequence, nor would it tolerate the escape of the supreme beings or the three Origin Beasts.

Then, quite unexpectedly, it grew silent.

The entity concealed somewhere within the Origin Domain no longer seemed agitated. It appeared to have received a certain assurance, confident that Heesters would inevitably fail to escape.

Who else in the Origin Domain could have soothed it into tranquility?

The Origin Spirit!

Yu Yuan's face took on a grave expression as he realized that the mightiest spirit from the foreign realm was likely about to exert its power.

Whether it was Zhong Chichen, the Great Demon God Beilstein, or Heesters himself, they had all acknowledged that the most formidable entity across the thirty-six worlds was the Origin Spirit of the Origin Domain.

And here lay the Origin Domain!

"He's about to take action!"

Having parted from the Time Book, Yu Yuan gazed intently at Heesters and spoke with a solemn tone, "Take heed. The most powerful Origin Spirit of this realm will likely seek to keep you here as well!"

Upon hearing this, Heesters, who had previously shown little regard for the Abyss Origin Soul, had his jewel-like eyes flash with an unusual brilliance.

Heesters's composure was shattered.

Abruptly, the ripples and waves carrying the Laws of Time within the radiant passageway he had breached came to an inexplicable halt, ceasing to further rend the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

The temporal forces within the corridor were thrown into disarray by another consciousness, rendering Heesters's perception exceedingly vague.

Heesters's spirit quaked as he sensed an overwhelming hostility emanating from the entire Origin Domain.

In a world vastly larger and more enigmatic than his own realm of time, numerous concealed beings seemed to be scrutinizing him from various temporal and spatial dimensions. Heesters' divine form appeared to be fragmented across different eras, causing his consciousness to flow erratically.

As if in a trance, he saw versions of himself wandering through the Time River at distinct temporal junctures. Suddenly, all these versions turned to gaze upon him, tearing his divine power and consciousness asunder.

A faint crackling sound echoed as tiny sparks burst forth from the depths of Heesters' eyes. He seemed to be locked in an internal struggle, battling another presence within himself.

Slowly, a strange consciousness, alien to Heesters, began to emanate from his being. "You... You still exist! You've been here all along!" Heesters whispered to himself, his control over the Divine Power of Time slipping away.

The Spirit of Time he had once mastered and nearly forgotten was now stirring back to life. The spirit's consciousness, which had fused with his soul, surged rapidly within its depths.

The power of the Spirit of Time, once integrated into his very flesh and bones, was now reconvening from within. Even the laws of time, which had been infused into his heart, were now disentangling themselves in the form of brilliant, lightning-like strands, combining with the temporal power within him to form an enigmatic orb of light.

Once the orb was complete, the consciousness of the Spirit of Time nestled deep within his soul would slowly coalesce and merge with the orb, heralding the spirit's resurrection. "The legend is indeed true!" Yu Yuan exclaimed, his face contorting as he watched the peculiar transformation of Heesters.

He could sense a mysterious force shrouding Heesters, aiding in the revival of the Spirit of Time. The gods of the wind, Qiongqi, of slaughter, Taowu, and of gluttony, Chai En, bellowed in unison.

Within the three Origin Beasts, a nebulous consciousness stirred, seemingly roused by an external mystic force, on the brink of rebirth. The Origin Beasts let out instinctual cries of disquiet as their blood surged uncontrollably, unleashing the dormant powers within their hearts.

Around the God of Wind, Qiongqi, fierce gales raged, whipping up a terrifying maelstrom of winds that screeched violently, sending shivers down one's spine.

Deep within the storm, Qiongqi snarled and bared its fangs as though it was battling an unseen foe.

As Taowu and Chai En unleashed their roars, peculiar smokes and mists seeped from their eyes and nostrils.

These vapors appeared sentient, actively coalescing the world's energy around them.

Shortly thereafter.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A grey mist teeming with a bloodthirsty aura and a swirling fog brimming with gluttony materialized above the heads of Taowu and Chai En.

The spirits of bloodlust and gluttony, reawakened within the two Origin Beasts, separated from their corporeal forms.

These peculiar Origin Spirits hovered over the Origin Beasts, scrutinizing them as if assessing their worth.

"They're different; they're not quite like us," observed Mother Earth from above the meteorite, addressing the Lightning and Light Origin Spirits as she gazed upon the newly emerged spirits of bloodlust and gluttony. "They seem incomplete."

The spectral girl with white wings gently nodded in agreement, remarking, "Such odd beings, yet they can become Origin Spirits."

Yu Yuan was equally astonished.

He observed the enigmatic clouds and fogs, sensing that the so-called spirits of bloodlust and gluttony resembled the seven emotions and six desires of some ancient, mysterious entity.

These emotions and desires, too, harbored formidable power and had transformed into unique Origin Spirits.

These Origin Spirits, born from the seven emotions and six desires, were merely fragments of a mightier being. Yet, after merging with Taowu and Chai En, they had become deities of foreign lands.

In that moment, it was evident that the two Origin Spirits, born of the seven emotions and six desires, were intent on returning to their origin.

Indeed, after a brief hesitation, the clouds and mists departed from the heads of Taowu and Chai En.

The Origin Beasts felt an emptiness in their hearts and a look of bewilderment in their eyes after losing their refined Origin Spirits.

But upon closer inspection, they realized that their strength had not diminished significantly. The divine power they had acquired from the two Origin Spirits remained within their bodies.

The spirits of bloodlust and gluttony had etched their intricate laws deep within the very essence of the Origin Beasts.

The Qiongqi was the exception!

The Spirit of Wind that had been resurrected within the Qiongqi's body had seized control and wielded the divine wind's power to slice through its flesh and blood.

In an instant, blood gushed from the Qiongqi's abdomen as it writhed and howled in the void.

This Spirit of Wind was starkly different from the Origin Spirits residing in the other Origin Beasts. Upon awakening, it immediately sought to slay the Qiongqi in a fit of rage.

Amidst the chaos, a sinuous golden figure emerged from the spring sealed by the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

It was a colossal snake adorned with dark golden scales.

"Lord Heesters!"

Upon entering, the giant snake with dark golden scales caught sight of the Time God Heesters and exclaimed in shock, "No, this isn't the time domain! I've made a grave mistake!"

Next, the dark golden snake's gaze fell upon the wounded Qiongqi, the bewildered Taowu, and the disoriented Chai En.

"Qiongqi! Taowu! Chai En!"

The giant snake's expression turned to one of alarm, sensing that something was terribly amiss. It demanded, "What are you three doing here?"

"Dickinson, the God of Disaster! What brings you here?"

Taowu echoed with a cry of astonishment.

"God of Disaster?"

Yu Yuan took a brief look and recognized the similarities between the giant snake with dark golden scales and the Disaster Snake he had encountered in the Gray Domain.

The Disaster Snake had perished in the Gray Domain, its venomous power claimed by the Secular Bird Queen.

Another portion of the Disaster's power had fortuitously gone to a small spinosaurus.

The deity before them, known as Dickinson, the God of Disaster, had ascended to godhood through the Disaster Spirits. As a native spirit beast of this world, he was referred to as an Origin Beast after his deification, much like the Qiongqi.

However, his lineage did not trace back to the Chaos Djinn of the Abyss.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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