Unmatched Dominance/C2354 The Holy Land of the Origin Spirit
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Unmatched Dominance/C2354 The Holy Land of the Origin Spirit
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C2354 The Holy Land of the Origin Spirit

"What's wrong with Qiongqi?"

"And Lord Heesters, why has he become like this?"

Dickinson, the God of Calamity, noticed that Taowu and Chai En were unharmed, yet Qiongqi and Heesters were clearly losing control of their powers. He found this quite perplexing.

"Dickinson, we are not in Lord Heesters's time domain, but in the Origin Domain of the Origin Spirit," Taowu pointed out.

"Origin Domain?!"

Dickinson's face turned ashen as he suddenly grasped the eerie events unfolding with Qiongqi and Heesters. He shrieked, "You actually dare to remain here?"

Terrified, Dickinson let out a scream and looked as though he was about to flee.

"Ah! Ahhh!"

The dark golden serpent let out a harrowing cry as golden blood seeped from its dark golden scales.

Within its body, the God of Calamity's own Spirit of Calamity, which had been cultivated, was now stirring back to life, much like the Spirit of Wind.

"Origin Domain! Indeed, this is the Origin Domain of the Origin God!"

The giant serpent lamented.

It dawned on him that this place was not under the control of the Time God Heesters, but rather the lair of the Origin Beast and Origin Spirit, a realm that both the Origin God and Origin Beasts desperately avoided.

It was only within the enigmatic Origin Domain that the Origin Spirits they had cultivated could possibly be resurrected.

"Let me go! Release me at once!"

The God of Calamity, with his dark golden scales, struggled to drag his suddenly cumbersome serpentine form toward the realm's sole spring.


He collided with the dazzling Myriad Spirit Restriction and was repelled, causing even more blood to spill from his scales.

His power was clearly no match for the Time God Heesters. The barrier, a fusion of three Myriad Spirit Restrictions, was beyond the might of the God of Calamity to disturb.

Yet he refused to concede, repeatedly slamming into the barrier, which resulted in the loss of many of his dark golden scales.

Dickinson, the God of Calamity, was determined to flee the Origin Domain, but the Myriad Spirit Restriction inflicted severe injuries upon him. It seemed he would soon meet his end.

He might perish before the Disaster Spirit within him had a chance to awaken and leave his body.

"Great Creator, I implore you to save me!"

Qiongqi, battered and torn, continued to clash with the Wind Spirit and in desperation, he cried out to Yu Yuan for help.

Yu Yuan nodded, his Yang God form instantly appearing above Qiongqi's head.

The blood energy within him stirred, and the life-giving essence of his flesh and blood swiftly infiltrated Qiongqi's body.

Qiongqi's wounds healed in the blink of an eye, a surge of vitality flooding through him, reinvigorating his struggle against the Wind Spirit's power as he attempted to refine the Origin Spirit once more.

With Yu Yuan's assistance, Qiongqi was undaunted by the prospect of sustaining heavy injuries, able to engage in prolonged combat.

The Origin Domain had facilitated the revival of the Wind Spirit within him, and Yu Yuan's support had significantly bolstered his strength, ensuring that his internal conflict with the Wind Spirit was far from a defeat.


Suddenly, a tiny whirlwind burst forth from Qiongqi's chest.

Contained within this miniature maelstrom were the swirling laws of the Spirit of Wind's Great Dao, along with the power and consciousness it had siphoned from Qiongqi's body.

Upon Yu Yuan's arrival, the Spirit of Wind, realizing its prolonged assault was futile, opted to flee from Qiongqi's body.

The tiny whirlwind existed but for a moment before it darted off into the distance.

Like the Spirit of Slaughter and the Spirit of Greed, it retreated to a remote area within the Origin Domain.

"Thank you, great Creator!"

Qiongqi exhaled a breath of relief and, after watching the Spirit of Wind depart, expressed his gratitude to Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan gestured dismissively and ascended from Qiongqi's head, his gaze settling on the Time God, Heesters, with a furrowed brow.

He sensed that the Spirit of Time, recently reawakened within Heesters, was the most formidable among the Origin Spirits.

"Yu Yuan, how come you're unharmed?"

Youyu, who seldom spoke since arriving in this realm, eyed Yu Yuan with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Your Yang God form was clearly refined using the Origin Blood of the Desolate Realm. The other Origin Spirits have all been revived in the Origin Domain. So why hasn't that Origin Blood reacted?"

At his words, all eyes turned to Yu Yuan, their curiosity piqued.

Loong Jie echoed in surprise, "Yes, how are you unscathed?"

Mother Earth, observing from afar atop the meteor, wore a look of puzzlement.

She knew the truth better than anyone. As the guardian of Creation Peak, she had borne witness to Yu Yuan's entire process of assimilating the Origin Blood of the Desolate Realm.

Now, even the Spirit of Time within Heesters had begun to awaken upon his entry into the Origin Domain.

Why was Yu Yuan unharmed?

"I'm not sure," Yu Yuan said with a furrowed brow.

"Hold on!"

Loong Jie, who had taken the form of a burly human, suddenly let out a roar and transformed back into his immense Golden Dragon form, stretching out like a golden wall.

In the depths of Loong Jie's golden eyes, a look of turmoil appeared as if his mind had been invaded by another consciousness.

In an instant, the Golden Dragon, who had risen to the Supreme Realm through the power of gold, took off without a farewell, much like a miniature tornado, along with the spirits of slaughter and greed, from the location of the spring.

No matter how loudly the others called out to him, Loong Jie turned a deaf ear, seemingly under a spell.


Lvliu, who had ascended through the power of water, Barol, who had achieved the Supreme Realm through the mysteries of the stars, and Yuan Lianyao, who had mastered the essence of fire, all exhibited similar disturbances!

These Supreme beings had their consciousnesses warped simultaneously, each beckoned away by some entity.

Just as Yu Yuan had pinpointed Yuan Lianyao and was about to intercept her, a radiant sun drifted over from the distant, dim starry sky.

The brilliance of this sun was so intense that its warmth could be felt from afar.

"The Sun Spirit!"

The Light Origin Spirit exclaimed, as it, along with the Thunderbolt Origin Spirit and Mother Earth, all turned their gaze toward the sun.

Yu Yuan, too, could distinctly sense a formidable Origin Spirit within the incandescent sun!

Behind this sun, a moon began to emerge, accompanied by stars twinkling in the misty starlight.

Within the moon resided another potent Origin Spirit.

Hidden among these stars was a Star Spirit, moving freely between them, unfettered by spatial distances.

With a mere thought, it could instantly materialize on another star, as if all the stars served as its host.

Following this, Yu Yuan successively sensed the presence of the Gold Origin Spirit, Water Origin Spirit, and Fire Origin Spirit.

The presence of the Gold Origin Spirit and Water Origin Spirit was unfamiliar to him, but the Fire Origin Spirit was unmistakably the same as the Origin Soul that had fled the Vast Expanse.

Loong Jie, Lvliu, Barol, and Yuan Lianyao were all summoned by the Origin Spirits of this realm to depart.

The Origin Domain is home not only to the Origin Spirit but also to a multitude of other Origin Spirits! In the true Abyss, the Origin Spirits of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and even those of the sun, moon, and stars, which had not manifested in the Origin Realm or the Desolate Realm, were present. It was unexpected to find their nurturing ground in the Origin Domain as well.

The power of all Origin Spirits is significantly enhanced in the Origin Domain, and those refined by an Origin God or Origin Beast are even poised for revival and awakening. This place is truly a sanctuary for Origin Spirits.

"Let's not concern ourselves with them for now. At most, they'll be possessed once more," Youyu advised, seeing Yu Yuan preparing to retrieve Yuan Lianyao, Loong Jie, and the others. "They are merely supreme beings, not Origin Gods or Origin Beasts. The Origin Spirits calling to them bear no deep grudge; they only seek to possess them to demonstrate their power!"

"The Time God Heesters and Zhong Chichen are crucial to our mission. We must depend on them!" Youyu reminded him with composure.

Yu Yuan looked over and saw the towering white jade skeleton. The pendulum on its polished forehead, symbolizing the power of time, came to a gradual halt.

The pendulum ceased its swing.

The Time Book, once rolled up like a blade, now lay flat before Heesters. The splinters of light that burst from Heesters's pupils fell upon the Time Book and silently merged with it. Each fragment of light represented a piece of the Spirit of Time's fragmented consciousness.

Despite its intense battle with Heesters, the Spirit of Time's released essence and power could neither possess Heesters nor bring about his demise. Heesters, having refined it for many years, was well-versed in all its methods and divine powers.

Even after its awakening, when it had reassembled its own divine power and laws, it was powerless against the Time God. Heesters's ascension to Origin God might have been facilitated by it, but his rise to become the third among the myriad worlds of the foreign realms was not solely its doing.

Heesters's foundation may have originated from it, yet he has honed the power of time to its utmost, even surpassing it in certain respects!

As the Spirit of Time came to this realization, all it could do was gather the time fragments during its battle with Heesters, transforming them into countless shards that settled into the Time Book.

Within the confines of a page in the Time Book, Zhong Chichen sat cross-legged in the boundless void, immersed in understanding the true essence of space and contemplating the principles of time.

Swoosh, swoosh!

A multitude of time shards within this miniature world inside the page coalesced into a fist-sized orb of light, within which a hazy shadow could be discerned.

"Who are you?"

Oblivious to the external changes while deep in his meditative state, Zhong Chichen eyed the unexpected visitor and inquired, "What is it that you seek?"

"Renounce the true essence of space, sever all the Space Dao Laws you've mastered, and I will bestow upon you the ultimate sequence of time, enabling you to become another Heesters," the shadow within the orb communicated clearly.

Zhong Chichen flashed a sardonic grin and shook his head, "I doubt you possess such power."

"I am the Spirit of Time," the presence within the orb declared.

"Heh, to become another Heesters, I would need to refine the Spirit of Time. If you truly are the Spirit of Time, would you really permit me to refine you?"

While speaking, Zhong Chichen revealed his true form as the Colorful Divine Dragon on the page.

His vibrant scales shimmered like enchanted gold, some radiating with the force of space, others exuding the disrupted essence of time.

The Time Book itself suddenly burst forth with resplendent divine light.

"It's gone to seek Zhong Chichen!" Youyu exclaimed.

Yu Yuan's thoughts raced, and he prepared to dive into the Time Book to annihilate the Spirit of Time within.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The Myriad Spirit Restriction, which had been closing due to the Spirit of Time's meddling, now released halos of light, attempting to ensnare Heesters.

At this juncture, Heesters was still contending with the Spirit of Time's will within him, desperately striving to amalgamate his own strength.

After a brief hesitation, Yu Yuan swiftly positioned himself before Heesters, seizing him and hurling him into the distance, while also extracting the troublesome God of Chaos.

The Myriad Spirit Restriction, now aglow with dazzling radiance, began to extend from the inner sanctum of the spring outward.

The Myriad Spirit Restriction encased the sole spring connected to the outside world, forbidding anyone from nearing it. Only visitors from beyond were permitted to delve within.

Yu Yuan was struck by an absurd mix of emotions, finding himself both amused and dismayed.

In the Desolate Realm, numerous Chaos Abysses enveloped many springs, lying in wait to ambush gods from foreign lands.

Now, the Myriad Spirit Restriction, far mightier than the Chaos Abysses, ensnared the Origin Domain's only spring, poised to prey upon gods entering from afar.

Boom! Thunderous roars!

From the depths of the spring within the Myriad Spirit Restriction, an immense power burst forth—a mysterious force beyond Yu Yuan's experience or imagination.

This force appeared capable of altering the destiny of the cosmos and weaving the future of all beings.

The evolution of countless worlds from afar, the paths of life for all creatures, and even the destinies of the gods seemed to be at the mercy of this overwhelming power!


Heesters exclaimed, elated.

"The God of Destiny has arrived!"

"She must have felt it; she foresaw today's calamity! That's why she hastened here from her own world!"

"With her presence, Lord Heesters may yet stand undefeated!"

Qiongqi, Taowu, and Chai En, the trio of Origin Beasts, also sensed the surge of this power and were instantly invigorated.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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