Unmatched Dominance/C2358 The Guess about the Origin Spirit(2)
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Unmatched Dominance/C2358 The Guess about the Origin Spirit(2)
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C2358 The Guess about the Origin Spirit(2)

"Yu Yuan, it seems that the Origin Spirit also bears the same mission. Its advancement and breakthrough can be bolstered by collecting the corresponding laws of the Great Dao that are naturally fostered in different worlds."

Within the depths of Hao Ran's heart, Yu Yuan inhaled sharply and said, "The Origin Spirit of the true Abyss, along with the perished sun, moon, stars, and elements like metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, don't appear to be naturally born from the Abyss. I'm beginning to suspect that the so-called Origin Spirit might have been artificially created, rather than naturally conceived."

"It seems they were released to collect the naturally fostered laws of the Great Dao across various worlds."

"This is akin to the Origin Soul creating humanity, allowing them to perceive and understand the Great Dao of heaven and earth that relates to their own path within the numerous starfields of the Origin Realm."

As the old devil pondered, Yu Yuan added, "From what I've sensed from the source, that now silent Abyss didn't show any signs of the Origin Spirit naturally forming. The Origin Spirit seems to have appeared out of nowhere, as if it suddenly took root in the Abyss."

"We need to venture to the Origin Domain; only through the Origin Spirit can we find the answers." The old devil, stirred by his words, replied, "If your intuition is correct, and the Origin Spirit isn't a natural occurrence but a man-made creation, then the Origin Spirit must have been involved. The Origin Domain is very likely the birthplace of the Origin Spirit!"

"Are you suggesting that the Origin Spirit was created by the Origin Spirit and then dispersed across the various worlds?" Yu Yuan exclaimed in astonishment.

"Besides it, I can't imagine who else could."

"So, all these Origin Spirits might originate from the Origin Domain?" Yu Yuan pressed.

"We must figure out a way to reach the Origin Domain, and we must do it quickly!"

As the two engaged in their secret discussion, the starry expanse beyond the Vast Ocean was bustling with activity.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Figures emerged one by one, either appearing through the Space-time Gate near the Tia Main Planet or stepping out from the numerous caverns of the Heaven Opening Flare Star.

Among these individuals were the formidable members of the Divine Soul Sect from the Holy Devil Continent, including the Divine King, Tianqi, Ann Ziqing, Jee Ningshuang, Xuanli, Yuv Qian, and Andrea.

Also present were the mightiest of the Protoss, such as Qin Luo, Zu Ann, and Van Heqing, each embodying the essence of the Primordial Spirit.

The Chaos Roc, ground beetle, Monolith Tortoise, Elena, Denise, Barol, and other Tenth Level powerhouses from various races were present as well.

After the Space God, Devitt, perished and the Origin Realm's laws returned to equilibrium, these formidable beings reconvened in the Gray Domain.

They had once fled in terror of the Origin Soul, but now they were all returning.

They had heard that Yu Yuan had conquered the Boundless Land, expelled the Origin Soul from the Abyss, and claimed the Heart of Boundless Land for himself.

Protoss, Outland Devaputra, Chaos Roc, Starry Behemoth, and alien beasts from the Desolate Realm—all eyes were now on Yu Yuan.

With Yu Yuan absent, those seeking answers in the Origin Realm had no choice but to venture to the Gray Domain to find him.

"Sect Master!"

Like Yue Mu, a preeminent Sword Sect expert, hurried over and respectfully bowed to Lin Daoke.

Nearby, Jee Ningshuang wielded the Starfrost Sword, though she stood among the Divine Soul Sect's ranks.

"He's at the Heart of the Boundless Land."

Lin Daoke gestured toward the Boundless Land, informing Jee Ningshuang and the others.

"We're aware."

Andrea's lips curled into a light smile, her gaze settling on the Boundless Land as she spoke, "My father and I can communicate spiritually. I'm aware they're both in there."

Lin Daoke chose to remain silent.

Out of the blue, Andrea remarked, "The Sword Sect has its merits."

With Lin Daoke's unfathomable prowess, Jee Ningshuang's ascension to the Supreme Realm, and the likes of Van Heqing and Yue Mu at their zenith, the Sword Sect had emerged as a formidable force beyond the Divine Soul Sect.

Should he never return, the Sword Sect was poised to secure its standing within the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm.

Ignoring Andrea's comment, Lin Daoke turned to Yue Mu and inquired, "Has Senior Han not arrived?"

Yue Mu paused, then shook his head with a somber expression, "He's unable to come to terms with this harsh truth."

"He vanished from the Creation Starfield upon discovering that his soul's source was connected to Yu Yuan's Soul Altar."

Han Miaoyuan, steadfastly devoted to the revival of the Protoss in the Boundless Land and having sacrificed everything for this cause, was devastated by the departure of the Origin Soul.

He had orchestrated a scheme against Yu Yuan during the Dragon Slayer era, and after Yu Yuan awoke in this life, Han Miaoyuan relentlessly suppressed him.

Once the dust settled and the Origin Soul from the Abyss left this world for a mysterious new realm, Han Miaoyuan's spiritual foundation crumbled. He couldn't bear the thought of facing Yu Yuan in the Gray Domain, let alone humble himself to admit his wrongdoing.

"Let it be," Lin Daoke decided, not adept at handling such situations, and he refrained from bringing up Han Miaoyuan again.

Yue Mu, ever sociable, made his way to the Divine Soul Sect, engaging in idle chatter with Jee Ningshuang. He quickly ingratiated himself with the sect's powerhouses.

Tai Xu, upon meeting Zu Ann and Qin Luo, engaged in casual conversation, expressing the Divine Soul Sect's gratitude for Zu Ann's earlier assistance.

The Chaos Roc, Monolith Tortoise, and Ground Beetle watched the Demon Phoenix suspended in the void with cold detachment. Despite their deep-seated hatred, the Chaos Roc dared not act rashly.

With a sudden tear, a slender rift in space opened, revealing the Phoenix Shrine bathed in a rainbow aura. Yu Zhu emerged at its forefront.

"Mother," Yu Zhu called out, her face beaming with happiness.

Upon seeing Zhiya unharmed, Yu Zhu's anxiety melted away, her face a mixture of concern and relief.

Zhiya, despite her sullen mood, softened at the sight of her daughter. "Are you alright?" she asked tenderly.

"I'm fine," Yu Zhu replied gently.

"That's good to hear," Zhiya responded, visibly relieved.

The Demon Phoenix, who had been monitoring the Heart of Vast Water and eagerly anticipating an opportunity to benefit from a brutal conflict between the Abyss Origin Soul, Yu Yuan, and the Great Demon God, felt a slight uplift in spirits with Yu Zhu's arrival. She had sadly realized that she was utterly outmatched by Yu Yuan, unable to surpass the towering figure he represented.

Seeing her daughter swiftly approaching atop the Phoenix Shrine, she felt a bit more at ease, considering her daughter's identity.

She exclaimed in surprise, "You seem to have significantly advanced in your mastery of the deadly poison."

"Hall Master," the White Divine Tiger greeted as it emerged from the hall capable of traversing the void, bowing respectfully to Zhiya before speaking. "A great upheaval has occurred in the Desolate Realm since your departure."

He recounted the events to Zhiya, explaining how the Space God from a foreign realm had shed a colorful skin, nearly causing their demise—if it weren't for Yu Yuan's timely rescue.

"Without... without his help, every alien beast in the chaotic spatial currents would have been reduced to blood," Yu Zhu confessed, nearly revealing too much. She stole a glance at the Boundless Land, attempting to bypass the earthly barriers to reach Yu Yuan, who was in conversation with the old Demon Beilstein.

"He did the right thing by saving you. When I left, I was certain he would show up in your moment of true peril," she said with confidence.

Zhiya smirked, as if to say, of course, he would.

Libre Baskerville
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