Unmatched Dominance/C2387 Origin Land
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Unmatched Dominance/C2387 Origin Land
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C2387 Origin Land

A vibrant patch of Colorful Land materialized before everyone's eyes.

"Mother Earth!"

Chen Qinghuang let out a disdainful snort. She immediately recognized that the Colorful Land was the foundation of Mother Earth.

A subtle, mystical aura enveloped the divine soil, concealing the depths of Mother Earth's secrets and radiating a dense, earthy essence.

Hovering above the Colorful Land, the soul of Mother Earth gradually took shape, gazing blankly in a particular direction.

Sizzle sizzle!

The divine tree, entwined with bolts of lightning, disintegrated, its branches and leaves scattering into oblivion.

In no time, a miniature divine tree, glowing with a verdant hue, emerged.

This jade-like divine tree revealed intricate patterns, exuding a profound vitality of plant essence.

It was the primordial form of the divine tree.

At the tree's core, a massive sphere of lightning crackled incessantly, with countless fine bolts splintering outward, only to be abruptly reabsorbed.

This was the foundational root of the Lightning Origin Spirit.

Beneath the Colorful Land, the downsized Jade Divine Tree hovered, not yet rooted within.

Above the divine tree shone a radiant star, casting the most brilliant light.

Within the star resided the Light Origin Spirit, with sparkling eyes and a radiant smile.


The colossal, crystalline heart on Yu Yuan's five-colored back inexplicably shattered.

Remarkably, the crystal shards of the heart didn't vanish instantly but instead fused with Yu Yuan's chromatic form.


The pond Yu Yuan had carried from the vast expanse also burst apart.

In an instant, the pond transformed into a dense black smoke, disintegrating into ash before everyone's eyes, leaving no trace.


The Dragon Bone Staff in Beilstein's grasp, his cape named "Destruction," the Starfrost Sword wielded by Jee Ningshuang, the Dark Cushion beneath Tan Xiaotian, and the artifacts within the beings of the Oblivion God and Death God all inexplicably crumbled, vanishing in a flash.

Aside from their corporeal forms, all treasures and objects connected to the Origin Spirits had been reduced to dust and nothingness.

The bearers of precious treasures were struck by a profound terror, instinctively scanning their surroundings.

Sword Sect Lord Lin Daoke's eyes betrayed a hint of astonishment. He quietly sensed his surroundings and was relieved to find his Yang God Sword still with him, and his Primordial Spirit Sword was still intact!

Moreover, the Primordial Spirit Sword he had dubbed "sword spirit" seemed to have genuinely evolved into a true Primordial Spirit!

His Primordial Spirit Sword vibrated in his mind, striving to break free from his corporeal form, yearning to return to its rightful place.


Harris, the Oblivion God, exclaimed, pointing ahead.

In the distance!

A towering pyramid, its height unknown, floated in the abyss, enveloped in a dazzling light.

Despite the great distance, those who gazed upon the pyramid, along with the Origin Spirits, seemed to hear the enigmatic whispers of the Dao. It was as if they were witnessing the Laws of the Dao related to themselves, desperately trying to penetrate their minds and merge with their divine arts.

The onlookers were enraptured, their minds awash with visions, momentarily losing sense of their identities.

Yu Yuan, however, remained unaffected. In his guise as the Undead Sovereign, he scrutinized the distant pyramid.

He quickly discerned that the pyramid was not forged from actual gold; it merely resembled one. Its apex was sharp, its base broad.

Constructed from innumerable crystals, each crystal appeared to encapsulate a complete Dao of an Origin Spirit!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Light Origin Spirit, the Spirit of Vegetation, the Spirit of Thunder, and Mother Earth all soared toward the pyramid upon Harris's cry.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Oblivion Spirit within Harris and the Death Spirit within Kurkova could no longer be contained, bursting forth from their hosts and transforming into beams of light that streaked away.

The roots of the six grand Origin Spirits—their spiritual consciousness, the essence of the Dao, and the amalgamation of their energies—hurried toward the pyramid as if on a sacred pilgrimage.

"That is the Origin Land."

After observing the pyramid for some time, Yu Yuan, inhabiting the body of the Undead Sovereign, confidently affirmed his conclusion.

In that moment, he had an eerie sense of déjà vu, as if this was not his first encounter with this place.

The enigmatic Origin Land loomed like a pyramid, dwarfing the shattered Creation Peak many times over.

From such a distance, everyone gazing upon the Origin Land felt an overwhelming sense of their own smallness.


Yu Yuan's vibrant, five-colored form shimmered with divine light as he soared toward the mysterious Origin Land, just like the Light Origin Spirits.

As the Origin Land drew nearer, the awe it inspired in the onlookers grew more intense.

Before long, they watched as the Light Origin Spirits that had accompanied them one by one penetrated the dazzling light curtain encircling the pyramid and vanished within its depths.

The Light Origin Spirits were like swallows returning to their nest, like travelers finding their way home, instantly becoming one with the pyramid.

"Be careful! Doesn't that light curtain enveloping the Origin Land resemble the Myriad Spirit Restriction?"

Great Demon God Beilstein was the first to cry out. He had lost his cape and the Dragon Bone Staff, left with only his purple crystal-like demon form and the Chaos Orb within.

The more he observed the light curtain, the more his heart raced with fear. He exclaimed, "Within the Myriad Spirit Restriction, there are only the elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, the celestial bodies of the sun, moon, stars, the cold of ice, and the fury of thunder. Yet, this resplendent light curtain bathing the Origin Land encompasses the true essence of countless source spirits!"

Upon hearing this, a wave of alarm spread through the crowd.

In the next instant, the old demon gazed at his own purple crystal demon form, refined under Yu Yuan's guidance.

His eyes then shifted to the Origin Land, an imposing structure assembled from innumerable crystals, and he couldn't shake the feeling that his meticulously crafted demon form might just be another crystal in the grand design of the pyramid.

This realization sent a shiver down the old demon's spine; he felt as though he was marching towards his demise, destined to be another brick in the pyramid's construction.

"Yu Yuan!"

The old demon couldn't contain himself and called out once more. After taking a deep breath, he added, "Don't you see? This so-called Origin Land, isn't it akin to your Soul Altar, magnified beyond measure?"

Yu Yuan was jolted by the realization. A deluge of fragmented memories began to coalesce from every direction.

His true form, his colossal five-colored body, was now assimilating these memories that seemed to emerge from the ether, rapidly integrating them into his being.

"Soul Altar!"

Tan Xiaotian, Lin Daoke, Chen Qinghuang, and Jee Ningshuang all turned their gaze toward Yu Yuan.

Their hearts resonated, and as they compared notes, their expressions shifted.


Beneath them, Yu Yuan's massive, multicolored form continued steadfastly toward the Origin Land.

The nearer he got, the quicker his memories integrated, bringing forth an increasing flood of recollections.

As they approached the Origin Land, everyone's mood turned somber. They couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between the so-called Origin Land and the Soul Altar that Yu Yuan himself had crafted.

Moreover, the dazzling light that enveloped the Origin Land bore a striking similarity to the Myriad Spirit Restriction, governed by the Origin Soul.

They exchanged glances, each filled with uncertainty.

At last.

Yu Yuan's colossal, multicolored form reached the vicinity of the Origin Land. His body, vast as a Starfield in the Desolate Realm, was still dwarfed by the magnitude of the Origin Land.

In that moment.

Yu Yuan's multicolored form, which had been prostrate, began to rise slowly to its feet.

"Come to my shoulders, all of you."

He called out, and those who had been standing on his back quickly positioned themselves on his left and right shoulders, mirroring the Undead Sovereign.

The Heart of Vast Water had broken, and the dark pool had burst, but the Creation Pool remained intact.

And now, the Creation Pool, like a diminutive inkstone, rested in the palm of his multicolored hand.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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