Unmatched Dominance/C2364 Entering the Forbidden Zone!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2364 Entering the Forbidden Zone!
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C2364 Entering the Forbidden Zone!

Most Origin Gods and Origin Spirits perished after entering the Origin Domain.

As the Origin Domain was the hallowed ground of the Origin Spirits, it also became the tomb for those who had seized control of the Origin Spirits!

"Fortunately, Mother Earth spared me."

Taishi's expression was tinged with bitterness. He was acutely aware that if not for his connection with Yu Yuan, he, Qi Yunhong, and Canli would have had no chance of escape.

Particularly for Qi Yunhong and Canli, who were the very vessels for the Thunderbolt and Light Origin Spirit.

"It's arrived!"

Heesters's spirits lifted, his eyes sparkling like jewels with the sudden vision of an hourglass.


The hourglass, which he considered of utmost importance, finally arrived from somewhere within the Origin Domain.

Miles away, a dazzling river shimmered into existence, tracing the path of the hourglass.

The hourglass, propelled by the mysterious river, seemed to fly towards the group.

As the hourglass materialized, the splendid river it had created shrank into the glass orb, merging with the sands of time within.

"I never thought I'd see you again."

Heesters laughed heartily, gently grasping the hourglass as divine power surged within him.

With the Artifact in hand, all his previous losses were instantly restored.

His confidence skyrocketed, and he declared, "Yu Yuan, my world has fused with the Origin Domain, I can feel it! Now that I have my Artifact, I can attempt to trace back through those lost memories!"

"Moreover, I've reformed a Time River corresponding to yours, which might even allow me to connect with your two bodies in the Origin Realm and Desolate Realm!"

To Heesters, the power of this hourglass was incomparable to that of the Time Book.

After taking hold of the hourglass, he set aside the Time Book, signaling to Zhong Chichen that he was leaving it to him.

Zhong Chichen could sense the time's divine power emanating from the hourglass was even more enigmatic and pure.

As the golden sands within the hourglass cascaded from one sphere to the other, the passage of time in this world was influenced by Heesters and the hourglass.

"Revisiting memories."

Yu Yuan's eyes sparkled with anticipation. He had long awaited this moment and nodded in agreement, saying, "I indeed wish to uncover the memories that have been buried."

"Let's head inside. Once we're in, your divine power over time should increase significantly." Stephanie, who had been waiting for quite some time, saw the hourglass approach and showed a hint of impatience. She said, "Let's not waste any more time."


Heesters, though puzzled, refrained from voicing his doubts.

The other Origin Beasts all followed Stephanie's lead without question, each nodding in agreement.

To the Origin Beasts and Origin Gods, Stephanie, wielder of the divine power of destiny, has always had the ability to glimpse into the future, albeit vaguely.

If she insisted there should be no delay, there had to be a reason. Perhaps she had glimpsed some mysterious Alien Realm.


Beneath her, the small Origin Beast suddenly let out a fierce roar. The viscous purple sea enveloping the creature acted like specialized armor.

Within this sticky purple expanse, dense bloodline lightning darted about, weaving the intricate laws of life and Origin Spirits.

The small Origin Beast, poised to strike, turned its head for one last look at the onlookers, its breaths heavy with anticipation.

"Settle down," Stephanie said with a gentle stomp of her foot, calming the beast. She then inhaled deeply and added with gravity, "Everyone, be cautious."

With that, her golden cape, which seemed to hold many secrets of the Origin Spirits, drew tight around her, accentuating her elegant form in a rather enticing manner.

"We'll go ahead."

With no further ado, she and the small Origin Beast were the first to step into the Creation Star River.

To the astonishment of all, as soon as she and the small Origin Beast entered the Creation Star River, they vanished from sight!

Despite clearly stepping into the river in full view of the group, they were nowhere to be seen.

"Where did they go?"

Startled, Zhong Chichen unleashed streams of rainbow-colored divine light with a flick of his wrist.

The light, meant to locate Stephanie, scattered throughout the Creation Star River, visible to all. Yet, there was no trace of Stephanie or the small Origin Beast.

The sudden disappearance of the God of Destiny and the small Origin Beast left the group hesitant, suddenly wary of proceeding without caution.

"I can't find them; they're not in any visible region!"

Zhong Chichen let out a cry of warning, urging everyone to be cautious and not to rush in.

Following this, the Time God Heesters, Yu Yuan, Youyu, and creatures like Qiongqi, each unleashed their unique powers. Their goal was to locate Stephanie and the little Origin Beast within the Creation Star River before proceeding.

However, their search yielded nothing.

The moment Stephanie and the little Origin Beast entered the Creation Star River, it was as though they had stumbled into another enigmatic world.

Heesters, who had previously departed from the Time Book, now stood with the hourglass at the Time Book once more, beckoning the God of Fear to descend.

The group looked towards him, at a loss for what to do next.

In Stephanie's absence, Heesters, the Time God who was second only to her, naturally emerged as the new leader.

"Perhaps the Creation Star River has the ability to instantly transport each entrant to a different region," he suggested.

While speaking, Heesters gestured for everyone to come together. "If that's the case, we should not enter in separate groups or stray from the Time Book! Moreover, once we're inside the Creation Star River, no one should make any hasty moves!"


"We'll follow your lead!"

Heeding Heesters' words, the group huddled together, fearing they too might vanish in the blink of an eye upon entering the Creation Star River.

"We should enter as well."

Despite his uncertainty, Heesters bravely led the group, signaling Zhong Chichen to take control of the Time Book.

He closely monitored the activity within the Creation Star River, eager to find Stephanie and learn more truths from her.

In his heart, Stephanie was the guide for all Origin Gods and Origin Beasts, especially at this critical juncture when the Origin Spirit was intent on ending the world.

He was acutely aware that he was not equipped to bear the burden of saving the Origin Gods and all living beings.


The Time Book emitted a dazzling divine light, wrapping everyone in a cascade of spatial layers. Following Stephanie and the little Origin Beast, they too entered the Creation Star River within the Origin Domain.



Yu Yuan, whose massive form rivaled that of a Starfield, pursued the Creation Peak across the void of the Emptiness Land.

Perched on his multicolored back, the Secular Bird Queen observed the trajectory of the Creation Peak from the Creation Pool, alongside the form of the Undead Sovereign.

"I've lost contact with the Four Great Origin Spirits," Yu Yuan said with a furrowed brow. "As soon as we entered, the Four Great Origin Spirits of the Creation Peak seemed to have fallen under the sway of some mysterious force."

The Secular Bird Queen, stationed at the Creation Pool, had no time to spare for him; she was locked in a struggle against a peculiar affliction within herself.

The sentient consciousness of the spirits of destruction and deadly poison were converging within her flesh and soul. They were on the verge of awakening, poised to usurp her being.

"Let them awaken," Yu Yuan said, his expression icy as he observed Chen Qinghuang's desperate resistance. "I'm curious to see what kind of havoc these so-called Origin Spirits can wreak in this Alien Realm!"

"Very well, I shall allow them to awaken."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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