Unmatched Dominance/C2388 And Zhang Ji the Origin Spirit Warrior!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2388 And Zhang Ji the Origin Spirit Warrior!
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C2388 And Zhang Ji the Origin Spirit Warrior!

The Heart of Vast Water shattered, leaving the pond to dissolve into nothingness, yet the Creation Pool remained perfectly preserved.

In the hands of Yu Yuan, whose body was a kaleidoscope of colors, the Creation Pool began to warm, seemingly drawing mysterious nutrients and strength from the resplendent seal encircling the Origin Land. The anomaly did not escape Yu Yuan's notice.

"Creation Pool, Creation Star River," Yu Yuan whispered to himself, his eyes shimmering like deep red stars as he gazed upon the Creation Pool in his grasp.

He recalled a time within the Creation Pool when a Myriad Spirit Restriction had enveloped his colossal body of flesh and blood. Now, this fearsome form, responsible for the demise of two-thirds of the Desolate Realm's sentient beings, paradoxically wielded the enigmatic Creation Pool. What was once inside was now outside, the roles reversed.

"Seal, Myriad Spirits, Myriad Spirit Restriction!" A flurry of disordered memories sparked within his mind and heart, swiftly organizing and merging, igniting new recollections within him.

It didn't take long for him to realize that the dazzling seal wrapping the Origin Land was, in fact, the genuine Myriad Spirit Restriction.

"It bears a striking resemblance to the Myriad Spirit Restriction crafted by the Origin Soul," Tan Xiaotian remarked in wonder, his gaze shifting between the towering Origin Land and Yu Yuan's form as the Undead Sovereign. "The parallels between the Origin Land and Yu Yuan's Soul Altar are uncanny!"

Those who had struggled to reach this point couldn't help but speculate about the connection between Yu Yuan and the Origin Soul, as well as their possible past with the Origin Land. Could it be that Yu Yuan and the Origin Soul were allies?

"This is the authentic Myriad Spirit Restriction," Yu Yuan concluded, standing somewhat dwarfed by the Origin Land. His mind's emerging memories confirmed that what enveloped the Origin Land was indeed the true Myriad Spirit Restriction.

The Myriad Spirit Restriction that the Origin Soul had concocted was, at best, an imitation, possessing only a fraction of the true Restriction's capabilities.

"Yes, this must be the real Myriad Spirit Restriction!" exclaimed the Great Demon God Beilstein, perched on Yu Yuan's shoulder, his gaze burning with intensity as he observed the Origin Land. "The Restriction he refined features merely a handful of the Dao Laws of the Origin Spirits. Now, look at this—this single-layered, splendid seal—it encompasses the profound truths of countless Origin Spirits!"

"This seal might be impossible to break!" Tan Xiaotian declared with a grave voice.

Harris, the Oblivion God, Kurkova, the Death God, and the Secular Bird Queen all wore somber expressions. As they gazed upon the dazzling seal, they compared it with the Myriad Spirit Restriction, which had been refined by the Origin Soul.

A seal containing merely a dozen or so true essences of the Origin Spirits was already formidable and terrifying. One could only wonder at the magic of this seal before them.

Who in the world could shatter such a seal? And who could escape after being shrouded by it?

The disheartened powerhouses meticulously inspected the true Myriad Spirit Restriction before them, attempting to unravel its enigma.

They quickly realized that the radiant seal encircling the Origin Land was imbued with a multitude of profound laws and principles. As the myriad Origin Spirits' secrets emerged, they indeed pertained to the diverse mysteries of countless realms.

The profound truths of the infinite Great Dao from the thirty-six worlds, the abyss, the Desolate Realm, the Origin Realm, and the Creation Star River were all encompassed within the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Moreover, there was a force governing the Myriad Spirit Restriction!

The Myriad Spirit Restriction, refined by the Origin Soul, comprised only the essence of elements such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and celestial bodies like the sun, moon, and stars, as well as ice and lightning.

Despite this, the Myriad Spirit Restriction was segmented into layers. While the various Great Dao Laws could intermingle, they had not been fully unified.

The Myriad Spirit Restriction before him was unlike any other!

The laws of countless Origin Spirits were concentrated into what appeared to be a single, thin layer, rather than being stacked one upon another.

The unseen Origin Spirit, the true master of this place, was also the one wielding control over the Myriad Spirit Restriction!

Boom! Boom! Boom! The sound thundered.

Suddenly, the Six Great Darkness Sky Curtains, conjured by Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian, manifested once more, beyond his control!

His face twisted in response as he traced the sensation of the Six Great Darkness Sky Curtains to the central region of the Origin Land, where his eyes fell upon a massive black crystal.

It was this shadowy crystal that had triggered his Six Great Darkness Sky Curtains, throwing them into disarray.

Within the black crystal, he sensed the presence of six Darkness Origin Spirits!

Every Darkness Curtain he had crafted, as Yu Yuan had assessed and stated, originated from a bygone epoch.

Throughout those epochs, numerous thriving dark civilizations emerged, each giving rise to six supreme Darkness Paragons akin to Tan Xiaotian. However, with the cataclysm wrought by the Origin Spirit, these flourishing civilizations crumbled into ruins beyond the Creation Star River. The Darkness Paragons, much like Tan Xiaotian, met their end in the shadowy abyss.

While consecrating the six great Darkness Curtains, he discovered fragments of dark truths among the remnants of ancient edifices and the bones of the fallen. Yet, he failed to locate the Darkness Spirit and was unable to ascend as the foreign land's God of Darkness through its consecration.

Now, he sensed unmistakably the presence of six Darkness Spirits within a black crystal at the heart of the Origin Land. The Darkness Spirits of bygone eras had long since fused with the Origin Land itself. Images of the six Darkness Spirits, forsaking the supreme beings they had fashioned across different times, drawn by the call of the Origin Spirit, flooded Tan Xiaotian's thoughts. They traversed the Myriad Spirit Restriction like the earth, light, thunder, and grass, like moths to a flame, merging with the Origin Land.

"Yu Yuan!" Tan Xiaotian called out, his voice stern with warning, "In the era before ours, all six Darkness Origin Spirits were drawn to the Origin Land! If this is the case for the Darkness Origin Spirits, then it's likely the same for the other Origin Spirits!"

With a whoosh, the Primordial Spirit Sword, previously restrained by Lin Daoke within his sea of consciousness, could no longer resist the powerful pull of the Origin Land and burst forth from his brow.

This Primordial Spirit Sword, which he had named the sword spirit—symbolizing the essence of all swords—suddenly pierced through the true Myriad Spirit Restriction and soared toward the Origin Land. As it entered the Myriad Spirit Restriction, a brilliant river of sword light instantly materialized.

The resplendent river of sword light, seemingly solidified by the sword spirit's flight path, naturally took on the form of a river once it merged with the Myriad Spirit Restriction. This river of sword light, a profound etching of the sword spirit, would forever mark the boundary outside the Origin Land's seal.

Within the depths of this radiant river, the quintessence of the sword manifested as delicate beams, encompassing the profound truths of all who pursue the sword's path.

In the vast expanse of the Sword Sect, there were sword cultivators like Jun Chen who pursued the Dao of the Sword, both within and beyond the sect. The profound insights of sword practitioners from various sects and factions were all encapsulated in the shimmering river of sword light.

The Primordial Spirit Sword, which Lin Daoke had christened as the sword spirit, left behind a luminous river of sword light within the Myriad Spirit Restriction. However, upon reaching the Origin Land, it underwent a sudden transformation.

The Primordial Spirit Sword coalesced into a new, elongated crystal and descended onto a platform beneath the Origin Land. A dark yellow crystal was abruptly drawn into the inner sanctum of the Origin Land, and the crystal formed from Lin Daoke's Primordial Spirit Sword took its place.

As the sword spirit settled into the Origin Land in crystal form, becoming one of its building blocks, it seemed to signify the emergence of a sword spirit within the cosmos—the Sword Origin Spirit!


Out of nowhere, a divine light burst forth from the Myriad Spirit Restriction encircling the Origin Land, converging upon Lin Daoke. His physical form involuntarily soared from Yu Yuan's shoulder and hovered in the void, bathed in the divine radiance.

The blinding brilliance slowly solidified, enveloping Lin Daoke in an amber-like cocoon. Initially startled, he prepared to wield the Yang God Sword to pierce through the solidifying amber energy. But in a moment, Lin Daoke's astonishment gave way to calm, and his eyes sparkled with fascination.

Within the cocoon of amber energy, he sensed the enigmatic force at work. His bond with the Sword Origin Spirit remained unbroken, growing ever stronger.

Sword Sect Lord Lin Daoke appeared to have garnered the favor and esteem of the Origin Land!

"Sect Master Lin!"

Jee Ningshuang's face registered alarm as she quickly glanced at Lin Daoke, then turned her gaze to the Undead Sovereign's form beside him.

"There's no need for concern; this is likely a boon," Yu Yuan reassured, his resplendent, multicolored form signaling to the onlookers that Lin Daoke, the Sword Sect Lord, was in no danger.

As he continued to assimilate his memories, he explained, "Mr. Lin has forged a new Origin Spirit. He is indeed a man of great destiny. He has earned the privilege to endure through the cataclysm. His present soul consciousness is now intertwined with the sentient awareness of the sword spirit."

While speaking, Yu Yuan's colossal, kaleidoscopic form gently ascended. He sensed, almost instinctively, that something familiar awaited him at the pinnacle of the pyramid-shaped Origin Land.

"The right to live?"

Tan Xiaotian paused, caressing his chiseled cheek, and mused, "He's earned the right to survive, but what about the rest of us? Must I perish simply because I haven't conjured a new Origin Spirit?"

"Origin Spirits aren't naturally occurring; they're said to originate from the Origin Land," Harris remarked, his gaze peculiar as he observed the unmoving Lin Daoke. "Only an outlier like him could produce a new Origin Spirit! To me, his demeanor is as akin to the Origin Spirit as one can get!"

Lin Daoke, ever the sword enthusiast, had never taken a wife, fathered children, or cultivated close friendships.

His life was a testament to the way of the sword. He steered clear of the sect's political intrigue, indifferent to its internal workings and obligations, his mind singularly honed on mastering his blade.

Harris even believed that the seemingly emotionless Origin Spirits possessed more warmth than Lin Daoke!

As the assembly's gaze, heavy with skepticism, settled on Sword Sect Lord Lin Daoke, Yu Yuan's formidable figure continued to ascend, drawing ever nearer to the pinnacle of the Origin Land.

"Soul Crystal Face!"

Ascending further, the Great Demon God Beilstein pointed to the apex of the pyramid, his voice laced with astonishment, "I sense it—there's a Soul Crystal Face that resonates with me! Yu Yuan, the architecture and design of the Origin Land bear an uncanny resemblance to your Soul Altar! And the variance in the Origin Spirits' power levels is strikingly familiar!"

The ancient demon sensed a Soul Crystal Face in the uppermost crystal face of the Origin Land that echoed his own essence.

Libre Baskerville
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