Unmatched Dominance/C2361 Eating Everything
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Unmatched Dominance/C2361 Eating Everything
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C2361 Eating Everything

"Origin Domain!"

These words burst forth in Yu Yuan's mind.

His two bodies in the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm had always been in smooth communication. Beilstein had shared with him the many wonders of the foreign lands, and his counterpart in the Desolate Realm was crystal clear on the details.

According to the legends, the only place capable of reviving the Origin Spirit within the Origin Beast and Origin God was the Origin Domain, governed by the Origin Spirit!

Yet, the absolute void where Chen Qinghuang and his "Undead Sovereign" form resided was supposedly just the edge of the Desolate Realm.

Unless, of course, the so-called edge of the Desolate Realm bordered the Origin Domain ruled by the Origin Spirit!


The Creation Peak, resting on the back of his massive form, was drawn toward the Emptiness Land by the anomaly within Chen Qinghuang and the resurgence of the two mighty Origin Spirits.

In no time, the Creation Peak, home to four Origin Spirits, hovered next to Chen Qinghuang.

"Yu Yuan, this so-called end of the sky brings a sense of serenity," she remarked.

"How strange. I sense a voice calling to me from the depths of the unknown!"

"I feel it too!"

The Light Origin Spirit and the Thunderbolt Origin Spirit shared their sensations with Yu Yuan.

As Origin Spirits, like Chen Qinghuang, they had ventured into the Emptiness Land and each had their own intriguing discoveries.

The Creation Peak, having entered the Emptiness Land, seemed to be following some unseen guidance, drifting through this world as if seeking the source of the call that beckoned them.

This sight left both Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang in awe.


Yu Yuan, immersed in the pool, learned from Zhiya and the old demon's conjectures that the young Origin Beast might well be a creation of the God of Destiny, Stephanie, who had covertly influenced Zhiya to conceive it.

Upon being informed of the anomaly in the Desolate Realm, he promptly consulted with Beilstein.

"The Emptiness Land in the Desolate Realm must be linked to the Origin Domain! The power of the Origin Spirit can seep into that void!" the old demon exclaimed with a surge of excitement. "Perhaps, we can discover a way to the Origin Domain from within the Emptiness Land!"

Zhiya murmured to herself, "Origin Domain, Origin Spirit, God of Destiny, Stephanie."

Feeling mocked and used, Zhiya spoke with a chill in her voice, "I, too, wish to venture into another world and seek answers from the God of Destiny. If it was indeed her who revealed to me the life sequence of the Origin Beast, prompting me to create a lesser Origin Beast, what exactly was her aim?"

With the lesser Origin Beast having departed for foreign lands and the Origin Soul from the abyss also gone, Zhiya suddenly realized that her last chance for a breakthrough might just be in that distant realm.

If she remained complacent, she would never catch up to Yu Yuan, let alone surpass the daunting Beilstein, the Magic Mountain.

"My physical form, carried by the Creation Peak with the four great Origin Spirits, has traversed the absolute Emptiness Land. These Origin Spirits have sensed a call, and it seems likely that the edge of the Desolate Realm may indeed connect with the Origin Domain!"

Yu Yuan, too, came to a decisive moment.

At that instant, the final portion of primal energy within the pool was on the verge of being assimilated into his being.


In the Origin Domain, the God of Destiny, Stephanie, rode upon a subdued little Origin Beast, soaring through the expansive celestial river.

The stars shone brilliantly, and the sun and moon were suspended high in the sky, quickly reached by all.

Upon Stephanie's arrival, the presence of the star spirits in this region vanished.

The fierce sun continued to radiate light and warmth, and the moon's light remained softly luminous.

Yet, the Spirits of the Sun and the Moon were absent from these celestial bodies.

"The Origin Domain is a super-massive world, far more expansive than your Origin Realm, with numerous suns and moons," the Time God Heesters explained to Yu Yuan, consulting the Time Book. "Furthermore, all Origin Spirits are free to move about in the Origin Domain."

Youyu, taken aback, inquired with curiosity, "They can move at will?"

"Yes," Heesters replied with a serene smile.

Yu Yuan marveled inwardly. In the Origin Realm and the Abyss, Origin Spirits typically found it challenging to move freely, often requiring a special vessel for transportation.

The entity that had invaded the Gray Domain was Hao Ran, who had mobilized the entirety of Hao Ran to harness the celestial powers and convert them into flame energy, thus enabling Hao Ran's incursion into the Gray Domain.

In the earliest times, the Origin Blood Continent required passage through a deep crimson world, appearing and disappearing within the starry river.

The sources of Mother Earth, the Light Origin Spirit, the essence of flora, and the Thunder Origin Spirit were either nestled within Creation Peak or housed within massive carriers.

The Origin Spirits of both the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm were not prone to movement and demanded layers of protection.

The Origin Domain, however, was distinctly different.

The Origin Spirits concealed within the Origin Domain enjoyed remarkable freedom. The spirits of Wind, Bloodthirst, and Gluttony could detach from the Origin Beast and drift away without any need for carriers.

Even the Lightning and Light Origin Spirits from the Desolate Realm could move about with ease, taking on ghostly forms.

"After all, the Origin Domain is the sacred sanctuary and playground for the Origin Spirits," Heesters remarked with a smile.

The small Origin Beast came to a halt, prompting Stephanie, its rider, to laugh softly and urge, "Go ahead."

Stephanie swiveled around on the Origin Beast's head, addressing the group behind the Time Book, "This region abounds with treasures of heaven and earth. While they're of no use to me, they can greatly benefit the Origin Beast."

With that, the little Origin Beast lunged toward a pale blue star. Upon impact, the ground split open, and the beast burrowed into the star's core, unearthing luminous crystals and crunching down on them voraciously.

These pristine, peculiar crystals exuded the essence of water and were rich with aquatic energy, which the little Origin Beast absorbed through consumption.

After devouring everything in sight, the creature moved on to a neighboring star, extracting chunks of resplendent gold metal.

The gold metal, brimming with wondrous abilities, was eagerly consumed by the little Origin Beast, seemingly fortifying its bones.

Through this hearty feast, the formidable body of the little Origin Beast appeared to undergo a rigorous refinement.

Yu Yuan, with his exceptional sensitivity to the essence of flesh and blood, had initially spread his awareness throughout this strange Origin Domain Galaxy, detecting no signs of life.

He had overlooked the hidden treasures within the stars.

When he finally sensed something amiss and decided to harvest these celestial treasures, he realized the little Origin Beast had nearly finished its meal.

This extraordinary little Origin Beast was capable of not only devouring powerful beings from foreign lands but also feasting on the treasures of heaven and earth to gain the strength it required.

Qiongqi, Taowu, Chai En, and Dickinson looked on with unabashed envy.

"We're all Origin Beasts, yet we lack such capabilities," Qiongqi remarked to Yu Yuan.

He candidly informed Yu Yuan that within his original bloodline as a Chaos Djinn, he did not possess the ability to absorb power by consuming the treasures of heaven and earth.

He required the consumption of flesh and blood, or the swallowing of stellar powers for sustenance. Directly consuming gold metal and crystals seemed beyond the scope of his bloodline abilities.

He couldn't do it, nor could Taowu or Chai En, but the little Origin Beast could.

"It's not the same as you; it's unique."

The God of Destiny, Stephanie, watched the content little Origin Beast with a fond gaze and smiled, "Letting it eat its fill will aid us on our journey ahead."

At this, Heesters looked confused. "How can it be of any help to us?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Stephanie didn't go into detail, instead continuing to use the little Origin Beast as her mount, soaring through the expansive Origin Domain.

Throughout their journey, the little Origin Beast indulged in various heavenly treasures, digesting them all with Stephanie's encouragement.

"Lord Heesters, aren't there any intelligent races inhabiting the Origin Domain?" Yu Yuan inquired suddenly.

His experience here was starkly different from that in the whirlpool, river, and evolved regions.

In the Origin Domain, he had not detected any signs of intelligent races, although he had observed traces of Origin Spirits fleeing from the stars they traversed.

Considering the vastness of the Origin Domain and the presence of the Origin Spirit, how could it not have fostered any living races?

"According to legend, intelligent beings once lived in the Origin Domain before people learned to refine Origin Spirits. Back then, both the intelligent beings of the Origin Domain and those from outside took great pride in receiving the favor of the Origin Spirit," Heesters explained, casting a discreet glance at Stephanie.

Noticing that Stephanie paid him no mind, he continued, "Of course, in that era, the Origin Spirit enslaved all creatures, arbitrarily taking possession of them, and the beings they created roamed the earth."

After a brief pause, Heesters added with gravity, "It was Lady Stephanie who altered this dynamic!"

"Once she mastered the art of refining Origin Spirits, she disseminated the technique. This sparked tremendous upheaval across numerous worlds in the outer realms. The supreme beings crafted by the Origin Spirits began refining Origin Spirits in her likeness, leading to a surge of new Origin Gods and Origin Beasts."

"This cataclysm also engulfed the Origin Domain. Once the Origin Spirit was enraged, extinction befell all beings within it."

Heesters exhaled deeply, "Resistance against the Origin Spirit was bound to come with sacrifices; nothing is ever without its challenges."

With that, Yu Yuan appeared contemplative as the group continued their flight toward the Origin Domain.

The little Origin Beast grew increasingly powerful, its fearsome aura causing the other Origin Beasts to become restless.

Periodically, it would glance back at Qiongqi and its fellow Origin Beasts, prompting them to instinctively seek closer proximity to Yu Yuan.

"This audacious little creature is growing more daring by the day!"

Even the Time God, Heesters, couldn't hide his irritation.

When the little Origin Beast looked back, it regarded Yu Yuan with reverence, while it seemed to view all other flesh and blood beings as potential prey.

Time passed once more.

"My domain!"

One day, Qiongqi erupted in either excitement or fear, exclaiming, "My vortex has fused with the Origin Domain!"

Soon after, Taowu, Dickinson, and Chai En also raised their voices in astonishment.

Their realms had integrated with the Origin Domain, and as deities of their respective worlds, they felt the impact immediately.

And so, time marched on.

When the Time God, Heesters, sensed that his own domain had also merged into this world, the God of Destiny, Stephanie, mounted atop the little Origin Beast, came to a halt once again.

They stopped before an endless ocean.

The ocean shimmered with stars, suns, and moons, and a multitude of celestial wonders unfolded before them, too numerous to count.

The stars were genuine, as were the suns and moons, while the plethora of wonders seemed to symbolize various Origin Spirits.

"We have arrived."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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