Unmatched Dominance/C2391 The Destined Destination!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2391 The Destined Destination!
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C2391 The Destined Destination!

The Dragon Slash Platform streaked across the void like a bolt of lightning.

Atop the blood-red, crystalline surface, Yang God Yu Yuan remained seated, still lost in a bewildered slumber.

His abrupt awakening was triggered by the Oblivion God Harris, who attempted to penetrate the Origin Land via a fissure in the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

In that instant, Yu Yuan, ensnared in the mire of memories from his eight past lives, snapped to alertness!

He instantly knew something was amiss.

The colossal, multicolored form that had reached the Origin Land, the vessel of the Undead Sovereign, was inundated with a deluge of memories. It was conceivable that it might be overwhelmed, yet it should not have remained unrousable!

There had to be some force meddling with him as the memories flooded into his form!

Yu Yuan was in a state of urgency. He could sense his two bodies near the Origin Land, but he was unable to awaken them from afar.

He recognized that without his real body reaching the Origin Land, reviving his other selves would prove exceedingly difficult.

Aware of the sinister turn of events, his eagerness intensified.

With a whoosh, the ten-story Soul Altar silently soared from the depths of Yu Yuan's consciousness, radiating a splendor akin to the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

The resplendent glow enveloped the Soul Altar and descended upon his true form, finally alighting upon the Dragon Slash Platform.

The Dragon Slash Platform, howling through the nothingness, surged in velocity due to the Soul Altar's brilliance!

Yu Yuan's perceptiveness expanded dramatically, and he keenly felt the summoning force from the Origin Land growing ever more potent.

In a rush, a vision surfaced in the depths of his mind, a tableau that seemed to have unfolded eight times prior.

The call from the Origin Spirit, erupting from the Origin Land, crystallized into a dazzling display he could distinctly perceive, reminiscent of the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

This luminous ripple, once it traversed the void, spread at an inconceivable pace, engulfing the Origin Domain and its neighboring worlds in a mere moment.

He witnessed the Origin Spirits concealed across the realms. Regardless of their attempts to hide or the distance from the Origin Land, they all succumbed to a frenetic fervor beneath the cascade of brilliant ripples.

Light, darkness, the sun, the moon, the stars, grass, earth, death, fear, time, fate!

Throughout the previous eight epochs, the Origin Spirits were inevitably influenced by the transformative power of the Origin Spirit within the Origin Land. No matter their efforts to evade detection or where they concealed themselves, they could not escape the Origin Spirit's perception and summons.

Each Origin Spirit bore the trace and the mark of the Origin Spirit.

When the Divine Might of the Origin Spirit fully unleashed, it would ensnare every Origin Spirit in its vast call.

The Origin Spirits dispersed across various worlds would inevitably return to the Origin Land, like the earth, lightning, grass, and light converging back to their source.

Only two exceptions existed — Origin Blood and Origin Soul.

He would typically gather all the Origin Spirits he detected before making his true presence known.


The outer ring of light surrounding the Creation Star River was the most energy-rich location in existence.

In the moment when time and space stood still, the star that vanished from Yang God Yu's view now resided in an area teeming with intense energy.

Above this dazzling star, numerous holes peppered its surface, resembling a honeycomb.

Within these cavities were Yuan Lianyao, Loong Jie, Barol, Lvliu, Taishi, Zhong Chichen, Youyu, and Heesters, all immobilized by the divine power of time and space.

Their bodies were paralyzed, their consciousnesses halted.

Other holes housed the Spirits of Calamity that had tormented Dickinson, the Spirits of Heavenly Sound, and the Spirits of Sorrow.

Moreover, the various Origin Spirits from the thirty-six foreign realms, including those from the Origin Domain, had also taken residence in different holes across the star.

At a glance, the Origin Spirits, supreme beings, and deities within the holes all remained motionless.

On the surface of the gleaming star.

An Origin Soul, clad in black, gazed dispassionately at the golden cape as it slowly integrated into the body of a small Origin Beast, infusing it with power.

The Spirit of Fate was extracted by him.

Without Stephanie's body or the golden cape, the unrefined Spirit of Fate—a blend of cosmic law, spiritual consciousness, and energy—was confined by another Myriad Spirit Restriction at the feet of Yu Yuan.

Next to the Origin Soul stood a Darkness Origin Spirit, transformed into a darkly alluring woman, and a poised Light Origin Spirit.

The eternal opposition of light and darkness, a conflict that spanned tens of thousands of years, has been momentarily halted by the Origin Soul. The Spirit of Time transformed into the resplendent Time River, while the Spirit of Space became a towering mirror.

The most powerful Origin Spirits from various realms have now gathered. These mighty Origin Spirits have not fallen into the abyss, nor are they subject to the powers of time and space. They are not confined by the Myriad Spirit Restriction but have instead earned the trust and recognition of the Origin Soul.

"My very foundation has integrated with the Origin Land," declared the Light Origin Spirit, taking the form of a sacred girl's spirit. Its lingering gaze shifted from the small Origin Beast to Canli. Canli's physical form, too, was trapped within a cavity in the cosmos, unable to unite with the Spirit.

"What do you sense?" inquired the Origin Soul, its tone detached.

The Light Origin Spirit, now only a conscious entity, gently shook its head under its scrutiny and replied, "I sense nothing at all."

"You're fortunate to still exist," the Darkness Spirit remarked with a huff.

"That's just the way it is. Your essence stems from the Origin Land. It's only natural for you to return before the end of the world," the Origin Soul commented nonchalantly.

This revelation left the Origin Spirits of space, time, darkness, and light utterly astonished. It was only through the Origin Soul's narrative that they understood the Origin Spirit's intention to summon all Origin Spirits back to the Origin Land before the world's demise, to rejoin the very source from which they came.

They were reluctant to return to the Origin Land, longing instead to maintain their autonomy, so for now, they heeded the Origin Soul.

The little Origin Beast cowered on the ground, shivering as it overheard the conversation of the Origin Spirits. The Spirit of Fate was confined, Canli was separated, and the Light Origin Spirit existed merely as a spectral presence. Yet, against all odds, it had survived.

Through the golden cape, it had gleaned the esoteric truths of the great Origin Spirits and was in the process of assimilating them. If it weren't for the presence of these Origin Spirits and the knowledge of the impending destruction of the world, it would be filled with excitement.

As the mightiest flesh and blood anomaly in existence, the Origin Beast's heart bore the imprint of numerous bloodline truths from its very inception. These truths encompassed the elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and extended to the sun, moon, stars, and the myriad laws of the Great Dao.

The Great Dao laws that resided within the heart of the Origin Beast, encompassing a variety of attributes, were at most the pinnacle that a Primordial Spirit Stage cultivator could achieve. These laws could never attain the heights of the Origin Soul, nor could they elevate a mighty cultivator to the rank of Supreme Being. Now, however, the situation had changed.

The golden cape, refined by the Spirit of Fate, held many of the Origin Soul's profound mysteries. It far surpassed the initial capabilities of its bloodline, offering it the chance to enhance its power once more. Despite this, the Origin Beast felt no joy. It was aware of its lingering consciousness, yet the Origin Soul had not yet reached a decision.

It was certain that it would ultimately be refined by a formidable Origin Soul, whether by the most fearsome one or by another trusted by the Origin Soul. "Do you sense it?" asked the Origin Soul, manifesting in the form of Yu Yuan, as it turned its attention to the Origin Souls of darkness, light, space, and time, before casting a glance at the Spirit of Fate, whom it had sealed.

The four unsealed Origin Souls nodded slightly in acknowledgment. "Has it happened eight times already?" inquired the Light Origin Spirit. "Mhm," the Origin Soul affirmed. "Once the process begins, the summoning power emanating from the Origin Land intensifies. We, the Origin Souls, will experience it most acutely."

"In the initial phase, the summoning power radiates outward from the Origin Land, spreading from the depths of the void." "Upon encountering the void, most Origin Souls are influenced and irresistibly drawn to the Origin Land, where they ultimately converge."

The Origin Soul glanced at the Light Origin Spirit and explained, "You were able to retain your spiritual essence within Creation Peak because you originated far from the Origin Land. Additionally, the initial summoning power that emerged wasn't as overwhelming."

"Now, aside from myself, any Origin Spirit that touches the void will be compelled towards the Origin Land!" After making this statement, he looked at the Spirit of Fate and posed a question, "If I were to free you now and cast you into the void, can you guess what might occur?"

Within its confinements, the Spirit of Fate had transformed into a tangled mass of countless fate threads, concealing a divine power capable of warping destiny. Upon hearing these words, numerous luminous fate threads burst forth from the mass, writhing chaotically like tendrils. The Spirit of Fate let out a piercing cry, "You've kept me here, surely not for such an end?"

Several Origin Spirits, including the small Origin Beast, detected the fear in his voice.

He, who stirred up trouble in foreign lands and taught Origin Spirits from various worlds to lie dormant within the bodies of gods to gain spiritual consciousness, and then ascend to divinity by consuming those gods, seemed reluctant to enter the void and fully merge with the Origin Land.

"I'm still considering whether to proceed with that," the Origin Soul stated icily.

The Spirit of Fate grew increasingly anxious and asked, "You've used this star to intercept all the Origin Spirits meant to enter the Origin Land. What exactly are you planning?"

The Origin Soul gave him a glance but offered no response.

Instead, he addressed the free and currently compliant Origin Spirits, "The summoning power of the Origin Land will soon permeate the void from its depths."

The expressions of the four great Origin Spirits darkened slightly.

"Without this star to draw them in and anchor them within the void, all Origin Spirits would have been drawn back to the Origin Land once the summoning power reached here from the void," he revealed the profound secrets.

He informed the Darkness, Light, Time, and Space Origin Spirits that had it not been for his intervention and the star's protection, the summoning power from the Origin Land would have gradually reached out from the void, calling all Origin Spirits from the various worlds back to their place of origin.

"Did the Origin Spirits from past epochs die after returning to the Origin Land?" the Light Origin Spirit inquired, his voice tinged with apprehension.

He could no longer sense his other self or the roots of his Dao, which was precisely why he had chosen to ally with the Origin Soul.

He was in the dark about the truth, whereas the Origin Soul seemed to be in the know, leaving him no choice but to trust the Origin Soul.

"They didn't die outright, but they could never leave the Origin Land again. Furthermore, the self-awareness of those merged Origin Spirits would exist in eternal chaos," the Origin Soul answered dispassionately.

Upon hearing this, the four Origin Spirits once again showed signs of fear.

In past epochs, Origin Spirits with attributes like theirs had returned to the Origin Land following world-ending events, only to remain in a state of perpetual chaos, never to leave the Origin Land again.

Perhaps this wasn't death, but what really was the essential difference from it?

He had no idea who he was, nor could he grasp what he was. Trapped in an eternal slumber within the chaos, wasn't this just another form of death?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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