Unmatched Dominance/C2369 The Old Generation's Space God
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Unmatched Dominance/C2369 The Old Generation's Space God
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C2369 The Old Generation's Space God

"Let's also go have a look."

Upon hearing that the Space God Heesters was summoning the Time God, Zhong Chichen was surprised to learn it was Devitt's teacher, the former Space God Paxton. He swiftly harnessed the power of the Time Book once more.


With his divine power infused, the Time Book burst into a radiant spectrum of colors, speeding through the enigmatic Creation Star River.

"Wait for me!"

Qi Yunhong, still bleeding from a head wound and unable to depart the Creation Star River, saw them setting off once again and called out, transforming into a streak of lightning to follow.

Back within the Time Book, Qi Yunhong acted as though nothing had happened, chuckling, "I just can't part with you all."

"Off we go."

The Time Book soared through the immense cosmic energy river.


A star, its material and shape remarkably similar to the Heaven Opening Flare Star of the Gray Domain, hung in the Creation Star River.

This star emanated pulsating waves of light, which expanded outward, creating numerous layers of enigmatic space.

Approaching this Oddity Stars seemed to require navigating through these complex spatial layers, a challenge of considerable difficulty.

Above the luminous star, there were no natural landscapes, only the remnants of palaces turned to ruins and altars once used for worshipping deities.

Among the dilapidated ruins sat an elderly Spirit Succubus with white hair, gazing upward into the void.

He was Paxton, the previous Space God.

The gleaming star scattered spatial luminescence that continued to diffuse outward, yet this star, so akin to the Heaven Opening Flare Star, lacked any portal to other realms.

Inside the star, however, was a rich concentration of spatial power, seemingly inexhaustible.

Yet Paxton, seated upon this wondrous star, had not a trace of spatial power remaining within him.

As his old friend drew near, he desperately tried to stand, to lift himself from the ground.

But even this simple act proved impossible.

His body was as if magnetically bound to the star, unyielding, denying him the ability to stand.

He frantically waved to the Time God: "Here! Heesters, I'm here!"

His soul's thoughts drifted in the void beyond the star, ensuring Heesters remained aware of his presence.

"I can hear you, and I can see you!"

Heesters's face lit up with excitement as he crossed through the layered illusions and entered the Oddity Stars.

At last, Heesters, clutching the hourglass of time, came to a halt above the star. Gazing at his former comrade with tears streaming down his face, he asked, "How did you end up here?"

He was the Time God, and Paxton, the Space God. In their youth, they were the closest of friends.

Before Beilstein arrived in this world and rose to prominence, Paxton's combat prowess was second only to his in countless other realms.

Heesters revered Stephanie, the God of Destiny, with a mix of awe and adoration. Paxton, on the other hand, was his dearest brother-in-arms.

Confronted with the sight of his old friend, who was presumed dead, alive on one of the Oddity Stars within the Creation Star River, Heesters struggled to keep his composure.

"It was you who stumbled upon the Origin Realm all those years ago, leaving behind a spring that connected to our world."

Heesters, floating above the ground, landed before Paxton and confessed, "I heard about your mishap while you were exploring the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm. I never found your remains, but when you vanished without a trace, I declared you dead."

"I was wrong!" Heesters exclaimed, overcome with emotion. "You're obviously still alive!"

"I..." Paxton began, but suddenly, most of his memories slipped away, leaving him bewildered. "I... I can't remember."

He was at a loss for words. Everything he was sure he remembered vanished the moment he laid eyes on Heesters.

With a whoosh, the Time Book arrived. Zhong Chichen, wielding his mastery of the Void Truth, shattered the layered illusory spaces, ushering Yu Yuan, Taishi, Youyu, and Qi Yunhong—who was bleeding from a head wound—into this realm.

"What an extraordinary star!"

Once the Time Book settled, it gently descended onto the star. As it touched down, it seemed to bathe in a pool of spatial spirit essence.

Glorious spatial energies, like a rainbow of divine light, infused the Time Book, mending it completely.

Even Devitt couldn't fathom the spatial enigmas that followed those radiant hues, merging into Zhong Chichen's soul and lineage, filling the Colorful Divine Dragon with ecstatic delight.

Zhong Chichen marveled, calling out to Yu Yuan, "This star bears a striking resemblance to the Heaven Opening Flare Star. Its spatial energies are truly boundless."

Yu Yuan gave a slight nod in agreement. "Indeed, I've noticed."

While speaking, Heesters, the Time God, was anxiously questioning a Spirit Succubus elder named Paxton. Moments before, Paxton had been lucid, but upon everyone's arrival, he suddenly became a confused old man, unable to articulate a clear response to Heesters' inquiries.

"Harris still hasn't returned. What power, what divine force, could cause him to so swiftly forget the past?" Heesters pondered aloud.

Harris, the Oblivion God, was a member of Heesters' Bone Race and a junior within his clan. Heesters knew Harris's divine abilities well and doubted that Harris possessed the power to erase Paxton's recent memories so abruptly.

"It must be the Origin Spirit of this place that holds such power," Taishi speculated.

At the mention of the Origin Spirit, Heesters fell silent, eventually nodding in agreement. "If it is indeed the Origin Spirit, then it's certainly possible."

The Origin Spirit's presence meant that Origin Spirits never truly perished. Many that had fallen were brought back by its power. In the Origin Domain, under its rule, it was entirely plausible for Paxton to have his past erased.

"Paxton!" Heesters called out sharply.

He pressed his finger to his old friend's forehead, channeling his control over time to manifest a Time River within Paxton's mind. As the golden sands in his hourglass flowed rapidly, the Time River in Paxton's brain began to reverse.

Time's ripples gently spread, altering Paxton's visage, his white hair subtly shifting to gray. Heesters was reversing the flow of time itself!

He intended to use his power to trace back through Paxton's memories, bringing to light what had been concealed.

Suddenly, the star beneath Paxton trembled with earth-shattering force, emitting an immeasurable brilliance of spatial light, as if folding countless void worlds in a mere moment. The space around the star crinkled with numerous fissures.

The folds slowly unfurled, transforming into many indistinguishable, bizarre voids, coalescing into an overwhelming force beyond Heesters' ability to pinpoint. The Time River Heesters had crafted in his friend's mind meandered through myriad dimensions.

The passage of time within the Time River came to a standstill.

A moment later, Heesters, with a look of utter defeat, admitted, "I can't do it."

"The previous Space God perished while exploring the Origin Realm."

Yu Yuan strolled leisurely up to Paxton, emerging from the pages of the Time Book authored by Zhong Chichen.

Paxton's bewildered gaze suddenly mirrored the figure and visage of the venerable Space God, whose magical prowess greatly exceeded that of Devitt. Upon seeing his own reflection, the old deity's face contorted with shock.


Paxton clutched his head and shrieked as if confronted by a nightmarish specter, the sight of his utmost fears materializing before him.

As Paxton screamed, fine lines of light, like cracks of lightning, appeared on his forehead!

Heesters narrowed his eyes and realized that these delicate lines were actually fissures in the fabric of space!

These radiant spatial rifts, finer than strands of hair, formed on the forehead of the old Space God, threatening to split his skull and lay bare his mind for all to see.

"Origin Realm!"

"Desolate Realm!"


Paxton's cries grew more frantic as the intricate fractures on his forehead multiplied.

Beneath him, the enigmatic star burst forth with what might be the strongest spatial energy waves the world had ever witnessed.

Crack! Crack!

One by one, deep chasms were carved out by an ancient void force, long sealed away, leaving indentations across the star's surface.

The star, once merely akin to the Heaven Opening Flare Star, now bore no discernible difference, transformed by the sudden emergence of numerous caverns.

"Haha, I will lead you all to witness the truth about the Origin Realm!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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