Unmatched Dominance/C2367 Three Women Playing a Game(2)
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Unmatched Dominance/C2367 Three Women Playing a Game(2)
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C2367 Three Women Playing a Game(2)

Crackling thunder and lightning erupted from nowhere, striking Qi Yunhong's body only to vanish instantly into his flesh and bones.

Qi Yunhong's aura surged as he let out a defiant roar toward the heavens, "When I encounter the Origin Spirit of Lightning once more, I will surely refine it!"

Having experienced possession, his fondness for the Origin Spirit of Lightning, which had accompanied him from birth, had completely dissipated.

This haughty and overbearing figure, fueled by resentment, harbored a deep-seated hatred and aspired to refine the Origin Spirit of Lightning as if he were a deity from another realm.

"Here, I don't need to depend on the Origin Spirit of Lightning to greatly enhance my powers!"

As the lightning energy infused within him, the bolts that held the true essence of lightning seemed to resonate with his bloodline, bolstering Qi Yunhong's confidence to boundless heights.

In comparison to Taishi, Canli reaped even greater benefits!

Countless celestial bodies nearest to Canli burst forth with their light, bathing her in their glow and infusing her with their power.

The radiant girl from the Bright Clan, now bathed in divine luminescence, exuded a sacred aura.

Even Youyu, who had ascended to the rank of Undead Sovereign through the power of the Origin Soul, was taken aback by the sight.

With a whoosh, he summoned the heart stone, a gem brimming with the subtleties of the Origin Soul and teeming with innumerable spirits, which shone resplendently within the Creation Star River.

"What formidable power!"

"What is this place that harbors energy capable of sustaining our spectral kind?"

Wagner, Matina, and the newly ascended spirits like Luo Yue were all abuzz with excitement.

Within the diverse energies of the Creation Star River, there existed elements that nourished Youyu's spirit, which flowed into his body and the heart stone.

Suddenly, Youyu and Yu Yuan turned their attention to the source of the Yin Meridian.

The Yin Meridian within the heart stone began to writhe like a serpent, drawing in the Creation Star River's enigmatic power and initiating a profound transformation.

With the influx of this peculiar energy, the Yin Meridian's intelligence and wisdom grew exponentially, heralding the emergence of a source spirit.

Yu Yuan instantly sensed that the Yin Meridian, which stemmed from the source soul, was on the brink of transforming into a new source soul, thanks to the essence of the soul he had imparted!

In the vast and enigmatic Creation Star River, it seemed that anything connected to the source spirit could be elevated.

Had he remained in the Desolate Realm, the Yin Meridian might have required centuries, along with the right conditions, to evolve into a new source soul.

Yet, upon entering the Origin Domain, that time was dramatically reduced.

"Come out."

With a gentle flick of his sleeve, Yu Yuan's Yang God form released the Evil Cauldron.

Yu Yiyi, along with the Evil Demons inside the Evil Cauldron, immediately sensed the abundant energy of the Creation Star River, ripe for their absorption.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Evil Cauldron, akin to a heart stone, devoured the immense energy of this foreign land, drawing it into the miniature cosmos within the cauldron.

Since Yu Yiyi was not an Undead Sovereign, Yu Yuan had kept her and the cauldron within his sleeve. Now, witnessing the heart stone's brilliance, he called it forth, only to find that both the Evil Cauldron and Yu Yiyi had reaped substantial benefits.

"Master, this place is a treasure trove! How can there be such a wondrous place in the universe?" Yu Yiyi, perched at the edge of the Evil Cauldron, gazed at the energy flowing in, beneficial to both the Evil Demons and herself, and exclaimed with delight, "Never has there been a place that caters to our needs so well!"

The thunderbolts aimed at Qi Yunhong were naturally lethal to all Evil Demons within the cauldron and would normally obliterate the numerous spirits within the heart stone.

Yet, astonishingly, that force did not spiral out of control to assail the Evil Cauldron or the heart stone.

"Origin Spirit!"

Yu Yuan's brow furrowed as a realization struck him.

The Spirit of Calamity had not departed Dickinson, the God of Calamity, like the Spirit of Wind and the Spirit of Gluttony had; it was instead subdued by the appearance of Stephanie.

If the source of the Yin Meridian could commence its metamorphosis into a source soul within the Creation Star River, what about the Spirit of Calamity?

Especially since the God of Destiny, Stephanie, was absent!

He turned his gaze to Dickinson, who resembled a massive dark golden serpent, and immediately noticed that the pervasive aura within Dickinson's mind, heart, and flesh was brimming with the Spirit of Calamity!


The Spirits of Calamity, once suppressed by Stephanie, surged in power upon entering the Creation Star River and almost instantly possessed Dickinson.

Now, Dickinson was the embodiment of the Spirits of Calamity!

"Keep an eye on Dickinson!"

Yu Yuan urgently warned, signaling Tu Yan, who was dangerously close to the dark golden serpent, to distance himself from Dickinson.


Heesters exclaimed in shock.

Upon entering the Creation Star River, Heesters, like everyone else, was immersed in the rich temporal powers that continuously infused both the hourglass and his own body, filling him with ecstasy.

He had trusted the words of Stephanie, the God of Destiny.

She had claimed that upon entering the Creation Star River, his powers would receive yet another boost.

She had assured him that with the power of the hourglass, he could assist Yu Yuan in uncovering his hidden memories.

What Stephanie had omitted, however, was that the Origin Beasts' powers within the Creation Star River far surpassed those of the gods and beasts like them—and not by a small margin.

He noticed that Dickinson had been taken over and saw Tu Yan in close proximity, attempting to intervene.

But it appeared to be too late.

The Spirits of Calamity, unable to revive in other worlds, found new life in the Origin Domain.

Upon their arrival in the Creation Star River, their strength multiplied several-fold. In a flash, they commandeered Dickinson's body and swiftly entwined Tu Yan's massive, turtle-like Origin Beast form, tightening their hold with lethal force.

Crack! Crack!

With the departure of the Spirit of Fear, Tu Yan's strength had already diminished. Now ensnared by the surging power of the Spirits of Calamity, his bones shattered instantly.

Heesters only realized what had happened when he saw Tu Yan, the God of Fear, mercilessly slain by the Spirits of Calamity that had overtaken Dickinson.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The will of the Spirits of Calamity deliberately kept Dickinson's soul alive, trapping him in a state of madness.

Now in control of Dickinson's serpentine form, the Spirits of Calamity slithered through the Creation Star River, an arena perfectly suited for Origin Spirits' combat. Myriad bizarre energies, drawn by its divine might, showered down upon its colossal frame like a cascade of raindrops.

With a thunderous crash!

It soared into the sky only to plummet back down, smashing the voluminous Time Book, its pages bursting apart like the cracked earth.

It opened its mouth and expelled a cloud of smoke, infused with the chaotic energy of Calamity. This haze quickly enveloped the land, submerging everyone in its path, including Heesters and Yu Yuan.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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