Unmatched Dominance/C2362 Creation Star River
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Unmatched Dominance/C2362 Creation Star River
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C2362 Creation Star River

The God of Destiny's voice, typically gentle, betrayed a hint of excitement. Such a towering figure, revered by all creatures and standing above all the heavens, found herself overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions as she faced the vast deep sea before her. Her gaze was fixed upon the mysterious waters, and within the depths of her golden eyes shimmered an array of enigmatic hues.

This place seemed to be where her soul was inextricably bound, the dream she had chased her entire life, a repository for something deeply cherished.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

A series of astonished gazes followed, settling upon the deep sea, evoking a profound sense of insignificance in the face of one of the world's greatest wonders.

Even the Time God Heesters appeared lost in a reverie as he whispered, "The legendary Origin Land of All Beings!"

Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes, taking in the sight, and felt a jolt in his soul.

Within this boundless sea lay not only the sun, moon, and stars but also meteorites as vast as continents, the ruins of golden Holy Mountains, and glittering rivers that still meandered their course. There were even colossal ancient trees, their roots visible as if anchoring into the water itself.

The so-called deep sea was a sea of energy, both majestic and refined, spreading like a mist through the depths of space.

Hiss! Hiss!

Visible bolts of lightning and numerous manifestations of the Source Spirit enveloped the deep sea, hidden within the stars and the earth's core.

As Yu Yuan gazed into the deep sea, he envisioned countless worlds collapsing into this space. Civilizations vanished, celestial bodies splintered, and life was extinguished in the blink of an eye.

Yu Yuan was astounded.

Looking closer, he discerned the remnants of magnificent palaces and an endless array of foreign races, spirit beasts, and peculiar creatures' remains, including shards of stars and suns.

Within the deep sea lay both intact and shattered celestial bodies.

The lamentations and desperate cries of myriad beings echoed in Yu Yuan's ears, blurring his consciousness. Their pleas for mercy seemed to implore his forgiveness, yearning for a reprieve.

He sensed that numerous advanced civilizations had met their end in this deep sea, their existence erased and reduced to ruins by its engulfing embrace.

"It's a Starfield within the Origin Domain, known as the Creation Star River."

The God of Destiny, Stephanie, gazed at Yu Yuan with a profound look, as he stood there, visibly shaken by her words.

"Creation Star River!"

"Creation Continent!"

"Creation Pool!"

Youyu, Qi Yunhong, and Canli cried out in astonishment.

The land that once drifted in the vast expanse of darkness was named Creation Continent, and the pool wrapped in colorful flesh was aptly called the Creation Pool.

Could there be a connection between this enigmatic Star River in the Origin Domain, known as the Creation Star River, and the others?

"Creation Star River," Yu Yuan murmured, locking eyes with Stephanie's golden gaze. "The one who vanquished Devitt named a Starfield in the Origin Realm the Creation Starfield. Within it lies a massive landmass known as the Creation Continent."

He paused briefly, then added, "Moreover, the Creation Continent was once a Chaos Djinn known as Creation!"

Stephanie's smile widened slightly. "Quite the coincidence, isn't it? The name of that continent and the Chaos Djinn matches that of the Creation Star River."

"Is it merely a coincidence of names?" Yu Yuan questioned, his brow furrowed.

With a graceful shrug of her shoulders, Stephanie sidestepped his inquiry, saying instead, "To my knowledge, innumerable thriving civilizations and kingdoms have all perished within the Creation Star River."

The God of Destiny paused, then continued, "This star river is shrouded in mystery. It's a place I've longed to delve into, yet I've postponed my journey there for many years."

In the myriad worlds beyond, Stephanie is revered as the mightiest among the Origin Gods and Origin Beasts, deeply trusted by all.

A being of her caliber should have explored every world beyond the Origin Domain. Her decision to leave the Origin Domain and the Creation Star River until last must be intentional.

"I'll sense it myself!"

At her words, Yu Yuan released a tendril of flesh and blood essence energy, infused with his soul consciousness, into the wondrous expanse known as the Creation Star River.

He was instantly taken aback.

This tendril of essence energy detected an unimaginable variety of energies within the so-called Creation Star River, each one vast and powerful.

Never before had he encountered such a concentration of energy. The familiar energies of flesh and blood, soul, gold, sun and moon, stars, darkness, space, and time that he had experienced in the Origin Realm and Desolate Realm were all present in the Creation Star River before him.

There are even more energies that he had yet to encounter, lurking in the depths of the Creation Star River, possibly hidden within other worlds.

The Creation Star River itself resembles a boundless ocean, composed of infinite energy!

The energy within the Creation Star River encompasses a myriad of types. For the intelligent races that practice cultivation within its bounds, it offers a superior environment compared to any other place in the universe.

Furthermore, he had a sudden realization that the shattered suns, moons, and stars within the Creation Star River, the remnants of fallen palaces, the echoes of vanished civilizations, and the silent, true abyss shared a striking resemblance.

The distinction, however, is that the Creation Star River is brimming with immense energy, potentially the most concentrated locus of power in existence.

Moreover, the variety of extinct civilizations and the remains of different races found within the Creation Star River far exceed those in the true abyss.

"In ancient lore, the Creation Star River is hailed as the cradle of life for all beings across the myriad realms, hence its name," Stephanie elaborated.

"Heesters wasn't entirely mistaken. Previously, the Origin Domain was home to intelligent races. After I mastered the art of refining the Origin Spirit and selflessly shared the technique, the exalted beings crafted by the Origin Spirit followed suit."

"At that juncture, the Origin Spirit within the Origin Domain was incensed, prompting it to initiate an apocalyptic purge," she explained, gesturing towards a region within the Creation Star River.

Yu Yuan peered closely and observed numerous fragmented celestial bodies and the vestiges of shattered civilizations in that particular region of the Creation Star River.

Stephanie spoke with a hint of detachment, "Back then, the intelligent races scattered across the Origin Domain were drawn into that region by the Origin Spirit's might. Yes, they all perished there, turning it into a vast graveyard within the Creation Starfield."

"A graveyard?" Youyu exclaimed in astonishment.

The area Stephanie indicated, referred to as a "graveyard," constituted only a small fraction of the Creation Star River.

If that was deemed a graveyard, what then of the rest of the Creation Starfield?

"The Origin Spirit's cataclysmic endeavors were not singular in nature," the God of Destiny, Stephanie, remarked without glancing at Youyu, her gaze fixed on Yu Yuan. "Such actions, like the merging of worlds and the reclamation of scattered realms by the Origin Spirit, have likely occurred multiple times."

"Has it happened before?"

Qiongqi shuddered, staring at Stephanie with a bewildered expression. "Lady Stephanie, are you suggesting that beings from all realms in our era have been annihilated by the Origin Spirit multiple times? Before you learned to refine the Origin Spirit, there were beings from a bygone era that perished due to its cataclysmic acts."

"And it's happened more than once?"

Qiongqi's voice quivered with fear.

Stephanie nodded gently. "Exactly."

Heesters's face darkened. "You've never mentioned this to me!"

"I'm telling you now, aren't I?" Stephanie replied with a smile.

Heesters was about to respond when he suddenly felt a jolt. "My Time Domain!"

He keenly sensed that his Time Domain, which he ruled, was beginning to merge with this realm!

From Stephanie's explanation, it was clear that the Origin Spirit had repeatedly enacted world-ending measures, and not just against the inhabitants of the Origin Domain.

Thus, all beings that had integrated with the Origin Domain were likely facing imminent eradication by this most fearsome Origin Spirit!

The integration of Heesters's world into this one also signified that those who worshiped him and regarded him as a deity, including the beings of the Time Domain and many from the Bone Race, were on the brink of extinction!

"My Time Hourglass!"

Suddenly, Heesters perceived the Artifact he had left in the Time Domain.

He promptly summoned it with his mind.

Somewhere far within the Origin Domain, a Time Hourglass was flying toward him. It contained golden sand within two transparent glass spheres, supported by a platinum tray.

This Artifact, forged by Heesters, had established a connection with him and now soared from the merging Time Domain.

As it approached Heesters, who had previously expended a great deal of energy crafting a Time River with Yu Yuan's Yang God, he was swiftly regaining his strength.

Even before the hourglass arrived, Heesters's complexion had improved significantly, suggesting that the Artifact could empower him within the same world.


At that moment, Zhong Chichen, the Colorful Divine Dragon concealed within a page, voluntarily emerged from his miniature universe.

"I've unraveled the essence of Devitt's Void!" he exclaimed, beaming. Reappearing from the Time Book, he then laid eyes on the God of Destiny, Stephanie, and the boundless, enigmatic sea.

"Lord Heesters, your Spirit of Time has been attempting to beguile me into abandoning the principles of Spatial Law to grasp the temporal powers it wields," Zhong Chichen explained to Heesters before turning to inquire of Yu Yuan, "This sea is most peculiar. What is this place? And why is that blonde woman perched atop the head of the small Origin Beast?"

"That's Stephanie. This sea is known as the Creation Star River," Yu Yuan replied.

"The God of Destiny, Stephanie!"

Zhong Chichen was taken aback, so much so that he barely registered Yu Yuan's description of the sea. He was still trying to process the revelation about Stephanie.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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