Unmatched Dominance/C2365 The Forbidden of All Living Things
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Unmatched Dominance/C2365 The Forbidden of All Living Things
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C2365 The Forbidden of All Living Things

In the vast emptiness, the Secular Bird Queen took her seat with deliberate slowness. The deathly energies that surrounded her flickered out as if struck by lightning. Her eyes, a cool mix of gray and white, shone with an air of reckless abandon. She no longer resisted the resurgence of the Spirits of Destruction and Poison, nor did she attempt to prevent the convergence of their fragmented powers.

With Kurkova's assistance, she had ascended to the Eleventh Level and had deeply understood the laws of destruction and poison. Unlike Galuba and Kuna, she had a mastery over the power of death, enabling her to use it to contain the spread of destruction and poison, thwarting the awakening intentions of the two primal spirits.

If she persisted in her resistance, the revival of these primal spirits would be significantly slowed. However, after strenuous efforts to hold them back, she had come to a sobering realization: the so-called source spirits had always been embedded deep within the flesh and blood of Galuba and Kuna. The source spirits had never truly faced extinction!

Regardless of who might obtain the powers of the Destruction God and the Snail God, and even if their flesh was melted away, the two primal spirits would eventually be resurrected at some future moment. Unless she renounced the powers of destruction and poison, erasing the laws she had comprehended from within her, the two primal spirits would continue to exist.

Naturally, she was loath to relinquish the prize that was within her grasp.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The spiritual consciousness bearing the essences of destruction and poison coalesced within her flesh and soul, fueled by her willful indulgence. Over time, these forces of destruction and poison pervaded her body and soul.

With her impeccably beautiful face, she gazed calmly at Yu Yuan and stated matter-of-factly, "They are about to be revived."

Her trust in Yu Yuan was absolute. By ceasing her resistance, the Spirits of Destruction and Poison could possess her in an instant or extinguish her life just as quickly.

"Don't worry, I'm here," Yu Yuan reassured her with a gentle nod, signaling that she could be at ease without fear of any mishaps.

His colossal, multicolored form, as vast as a Starfield, sensed a dark and vibrantly colorful energy on the verge of erupting from within Chen Qinghuang. The Spirits of Destruction and Poison saturated her blood and soul, and should they burst forth, Chen Qinghuang would face utter ruin!

Moreover, the revived Spirits of Destruction and Poison were in a frenzied and twisted state. Yu Yuan could sense that the two primal spirits, nestled deep within Chen Qinghuang's flesh and spirit, were being influenced by the peculiar void, not yet fully awakened with clear consciousness.

Yu Yuan let out a sudden, cold snort.

He sharply detected that the Spirits of Destruction and Poison were attempting to transform Chen Qinghuang's flesh into a toxic source infused with the essence of annihilation.

Their true aim was to poison his vibrant, multicolored body and corrode his jade-like flesh!

It seemed as though some force did not want his body to exist in the void and was intent on destroying it as thoroughly as possible.

"Let's see who is behind this!"

Following his snort, a deep red aura enveloped the entire Creation Pool, naturally including Chen Qinghuang within its embrace.

On the surface of the aura, innumerable fine, glistening blood lights wove together.

From the abyss, Origin Realm, and Desolate Realm, the might of beings long erased by time sealed the Creation Pool through these interlaced blood lights.

"The Restriction of All Beings!"

This was a divine technique that emerged naturally from his will, designed to limit beings of blood and flesh.

The Restriction of All Beings and the Myriad Spirit Restriction shared a similar ingeniousness, yet they specifically targeted creatures of flesh and blood.


A stream of five-colored divine brilliance from outside poured into Yu Yuan, the Undead Sovereign, and converged within his eyes.

His gaze sharpened, his eyes growing increasingly luminous.

Like two divine weapon blades, his eyes pierced through to observe the Spirits of Destruction and Poison taking form inside Chen Qinghuang.

This Spirit of Poison was starkly different from the presence of the Oblivion God he had encountered on the Dragon Slash Platform.

Their consciousness had been warped by some force, their intelligence overshadowed, leaving only a primal destructive power and the will to turn Chen Qinghuang's body into a source of poison.

Suddenly, Yu Yuan sensed the two source spirits on the brink of unleashing their power, ready to ignite Chen Qinghuang's blood and soul!

In that moment.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The five-colored divine brilliance that had filled Yu Yuan's body, now channeled through his extraordinary eyes, struck at the two source spirits within Chen Qinghuang.

Within the glare of these two resplendent divine lights, countless intricate and mysterious chains of laws emerged, weaving the esoteric truths of the universe into the fearsome glow.

Amidst the brilliance, there were visions of countless worlds crumbling and the extinction of all life.

The powers of the Spirits of Destruction and Poison, tainted with foreign energies, dissipated like ice under the glow of the two radiant beams.

The two primal spirits had only just regained their true intellect and consciousness when they were penetrated by the divine light in Yu Yuan's eyes.

Before they could even attempt to usurp Chen Qinghuang's body, the Spirits of Destruction and Poison were extinguished by the prismatic divine brilliance emanating from Yu Yuan's gaze.


Suddenly, the Dragon Slash Platform appeared.

Yu Yuan's true form, from the distant Origin Realm, brought along the Great Demon God Beilstein, the Oblivion God, the Death God, a colorful butterfly, Lin Daoke, Zhiya, including the Starfrost Sword wielder, Jee Ningshuang, all standing atop the Dragon Slash Platform.

Yu Yuan had chosen to bring them for their supreme combat prowess and their curiosity to explore foreign realms.

As for Yu Zhu, the Chaos Roc, the Grand Illusionary Divine Sword, and Zu Ann, since they had not ascended to supreme status, Yu Yuan considered them an encumbrance and left them temporarily in the Gray Domain of the Origin Realm.


Chen Qinghuang, fully alert, caught sight of the ethereal Death God appearing from another realm. Sensing the deathly power within her, she arched an eyebrow and called out softly.

Kurkova acknowledged with a cool nod.

She had graced the Secular Bird Queen with the subtle essence of death, aiding Chen Qinghuang's rise to the Eleventh Level, with the intention of recruiting her to the Nether Domain as one of her dominions in the future.

Regrettably, Chen Qinghuang was not content with her lot and refused to play second fiddle.

Moreover, Chen Qinghuang had slain the Destruction God, Galuba, who, despite his grotesque appearance, was the consort Kurkova had chosen, entwined in a bitter and violent rivalry with her for many years.

Were it not for Yu Yuan's presence, she would have been tempted to eliminate Chen Qinghuang herself, stripping away the bestowed deathly power and reducing the Secular Bird Queen to her original state.

"Creation Peak!"

Upon arrival, the Great Demon God fixed his gaze on the vanishing Creation Peak and scoffed, "As I suspected, something's amiss!"

Upon their arrival, the Demon Phoenix Zhiya, Lin Daoke, and Jee Ningshuang were immediately enveloped by the eerie and peculiar aura of this void. They extended their powers, probing the mysteries that lay in all directions.

Hovering above the Dragon Slash Platform was a massive, crystalline heart of the ocean, alongside an enigmatic dark pond. Yet, not a single trace of the origin remained within its depths.

With a whoosh, Yu Yuan's true form materialized, and the Soul Altar at his brow shone forth. The ninth tier of the Soul Altar cast its light upon Chen Qinghuang.

The spiritual consciousness of the Destruction God and the Poison God, along with the profound truths of destruction and poison, were forcibly extracted from Chen Qinghuang by the radiant Soul Altar and assimilated into the ninth tier of the Soul Platform.

In a mere moment, the principles of destruction and poison were seamlessly integrated with his Soul Platform, including the consciousness of the two primal spirits. It was as though Yu Yuan had devoured the spirits of destruction and poison with his Soul Altar!

The Oblivion God and the Death God watched in bewildered silence as the Soul Altar was revealed, sensing the disappearance of the two primal spirits within it.

Simultaneously, Yu Yuan, in his original form, turned his gaze to the Oblivion God and the Death God. These deities, who wielded control over the Nether Domain and the Yard Domain, felt an icy dread at the sight of Yu Yuan's Soul Altar.

"You two?" The Great Demon God's demeanor shifted to one of grave concern as he peered into the eyes of the two gods who had attempted to refine the primal spirits. "Are you experiencing any anomalies?"

"Yes!" Harris, considerably shorter than Heesters, exclaimed in alarm. He looked at Yu Yuan, a mix of fear and candor in his eyes. "The Spirit of Oblivion within me was stirring as soon as we entered this realm. But then, suddenly, it ceased its struggle and no longer sought to awaken."

Harris shared his genuine experience.

"I feel the same," Kurkova murmured, her head bowed as she sought the presence of the Spirit of Death. Her voice was heavy with solemnity. "It seems we never truly refined them. They have always been there, lurking within our flesh and souls after being dispersed."

"In the past, they remained dormant because we had never ventured to the Origin Domain, nor to this Emptiness Land that might border it."

As the two divine beings from disparate realms arrived here, they sensed the peculiar behavior of the primal spirits within them and came to a realization.

The recent disturbance was the result of the Origin Spirits within them attempting to reconvene in the peculiar void of Emptiness Land.

Yet, as the two Origin Spirits sought to awaken within their hosts, they discovered that Yu Yuan had slain the Spirits of Destruction and Poison that had been within Chen Qinghuang. Moreover, they had been consumed by the Soul Altar.

The Spirits of Oblivion and Death suddenly stilled, no longer daring to reveal their presence.

These entities, residing within Kurkova and Harris, went back into hiding upon sensing that their kin were still alive, likely biding their time for a more opportune moment.

"Crafty fellow," the Old Demon scoffed, eyeing Harris and Kurkova. He pondered aloud, "Without them, your strength will surely diminish. Can you still uphold your positions as Origin Gods?"

"It'll be quite challenging," Kurkova admitted with a shake of her head.

Harris grimaced. "It's not the loss that I fear, but rather the possibility of it possessing me and erasing my soul!"

"It appears that your so-called method of refining the Origin Spirit has always been flawed," the Old Demon mused before delivering his verdict, "The consciousness and power of the Origin Spirit have never truly been extinguished from your flesh and soul!"

He gestured towards the Soul Altar that Yu Yuan had employed and remarked, "It seems that the Spirits of Destruction and Poison only truly perished after being devoured by Yu Yuan's Soul Altar."

Harris remained silent, evidently in agreement with the Old Demon's assessment.

"The technique for refining the Origin Spirit was imparted to us by Lady Stephanie. Every deity in our world, be they Origin Gods or Origin Beasts, refines the Origin Spirit using her prescribed method," Kurkova murmured, head bowed. "Could it be that even Lady Stephanie's method is flawed or incomplete?"

"Or perhaps she has ulterior motives," Zhiya interjected sharply from her place on the Dragon Slash Platform. "She once visited the Origin Realm in secret and instructed me on how to nurture the Origin Beast, indicating she's been plotting something for quite some time."

Zhiya, harboring her own devious calculations, was not inclined to give the foreign God of Destiny the benefit of the doubt, having long since pegged Stephanie as a fellow mastermind.


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