Unmatched Dominance/C2392 I'll Give It to You!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2392 I'll Give It to You!
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C2392 I'll Give It to You!

"I naturally hope for your well-being," Yu Yuan said, his expression calm and serious as he addressed the four Origin Spirits before him. "The moment you merge with the Origin Land, it will only hasten its appearance and amplify its power."

Yu Yuan, clad in black, shook his head slightly. "This is certainly not my desire."

"Are you afraid of the Origin Spirit?" whispered the Light Origin Spirit.

"Do you also fear it?" chimed in the Spirit of Fate.

The Spirits of Space, Time, and Darkness maintained their silence, attentively absorbing every word from Yu Yuan.

"We have battled it for eight epochs, yet we have never triumphed. We've always been constrained by it. Shouldn't we be afraid?" Yu Yuan's face conveyed a mix of bitterness and resignation.

Even he, as formidable as he was, spoke of the Origin Spirit rooted deep within the Origin Domain with a tone laden with gravity and a sense of helplessness, devoid of any ease.

"In the previous eight epochs, the Origin Spirits it released, much like yourselves, grew in strength. Before the destruction of each world, it harvested them. With each passing era, it has grown unimaginably powerful."

"We've strived for so long, across eight epochs, yet we've never succeeded in breaking free from its chains. Shouldn't we approach this with caution and reverence?"

Upon hearing this, the Spirit of Fate below suddenly inquired, "The Origin Spirits it dispersed?"

The Origin Soul replied with a cold affirmation, "Exactly."

It then informed everyone that with the reopening of the new world, the realms absorbed by the Origin Domain would once again diverge, and the Origin Spirit would scatter the Seeds of the Origin Spirit anew.

Like dandelion seeds cast to the wind, the Seeds of the Origin Spirit would slowly come to life.

The Origin Spirits had believed themselves to be naturally born, the product of nature's own nurturing.

These naive, nascent Origin Spirits would only become genuine Origin Spirits after eons of growth and transformation.

From their humble beginnings, they would instinctively seek advancement, evolving from their initial state into intermediate and then advanced Origin Spirits.

Some would awaken to their spiritual consciousness during this evolution, unveiling new and unique mysteries—precisely what the Origin Spirit delighted in witnessing.

The purpose of the Origin Spirit seemed to be the creation and dissolution of worlds, gathering and dispersing Origin Spirits as part of an eternal cycle.

It grew powerful from this purpose, reigning as the supreme ruler of all Origin Spirits, the foundational essence of all beings.

"You speak of us. Who else, besides you, desires to escape this infinite cycle of rebirth? Who else possesses your strength, able to preserve their spirit's immortality?" asked the Light Origin Spirit suddenly.

The Spirit of Fate and the little Origin Beast immediately focused on the response.

The Spirits of Space, Time, and Darkness remained silent, their lack of curiosity betraying their prior knowledge of the answer.

The Origin Soul didn't respond to the question. Instead, it simply extended a hand and pointed to its own face.

"So it was him."

The Light Origin Spirit came to a sudden realization.


In the abyss of nothingness, at the site of the Origin Land.

The slender fissure that had mysteriously appeared at the peak of the Origin Land finally sealed shut.

Thus, the Myriad Spirit Restriction was left without any breaches.

Only those Origin Spirits drawn by the call of the Origin Spirit and who had willingly entered could access the Origin Land, leaving it beyond the reach of others.

"Let's wait for Yu Yuan to awaken and reveal the truth to us," everyone agreed.

Beilstein resigned himself to this reality, understanding that his attained power was insufficient to break the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

"Once he awakens, who knows what dire events might unfold?" Kurkova's face, marked by beauty and concern, conveyed her unease. "We're still in the dark about why there are eight of him appearing at the pinnacle of the Origin Land with each world's end."

"And how did the previous ones manage to penetrate the Myriad Spirit Restriction?"

Harris attempted to enter through the fissure but was instantly reduced to nothingness. Both Beilstein and Tan Xiaotian found themselves at a loss before the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Yet inside, there were eight Yu Yuans, overflowing with the vast memories that the Yu Yuan of this era could perceive and assimilate.

Kurkova couldn't help but harbor suspicions.

"I share your doubts, yet all we can do is wait," Beilstein stated icily.

"Very well," Kurkova conceded, choosing to remain silent.

During this period, those who were not Origin Spirits became increasingly aware of the mysterious magnetic field emanating from the Origin Land. It was intensifying and spreading wildly towards the edge of the void.

"Thank goodness we're not Origin Spirits!" Tan Xiaotian secretly rejoiced, chuckling, "Otherwise, we'd end up like Mother Earth and the Light Origin Spirit, trapped within a crystal in the Origin Land."

The Demon Lord's covetous gaze frequently swept over the lower reaches of the Origin Land, fixated on the one black crystal he could perceive.

Within this crystal resided the auras of six Darkness Spirits, each born in one of the past six eras. Their spiritual consciousness, the laws of the Great Dao, and their energy all seemed to be contained within that black crystal!

"If I could just obtain that black crystal and refine it..." Tan Xiaotian mused, his thoughts running wild.

The six Great Darkness Curtains he had refined lacked any Darkness Spirits, and the Darkness Laws he had gleaned from them were incomplete, none fully intact. Although this had bolstered his strength, he had not reached the pinnacle. The tantalizing prospect of further enhancement was just out of reach since he couldn't enter the Origin Land, leaving Tan Xiaotian with an itch he couldn't scratch.

The six Great Darkness Spirits from the previous eras were still in a state of chaotic slumber, seemingly easy to refine through his senses.

"Oh, if only I could get my hands on that black crystal and refine the six Great Darkness Spirits within," Tan Xiaotian lamented. "The might of my six Great Darkness Sky Curtains would surge dramatically! Moreover, should the Darkness Spirit loyal to the Origin Soul dare to show itself before me, I would capture it on the spot!"

Listening to his words, Jee Ningshuang also cast her gaze towards the ice crystal housing six formidable Darkness Spirits, sharing Tan Xiaotian's sense of regret.

The Death God, Kurkova, and Chen Qinghuang, who had mastered the profound arts of destruction and deadly poison, echoed these sentiments. Supreme beings like them could detect crystals in the Origin Land that resonated with the power within them, each harboring several chaotic Origin Spirits.

These crystals were akin to ripe fruits, ready to be consumed. Once devoured, their divine power would erupt, granting them access to incredible and unfathomable laws.

Despite their knowledge of the insurmountable barrier before them, they persisted.

"Yu Yuan!" The Great Demon God Beilstein's voice boomed suddenly.

Within the highest tier of the Blood Crystal Face, a figure with a somber expression and head bowed, hands seemingly drenched in blood, lay Yu Yuan. Dead for countless years, he now stirred with an unusual motion. His neck emitted a series of strange crackles as he slowly lifted his head. His eye sockets, hollow and devoid of life, exuded an eerie stillness and a chilling peculiarity.

Yet, within one of those vacant sockets, a new eye had materialized from the void—a green-black pupil.

Within this green-black eye swirled innumerable spirits, devaputras, and spectral beings, along with a silhouette that was steadily becoming more distinct.

"Origin Soul!" The cry erupted from the onlookers, a collective gasp of terror and disbelief.

The Origin Soul, once spreading the Law of Soul throughout the Desolate Realm and hovering by the springs, had inexplicably entered Yu Yuan's body, becoming an eye that had been dormant for eons.

The eye, now rolling and focusing, revealed the increasingly vivid presence of the Origin Soul's sentient consciousness.

"Are you surprised to see me?" The Origin Soul's voice, detached and echoing with the Myriad Spirit Restriction, emanated from the green-black pupil.

Simultaneously, Yu Yuan's colossal, multicolored form was swiftly overtaken by the invading consciousness of the Origin Soul.

The Undead Sovereign, perched upon the shoulder of Yu Yuan's vibrant form, also lifted his gaze to meet the crowd.

"That fissure!" Tan Xiaotian exclaimed in alarm.

A moment of clarity struck the group; they understood that the slender crevice in the void above, which had breached the Myriad Spirit Restriction, was undoubtedly the work of the Origin Soul. It had cleaved an opening and nestled within one of Yu Yuan's eyes.

As Yu Yuan of eight eras attempted to transmit his profound, ancient memories to the Yu Yuan of the ninth era, the Origin Soul seized the moment to disperse its corrupting influence within one of the bodies.

In the midst of absorbing the tumultuous, vast memories, both Yu Yuans—one greater, one lesser—were plunged into a state of bewilderment. The weaker Yu Yuan, the Undead Sovereign, succumbed effortlessly to the possession.

"Not surprising at all," came the retort.

A majestic divine voice, coupled with earth-shattering thunder, echoed through the void near the Origin Land.

"Yu Yuan!"

High above, Beilstein, Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian, Chen Qinghuang, Jee Ningshuang, and the Death God Kurkova, who had always harbored doubts about Yu Yuan's demise, abruptly turned their heads to gaze into the eyes of the colossal Yu Yuan.

The bewilderment that had clouded Yu Yuan's eyes vanished in an instant.

This immense Yu Yuan, comparable in size to a Starfield, grasped the fiery Creation Pool in one hand while gazing at the true Origin Soul within the Myriad Spirit Restriction. He declared, "You have indeed arrived as expected."

"You've awakened a bit early." The Origin Soul, upon hearing the phrase "not unexpected," realized what had transpired. Its focus shifted to the Creation Pool, remarking, "So, it's through this pool that you've preserved your undying spirit. Excellent. The fact that you've awakened so soon, unaffected by the Origin Land, is a pleasant surprise indeed."

Undeterred, the Origin Soul watched as the body of the Undead Sovereign, which it had taken over, flew outward during its speech, immediately parting from the massive, multicolored form. "I'll make temporary use of this body."

"It's yours," Yu Yuan conceded.

To the astonishment of both Beilstein and Tan Xiaotian, Yu Yuan permitted the departure of this body without any attempt to intervene.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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