Unmatched Dominance/C2366 Three Women Playing a Game(1)
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Unmatched Dominance/C2366 Three Women Playing a Game(1)
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C2366 Three Women Playing a Game(1)

"Shut up!"

Harris and Kurkova chastised Zhiya simultaneously.

In their respective realms, the God of Destiny, Stephanie, was revered and her exalted status was deeply ingrained in the hearts of all. Deities like Harris and Kurkova worshipped her as both a belief and a divine figure.

Zhiya's remarks, therefore, had naturally enraged the two otherworldly deities.

"Shut up? And you think you two are worthy?"

With a contemptuous snort, Zhiya left the Dragon Slash Platform and floated above the Emptiness Land.

A surge of purple demonic energy erupted from within her. The once miniature Phoenix Shrine, obtained from Yu Zhu, suddenly expanded, towering behind her in the Emptiness Land.

The grand Phoenix Shrine burst forth with an infinite crimson glow. Swarms of blood patterns frenetically writhed, amplifying her formidable ferocity.

In her eyes, no one but Yu Yuan, who had achieved the pinnacle of life force mastery, was entitled to rebuke her.

Not even the Great Demon God Beilstein!

The Death God, from another realm, who had aided her arch-nemesis in ascending to supremacy, had long been a thorn in her side.

Upon her arrival at the Dragon Slash Platform, she spotted Chen Qinghuang and Yu Yuan, the Undead Sovereign, who appeared to have been in close companionship for some time.

Already seething with anger, Zhiya could no longer restrain herself after Kurkova's provocation.

She pointed her delicate finger at the Death God and declared sharply, "A deity of your stature hasn't even caught my eye!"

"Oh, really?"

Kurkova, from another world, noticed Zhiya's readiness to engage in battle and subtly gestured to Harris to stand down.

The Oblivion God, poised for combat, reluctantly turned to Beilstein after being halted by her.

The old demon chuckled and nodded, "Let them have at it."

Harris immediately ceased his aggressive stance.

"I'm curious to see just how capable you are, Demon Phoenix, to dare slander Lady Stephanie!"

Kurkova, her expression icy, soared toward the void that would serve as their battlefield, mirroring Zhiya's movements.


Behind Kurkova, an expanse of Wraith Trees, transformed from the dead, sprouted into a forest. The colossal, lifeless trees seemed to thrive in this desolate otherworldly space.

Hundreds of Wraith Trees, their branches emanating a profound aura of death, created a desolate field of deathly power.

The Death God, Kurkova, appeared to have harnessed an immense amount of death energy by causing the demise of numerous minor worlds, cultivating a vast grove of Wraith Trees.

Enraged by Zhiya, she unleashed the Wraith Trees, determined to seriously discipline the frenzied Demon Phoenix.

"I'll show you!"

Before Yu Yuan could intervene, Zhiya let out a piercing shriek, transforming into her original purple phoenix form, and descended upon the forest of Wraith Trees.

With a gentle flap of her purple-golden wings, violent thunder, hail formed from demonic energy, and towering flames pummeled the sea of Wraith Trees.

Meanwhile, the grand Phoenix Shrine was simply relocated above the sea of Wraith Trees, imposing the deterrence of the Great Dao and serving as a replenishing reserve for Zhiya's depleted blood energy.

"Are you looking to cause trouble too?"

Yu Yuan suddenly turned his attention to the Secular Bird Queen.

Having just consumed the Destruction Spirit and Poison Spirit into the Soul Altar, the Secular Bird Queen abruptly rose from the Creation Pool.

Without a word, Chen Qinghuang took to the skies!

She first assumed the colossal form of the green Divine Bird, then manifested a towering, three-headed, six-armed Dharma figure atop the bird's head. With a resounding crash, she plunged into the sea of Wraith Trees.

Billions of divine lights burst forth, and the laws of nature seemed to snap within the forest.

A cataclysmic force field, in the form of energy waves, detonated throughout the sea of Wraith Trees, causing many to disintegrate into ash.

Amidst the dense smoke and debris, the Secular Bird Queen cried out, "I am the Demon Phoenix's true adversary!"

Chen Qinghuang, with her three heads and six arms, unleashed the forces of Death, Destruction, and Poison, confronting Kurkova with a visage of annihilation.


Beilstein gasped, scratching his head, "Even though the Destruction Spirit and Poison Spirit are no longer present, the grand laws of Destruction and Poison are still etched within her."

At that moment, the Secular Bird Queen was akin to a supreme entity, embodying the laws of death, destruction, and poison. Upon her descent into the sea of Wraith Trees, she split in two.

The green Divine Bird lunged at Zhiya, while her majestic, three-headed, six-armed Dharma figure set its sights on Kurkova.

"Galuba died by my hand."

Chen Qinghuang bluntly stated the demise of the Destruction God was her doing. "If you seek vengeance, direct it towards me."

"Traitor, I've been trying to drag you into the Nether Domain, yet you persist in spurning my generosity!"

Kurkova was immediately incensed. Abandoning her pretense of innocence, she engaged in a fierce battle with Chen Qinghuang, whose dharma form boasted three heads and six arms.

The towering Wraith Trees, their leafless branches like terrifying blades, and others as supple as serpents of death, entwined themselves around Chen Qinghuang's imposing dharma from all directions.

The myriad laws of death, once refined, became a dense white river, swirling around Chen Qinghuang's dharma.

Not far off, in the Emptiness Land, three exquisite women were locked in a deadly struggle.

The enmity between the Wraith Tree and Zhiya ran deep, igniting a bloodbath at every encounter, with scarcely an exception.

This time, even the foreign Death God had joined the fray.

"It's quite the drama with these three women."

The Old Devil smirked, unconcerned with the fallout of their clash.

Who would live and who would die seemed of little consequence to him.

He let out a sly chuckle, glancing at Jee Ningshuang, another supreme being, and taunted, "I'd love to see that girl Yuan Lianyao, along with all of you, join the fray. This is the Emptiness Land, devoid of sun, moon, and stars, perfect for a skirmish of this caliber."

The Old Devil reveled in the chaos, eagerly anticipating the spectacle, even exchanging knowing looks with Yu Yuan.

Jee Ningshuang, elevated to supremacy by the Great Dao of extreme cold, stood unflinching on the Dragon Slash Platform, sword in hand, like an ancient block of ice.

When provoked by the Old Devil, she simply closed her eyes, refusing to engage with his taunts.

Yu Yuan, with the Dragon Slash Platform and Creation Pool in tow, watched the three women's battle with eyes that shimmered like five-colored Divine Stones, showing no inclination to intervene.


Origin Domain, Creation Star River.

The Time Book gathered formidable individuals from every realm. Upon truly entering this inner world, they found themselves wrapped in an ineffable, immense energy.

Taishi, Canli, Qi Yunhong, and Youyu, amidst the most enigmatic Star River in the heavens, all tapped into the copious energy that resonated with their own Great Dao.

Robust and unadulterated earth essence flowed into Taishi from every direction, infused with numerous profound laws that even Mother Earth had not bestowed upon him.

Energized, Taishi raised his arms and exclaimed with fervor, "This is indeed a land of treasures!"

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Gentium Book Basic
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