Unmatched Dominance/C2384 The Reborn Tan Xiaotian!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2384 The Reborn Tan Xiaotian!
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C2384 The Reborn Tan Xiaotian!

Gazing upon the barren world, Yu Yuan's expression was dark and brooding. His awakened Yang God form was incapable of discerning what the Origin Soul had accomplished while time and space stood still. He was uncertain whether the Origin Soul had transported everything visible away or had simply extinguished them on the spot. The traces of the Origin Soul's existence eluded him.

Amidst the internal void, he reflected briefly before reemerging into the expansive Creation Star River, once again engulfed by a vast sea of energy. His divine consciousness and vital energy spread wildly in every direction, as he searched with all his might.

Yet, despite the keen awareness of his soul and life force, not a single living creature could be found. The movements of the Origin Soul remained undetected. Supreme beings like Yuan Lianyao and Loong Jie possessed immense magnetic fields, and even the bodiless Origin Soul exuded a dense spiritual consciousness. Nonetheless, his expansive perception failed to locate any sign of the Origin Soul or the supremes.

The world had fallen into eerie silence, with only the boundless surge of energy and the barely discernible Law Dao patterns for company. He found no one with whom to communicate. His concerns grew for Zhong Chichen, Taishi, Loong Jie, and Yuan Lianyao, and he feared for the safety of Heesters and Youyu.

Thus, his Yang God form tirelessly scoured the outer reaches of the Creation Star River, seeking them out. Meanwhile, his true self sat in meditation upon the Dragon Slash Platform, nestled within the colossal expanse of vibrant flesh and blood, vigilant over both active forms, watching for any sign of anomaly.


Deep within the infinite void, Creation Peak, which had been soaring through the cosmos, came to a halt once more. Within the smooth, luminous rock face at the mountain's core, a radiant girl with pristine white wings emerged silently.

She was the embodiment of the Light Origin Spirit. Having formed her soul, she gazed forward with a complex expression. Her lips were tightly drawn, her exquisite face etched with concern. This being, who had grown increasingly powerful through a series of remarkable adventures and had long surpassed Mother Earth, Creation Peak, and the Lightning Origin Spirit, remained lucid amidst the call of the Origin Spirit.

The other three Origin Spirits were all in a muddled state, clearly disoriented and not fully conscious.

The soul of the Light Origin Spirit emerged, and her demeanor alone was a testament to her immense power.

"Yu Yuan, the soul that was outside has vanished from my perception."

She didn't glance at the Creation Pool or Yu Yuan's Undead Sovereign body. Instead, her gaze was fixed on the vibrantly colored jade-like body sprawled in the void, trailing behind Creation Peak.

She revered the mighty, worshipping powers far greater than her own.

In her perception, the immensely vast Yu Yuan was an extremely terrifying and majestic presence.

"Can you locate my soul? My soul within the golden cape has already overpowered the Spirit of Fate. I was meant to refine that small Origin Beast," she spoke softly to Yu Yuan, her appearance that of a young girl with sparkling eyes and a radiant smile.

Upon hearing her words, Yu Yuan slowly opened his eyes.

His pupils released an intimidating divine brilliance as he locked eyes with the Light Origin Spirit inside Creation Peak, bellowing, "Have you been awake this entire time?"

Yu Yuan's booming voice resonated like thunder, reverberating endlessly in this realm.

The Great Demon God Beilstein, Lin Daoke, the Oblivion God, Death God, and the Secular Bird Queen were all jolted awake, casting puzzled glances at Yu Yuan and the Light Origin Spirit.

The Light Origin Spirit instantly showed a look of trepidation and, after a brief hesitation, gave a slight nod.

He confessed to Yu Yuan that as soon as his soul had stepped out among the stars harboring the secrets of space and "Stephanie" had just touched the Emptiness Land, he felt a connection with the soul through the foundational roots of Creation Peak.

It was akin to the bond between Yu Yuan's main body and the Yang God, between Zhiya and the small Origin Beast.

Yet, he had remained silent on Creation Peak, feigning ignorance like Mother Earth, the Creation Peak, and the Origin Spirit, pretending to be lost and adrift alongside Creation Peak.

He had continued to feign sleep, acting oblivious to the actions of the soul.

"I'm sorry, I can't make a decision right away."

Seeing Yu Yuan's icy stare, he quickly offered a sincere apology, "Spirit of Fate, Origin Soul, Origin Spirit, and you—you're all too formidable. I dare not provoke any of you. I didn't want to prematurely declare my allegiance; I just wish to survive."

"However, I meant it when I said that if I were to refine the little Origin Beast, I would steadfastly uphold my oath to you!" he explained anxiously.

His survival to this day was due to his habit of yielding to those stronger than himself, never offering futile resistance when faced with a vastly superior force. In the seventh layer of the abyss, he had capitulated under Yu Yuan's overwhelming power, which had saved his life. He had also witnessed the shattering demise of Mother Earth and the extinction of other Origin Spirits. Hence, his ingrained belief was to never reveal his stance until absolutely necessary. He would align himself with the victor, the strongest.

"What's happened? He wants to refine the little Origin Beast too?" Beilstein's face took on a hint of concern as he listened to the exchange between the Light Origin Spirit and Yu Yuan, noting the grave look on Yu Yuan's face as the Undead Sovereign. The old sorcerer exclaimed, "What was the outcome of the war?"

Yu Yuan replied, "The Origin Soul emerged victorious, and we were thoroughly defeated."

"The Origin Soul?"

"He joined the fray?"

"My goodness, has he finally revealed himself?"

Harris, Kurkova, and Chen Qinghuang all gasped in astonishment, their expressions filled with awe at the mention of the Origin Soul. Only those who had ventured into the Origin Realm and encountered the Origin Soul firsthand could comprehend the sheer terror of this entity from the abyss.

"He has taken control of the Spirit of Time and the Spirit of Space, and he's also commanding Yuan Lianyao, Loong Jie, Barol, and others."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Yu Yuan disclosed the details of the other battlefront to Beilstein, Lin Daoke, the two deities from distant realms, and to Chen Qinghuang and Jee Ningshuang.

Upon learning the outcome, everyone was left speechless for an extended period. Even the mighty Spirit of Fate, a being capable of manipulating all life across thirty-six different worlds, had met such a fate. The allegiance of the Origin Spirits of time and space, and the supreme counteroffensive led by Yuan Lianyao, Loong Jie, and Barol at a critical moment, had allowed him to seize everything.

How could they possibly contend with such a force in the future? A sense of bitterness filled their hearts as they all feared the journey ahead would be an arduous battle against the towering might of the Origin Soul.

"The last thing I heard was that I would meet Him in the Origin Land."

Yu Yuan spoke to the Light Origin Spirit with his immense, multicolored form. He continued, "Keep up the act, just like the other three, until we reach the Origin Land."

"I didn't intend to deceive you."

The Light Origin Spirit attempted to offer further explanation, but abruptly noticed Yu Yuan's colossal body had slowly closed its eyes.

With a soft sigh, it chose to say no more and vanished into the mountain.

"Origin Land?"

The old demon pondered to himself, staring in the direction of Creation Peak. He spoke gravely, "It looks like our paths will converge at the end. I can only hope that we stand a fighting chance, rather than facing utter defeat."

"That's unlikely."

The two deities from the foreign lands sighed, seemingly devoid of hope.

The old demon's eyes fell upon the massive, colorful form below, sensing the vast divine power it contained. He whispered to himself, "There should be a miracle."

Creation Peak echoed with a howl once more.

After a fruitless search in the outer reaches of the Creation Star River, Yang God Yu found nothing.

"It seems I have no choice but to seek answers in the Origin Land."

Resigned, his Yang God form re-entered the infinite void, guided by the connection to his true self, and made its way toward his original body.

His original body remained in place, awaiting the return of the Yang God so they could journey to the Origin Land together.

In the referenceless expanse of the void, Creation Peak drifted endlessly, with Yu Yuan's vast, colorful form in tow for an immeasurable time.

Then, unexpectedly, a figure no one could have anticipated materialized before Creation Peak.

Seated on a Dark Cushion, he floated in the emptiness, his gaze sweeping past the Creation Peak as he greeted them with a grin, "Folks, it's been a while!"

"Tan Xiaotian!"

Beilstein burst forth from the Creation Pool, his figure cloaked in a deep red cape, clutching the Dragon Bone Staff, and exclaimed, "You scoundrel, how did you manage to find your way here after venturing into the foreign lands?"

Lin Daoke and Chen Qinghuang also looked on in astonishment.

Tan Xiaotian, in pursuit of the ultimate Dark Dao and finding no path forward in the Abyss, Origin Realm, or Desolate Realm, had boldly ventured into the foreign lands.

He made this choice because the Darkness Origin Spirit paled in comparison to the Light Origin Spirit.

Once Canli ascended to the rank of Supreme, he would stand no chance against her, the Supreme of Light.

The Darkness Origin Spirit was forever bound to the Origin Soul, and he lacked the power to cross the Origin Soul in the Abyss and refine the Darkness Origin Spirit.

Tan Xiaotian, having exhausted all his options without finding an answer, ventured into the foreign lands.

"I must say, I'm quite surprised you all managed to find this place."

As everyone looked on in astonishment, Tan Xiaotian let out a hearty laugh.

His laughter subsided, and his black eyes took on an icy edge. With a wave of his hand, he cast a swath of darkness that halted Creation Peak in its tracks.

"Origin Spirits are not to be trusted. They are all alien to us, and we, beings of flesh and blood, can never live in harmony with them," Tan Xiaotian declared with an icy tone.

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