Unmatched Dominance/C2373 The Helpless Little Origin Beast
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Unmatched Dominance/C2373 The Helpless Little Origin Beast
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C2373 The Helpless Little Origin Beast

In the vast expanse of the infinite void, Yu Yuan's true form, alongside the Great Demon God Beilstein, detailed the intricate connections between the Origin Realm, the Abyss, the Desolate Realm, the Origin Domain, and the Creation Star River. Meanwhile, his Yang God incarnation was in the midst of a profound inquiry with the God of Destiny, Stephanie.

"This little Origin Beast came into being because of my actions."

Above Stephanie's golden mask shone a pair of radiant golden eyes, brimming with divine luminescence. She stood atop the massive head of the little Origin Beast, her hand gripping an amethyst wand, draped in a golden cape adorned with the many Dao Laws of the Origin Spirit.

She chose not to enter the Time Book nor to approach Heesters.

The little Origin Beast, deliberately reduced in size, now kept a respectful distance above the star once navigated by the old Space God Paxton.

"Do you have any further questions?"

After acknowledging with a smile, the God of Destiny nodded gently to Yu Yuan, giving him the go-ahead to continue his questioning.

Heesters, who had been eager to greet her and await her guidance, grew doubtful as the Time Book came to a halt.

He could sense an unknown matter unfolding between Yu Yuan and Stephanie.

"The ritual to refine the Origin Spirit and to forge the so-called Origin God and Origin Beast has been widely disseminated because of you. Beyond the Origin Domain, deities from over thirty worlds have ascended to Origin Gods, all thanks to the refining arts you provided," Yu Yuan stated sharply, his gaze piercing. "However, this refining technique is clearly flawed."

His words prompted nods from Taishi, Youyu, Qi Yunhong, and others from the Desolate Realm.

As fellow refiners, they wondered why Yu Yuan's Eleventh Level Yang God form remained unscathed after processing the Desolate Realm's Origin Blood at Creation Peak. Why didn't the Origin Blood revive after Yu Yuan reached the Origin Domain and delved into the Creation Star River?

Without exception, the otherworldly deities either fled upon the awakening of their Origin Spirits or were outright possessed by them!

"A flaw?" Stephanie chuckled softly.

She chose not to address Yu Yuan's question directly. Instead, she prodded the head of the little Origin Beast with her amethyst wand.

The little Origin Beast emitted a deep, guttural growl as the tattered purple expanse, resembling a swath of purple fabric, enveloped the creature and suddenly soared away from the star where Paxton resided.

The little Origin Beast, which had kept its head lowered, suddenly threw its head back and roared.

Its once intelligent eyes, now blood-red and predatory, were clouded with a chaotic frenzy, the light of sentience barely visible.

Yu Yuan's brow furrowed in concern.

His body, a fusion of the essence of life from three realms and embodying the power of a Yang God, was exceptionally sensitive to creatures with formidable physical strength.

He instantly recognized a stark difference in the little Origin Beast from before it entered the Creation Star River to its current state.

Firstly, the little Origin Beast was now in an uncontrollable frenzy.

Secondly, the creature that had been under Stephanie's foot was now repelling the God of Destiny, instinctively trying to distance itself from her.

Yet, the Origin Beast was also fearful, hesitating to truly break away from Stephanie, resulting in its bizarre behavior.

"Something's not right," Yu Yuan muttered to himself, sensing trouble.

Before entering the Creation Star River, the little Origin Beast had shown affection for Stephanie, treating her like family—a sincere bond.

But now, only awe and fear remained.

What had transpired during Stephanie's long journey with the little Origin Beast through the Creation Star River?

Yu Yuan reached out with a subtle message through the blood connection he shared with the beast: "What happened to you two in the Creation Star River?"

"Help, save me..." came a faint plea from the depths of the little Origin Beast's heart.

At the sound of the plea, Stephanie's perception sharpened, and a cold glint flashed in her golden eyes. "Such a disobedient creature," she remarked icily.

She guided the little Origin Beast away from the star riddled with spatial rifts, moving closer to Yu Yuan and Heesters. Without warning, she thrust the sharp end of her amethyst wand into the creature's skull.


The skull of the little Origin Beast was pierced, blood gushing forth.

Her eyes devoid of warmth, Stephanie continued her assault, puncturing the skull repeatedly with her wand as the beast wailed in agony.

The sight left Heesters and Taishi dumbfounded, and Youyu, Qi Yunhong, and the others were at a loss for what to do.

The man and the beast had been in good spirits before entering the Creation Star River, the little Origin Beast showing deep trust and affection for Stephanie.

Since the God of Destiny, Stephanie, encountered the little Origin Beast, she has shown it nothing but affection and care.

Throughout their journey, Stephanie made several stops, allowing the little Origin Beast to harvest a variety of celestial treasures within the Creation Star River, aiding its rapid growth.

What could have transpired between them?

Aoao! Wuuuu!

The little Origin Beast's cries were heart-wrenching. Even to those unfamiliar with the language of beasts, it was clear that it was pleading for Stephanie's mercy.

From its wails, Yu Yuan discerned the little Origin Beast's message: "It won't dare again. It won't dare to seek Yu Yuan's help or secretly communicate with him anymore."


In the distant reaches of the Emptiness Land, Zhiya, the Demon Phoenix, suddenly clutched her head and let out a piercing scream upon hearing Yu Yuan's true form speak of the connections between the Three Realms, the Origin Domain, and the Creation Star River.

Blood trickled from Zhiya's mouth and ears.

She frantically clutched her cascading purple hair, leaving it in disarray.

"My bloodline resonates with that little Origin Beast! It's in this Emptiness Land, so far from me. It's in..."

Zhiya's screams were incoherent.

She became oblivious to others, grasping her hair and summoning the Phoenix Shrine, intent on using her bond with the little Origin Beast to rush to its rescue as swiftly as possible.

Hua! Hua! Hua!

Above the walls of the Phoenix Shrine, the spatial intricacies she had peeled from the Space-time Dragon, the Supreme Wisdom, and the Void Spirit Succubus transformed into a tapestry of vibrant, mesmerizing patterns.

She aimed to utilize the Phoenix Shrine's Void Teleportation to instantly reach the little Origin Beast and rescue it, a creature she had nurtured with her own blood.

Regrettably, despite the Phoenix Shrine's tremors, it remained immobile in the Emptiness Land.

In the boundless void, devoid of celestial bodies, the energies of heaven and earth, and the spread of Heavenly Dao laws, the Phoenix Shrine's attempt at spatial travel was futile.

"It's under their control; what could you possibly do if you went?" Yu Yuan, aware of the situation, gave the frenzied Zhiya a stern look and said coldly, "Besides, you can't teleport there anyway."

"Who is it? Who exactly is the one causing such harm?" Zhiya, with her hair in disarray, cried out in alarm.

"It's the God of Destiny, Stephanie, who bestowed upon you a portion of her life sequence, enabling you to nurture it successfully. No, wait!" Yu Yuan had a sudden epiphany, "It's not the God of Destiny Stephanie, but... the Spirit of Fate! Upon entering the Creation Star River, the power of the origin spirits surged, and the Spirit of Fate within Stephanie has seized control of her!"


"Lady Stephanie has been overtaken by the origin spirit she cultivated!"

Harris and Kurkova were in disbelief at the words they heard, unable to fathom that such an event could occur.

Stephanie, the exalted deity in their eyes, the leader of all gods!

How could this illustrious woman, who had guided the beings of other realms to liberation from the yoke of the origin spirits, fall victim to possession by the very origin spirit she had refined? How could she be lost in the Origin Domain?

They were reluctant to accept that this could happen.

"Yu Yuan, are you certain that it's the Spirit of Fate that has possessed Stephanie?" The Great Demon God inquired, visibly shaken.

Lin Daoke, Chen Qinghuang, and Jee Ningshuang, each a paragon in their own right, were equally stunned by the revelation, all fixated on him with anticipation.

"I am certain."

Yu Yuan inhaled deeply and declared, "While you continue to accompany Creation Peak, I will go there in my true form to assess the situation."

With a swift gesture, he reached out, and the Dragon Slash Platform settled into his grasp. He gestured for Beilstein and the others to proceed to the Creation Pool.

"I'm coming with you!"

Zhiya, the Demon Phoenix, her hair unkempt and her clothes disordered, descended abruptly from the heavens and positioned herself on the Dragon Slash Platform.

"I will rend her apart, whether she be the God of Destiny or the Spirit of Fate!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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