Unmatched Dominance/C2380 Fighting Against Fate
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Unmatched Dominance/C2380 Fighting Against Fate
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C2380 Fighting Against Fate

The self-esteem of the supreme beings was awakening, and the sudden surge in their divine power left the Spirit of Fate and the Extreme Flame Heart with a sense of foreboding.

The Light Origin Spirit, now only a soul form, shone with an intense brightness. Its gaze, filled with surprise, fell upon the form of Yu Yuan's Yang God.

It could certainly sense what was happening.

It was aware that the true miracle that had roused the supreme beings from their slumber was none other than Yu Yuan's Soul Altar!

At this moment, it was torn between two forces: the Spirit of Fate and Yu Yuan.

Its eyes, shimmering with uncertainty, kept returning to Canli, who had been overtaken by the Moon Origin Spirit, biding its time for the perfect moment.

Finally, after much contemplation, it seized the moment when the golden cape was consuming and digesting the small Origin Beast and transformed into a brilliant burst of light!


This brilliant light, akin to a Divine Sword forged from the essence of the Great Way of Light, pierced directly into Canli's forehead in an instant!

The light flashed once and was absorbed.

Deep within Canli's mind, where stars glittered and the sun and moon existed side by side, the Light Origin Spirit, adorned with pristine white wings, suddenly appeared and fixed its gaze on a crescent moon.

The crescent moon, now housing Canli's revived consciousness, had been fractured due to her battle with the Moon Origin Spirit.

Canli, a creation of the Light Spirit and a powerhouse among the supreme, faced the Moon Origin Spirit without faltering, bolstered by the amplifying power of the Soul Altar.

Enshrouded in a celestial green glow, Canli's spirit resembled a dazzling galaxy, steadily eroding the consciousness of the Moon Origin Spirit.

"You plan to refine Canli first, then use her to unlock the power of light and find a way to defeat me," the Light Origin Spirit said, its detached gaze pinpointing the strands of consciousness within the Moon Origin Spirit. It scoffed, "How absurd, you can't even handle the supreme being I've created."


Pairs of luminous wings unfurled behind it, each one radiating a sacred brilliance. The Light Origin Spirit's commanding power of light burst forth with a thunderous explosion!

The consciousness of the Moon Origin Spirit, nestled within the crescent moon amidst the stars, was now under siege by the Light Blade.

"Let us join forces to swiftly eliminate the Moon Origin Spirit, and then we shall lend our strength to Yu Yuan."

The sonorous voice of the Light Origin Spirit swept through the cosmos like a tempest, its formidable divine power permeating the celestial bodies and reaching Barol with an overwhelming presence.

Amidst Barol's star-studded consciousness, a brilliant surge of light, the essence of Canli, emerged unexpectedly.

Within a diamond-shaped star, Barol was locked in combat with the star's spirit, clearly at a disadvantage. Despite being awakened by Yu Yuan's Soul Altar, Barol, lacking exceptional innate talent, struggled to match the star spirit's might—unless the Light Origin Spirit intervened.

"Barol, I'll help you."

Suddenly, behind Barol, a pair of wings imbued with the Laws of Light materialized within the confines of the diamond star. How these luminous wings came to be or how they pierced through the star's halo was beyond Barol's understanding. Yet, he profoundly sensed that their emergence had significantly elevated his mastery of the star laws and the strength of his spirit. His clash with the star spirit took on a newfound confidence.

"The Light Origin Spirit has betrayed us!"

Native Origin Spirits from various realms descended into panic as they witnessed the unfolding turmoil. The Spirits of Calamity that had possessed Dickinson, along with the Spirit of Heavenly Note and the Spirit of Sorrow, realized that even after departing the Time River, the supreme beings from the Desolate Realm had stirred. The golden cape continued its relentless assault on the small Origin Beast, consuming its very soul.

Meanwhile, the Spirit of Fate, having seized control of Stephanie, was fully engaged in battle with Heesters, leaving no opportunity for intervention. The local Origin Spirits were at a loss, uncertain of the unfolding events.

Above the Time Book, a reassurance was offered.

"You won't die."

Yu Yuan's Yang God form materialized before Heesters, who was desperately clinging to life without a solution in sight. Yu Yuan's actions were straightforward. He laid his hand upon Heesters's fractured shoulder, channeling his own vital energy into the alabaster bones of the Time God. The life force, capable of commandeering the very essence of creation, seeped into Heesters's broken bones, mending the fissures autonomously. A deep crimson glow enveloped Heesters, casting a thin halo of life around him. The bewilderment in Heesters's jewel-like eyes gradually dissipated within the dark red luminescence.

"Am I still alive? How can I still be alive?"

Heesters, who had seemingly perished, gazed at his own translucent skeletal hand and, with a crack of his neck bones, exclaimed in astonishment, "I'm actually still alive!"

Simultaneously, the power of the Spirit of Fate, emanating from the Light Origin Spirit, coursed through Heesters's skeletal form and reached out to Yu Yuan's Yang God body, attempting to alter his destiny.

"Do you intend to twist my fate, hastening my demise?" Yu Yuan, staring at the Spirit of Fate that had possessed Stephanie's body, burst into wild laughter. "You think you have the power to change my fate? Hahaha!"

Stephanie's pupils, now split open and her golden irises fractured, was jolted by Yu Yuan's laughter. She sensed impending doom but was reluctant to abandon her efforts, with Heesters on the brink of death.

"I'm aware of your enigma and your might, yet I must still make the attempt!" She cried out, brandishing the amethyst wand.

The wand, imbued with the laws of fate and a remnant of Stephanie's soul, churned out ripples of destiny, creating numerous swirling vortexes.

Hundreds of dazzling whirlpools emerged from the motions of the amethyst wand, assembling into a vast array capable of defying and altering fate.

"Don't tell me you're merely the vessel of a Celestial Chief. Even if you had absorbed that minor Origin Beast, thinking you could reverse my fate is nothing but a fool's dream!" Yu Yuan continued his boisterous laughter, his face twisted in mockery as he observed the splendid vortexes of fate.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, a myriad of intricate and indecipherable lines of fate emerged within those massive whirlpools and within Stephanie's golden eyes—lines that spanned across the many lifetimes of Yu Yuan.

His Yang God, his authentic self, and his colossal, vibrant flesh all clashed with the Spirit of Fate's power.

Yu Yuan, dispersed across various locations, emanated his individual lines of fate for the Spirit of Fate to perceive.

Yet, the lines of fate from Yu Yuan's diverse lifetimes were beyond the Spirit of Fate's current capacity to comprehend or forcibly alter.

Yu Yuan's mastery of the Great Dao reigned supreme over fate, leaving the Spirit of Fate powerless to enact any change.


From Stephanie's mouth, a thick gush of blood suddenly erupted. Her golden eyes brimmed with blood, and the amethyst wand in her grasp began to emit smoke.

She turned pale with shock.

Suddenly, it dawned on her that with Stephanie's body, altering the intricate threads of Yu Yuan's fate was utterly impossible.

As long as Yu Yuan and Heesters remained together, she couldn't bypass Yu Yuan to eliminate Heesters!

Now caught in a bind, if she released her hold, Heesters would safely resurrect, rendering all her prior efforts futile.

Yet, if she didn't let go, the Stephanie she had possessed would suffer a fatal backlash, and she would still fail to deal with Yu Yuan or alter the course of his destined demise.


A dazzling brilliance erupted from Canli's body, eliciting shrieks from the nearby foreign deities.

"I'll just borrow your body for a moment."

"Canli!" she exclaimed softly, appearing stealthily behind Barol. Her delicate white hand pressed against the nape of his neck, generating a powerful suction.


A radiant starlight was drawn from behind Barol's head, merging into her own being.

"You're right. I require Canli's body to wield my true power."

She cast a glance at "Canli" and spoke with a sweet smile, "Now, I've regained Canli's approval. She has consented to let me use her body temporarily."

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Having gained control over Canli's body, his eyes suddenly displayed two distinct visions.

In one eye shone a resplendent galaxy, the transformed essence of the Star Spirit, while the other held a luminous moon.

He had seized the Star Spirit and the Moon Origin Spirit from Canli and Barol, now subduing them within Canli's body!

"Brilliantly done!"

Zhong Chichen and Qi Yunhong, like supreme beings, cheered in exhilaration, extolling the might of the Light Origin Spirit.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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